media104blogposts · 7 years
Assignment three: Juxtapose Wellington Botanic Gardens Nina Stuart-Manning
Wellingtons beautiful Botanic Gardens  constructed in 1844, a New Zealand company set aside a 5.26ha strip of land for a botanic garden reserve. The garden is classified as a garden of national significance by the royal NZ institute of horticulture and is an historic places trust heritage area. This place is one of Wellingtons unique tourist attractions, whilst locals visit for beautiful nature views and relaxation. “imagining such a meaningful location without a story is impossible; stories, spaces, and communities are intimately tied together” (Farman, Jason). To me, this beautiful attraction is a place of social interaction, the amazing location, views, and beautiful gardens, it is irresistible for first year university students to drink at.  The place paints a story for me and my experience throughout my first few weeks as a ‘Fresher’ University student, I was introduced to the ‘Botans’ throughout orientation week. The beautiful location made an intimidating first week into something quite special, and left me with amazing memories and friends. It has become a place where young students come together to have a good time with freedom and enjoyment. The Wellington Botanic gardens means growth and connection to me, as I grew as a person, coming out of my shell and meeting new faces, who I now see every day and is very grateful for.
 Wellingtons botanic gardens are represented as a historical attraction for fellow tourists/locals to enjoy. On the Wellington City Council website it is located under ‘recreational attractions’, with provided recommended visiting hours, to enhance the enjoyment of your trip, a café, and a garden shop on site. The website promotes it as a ‘Historical place of heritage’, there’s even guided tours to ensure visitors afford to get the best experience. However, these botanic gardens are being represented as different attractions depending on the types of visitors and how it is exposed in the media. The place is typically represented as a peaceful attraction with beautiful views and gardens, however teenagers represent this location as a great, wide spread out place to drink, away from rules and public distractions. Finding this location through the youth drinking culture made me look at the place differently, I only discovered how wholesome and beautiful the area was when I visited the location on a different day by myself jogging through the gardens, spotting mothers with their children, tourists and families enjoying the location made me realize that us teenagers are abusing this place, later researching Wellingtons botanic gardens, I noticed numerous complaints and a liquor ban had been placed in the area. “the police will be cracking down on drinking around the notorious botanic gardens” (Lopez, India). The law has now changed the way the Botanic gardens are represented, as the issue was published in the media, “meanings of these spaces and of these technologies are produced through the intersection of communities, media, cultures, histories, and materiality’s of many kinds” (Farman, Jason). The Botan’s have been represented as a drinking location via social media by teenagers.
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(various public photos posted on Instagram of teenagers drinking in the botanic gardens).
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(Botanic Gardens being represented as a place of social drinking on social media)
however, it has also been represented as a liquor ban area via the law by authorities and Wellington council.
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The story that I am trying to tell about Wellingtons Botanic gardens is how this historic place has changed the way its represented overtime, with social media influences and the law. How overtime, the place has been represented as something different, rather than a pretty attraction, it has now become a place of drinking culture, I find it interesting how different types of ‘fun’ can be expressed at this place, for some it’s fun to look and appreciate the beautiful environment, but for others it’s fun to use this beautiful environment to get intoxicated in. for me, I used the location as a way to make friends, and social capital through posting on social media about drinking at the place. Social media has represented the botanic gardens and “makes it possible for us to tag photos, videos, and ‘tweets’” (Gazzard, Alison) to populate the place depending on how its represented. I am trying to express the difference on how this place is being used for the entertainment and fun of the public, I’m targeting my story on young university students, so they can get an insight on the history of the gardens, and the laws taken place on it. As much as this may be a fun drinking location, it is a beautiful, peaceful attraction that has been around for years, and deserves to be respected. My perspective has been changed on the place since exploring the location and the history surrounded by it, and I hope my story changes the way people treat public historical locations such as the botanic gardens. 
 Works Cited:
Farman, Jason. "Stories, Spaces, And Bodies: The Production Of Embodied Space Through Mobile Media Storytelling." Taylor & Francis, 2015, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/22041451.2015.1047941.
 LOPEZ, INDIA. "Alcohol Ban May Fell Popular Hangout." Stuff, 2010, http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/local-papers/the-wellingtonian/3465188/Alcohol-ban-may-fell-popular-hangout.
