mecchanomics-blog · 11 years
Studying GRE
GRE is a requirement for PhD admission, especially PhD in economics. There are three big sections in GRE, which are writing, qualitative reasoning and quantitative reasoning. For those who want to apply for PhD in Economics, getting a perfect score in quantitative reasoning is a must. Do you want to know why?
If you want to know why an Economics students need to be good at Math, then, I assume you do not really understand Economics at all. Economics is, obviously, a social science, but it requires Math skill. What for?! You may be surprised but yes, that is a bitter-truth. Theoretically, Economics can be explained with sentences and graphs that can help student to visualize and understand the transformation process from one phenomenon to another phenomenon. In advance, phenomena in economics are not as simple as two-dimensional graph. Sometimes one phenomenon may lead more than 1 phenomenon or several phenomena may trigger a phenomenon to happen. In this stage, an explanation in a long-complicated sentence could be intricate and confuse reader. Therefore, a tortuous sentence could be simplified by using equation. After translating those phenomena into a single or multiple equation, economists usually try to prove whether this equation is useful to explain what happens in the real world or not. Then, we have statistical inference and econometrics to help economists finish their job.
It is a long process, indeed!
Therefore, since I realize that I am not good at Math but my field requires me to be good at it, I force myself to learn it. I will not be very bright, but I must understand Math in order to be good in Economics. Avowedly, I am a bit afraid in case I could not survive but I have this strange feeling; in GRE, I found that Math (quantitative reasoning) is easier than qualitative reasoning. Despite its difficulty that drags me into fatigue or even desperation, I find myself quite enthusiastic to learn it. Feels odd to think it is easier to learn algebra or arithmetic rather than study sentences and words, but seriously, qualitative reasoning in GRE really absorbs all my energy and concentration. This part requires reading and reasoning skill and even knowledge in vocabulary. Everyone who learns GRE will be very frustrated to the surge of new words. There are so many new but rarely use words and you must try to remember those words literally and contextually.
Almost a month and I do not think I have good progress. I get familiar with the quantitative reasoning part but I am hopeless with the qualitative reasoning part. Must find some help immediately; otherwise I may fail and get further for my dream to continue my study. So, what kind of help I need?
I need a tutor and it is a bit improbable to find one in here. The problem is, of course, the cost of a tutor. It must be very expensive. So, I must pursue my husband to act as a tutor. To make him less confused about how he can help me, I should determine his role since the onset. First, he must read my writing and make a comment on it. My target is to get score around 5-6 for writing part. And for qualitative reasoning part, he must help me to remember those new words I encountered in practices.
Another way to help me out with this problem is to find GRE Qualitative Reasoning book! I will need all the information inside. It will be time consuming reading that book and perhaps a bit late (as I am going to have the test in the end of Oct), but better to try than never. I hope I can get 70% correct after this.
Last step of my program ‘Success in GRE’ is to keep doing 1 set of practice every day in the morning. I will spare 3 hours per day to do 1 set practice. That commitment will cost me to be sleepless but who cares! Many success people have 4 hours sleeping time only. If they can, I can as well. I will try to wake up around 4 am every morning then start practice at 4.30 am. Tough but I can because no one can help me if I don’t want to study, but if I am determined to study, no one can stop me.
No one can stop me.
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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coming to you...
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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sitting upon `the autumn`
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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meet Danbo and his family `The Wooden Blocks`
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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I am studying diligently so you can love me ^^9
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
The Best Choice for Syria in the Short Run
Want to know my opinion about Syria? Read this one. I welcome any critique and suggestion :)
Ongoing uprising in Syria has brought material and immaterial losses that are uncountable since the middle of March 2011. According to Syrian Martyrs, 42,009 people died in a conflict between Ba'ath Party government and opposed civilians who wanted to oust it and more losses will happen if the conflict does not stop. Syrian army did not hesitate to open fire on civilians in order to meet the command of President Bashar al-Assad to quell the uprising, yet civilians still demanded the President to resign after ruling Syria for nearly five decades.
International community, such as The Arab League, European Community, and UN condemned the action of Syria government who faced its citizen with violence. Most of the countries in the world opposed the action of Syria government. In a contrary, Russia and China were the only countries who had different voice. They disagreed with the effort of international communities that were willing to give sanction to Syria or to send UN peace army as it may escalate the situation in Syria.
            Nevertheless, further attempts to negotiate with Syria government were almost impossible since it also denied having ceasefire, while Syrian people still contested the government. Syrian government and the people had two different opinions that cannot meet. One question arises, what is the best choice for international community—as third party—in order to mediate the conflict in Syria without escalating any possibility of further military conflict?
            To answer that question, the first thing to do is to analyze the prevailing situation in Syria. International communities should consider what is the most important priority as a basic consideration to be the mediator in the middle of the conflict? The priority should be set to minimize the losses that are born by civilians, hence no more killing people from the side of Bashar al-Assad and no more victims from the side of Syrian people.
