medtac12 · 2 years
 A guide on acupuncture and dry needling
For the purpose of treating various physical, mental, and emotional conditions and relieving pain, thin needles are inserted into the body during acupuncture and dry needling treatments. Acupuncture, which is a part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has a long history of use in Asia. By focusing on specific body points, or acupoints, which correspond to particular organs or bodily systems, it aims to balance the body's energy flow (Qi) and restore health. Chronic pain, headaches, and emotional disorders are just a few of the conditions that can be treated with acupuncture. It is also used to promote general health and well-being. But usually there is a confusion between acupuncture and dry needling that bothers a lot of people.
Treating musculoskeletal conditions with dry needling is a contemporary Western strategy. It focuses on particular trigger points—areas of muscle tension or knots that can hurt or cause discomfort. Dry needling is primarily used to treat musculoskeletal conditions like chronic pain, muscle tension, and sports injuries. Selecting a qualified practitioner who is certified and trained in the specific technique you're interested in is crucial when thinking about acupuncture or dry needling. It's also crucial to understand exactly what the treatment entails and what to expect from it.
Is acupuncture needles the best or dry needling needles?
The condition being treated and the practitioner's preference will determine whether to use acupuncture needles or dry needling needles.
Compared to dry needling needles, acupuncture needles are typically thinner and more flexible because they are made for use in traditional Chinese medicine. They are employed to stimulate acupoints on the body, which are thought to correspond to particular organs or bodily systems. To balance the body's energy flow and promote health, acupuncture needles are used.
On the other hand, dry needling needles are typically thicker and stiffer, and they are made specifically to treat muscle tension and pain. They are used to target specific trigger points, which are knots or areas of muscle tension that can be painful or uncomfortable. To relieve muscle tension and increase range of motion, dry needling is done with needles.
The choice of needle type will depend on the practitioner's preference, the condition of the specific patient, and the intended outcome of the treatment. Both types of needles can be effective in treating pain.
So, what’s the major difference in both treatments?
The underlying philosophy and method of treatment used in acupuncture and dry needling differ significantly.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a holistic strategy for health and wellness, is the foundation of acupuncture. It focuses on acupoints, which are specific points on the body that correspond to particular organs or bodily systems, in order to balance the body's energy flow (Qi) and restore health. It is used to treat a variety of ailments, such as chronic pain, headaches, and emotional disorders, as well as to advance general health and wellbeing.
On the other hand, dry needling is a more focused and localized method of treating musculoskeletal pain and injuries. It targets particular trigger points—areas of muscle tension or knots that can hurt or cause discomfort. Most commonly, musculoskeletal conditions like chronic pain, muscle tension, and sports injuries are treated with dry needling.
Another distinction is that while dry needling is typically administered by physical therapists, chiropractors, or other healthcare professionals who have completed specialized training in dry needling, acupuncture treatment is typically provided by licensed acupuncturists who have completed specialized training in TCM.
Last but not least, in addition to acupuncture, other modalities may be used during treatment, including herbal remedies, cupping, moxibustion, etc., while the only tool used in dry needling is a needle.
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medtac12 · 2 years
What does ankle sprain mean? Its causes and treatments
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An ankle sprain is a term used to describe damage to the ankle ligaments brought on by excessive stretching or tearing. Strong fibrous tissues known as ligaments attach bones to one another and support joints. Numerous  ligaments in the ankle work to stabilize the joint and hold the ankle and foot bones in place. Injuries to these ligaments can result in pain, swelling, and trouble bearing weight on the injured ankle. Depending on the degree of the injury, ankle sprain symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, stiffness, difficulty walking, or difficulty bearing weight on the injured ankle. Treatment for ankle sprains varies depending on the cause.
What are the reasons for ankle sprain?
The following are the most typical causes of an ankle sprain:
Trauma or injury: A sprain is caused by the ankle being twisted, turned, or rolled in an unnatural way, such as when stepping on something or landing on an uneven surface.
Sports and exercise: Sports and exercises that call for quick changes in direction or high impact, like basketball, soccer, or gymnastics, increase the risk of ankle sprains.
Weakness or instability: The ankle joint is more prone to injury if the ankle muscles are weak or if balance is poor.
A sprain can develop over time as a result of overuse, which can result in minor ligament tears from repetitive stress on the ankle.
A sprain can be caused by wearing shoes that don't fit properly or offer enough support, which can cause the ankle to twist or turn. 
