#confusion between acupuncture and dry needling
medtac12 · 2 years
 A guide on acupuncture and dry needling
For the purpose of treating various physical, mental, and emotional conditions and relieving pain, thin needles are inserted into the body during acupuncture and dry needling treatments. Acupuncture, which is a part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has a long history of use in Asia. By focusing on specific body points, or acupoints, which correspond to particular organs or bodily systems, it aims to balance the body's energy flow (Qi) and restore health. Chronic pain, headaches, and emotional disorders are just a few of the conditions that can be treated with acupuncture. It is also used to promote general health and well-being. But usually there is a confusion between acupuncture and dry needling that bothers a lot of people.
Treating musculoskeletal conditions with dry needling is a contemporary Western strategy. It focuses on particular trigger points—areas of muscle tension or knots that can hurt or cause discomfort. Dry needling is primarily used to treat musculoskeletal conditions like chronic pain, muscle tension, and sports injuries. Selecting a qualified practitioner who is certified and trained in the specific technique you're interested in is crucial when thinking about acupuncture or dry needling. It's also crucial to understand exactly what the treatment entails and what to expect from it.
Is acupuncture needles the best or dry needling needles?
The condition being treated and the practitioner's preference will determine whether to use acupuncture needles or dry needling needles.
Compared to dry needling needles, acupuncture needles are typically thinner and more flexible because they are made for use in traditional Chinese medicine. They are employed to stimulate acupoints on the body, which are thought to correspond to particular organs or bodily systems. To balance the body's energy flow and promote health, acupuncture needles are used.
On the other hand, dry needling needles are typically thicker and stiffer, and they are made specifically to treat muscle tension and pain. They are used to target specific trigger points, which are knots or areas of muscle tension that can be painful or uncomfortable. To relieve muscle tension and increase range of motion, dry needling is done with needles.
The choice of needle type will depend on the practitioner's preference, the condition of the specific patient, and the intended outcome of the treatment. Both types of needles can be effective in treating pain.
So, what’s the major difference in both treatments?
The underlying philosophy and method of treatment used in acupuncture and dry needling differ significantly.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a holistic strategy for health and wellness, is the foundation of acupuncture. It focuses on acupoints, which are specific points on the body that correspond to particular organs or bodily systems, in order to balance the body's energy flow (Qi) and restore health. It is used to treat a variety of ailments, such as chronic pain, headaches, and emotional disorders, as well as to advance general health and wellbeing.
On the other hand, dry needling is a more focused and localized method of treating musculoskeletal pain and injuries. It targets particular trigger points—areas of muscle tension or knots that can hurt or cause discomfort. Most commonly, musculoskeletal conditions like chronic pain, muscle tension, and sports injuries are treated with dry needling.
Another distinction is that while dry needling is typically administered by physical therapists, chiropractors, or other healthcare professionals who have completed specialized training in dry needling, acupuncture treatment is typically provided by licensed acupuncturists who have completed specialized training in TCM.
Last but not least, in addition to acupuncture, other modalities may be used during treatment, including herbal remedies, cupping, moxibustion, etc., while the only tool used in dry needling is a needle.
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readyourimgaines · 5 years
Shyan-- Comfort Don’t Only Come with Ghosts
My mom and I recently got this piercing done so I wanted to write a thing about it to help myself feel less like a baby, and this is what I came up with. By the way, I just pulled the photo off Google.
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Ryan was no stranger to migraines and headaches. In fact, he’d come to expect them. He would miss work sometimes because the pain became too much. So Shane started looking for cures online.
There were the usual lavender oil, heat and cold packs, and this, that, and the other thing. God knows they tried those without any real luck. Finally, Shane found a cure he hadn’t seen before, but he knew Ryan wasn’t going to like it.
Shane put his feet up on the coffee table and Ryan laid his head in the half-giant’s lap.
“Hey, Ry?”
“Those uh...acupressure bracelet things for motion sickness...those help you on planes, right?” Shane started playing with Ryan’s hair gently. 
“Yeah. They work great. Why?”