 Gazzard, Alison. "Location, Location, Location: Collecting Space And Place In Mobile Mediaconvergence - Alison Gazzard, 2011." Journals.Sagepub.Com, 2011, http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1354856511414344.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
Media 104: Assignment 2: Short Discussion Paper
YouTube provides lots of interactive processes which afford and influence users to Social Capital, Social Norms, and Social surveillance advantages. These processes have an impact on the affordances users get whilst using the social platform.
 YouTube is “the largest and most popular video-based social media website. YouTube has over 1 billion website visitors per month and is the second most popular search engine behind google” (Antony Maina. 2017). YouTube users gain a Social Capital advantage through subscribers, Ads and self-promotion, these features affect the social norms in the YouTube community and all have a social surveillance effect as the users are putting themselves out there to the entire world to judge, which affords YouTubers to make a career for themselves and earn an income.
  Social Capital is about the popularity and success through a social media platform, Social Capital is trusting relationships that allow you to support one another, It’s what you build up when you’re a part of a trusting community. YouTube is a platform where users gain Social Capital as they are putting themselves out there to the entire world to build a fan base that fits the criteria of your content. The subscribe feature allows users to build up a following and community of fans. This button is used to attain social capital and convert their popularity into economic capital as YouTube affords people to make a career for successful users and eventually earn an income and use the platform as a sustainable job. Once a user has used that subscribe feature, another feature is used to gain even more of a social capital, The Bell icon is a feature users can use for their favourite YouTubers, this allows them to receive a notification every time they post. If people use this bell feature on your channel, you may see yourself getting more views faster, as your followers are being notified immediately after you post resulting in the user gaining social capital. Famous YouTubers have social capital as they call their fans family, or creating little names for their following, making the community of fans feel like friends or family, for an example, famous YouTuber Trisha Paytas calls her fans “Trishy’s Little Fishies”, this is an example of how Trisha uses Social Capital to build more of a following. YouTuber’s gain social capital through promoting and advertising certain companies. For example, Trisha Paytas promotes the company ‘Adam and Eve’  which is an online adult store, she gives out promotion codes so her followers can get discounts, this is social capital as it brings YouTubers together with big companies, enhancing each other’s views and buyers. Reading a Scholar source on Social Capital I came across an interview explaining how social capital is increased by the type of content posted on social media. “Interviewer: Do you feel like people put stuff on Facebook trying to elicit a type of reaction from other people?” The interviewee Josh replies with “Definitely, like insulting other people. Posting pictures that they’ve taken of themselves etc. or trying to get other people to like them” (Marwick vol.9). This is used on YouTube to gain Social Capital as certain YouTubers post content they know will draw attention to their channel, resulting in more views.
Example of Trisha promoting a company to gain Social Capital 
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The Social Capital acts discussed above, are all usually influenced by the social norms on the platform. “Social norms are the rules of behaviour that are considered acceptable in a group or society. People who do not follow these norms may be shunned or suffer consequence” (YourDictionary,2017). YouTube has certain Social Norms that must be followed to be successful. The content a user posts determines what audience they will have, and how much of a following they will get, this is the reason why most popular YouTubers post similar content because they want to be socially normal and accepted. Buzzfeed is a leading independent digital media company that delivers news and entertainment to hundreds of millions of people around the world, one of their main platforms is YouTube. Buzzfeed is a channel that is an example of the social norms around YouTube. They post content they know people will like, they try hard to keep up with all the latest scandals and trends, and incorporate them into their content. They aren’t original at all. Buzzfeed star Candace Lowry came out to the public about her departure from Buzzfeed and explained that she wanted “to be able to create her own path” and to have “creative freedom” (Spangler, Todd). She explained that Buzzfeed was making her post certain content that she had no interest in, however it would boost views and popularity. Ironically, she made a “Why I Left Buzzfeed” video because she was trained by them to focus on creating content that can go viral and be socially normal, with big bold titles, this worked as she gained 8.6 million views. This idea of having to post certain content on YouTube to be socially normal has taken over almost every popular YouTuber today. Looking at Famous YouTubers content shows that to be a successful YouTuber, you need to follow the social norms of the social media platform. An example of famous YouTubers following the social norms, is looking at the content they post. I looked at Shane Dawson, Zoella, and Joey Graceffa. All these influencers have millions of followers who watch their content every day. I noticed these three YouTubers all post very similar content with catchy titles. Common video ideas such as “The Boyfriend Tag” or a “Draw my life” video is socially acceptable and normal to post on YouTube nowadays. All three of these influencers have made these videos and have followed the social norms of posting the content to build a social capital. 
