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L'invocation du Demon for @deadgoliath
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Slime x F!Reader (NSFW)
Here is the little nsfw story for the slime! I actually had a bit of trouble writing this, for some reason trying to write a slime spicy scene just wouldn’t flow in my mind. 
Let me know what you think! I may continue it because even though it gave me some trouble, it was good to have a challenging scene.
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The little bell above the door jingled as a small patron entered your store.  Your eyes widened as you recognized your regular customer, but today, the poor goblin looked like he had been through the worst torment.  Half his face was bruised and swollen. A cut split his lip and bandages wrapped around the majority of his body. But his smiling greeting was just as warm as ever. 
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Commission: M!Dragon Boss x NB!Reader
Notes: A lovely commission from a lovely follower! I have edited out their personal details and anything they wanted removed. This has been made a NB-Reader Fic for the public enjoyment. Enjoy! Warnings: no warnings Themes: 5K words, sfw, slow burn
~See this first and Part 2 on Patreon~
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A massive yawn ripped through you as you made your way to work.
The morning was as normal as ever. And the traffic going to work was slow, but nothing that would make you late. Your brother, Jimmy, was seated beside you in the driver’s seat and was feeling just as sleepy as he drove the usual route on autopilot.
When he spoke, it startled you a little out of your thoughts, “Hey, isn’t that new boss coming in today?”
You hummed an affirmative. “Yeah. He’s coming in to meet the managers and staff, apparently.”
Jimmy nodded and slowed to turn into the parking lot of your workplace. And almost immediately, you spotted the very expensive sports car amongst the various normal vehicles. It gleamed with a polished shine in the sunlight and even had a personalized plate with the word “Boss” on it.
Your brother laughed as he parked beside it.
“I like this guy already.” Jimmy said as he turned off the vehicle.
You got out of the car and admired the sleek looking vehicle. It was well cared for and didn’t have a single dent or scratch on it. You were almost scared to walk past it in case you somehow caused some damage to the paint job.
“So, any bets on what he looks like?” You asked and Jimmy shrugged. Leading the way towards the main building.
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Just the moment before~
The orc nuzzles their tusks against your neck. It is intoxicating and thrilling.
The werewolf sires you with their bite.
The vampire lets you drink from them. It sets the mood.
The siren’s mere voice makes your knees buckle.
The ghost’s touch makes you wonder if it actually happened but the trail of goosebumps tells you the truth.
The naga kisses you underwater, gives you the picture of a little death in euphoria.
The demon isn’t subtle; they pin you against the wall and their mere voice makes you shiver.
Reblog for additions or if you enjoyed.
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We're all horny for that feral grimace and snarl from a monster, so I present to you the orgasmic grimace.
You know. When you're giving drooly sloppy or throwing back your grippyest gorilla and they lose it.
Clenched teeth, trembling, sounding like a wounded animal.
And a toothy, fangy, lipless look of torture frozen on their inhuman face.
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Praising your werewolf boyfriend for how good he’s fucking you and you can see his tail profusely wagging against his will
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Dylan’s Transformation
A/N; Just a short little story I wrote in my notes a couple of weeks ago-
Dylan never talks about his more wolf side to you much. Whenever there is a full moon, he just up and leaves and comes back home to you with his clothes all torn. You know he means well, but you are his partner and you want to help him through his transformations.
Today was different though.
You came home late one night and you heard a crash upstairs.
You ran up the stairs to you and Dylan’s shared room and opened the door. There was Dylan.
“Dylan! Are you-“
“Don’t come close to me!”
He looked like he was in so much pain. You could hear him snarling and growling. Just the sound of his bones snapping due to him transforming made your stomach twist. You couldn’t stand it anymore and you ran to him and wrapped your arms around him.
“Babe, get back!”
“No! Dylan I’m your partner I need to help you through this!”
You held onto him tight and closed your eyes. His pleads turned into growls as you felt his body change in your arms. Then silence. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and opened your eyes. You then looked at Dylan. He was full wolf now. Dark brown fur and big golden yellow puppy eyes. He let out a whimper and bumped his nose against yours. You ran your hands through his fur and let a small smile creep onto your face.
“You big puppy..”
You woke up. You sat up but we’re instantly knocked back down. You looked up and there was Dylan, back to normal, but he was pouty.
“I can’t believe you!”
“You’re still mad that I-“
“That you threw the stick and hid it behind your back yes!”
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Oozlone the Slime King
Oozlone is specifically a king slime for Common slimes. Each slime species has a given “King” or “Queen” that creates more slimes. Usually noble slimes are massive compared to their round or even more humanoid counterparts. Oozlone for example is around 10 feet tall, raised up.
As a slime Oozlone has a slimy texture to him, he is very self conscious about being touched by others due to this. He would like to have some to give him hugs or even cuddle with him however, most wouldn’t want to get near the slimy being. Though when he’s around someone who he can really trust, he might wrap a tentacle around your waist pulling you close towards his body.
Very into PDA and loves to mark you with his slime. Whenever you’re out of his chambers after a good cuddle session you’re always covered in cold wet slime. It may be annoying at first but you get used to it eventually. Besides, his slime does have some moisturizing qualities to it… Your face and body have never felt smoother.