“Well, I found something linked to those that could help your headaches, but it’s a bit more extreme…”
“There’s an acupuncture point in your ear, right there,” Shane poked the spot in Ryan’s ear. “It’s called Daith. A lot of people have found that getting it pierced stop the headaches completely or at least how often they happen and how painful they are.”
Ryan opened his eyes. “But that’d be an actual piercing. Not the little pistol thing they use at Walmart.”
“I don’t know if I could do that.” 
“And you don’t have to. It’s just an option I thought I’d put on the table.”
Ryan closed his eyes again and focused on the feeling of Shane’s finger playing in his hair.
Ryan sat on the kitchen floor, his head on his knees, and a garbage can between his knees. It had been a while since he had had a migraine so bad he threw up. He wasn’t missing them. 
Shane sat behind him, rubbing his boyfriend’s to bring some form of comfort. 
“Yeah, Little Guy?”
“If I got that piercing…you’d come with me, right?”
“You didn’t even need to ask.”
“I think I’m gonna do it.”
“I’ll look around, ask some friends who the best person is.” Shane nodded. “Remember, I’ll be there with you.
Ryan nodded the immediate wake of nausea made him regret it. Shane rested his head on Ryan’s back, not stopping the soothing circular motion of his hand.
A week later, Ryan and Shane sat in the lobby of a tattoo and piercing parlour. Both men felt out of place but Shane didn’t show it as much as Ryan did.
A large man covered in tattoos with a number of piercings can into the lobby. When he smiled, a piercing in his tongue the size of a marble could be seen.
“Hey! It’s the Ghoul Boys!” The man laughed. “My daughter loved your show. Now, what can I do for you?” 
“I’ve been told you the Daith piercing?” Shane spoke.
“That I do. 40 bucks, even; takes about ten minutes cleaning and all; take six to eight weeks to heal.”
“What are the success stories you’ve heard?” Shane asked.
“I did the piercing for a young nurse upstate and she called me saying she hasn’t had a migraine for three years.”
“What do you think, Little Guy?” Shane looked to Ryan, his eyes gentle and warm.
“Alright. I’ll do it.” Ryan nodded slowly.
The owner of the shop got all the paper ready and lead the two men upstairs to where he did the piercings and tattoos.
“What side do you get the most headaches on?”
“The left,” Ryan finally opened his mouth.
“So, how exactly this work?” Shane asked as Ryan shakily sat in what sort of looked like a confused, if not converted, dentist chair.
“Well, I’m gonna clean the ear around and on where the ring is gonna go, insert the needle and the ring, and get the needle outta there,” the man explained as he set up everything he needed. 
Ryan’s face lost all colour. 
“Ry, you good?” Shane checked.
Ryan simply nodded and held his hand out for Shane to hold. Shane held the smaller hand and Ryan’s empty hand balled up the hem of his shirt into a tight.
“How did you two end up doing Unsolved together?” the man asked, opening a plastic bag Ryan couldn’t see from where he was sitting. 
“I uh...I-I started the show on a whim with another guy but as the show’s following grew, so did the wanted content. He couldn’t out in so much time, so I asked Shane if he wanted to join in.” Ryan tried to keep his voice from shaking as he spoke. 
“I accepted it as a joke and here we are years later,” Shane finished. “You’re gonna ruin your shirt. Gimme your other hand, Baby.” Shane clasped Ryan’s other hand in his.
“You two being together isn’t click-bait?” The man looked almost shocked. 
“No,” Ryan answered simply. “We got together a couple of months after Shane joined the show.”
“That’s cute.”
Ryan jumped when something weird, cold, and wet touched the rim of his ear.
“Just a wet cotton swab, Little Guy. He’s cleaning the area.” Shane’s smile was small enough and Ryan was enough on edge that he didn’t pick up on it. “You’ll be okay.” Shane started gently rubbing his thumb across Ryan’s wrist in an attempt to calm the short man. 
“Holy fuck am I a baby.” Ryan’s chuckle was nervous and forced.
“You be a baby and I’ll worry about everything. M’kay?” 
Shane smiled again. This guy was pretty cool.
“Alright, this is gonna be the most painful part.”
Ryan tightened his hold on Shane’s hands, his whole body seeming to clench in fear. 