            Secondly, after setting the priority, international communities should consider the best standpoint in the case of Syria. To decide what to do, they can consider Prisoner`s Dilemma as a tool to analyze the probability that may come up when one policy is applied. Prisoner`s dilemma is a zero sum game that was created by Axelrod in 1984. Suppose, two players in the game can choose between two moves, either cooperate or defect. The idea is that each player gains when both cooperate. If only one of them cooperates, the other one who defects will gain more benefit. If both defect, both lose or gain the least benefit.
In the conflict in Syria, two parties that have friction are Bashar al-Assad regime who wants to defend his authority, whereas Syrian people demand to bring him down. Applying Prisoner`s Dilemma at this time will yield best result if both parties want to cooperate which means that the regime of Bashar al-Assad welcomes negotiation with his people and be more democracy. Otherwise, If the side of Bashar al-Assad insist to keep his regime and use all means to quell the uprising, civilians will lose more and should comply to his government. If he keeps maintaining his authority, he has a risk to be like Hosni Mubarak who is now a prisoner in Egypt. If this situation continues, both sides will lose, and the result may hurt humanity.
Considering the result from Prisoner`s Dilemma analysis and the priority that is set, international communities that are represented by UN must think in the short run with intent to save injured people. In case UN sends military forces in order to pacify the situation in Syria or takes hard sanction towards Syria can—perhaps—worsen the situation. Indeed, what is happening in Syria is far from humanity values but it is better to wait and see the ongoing situation. Though this choice is only good for short run, but it is the best choice in order to buy time for civilians to heal their physical wound, to return to their normal life, and to prepare more structured insurgency. 
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
Indonesia Activists in Gaza
28 Indonesian activists stay in Gaza though the situation there is really tense... Moreover, the wife of one activists was interviewed by Indonesia TV broadcaster (TV One), about her feeling towards her husband decision to stay in Gaza. She said that it is their commitment.  Barakallahu sister... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495820577124752&set=a.227360110637468.61612.218441564862656&type=1&theater
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
Activists all over the world
This FB page contains updates about activists opposing Israel in all over the world. Check it out :) https://www.facebook.com/activists.palestine?ref=stream
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
Indonesian Hospital in Gaza
And...this is the link for FB webpage fan for Indonesian Hospital in Gaza (Rumah Sakit Indonesia di Gaza). Like it to know more about the update. https://www.facebook.com/pages/RSIndonesia/105423629546969?ref=stream
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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Nikko, Japan
I considered my position when I took this photo. I did really want to capture the sunlight and I did it! After a bit retouched in Lightroom, the photo become so great. I like it much, how bout you?
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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Nikko, Japan
Inside the cable car I could see the gorgeous view all over the hills in Nikko. It reminded me much of Mount. Semeru in Indonesia which is hilly as well. The hills look like soldiers that surround their master :D.
Anyway, what I like the most from hilly place is that I feel so much in peace...
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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Hill in Nikko, Japan
When the leaves change their colors into yellow, red, or orange, their beauty amaze me much. Colored leaves really do make my heart overjoyed. Autumn is great! :)
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
Missing Points from Clash of the Titans
Hi, this is my second writing assignment. My writing is a critique for an article in  Foreign Policy Journal, entitled Clash of Titans. 
The economic rise of China brings a possibility of conflict between China and United States in terms of power dominancy in the world. U.S.—as a world leader—will take into account every China`s movement to its foreign policy toward China in order to maintain its hegemony.  Given this condition, what will China and U.S. do towards one another and how Taiwan can be a source of conflict between China and U.S. are very notable discussion in international politics. Zbigniew Brzezinski and John J. Mearsheimer in Foreign Policy Journal, January/February 2005 edition, discuss the possibility of conflict—even war—between U.S. and China. Although the article is written in 2005, this issue is still relevant. However, to make the discussion more pertinent, it is important to consider some changes in the world situation from 2005 to 2012.
              Firstly, the discussion that Brzenzinki brings is started from a political theory in collision or conflict. China is enjoying its remarkable growth that tempts China to spread its influence around the globe, which means challenging the domination of U.S. Important point from Brzenzinki is how China will face U.S. as a current hegemony that facing a gradual decline. Mearsheimer agrees with Brzenzinki`s idea about the possibility of China`s effort to dominate, yet emphasizes the difficulty to dominate the world. Hence, China will only able to dominate regional area or at least secure its own territory.
At this point, their assumption that a rising power tends to dominate others is not necessarily true. There is no straightforward relationship between economic size and global leadership (Wyne, 2012). Though China enjoys a tremendous growth, it does not necessarily make China to pursue global leadership. Besides the difficulty, Brzenzinki and Mearsheimer forget how the world is different from the era of World War I and II or Cold War. The world now consists of regional and multiregional cooperation that obligate a country to follow the rule unless it is willing to lose a benefit from joining cooperation. For instance, China has been a member of WTO and enjoys the benefit from it. Once China upsets U.S. or other members, China will lose its benefit. Hence, Brzenzinki`s statement about Chinese leadership is more flexible and sophisticated than Germany and Japan leader in the era of World War I and II or cold war is plausible.