Ankle sprains in the past: People who have sustained ankle sprains in the past are more likely to do so again.
Ankle sprains are more common in people with certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or neuropathic disorders.
Is there any treatment for ankle sprain?
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Ankle sprains can be treated in a variety of ways, including:
R. I. C. E. The first line of treatment, which helps to lessen pain and swelling, is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help increase the ankle's flexibility, strength, and stability. Exercises for stretching, strengthening, and proprioception may be part of physical therapy.
Medication: You can manage pain with over-the-counter analgesics like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Stronger drugs may occasionally be recommended by a doctor.
Brace or splint: To support the ankle and lessen the chance of further damage, a brace or splint may be worn.
Surgery: If a ligament completely tears or ruptures, surgery may be required in some cases.
Proprioception exercises, balance drills, and stretching are among the rehabilitation drills that are crucial for restoring the strength and stability of the ankle after the acute phase of healing.
It's significant to note that, depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery period for an ankle sprain can vary significantly. While more severe sprains might take several months to recover, minor sprains often do so in a matter of weeks.
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medtac12 · 2 years
What is Osteoarthritis?
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Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects the joints over time and results in pain, stiffness, and a restricted range of motion. It is brought on by the joints' deteriorating cartilage, which can result in bone-on-bone contact. It is the most prevalent type of arthritis and typically affects older adults, though it can also appear in younger people as a result of joint damage or other conditions. Aging, obesity, joint damage, and genetics are all risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis. Exercise, physical therapy, pain management, and acupuncture is used as osteoarthritis treatment. In some circumstances, surgery may be required to replace or repair the damaged joint.
What cause Osteoarthritis
The cartilage that cushions the joints gradually deteriorates over time, which results in osteoarthritis. Bone ends are covered in cartilage, a supple, rubbery substance that enables bones to move easily against one another. The cartilage in our joints can deteriorate or wear down as we age or as a result of numerous other factors, which can cause bone-on-bone contact. This may result in discomfort, stiffness, and a reduction in the range of motion in the affected joint.
There are several factors that can lead to osteoarthritis.
Age: As we age, our risk of developing osteoarthritis rises.
Obesity: Carrying around too much weight puts strain on the joints, raising the risk of osteoarthritis.
Injury to a joint: Trauma or injury to a joint increases the risk of osteoarthritis later on.
Genetics: Some people may be more likely than others to develop osteoarthritis.
Overuse: The risk of developing osteoarthritis can be raised by repetitive motions or excessive stress on specific joints.
Work: Prolonged repetitive motions or heavy lifting are associated with an increased risk of osteoarthritis.
While osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body, it most frequently impacts the hips, knees, hands, and spine.
How Acupuncture helps for Osteoarthritis?
By promoting the release of endorphins and serotonin, two naturally occurring painkillers in the body, acupuncture may lessen discomfort and enhance physical function in people with osteoarthritis. Additionally, it might enhance circulation, which could aid in bringing about the healing of the injured joint and reducing inflammation. Additionally, acupuncture aids in easing joint stiffness and increases mobility and flexibility in the troubled areas.
The use of acupuncture should not replace traditional medical care, despite the fact that it may be beneficial for managing osteoarthritis. Before beginning any new treatment, including acupuncture, it is always advisable to seek advice from a licensed healthcare provider.
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medtac12 · 2 years
Get the best kinesiology tape in Australia
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Kinesiology tape is a type of elastic sports tape that is used to support and stabilize muscles, tendons, and joints. It is also used to alleviate pain and improve circulation. Kinesiology tape in Australia is widely available at MedTAC and can be purchased from their online store.
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medtac12 · 2 years
Get acupuncture supplies in australia at MedTAC
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Looking for Acupuncture supplies in Australia of highest quality? Don't overwork yourself! MedTAC, an Australian-owned and operated company that sells therapeutic items, has everything you need.
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medtac12 · 2 years
Get the best acupuncture practitioner supplies in Australia at MedTAC
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At MedTAC, acupuncture supplies and needles are now offered. Shop for the most affordable and valuable acupuncture practitioner supplies. You can view them on the MedTAC website. Nothing is lost if you try! Give it a try!
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medtac12 · 2 years
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Medtac has got you covered with their Australia therapeutic supplies in form of their acupuncture needles and kinesiology tape that can be used for instant pain relief.