“Deep breath in,” the man instructed. Ryan did so and squealed as the needle pierced him. “And out.”
Once Ryan released the breath, his breathing pick up speed and Shane cleaned closer.
“Breathe, Ry. You’re okay. Wiggle your toes. In...out...in...out…” Shane continued to coach Ryan’s breathing, giving words of encouragement. 
"Now the ring," the man warned.
"This ain't gonna hurt as much but it's still uncomfortable."
Ryan squeaked as again as the small, cold, metal ring entred the new hole in his ear. 
"All done."
Ryan loosened his grip on Shane's hands but didn't let go. He stayed seated for a few minutes, letting himself fully calm down.
"You okay, Little Guy?"
Ryan shakily nodded.
"You okay to get up? When we get home, I can make popcorn and we can find something to watch on Netflix." Shane adjusted the way he was sitting, unfolding his legs.
"Yeah. I think I'm good." Ryan pushed himself out of the chair and followed the two other men down the stairs.
The man tapped his tablet a couple of times and turned it towards Shane and Ryan so one of them could swipe a card. "$40 even."
Ryan moved to get his wallet but Shane beat him to his own and paid.
"Here's a sheet for the aftercare. I'm gonna give it to you because he still looks pretty fucking out of it. Clean it once in the morning and once in the evening; make sure to twist it. If you have any questions, call me. Don't ask your friends 'cause they don't fucking know either. The only stupid question is the question you don't ask."
“It’s a good thing you sleep on your right side, huh?” Shane asked, holding Ryan in his arms as they cuddled. The smaller of the two men was happily curled into a tiny ball between Shane’s legs.
“My ear feels weird.”
“Does it hurt?” Shane tilted his head so he could Ryan’s face.
“Not really. It just feels weird. Like...it’s cold and sort of feels like it’s bleeding, but I can’t tell and I don’t wanna touch it.” Ryan paused, nuzzling his nose against Shane’s collar bone. “It feels like how metal tastes.” 
Shane stretched a little more to get a look at Ryan’s ear. “It’s not bleeding. It does make you a little hotter, though, if that helps.” 
Ryan laughed. “You know I’m gonna make you dry this thing with a cotton swab after I shower, right?”
“I was going to offer anyway. You have a tiny pain tolerance.”
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Understanding The Benefits Of Dry Needling Treatment In Carnegie!
Among people who opt for therapeutic treatments to get relief from muscle pain, dry needling is rapidly becoming popular. To release the trigger points for treating various medical conditions, filiform needles are used as dry needling treatment in Carnegie. Muscle spasms, headache, tennis elbow, nerve pain and myofascial pain are some of these.
By comparing dry needling with acupuncture you might get confused but they are quite different from each other under the terms of functioning and rationale. Acupuncture is a Chinese/Asian medicinal tradition, dry needling is a western culture approach.
The non-injection needling is what the actual term used to define this. Hypodermic needles are used to inject chemicals or other agents like saline or anesthesia into tissues of specific body parts in injection needling. In dry needling the treatment is conducted by using needles which provide therapeutic effects when directed into the tissues of the body on the other hand. In acupuncture which are also used in this treatment fine filament needles are used.
How it works?
In a person’s trigger points, the fine filaments needles are inserted in the procedure of dry needling. In different muscles all over the body and reacting to a specific body point these trigger points are all located. Helping in treating the pain a person is feeling these muscles releases tension when triggered by a needle. By putting pressure on specific pressure points relaxation of the muscles is also induced.
Dry needling treatment is recommended if you suffer from musculoskeletal pain, improper posture or weakness or a reduced function and others. In such cases it is advisable to visit the best osteopathic doctor in Australia.
Difference between dry needling and acupuncture
Although same types of needles are used in both the practices dry needling treatment and acupuncture are quite different practices. Needles are inserted into the body’s energy channels in traditional Chinese theories and this is followed in acupuncture. These channels improve or affect the energy flow of a person when stimulated.
Scientific research, western medicinal practices and pathophysiology are followed in this process on the other hand. In the muscle and ligament trigger points of a human body, needles are inserted. Decreasing the level of pain in a specific area and reducing the muscle tension is what the outcome is.