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As talked about previously, YouTubers promoting products or being sponsored by companies is also socially normal for big-time users, there’s almost a pressure that to be a successful YouTuber, you must be sponsored by something and promote it in your content. Shane Dawson expresses this idea in his first sponsor video, he lets everyone know how much of a big deal it is for him to be sponsored by the company ‘Best Fiends’ he mentions that he “finally got sponsored!” and that he’s “Never been sponsored before”, he celebrates this with a cake and balloons as if it was somebody’s birthday, he tells his mother in the video that “there’s a lot of YouTubers that always get sponsored, and I’m like dam how come I don’t!” (Shane Dawson). This is Shane’s way of celebrating his success. He’s not the only YouTuber to be sponsored by this certain company, in fact, almost every other successful YouTuber has been as well, and Shane was happy as he is finally like the other famous YouTubers and is following the norms of the community. 
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 Keeping up to the Social norms and posting “draw my life” videos influences the users Social Surveillance as it is giving the viewers a background check of the YouTuber, looking inside of their past and current situations in life. “Social surveillance is the use of Web 2.0 sites like Twitter, Facebook to see what friends, family, and acquaintances are up to” This is also relevant to YouTube, and targeted towards YouTubers that ‘vlog’, as we get a view inside of their personal life. “These technologies are designed for users to continually investigate digital traces left by the people they are connected to through social media” (Marwick, Alice). YouTube content all have a social surveillance effect as it is exposing their life’s. Trisha Paytas exposes her life in her videos by uploading daily vlogs uncovering her lifestyle to the entire world. YouTube is a very public platform and the only way of gaining views and followers is to make your content public. The privacy settings are very limited on YouTube if you are wanting to make a career and income out of it, so users must be aware of the social surveillance once starting YouTube. Social surveillance can have negative effects on YouTube, as users are obeying by the social norms to gain social capital, and the content they post can be revealing and potentially be co-opted for disruptive acts. YouTuber ‘Freelee’ also known as the ‘Banana girl’ is an example of using the platform for disruptive acts. She uses YouTube to express her feelings on veganism, exposing other YouTubers lifestyles in a negative way. Freelee has exposed and tormented Trisha Paytas numerous times causing drama throughout YouTube. Freelee’s way of gaining social capital is to expose others in a harsh way and to gain views on top of this, she uses click bait, which is another disruptive act on the social media platform, as its false advertising. Posting videos with the title “eating meat!”(Freelee Eats Meat!) draws her fan base in, as most of her following will most likely be vegan, and look up to her as being vegan, so when she makes this bold title, it’s instant scandal and viewers watch the video, later to find out it was her way of drawing people in to increase views. Freelee affords exposing other YouTubers to make a career and income through YouTube. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg states that “Privacy is no longer a norm” (“that’s just creepy: When Privacy Settings Aren’t Enough”). This explains why more YouTubers today expose others, as it gets them more views, and privacy is no longer followed by the rules in social media.
Example of Freelee exposing Trisha’s life in order to gain views
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 Many other channels on YouTube are purely made to disrupt and expose others. As YouTube is such an open platform, nearly anyone can make content out of anything. TMZ is another example of using YouTube for disruptive acts. TMZ is a channel which claims to provide latest celebrity gossip and entertainment news, however, they most always just end up leaking false news which often makes the celebrity sound bad. Their way of constructing the news is on YouTube, which can cause disruptive behaviour on the platform such as nasty comments or videos are made in response, since YouTube is such a popular platform, people use it so the message they are wanting to spread, goes viral or gets around appose to other social platforms such as Facebook, which isn’t as good for click bait and grabbing people’s attention worldwide.
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In Summary, YouTube is a popular social platform that does provide processes for users to gain a social capital by obeying by the social norms, which can affect their privacy and social surveillance in use of the platform. Using popular YouTubers such as Shane Dawson, Joey Graceffa, Zoella, Trisha Paytas and Freelee, are all examples of the processes spoken above, which back up the thesis and ideas on the advantages and disadvantages of this platform.
 Works Cited:
Antony Maina. “20 Popular Social Media Sites Right Now” Small Business Trends. Feb 15,2017. https://smallbiztrends.com/2016/05/popular-social-media-sites.html”
 Marwick, Alice E. "The Public Domain: Social Surveillance in Everyday Life."Surveillance & Society, vol. 9, no. 4, 2012, pp. 378-393, ProQuest Central; Sociological Abstracts, https://search.proquest.com/docview/1314689547?accountid=14782.