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medtac12 · 2 years
Explaining Kinesiology Tape and Its Benefits
You may not have used a kinesiology tape before, but you've most likely seen kinesiology tapes on runners or athletes. These are the brightly colored strips commonly taped on their shoulders, calves, elbows, and knees. 
However, you need not be an athlete to benefit from kinesiology therapeutic tapes. Whether you’re a young adult experiencing muscle pain from long hours of sitting at work, or an older person suffering from joint disease, you may experience the relief these therapeutic tapes bring.
There are varieties of kinesiology tape in Australia today, but the first one came from Japan in the 1970s. And as research continues to back up its effectiveness, so does the number of people who use it worldwide — from highly profiled athletes to ordinary citizens with back and shoulder pain. 
What is Kinesiology Tape
Dr. Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor, developed KT tape in 1973 to reduce pain and discomfort while also assisting muscle recovery.  
KT tapes are made of cotton and elastic fibers stretching over twice their original length. This thin, flexible tape wraps around an injured body part. It does not restrict movements or fluid circulation. Some latest designs mimic the skin's elasticity and texture with the effect of a therapist's hand. You can apply it in hundreds of ways around afflicted muscles or tendons. 
The tape's water-and-sweat-proof adhesive lets it stay in place for three or four days. It stays in place even while you shower or work out. 
How It Works
So how does kinesiology tape relieve pain? 
Kinesiology taping believes in naturally healing muscles, not through surgery or medications. It assists in your body’s natural healing process by allowing circulation around your injured muscle or tendon. 
Studies believe KT tapes lift skin from bands of connective tissues. Accumulated lymphatic fluids cause swelling and pain, mostly in injured athletes. The tape provides relief as it slightly raises the skin and allows the movement of collected lymphatic tissues. Such causes decreased inflammation.
Upon KT taping, some also reported increased oxygen flow on muscles. The tape ensures muscles don’t overstretch or extend. KT tape also creates space in joints, minimizing joint irritation. 
Benefits of Kinesiology Tape
“Does kinesiology tape actually work?” Well, there has been evidence that KT tapes help with muscle and tendon rehabilitation and prevent subsequent injuries. 
Some more benefits of KT tapes are as follows:
Pain Management
KT tape’s gentle pressure help alleviate pain and eases discomfort. It also functions as a heat therapy tape. Some studies suggest that as the tape lifts the skin, the sensory nervous system delivers an alternative message to your brain, altering the pain pathway and lowering tension. 
Reduced Inflammation and Improved Fluid Circulation
As the pressure between the skin and the underlying tissues decreases, swelling goes down. Pressure is relieved from the injured body part. Inflammation begins to subside or die down as the fluids flow normally again. The change in pressure allows healthy blood and lymphatic fluid to circulate again, which on the surface, helps reduce swelling.
Support and Stability
KT tapes offer support to your weak zones. It’s most useful on fatigued or overused muscles that require both support and movement for restoration — such as kinesiology tape for knee. Kinesiology treatment also assists if you have Achilles tendonitis, IT band friction syndrome, or patellofemoral stress syndrome.
Enhanced Performance
These tapes help prevent further injury and thus improve performance. It supports unstable joints but not so much as to prompt dependence. It reawakens sleeping muscles like when you use kinesiology tape for your shoulder. The slight pressure drives them to function efficiently. Aside from this, the tape also promotes improved posture, which aids athletes in avoiding over-contracting, over-extending, or cramping their muscles.
How Kinesiology Tape Differs from Athletic Tape
Athletic tapes wrap tight around the injured areas, preventing the muscle or tendon from moving. This results in restricted motion and decreased circulation of blood and other fluids.  
KT tapes, on the other hand, don’t restrict movements but rather encourages them. It’s much more breathable and moves as you move.
When Should You Try Kinesiology Tape?
It’s best to consult your physical therapist before buying one for your sore muscles. They will help you with the proper application that specifically supports your problem.
It’s also important to remember the situations where KT tapes don’t apply. These include open wounds, active cancer growths, if you have fragile and sensitive skin, to aid diabetes, and more.
In Conclusion
The use of KT tapes is no longer limited to the athletic population. After all, they aren’t the only ones who experience muscle pain, swelling, or soreness. However, it’s important to note that KT tapes aren’t permanent solutions. 
Keep in mind that KT tapes work best when combined with therapy and guided by physical therapists.  
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