Benefits of this treatment
Though there may be variation in the results in different patients the results in dry needling are quite rewarding. The following are the benefits of this treatment:
·         Than the other manual treatments, the person goes through much lesser pain.
·         Dry needling results in relatively lesser soreness in comparison to other manual treatments
·         In the whole treatment procedure it requires lesser number of sessions
·         From the pain which a person is facing, it may provide a permanent relief.
·         Due to the previous injuries, it may help in rejuvenating muscles which are not working effectively.
This treatment will not hurt a bit and the person may not feel the needle pain at all if the muscles of a body are in a healthy condition. An aching sensation, a slight pinch, or twitching sensations might be felt by person in some situations.
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leonidfokine · 6 years
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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saigonadventure · 6 years
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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donalhmabry · 6 years
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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tsgonline-blog · 6 years
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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footwind · 6 years
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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billkvera · 6 years
Check It Now: The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
The post Check It Now: The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work? was published on Bloging Informer - Work on Internet Marketing
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don't work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it's hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering. I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn't think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight. I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren't working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn't want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don't work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won't get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and "fix" your own feet. I don't want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don't cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you're incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don't miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It's time for you to be pain-free! #footpainsolution #footpain ##footpainsolutionreview Find out this video on YouTube here: The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work? Via Blogging Informer Channel
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The Foot Pain Solution Review: How Does It Work?
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering.
I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight.
I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks. It’s time for you to be pain-free! You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
Do not forget to visit our channel on:
It is possible to have happy pain-free feet.
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blogginginfor · 6 years
The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work?
The post The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work? was published on Blogging Informer Tumblr
BloggingJMC has shared a amazing video on Youtube channel.
The Foot Pain Solution Review: How does it work? It is possible to have happy pain-free feet: https://rebrand.ly/thefootpainsolution
Do you wake up in the morning to stabbing pain when your feet hit the floor? After a long day of work can you not wait to get home and take your shoes off? Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on orthotics and insoles that don’t work or even make your feet hurt worse? I have a solution! Have you spent countless hours researching physical therapy massage acupuncture, stretching, dry needling, Botox, and surgical interventions only to be totally overwhelmed and confused? Have you tried some of these techniques only to notice more pain? Have your physician talked about painful, injections and the possibility of surgery? Finding solutions when you are in pain can feel impossible. With so much information out there it’s hard to decide what to do. So often, it feels like a crapshoot hoping for something to work and end the suffering. I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been a manual therapist since 1997 and have performed more than 60,000 sessions in my clinical career. Several years ago my clinic environment changed and I found myself standing for many hours a day on hard uncarpeted floors. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but after spending day after day on my feet, I began to suffer with what I thought was Plantar Fasciitis. After a consultation with a doctor, my worries were confirmed and even as a professional therapist, I was pulled into painful therapies, custom orthotics and anti-inflammatories to try and correct my foot pain. Nothing I tried worked, and day after day I woke up with painful arches and heels. It affected my work day, my sleep patterns activities with my family, my exercise routines, and the pain made me exhausted. None of the things that my doctor recommended worked, so I decided that I had to do something about it myself! I used my knowledge and experience as a Manual Therapist to take my condition into my own hands and fix my own feet. I started stretching things that were tight. I activated and began to strengthen muscles that weren’t working correctly using around the house, and I did certain movements that I knew would build strength in my shins, ankles, and arches. Within days my foot pain began to go away, and I was able to start doing the activities that I loved again. I experimented with the same tools and