 "Social Norm Examples." Yourdictionary, 2017, http://examples.yourdictionary.com/social-norm-examples.html.
 Spangler, Todd. "Buzzfeed’S Latest Viral Craze: Ex-Staffers Bashing The Company On Youtube." Variety, 2017, http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/why-i-left-buzzfeed-youtube-1202399091/.
 Dawson, Shane. “TRYING MUSICAL.LY with MY MOM!” youtube, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khQ7c9TU2vY
 Marwick, Alice E. "The Public Domain: Social Surveillance in Everyday Life."Surveillance & Society, vol. 9, no. 4, 2012, pp. 378-393, ProQuest Central; Sociological Abstracts, https://search.proquest.com/docview/1314689547?accountid=14782.
 "That's Just Creepy: When Privacy Settings Aren't Enough." The Wireless, 2015, http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/that-s-just-creepy-when-privacy-settings-aren-t-enough.
 "Freelee Eats Meat! Flashback Friday + Family Problems." Youtube, 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k59wklNGEik.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
The Privacy Horrors of Facebook: Week 9
Facebook is by far one of the most used social platform for me personally. I’ve had it and used it for communication for an insane amount of time, making my profile in year 6, meaning 8 years ago when I was 11 years old. Using it as young as 11, I didn’t understand privacy at all, I just used Facebook for the fun games and to talk to my friends, since reading the week 9 reading, and writing this blog, it has only come to my concern that my Facebook privacy settings may be public. 
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It was clear I didn’t quite understand how to use Facebook back then, so setting up my profile, I wouldn’t have been aware of all the implications and privacy meets. Back then it was socially normal to just use Facebook for games and to be silly, however since then I never made a new profile nor changed any settings, so I wouldn’t be surprised if 11-year-old Nina never protected her privacy simply because she wouldn’t have known how, and the social norms have most definitely changed from playing games, to communicating friends, stalking people, uploading photos/videos so my privacy these days should matter.
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 After stalking my own account on Facebook, I was shocked, developing a sick feeling in my stomach while scrolling down on all my content that I thought only my friends would be able to see. I discovered that people could follow me, and that I currently have over a thousand followers, that aren’t my friends on Facebook, but they can still follow my posts and read my content, knowing that over a thousand strangers, or friends through friends have been following me, makes me feel unconfutable. I also noticed the public can access and see 940+ photos that I’ve either uploaded or been tagged in. Being a teenager at University I obviously have many photos I probably wouldn’t want everyone seeing, well little did I know, everyone can see them, things such as birthday posts others have posted on my wall, embarrassing photos and videos are all public. For 8 years, I have been wrong about my privacy settings, I experimented a little while stalking myself, and looked up my phone number, it was a surprising shock that my name popped up, I don’t remember linking my phone number up with Facebook, and this is another breach of my privacy, that people can access my personal phone number. Actor from Shortland Street Teuila Blakely stated that “people can be very careful about privacy settings, but people circumvent them”. It is possible to change your privacy settings on social platforms these days, however like me, we just don’t do it, which I can relate to immensely. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook “famously said in 2010 that privacy is no longer a social norm” and that people no longer have an expectation of privacy, Teuila backed this statement up with her own opinion that she feels like she has “the right to a private life” but she also feels like “in this day and age, is there any way of actually protecting that?”. I can relate to this, as now days everything is displayed on the internet, and somehow nobody cares, for 8 years it has never crossed my mind to check my privacy settings. After researching this, I am going to change my settings to be more private as it all scared me. Since researching this, I’ve talked about the issue in casual conversation, I got into a conversation with my step dad, he told me that he interviews clients, and as part of the process he stalks them on Facebook, he told me he’s declined hundreds of applications due to the content he has found on their account. This has all influenced me to change my settings and save my privacy, as I’m growing up and will eventually need a stable job, This research has been a wakeup call to change.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
Micro Celebrity Week 7
Kayla Itsines is a young Australian personal trainer, author and entrepreneur. She grasped the attention from millions of young teenagers from all over the world when she started using the affordances across Instagram to connect with her followers in a different way.  Kayla uses her access to internet to self brand herself. Self branding is “a series of marketing strategies applied to the individual“. this allows individuals to post in the marketplace
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Kayla Itsines is a micro celebrity most known to Australian and New Zealanders. “Micro Celebrity is a state of being famous to a niche group of people”  . So, she’s followed mainly by people who are health conscious or are wanting motivation in that era, or personally just enjoy looking at her body progress photos, she’s not worshipped like Justin Bieber or Kylie Jenner, but she is respected by the ‘health conscious’ targeted audience, as well as people using her program.