Furthermore, though both writers consider how China will suffer economically if it picks a fight with U.S., they do not discuss it further. In what way does China will suffer and not vice versa? Brzenzinki and Mearsheimer overlook economic relationship between China and U.S. which can be a salient factor in avoiding conflict. The magnitude of trade between China and U.S. increases every year and it will be a great loss for both countries if they have a conflict. Trade between China and U.S. is growing before 2005, and now it grows even larger, yet they fail to take economics cooperation into account.
              Thirdly, in terms of economics, both Brzenzinki and Mearsheimer agree that China is safe because it does not bother United States. However, Mearsheimer persuades to imagine how China will be in the next 2025 and decides to dominate Asia. “…is the situation in 2025 or 2030, when China has the military muscle to take on the United States. What happens then, when China has a much larger gross national product and a much more formidable military than it has today?” questioned Mearsheimer in arguing Brzenzinki`s statement about Chinese that will, eventually, avoid military confrontation with United States. Brzenzinki answers that apart from U.S. domination in Asia, there is still Japan that cannot be eliminated from the consideration. Brzenzinki`s argumentation is reasonable. It will be tough for China to dominate Asia.
In addition, Mearsheimer claims how China will imitate U.S. in dominating region. At least, China will try to dominate Asia and Latin America. This perspective fails to consider other emerging countries that possible to come up as competitors for China, such as Brazil, Singapore, India, South Korea, or Indonesia. To spread an influence in Asia, China must prove that every side in China surpasses those emerging countries. This constraint for China is not considered by Brzenzinki and Mearsheimer.
              The last important issue about U.S. and China is Taiwan. Brzenzinki and Mearsheimer are unsure about what will happen on Taiwan in the future. However, from their discussion, they focus on how China is prudent about Taiwan. Mearsheimer suggests that China will not strike Taiwan at this time due to United States. So far, the discussion does not take into account any possibility of Taiwan and China to be a good alliance in economics constellation. This can be happen as China gradually changes to be more democracy than before.
              In essence, there are many considerations that should be considered if China wants to challenge United States. Some considerations fail to be discussed by Brzenzinki and Mearsheimer. Moreover, considering recent economic situation in Europe, U.S., and China, power struggle between China and U.S. can be evitable due to domestic needs within each country.
Brzezinski. Zbigniew. 2005. “Make Money not War”. Foreign Policy, January/February 2005 edition.
_________________. 2005. “Nukes Change Everything”. Foreign Policy, January/February 2005 edition.
_________________. 2005. “America`s Staying Power”. Foreign Policy, January/February 2005 edition.
Friedberg. Aaron L. 2005. “The Future of U.S.-China Relations: Is Conflict Inevitable?”. International Security, Vol. 30. No. 2 (Fall 2005), pp. 7–45.
Mearsheimer. John J. 2005. “Better to Be Godzilla than Bambi”. Foreign Policy, January/February 2005 edition.
__________________. 2005. “Showing the United States the Door”. Foreign Policy, January/February 2005 edition.
__________________. 2005. “It`s Not a Pretty Picture”. Foreign Policy, January/February 2005 edition.
Wyne. Ali. 2012. “The Future of the U.S.-China Relationship”. [online]. (http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/23/the-future-of-the-u-s-china-relationship/, accessed in 2nd November 2012). 
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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Japanese Wedding
This photo shows Traditional Shinto Wedding Ceremony. This small parade walks in silence and in a very careful manner. Slowly but sure, road to true love is undertaken.
Wishing this newlywed a happy married life Goodluck :)
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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Good Grade vs Added Value
Do you remember about my complaint in the previous journal, entitled `Easy Class or Difficult Class`? Here is some quick resume to remind you: in my master program, core courses for economics are divided into two: easy and difficult courses. Easy class provides basic theory in details that I already got when I was in undergraduate. While in difficult class, student will get more advance knowledge which is two times more difficult than easy class. 
Plus minus from taking easy class are: a. I will easily get good grade since the class is conducted with the assumption that the students know nothing about economics. Hence, the professor will be meticulously explain the theory to the students. b. Reviewing my understanding and my knowledge. Actually, this class is great as a matriculation class but not as core courses. For me. the class is a kind of fruitless to review a lesson that I already got. Moreover, in the level of master student, the easy courses give no added knowledge. Hence, if I insist to take the easy courses for two years, imagine what I am going to be afterwards? Will I have something more to be offered when I come back to Indonesia?
By having those thoughts, I decided to take more advance courses. It will be difficult for me but it is normal. I am here as a student, not as a tourist. As a student, I should be sleepless, think more, discuss more, and write more. I must read more book and journal and feel tired after doing many studying activities. It is normal, because everyone is doing the same things. All my friends around the world who study in Illinois, Bern, or Bonn are exhausted of studying. They learn something more than what I learn in here if I cowardly choose easy course in purpose saving my grade. No way! I will not do that. I understand the risk, bismillah, I can do it. Insya Alloh.
In the next two years, I will be great. I will have good grade and more advance knowledge of basic theory. I will also understand the contemporary economic situation around the globe. In the name of Alloh, I will do my best :)
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mecchanomics-blog · 12 years
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Tokyo University, Autumn Entrance
Since now, I will do my super best...! Bismillah :) 
*photos were taken with Fujifilm X100 and were retouched in Radlab 
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