modalities that I use on my own patients. I used a little known technique called PNF stretching and relied on Reciprocal Inhibition and Post-Isometric relaxation to begin to heal my feet. These techniques change the communication patterns between your brain and tissues to rid them of pain once and for all. I decided that I wanted to teach people how to get rid of their pain using these amazing techniques, without having to go to the doctor or therapist. I didn’t want them to have to spend a lot of money on expensive tools that don’t work. And, I wanted to make it super simple for anyone to use. I created an exact step-by-step method for eliminating foot pain. I made it so easy that a seven-year-old could follow the program, and I made it incredibly affordable so that anyone could fix their own foot pain, in the comfort of their own home. Your foot pain won’t get better on its own, and today is your opportunity to take your health into your hands and “fix” your own feet. I don’t want anyone to experience debilitating foot pain EVER again. Programs like The Foot Pain Solution can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but in an effort to help as many people as possible, our foot pain solution can be yours today for less than a doctor visit or a pair of cheap insoles. Don’t cancel your evening plans or that vacation ever again because you’re incapacitated by pain. Refused to tell your kids or grandchildren no because you hurt too bad to play. Don’t miss another day of work because of your tired aching feet. I have a solution for you. it is convenient, easy to do, inexpensive, and it really works! You can continue to spend a ton of money on orthotics, insoles, and physiotherapy that just temporarily fixes the pain. Most of the remedies are just masking the pain in Korea even more damage to your feet. It is time to change the pattern for good! So where does that leave us it leaves us? It leaves us with only one all natural, in-home option of fixing your pain yourself. With my Foot Pain Solution, you will receive expert, step-by-step instruction to eliminate in your foot pain. You can experience a substantial reduction in pain in just 5 to 10 days, and a full resolution of pain in 8 to 10 weeks.
It’s time for you to be pain-free!
#footpainsolution #footpain ##footpainsolutionreview
You can watch the video on YouTube here:The Foot Pain Solution Review | How Does It Work? Do not forget to visit our channel on:
You can visit our channel here.
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When Did Dry Needling Start As A Therapy?
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Have you heard about dry needling? It is a complementary medical procedure that has started only a few decades ago. Many people confuse it with acupuncture but there is a huge difference between the two procedures.
This kind of needling is said to originate from China, the place where acupuncture also originated from. According to history, it started during the Han Dynasty. However, since the procedures are closely similar, people did not readily recognize dry needling.
When is click here used? It is used for injecting substances in the body. It is like a hybrid between acupuncture and injection. The needles are hollow therefore they have the ability to contain solutions. The process is the same as acupuncture where the needles are struck to certain parts of the body. It is said that this procedure is used to relieve pain especially the ones relating to the muscles and the tissues. The points in the body where the needles are struck are said to be the trigger points where pain originates. Therefore, the pain relief is faster because the roots are being treated first.
Today, this medical procedure is being used in several countries which include South Africa, Canada and the United Kingdom. Other places like Australia and Switzerland have also started to embrace the practice. However, in some places like the Georgia, Kentucky and other states of America, only a handful of physical therapists are allowed to practice dry needling. This medical procedure is quite new to the medical world therefore not every area on earth knows how to do it.
In addition, dry needling is still highly debatable whether it should be seen as a new medical procedure or just a mere sub-part of acupuncture. Some physicians suggest that medical professionals should be able to practice this procedure because it is part of chiropractic methods where the root cause of the problem is the main issue. However, there are acupuncturists who insist that only people with the knowledge and license in acupuncture should administer this treatment because it is highly technical and difficult. The doctors will then argue that the dry needling points are not similar to acupuncture points therefore they should not always be related to each other.
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physioworksaus · 7 years
What's The Difference Between Acupuncture & Dry Needling?
According to acupuncture theory, chi circulates in the body along twelve major pathways, called meridians, each linked to specific internal organs and organ systems. By inserting very fine, sterile single-use needles at specific points along the meridians, your acupuncturist can redirect and reposition the flow of energy (chi) for the purpose of relieving tension, stress, and pain. Dry needling is an effective and efficient technique for the treatment of muscular pain and myofascial dysfunction. Dry needling or intramuscular stimulation (IMS) is a technique developed by Dr. Chan Gunn and is extremely effective for relaxing overactive muscles, which contain trigger points.
It should not to be confused with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique of acupuncture. However, since the same filiment needles are used in both dry needling and acupuncture, the confusion is understandable.
More information:
Dry Needling
What is Acupressure?
What is a Trigger Point?
Common Physiotherapy Techniques
#Acupuncture #DryNeedling #Acupressure #TriggerPoint #Needling #AcupunctureTreatment
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