However ever since she started using Instagram she has boosted her following and now has over 7 million followers. She promotes healthy lifestyles by following her eBook guides “Sweat with Kayla” and guarantees results in weeks as well as sharing promo codes for free trails on her instagram which gives her fans even more of an opportunity to try her guide. She shows off her fans progresses and congratulates them publicly showing her respect to her fans Kayla brands herself as a health enhancing influencer. She shares photos that promote eating healthy, providing recipes, daily motivational and confidence booster quotes, as well as posting photos of her amazingly sculpted body.
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Just by scrolling through her Instagram you get the idea of what she's promoting, as well as sharing her own progress, she loves sharing her fans.
Kayla has had hundreds of young girls, adults and even pregnant woman happy with their results from following her eating/exercise plans. Kayla uses her affordances by sharing their progress on Instagram, which then grabs the attention from millions who also want those results, which leads them into buying Kayla’s program, it’s a circle of promotion. Personally I found kayla and have been following her for a few years now, through Instagram, as she was on a trending NZ page for her ebooks.
 in the week 7 Micro Celebrity reading it states that “becoming a micro celebrity requires creating a persona, producing content, and strategically appealing to online fans by being “Authentic” 
Kayla personally wrote all her exercise and food programs and has adjusted each program to fit the expectations of her buyers, eg, she has her own program for pregnant woman. Kayla fits all the categories for being an online micro celebrity, she hosts local shows around Australia doing workouts on a stage with her fans, this is posted all over instagram promoting them to come to the locations and see her. Unlike big celebrities Kayla actually interacts with her fans, posting questions on her Instagram and replying to fans questions or queries, she generally wants the best for everyones health. Kayla’s fame keeps growing, who knows soon she may be a worldwide celebrity.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
Is Facebook stalking me? Social media marketing week 6:
A social media profile I have chosen to talk about as an example of ‘target marketing’ is Facebook. Scrolling through my newsfeed every day I come across sponsored posts targeting all kinds of advertisements. I’ve noticed Facebook out of all social media platforms specifically targets their advertisement to fit the individual’s persona. An ad on Facebook that caught my interest was a wellington city council post advertising a Wellington food truck rally that’s near my location. I found this interesting as I do not follow the page, and that Facebook must have picked up my location and shared advertisements to fit my lifestyle.
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people are lead to believe this advertisement is on purpose. Gizmodo says that Facebook hired ‘human curators’ to decide what topics of advertisement end up on your newsfeed, this is done by algorithms. It is believed that Facebook has algorithms set up to catch an individual’s interest in something, advertising anything you may have searched up on the web personally. I can relate to this as since moving to Wellington I have been searching up local street food for special occasions, so it was a ‘coincidence’ that this deal popped up on my newsfeed, I believe this is done on purpose for marketing, as the advertisement will be more successful towards people who have interests or live geographically in the area of what’s being advertised.
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Another thing I have stumbled across while surfing on facebook is an ad for an online clothing shop called Onceit . Funny enough I had bought a piece of clothing not too long ago from this website, and it is now coming up on my Facebook? All this leads me to believe that this is all done on purpose. “Facebook is now as powerful as the media corporations, which have been regulated for their influence; that their power over the news” . I think Facebook is more powerful than the news with advertising because its targeting an individual’s interests rather than advertising ads in random sequences of completely random things like YouTube and Instagram do. The difference between Facebook advertising and YouTube is very different, as on YouTube your there to watch videos, and it’s a moment of frustration when a 30 second ad for aftershave cream comes on before watching your video, but Facebook is a website made for internet surfing, so personally I’m more likely to click onto an advertisement from Facebook more than other social media platforms.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
Participation Norms: Only one Medium
This week I chose to take part in the “only one medium” experiment. This means that I had to choose one popular communication technology, and only use this as my source of social communication for 3 days. I chose to delete all apps off my phone, and leave myself with snapchat.
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snapchat is an app that can be used on any smart phone, it was released in 2011 and allows individuals to communicate to each other via photos and videos.
Day 1: My first day of only using snapchat went fairy well, although I did find myself fighting temptations to check my other social media platforms. Especially while using my laptop during lectures, whenever I would receive a message via Facebook, my laptop would give me the notifications, which meant I had to go further by turning off the notification feature.
 Day 2: During the second day of only using snapchat, my peers started to notice my absence on other communication platforms. As a student living at a hall, I missed out on a lot of casual conversation via group chats on Facebook. Facebook messenger is how we communicate to each other relating to what time were all going to dinner etc., so I had to move onto messaging all my friends individually via snapchat to ask a brief question.
 Day 3: After fighting temptations, I’m getting the hang of only using snapchat, and my other peers are also dealing with the constant snapchat spam. I did however come across my mum wanting to contact me via Facebook. As snapchat was released in 2011, it is fairy new and complex to the elderly, and my mum did not quite understand the concept of communicating with a 10 second selfie. I wasn’t obeying the social norms by only committing to one platform.
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“People use social media to be seen” Only using snapchat for 3 days lowered my social surveillance, and made me feel as if I was hidden, as I couldn’t get much attention and social status through only snapchatting. I was missing out on Facebook, Instagram, twitter posts that could lower my chance of being socially normal, as these days it is socially normal to be on more than one social media platform.
All these reactions from myself and others were only after 3 days. This shows how important and strong social media has become today. Just 3 days only using one platform caused some bumps in the road. This taught me how powerful social media is and taught me how much time we spend on social media purely to contact others, and how each social media platform plays their own role, Snapchat was impractical to hold on a serious conversation with my mum, but then it was very practical to talk to my friends on. It is important we have many different social media platforms as each individual has their own favourites to use for communication due to Social surveillance. I personally trust snapchat better as the messages disappear and are not always there for others to look at.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
Media 104 blogs- Affordances Kylie Jenner- Nina Stuart-Manning
19 year old Kylie Jenner is a highly followed teen celebrity with a whopping 96 million followers on her Instagram , she is not only famous for her insane family that blew up when “Keeping up with the Kardashian’s” was released as a reality TV show, but she has now come out with her own line of cosmetics that have blown up all around the world.
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 Kylie has many social media platforms which she uses to communicate to her fans with. Instagram seems to be the most popular followed platform, she uses it to flaunt her good looks while promoting her cosmetics, her Instagram provides her fans with pictures of her expensive possessions, model photoshoots of herself, and the occasional selfie here and there. This use of communication is just kylie showing off and her Instagram is flooded with an unrealistic lifestyle every teenage girl would dream of having.
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whilst Kylies snapchat ‘Kylizzlemynizzl’ gives her fans an inside scoop of her everyday lifestyle and gives a more realistic approach. Kylie Jenner is known as the ‘queen of snapchat’ ,  and is confirmed the most followed celebrity on snapchat. She uses this social media platform the most, and following Kylie on snapchat means catching up on everything she is doing, as snapchat is more of an everyday use for her compared to Instagram. She uses her snapchat to promote her cosmetics as well as Instagram and in a way, it is better, as she shows her fans swatches of her new kylie lip kits, and we get an inside scoop of all the action.
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Kylie uses her Instagram and snapchat to promote her products and in able to get more sales. She is ‘shaping and re shaping’ herself and her products across these platforms seeking for more attention around her cosmetics.
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media104blogposts · 7 years
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Week 3, History of Social Media: what the meme involves and the message it communicates This is a student related meme which involves the topic of Study link which is a government system used to help students or young adults study at a secondary tertiary education. Without having to pay upfront, study link provides loans so the individual can study and then pay back their fees once graduated or found a consistent job. The meme is expressing the stress a student loan can have on an indivisual, this meme displays that the debts and stress levels of paying study link back are so high that hiding away alone in the woods for 40 years sounds like a better option. The creator has taken a news article of a man that hid in the woods for 40 years and has jokingly said its probably because he couldn't pay off his depts for study link. The article obviously doesn't have anything to do with study link, and they have just used it for humour. The meme is highly over exaggerated but many students and former students could relate as a joke. In Limor Shifmans reading chapter 3 “when memes go digital” he explains that when a picture or video meme is shared, it distributes a cultural item and at the same time it expresses one’s feelings about the subject, and that others will share the piece for others to enjoy and communicate with. This meme is made by students for other students to relate towards the feeling of having to pay back debts from study link. This meme was posted and made by the creator of a popular facebook page that is followed by 15,382 students called “Bad Memes for Suffering Victoria University Teens” Targeting Victoria University students.
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