Oozlone doesn’t have legs. He has writhing tentacles that help him to move around his castle. He’s not really fast in terms of speed but can grab you from a pretty long distance with his limbs. Anytime he needs you or craves attention. He’ll just pick you up and just pepper you in love and affection. He absolutely LOVES affection. Hugs? Yes. Kisses? Most definitely! Cuddles?? Hell yes! Every part of you he wants to touch, he gets a bit pouty when you don’t pay attention to him long enough.
He adores sweets. Sweets are just a main part of his diet making him mostly smelling of the sweetest of scents. Cakes, Pies anything sugar related he’ll gobble it down. Though, it’s a pity that most of his weight goes down to his stomach and thighs. Poor slime king just can't handle trying to squeeze himself through those tiny doors! Oozlone (while he rather not admit it) does get stuck sometimes and you would have to help the poor man out. No matter how many times you tried to put him on a diet of some sorts. He always ends up five or ten pounds heavier. Though you don’t really mind, he is pretty cozy after all with all the extra padding he has.
Oozlone the Slime King
Being wrapped up in tentacles was something that you were used to for a while now. You squirm in your darling Oozlone’s tentacles as he cuddles you. “I love you so much my darling!” He cooed, nuzzling his face against yours (or well. Your body) The king purred happily with most of his thick gooey blue slime dripping all over your hair and clothes. “Heh, you must have been pretty lonely while I was gone huh?” You said chuckling. The slime gently let his lover down on his royal cushion pouting. “Of course I was! I’m always lonely when you are out of my castle.” He twiddle his fingers. “I miss you so much when you have to leave..I know that you have to go back to your human city but…” He paused.
With the biggest puppy eyes he could manage he looked down at you. “Can you stay with me tonight? Please?” He pleaded. “Stay with you?” You asked. The slime king nodded. “I know that you work but, It will only be for one time. I just want to not feel alone at night.” He mumbled, twiddling his fingers. You smiled and gently wrapped your arms around his belly. “It’s okay, I understand. I guess I can stay with you tonight since I have work in the morning but I-Eep!”
The large slime suddenly picked you and swung you around smiling giggling. “Thank you! Thank you so much!!!” He cheered his tentacles writing around happily. You smiled as well, no matter how much slime you get on yourself due to your darling you still love him.
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Dating an Orc Himbo
Pairing: Orc x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, dating, cuddles, piggyback carry, neck kisses, clothes sharing, protectiveness, working out, bathing together, domestic life
A/N: Because I wrote that darker orc thirst before I thought it was only fair that I also gave you the complete opposite.
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This man is the most oblivious person you've ever met
He's as cute as he is intimidating
Well to you he's just cute, to his enemies he's the thing of nightmares
Always carries you around, he loves it when you wrap your arms and legs around him and try to full envelop him
Knows his strength well but he's not very aggressive around you
He only shows aggression when he feels like he needs to protect you from something or someone
Loves to have you on top of him when he sleeps, you weigh very little to him but the little pressure on his chest lets him know you're there and safe in his arms
His tunic looks like a nightgown on you but damn if it doesn't make him want to pick you up and kiss you all over, which you bet he does
He's careful when he kisses you because of his tusks
Very quick to leave marks on your neck, it's his favorite spot to do so actually
Shows off a lot during workouts
Workouts are usually done with the two of you together
Sees himself as a provider so he'll sometimes go to hunt and come back with a whole deer over his shoulders
He's got a very big appetite, and not just food either
The bathtub in your home can barely fit you both but that's not a problem when you're between his legs or sitting in his lap, he loves bath time with you and lets you wash and braid his long hair
Sometimes he even lets out a low rumble while you do so, a sure sign that he's content and fully relaxed with you
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Sick of all the werewolf bf posts being 18+ and NSFT. Like no. Soft werewolf bf. Werewolf bf that isn’t intent on just sex. Big soft himbo werewolf bf.
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Why Orcs are Awesome Romantic Partners
Okay I feel like orcs get a very bad reputation in pretty much anything. On one hand, yeah they can be big and scary but you know who else is big and scary? Werewolves. Yet they don't get a bad reputation because they're very cuddly. Well you better buckle down while I, someone with years of experience in Monsterology (which is totally a real thing), will explain to you in SFW and NSFW terms, the benefits of orcs.
Protective - their huge muscular body is better then any shield, they can bulldoze though enemies if needed but most importantly they can take you into their arms and carry you away when they sense you're feeling threatened or sad.
Big - you can climb them like a tree and they really don't care. They're proud of their big stature and sometimes tease you about how short you are compared to them. So tiny and cute, makes them want to take care of you forever, scoop you up and never let go.
Domestic - they are warriors yes but when they're not fighting they're really fun to be around. Lots of parties and even more quiet moments for just the two of you where they walk up behind you in the morning and pull you close and kiss the top of your head.
Cuddles - although they're warriors by nature they're also very good cuddle buddies. A little softer then other warrior species too, both body fat and muscles providing a comfortable surface for you to lay against. They really like you in their lap though, really emphasizes the size difference.
Family oriented - always put you and their family first. As their mate you take priority number one, and also your kids if you have them. But in general they would give anything to protect their family, no matter how much they have to dirty their hands to make it so.
Now for the NSFW parts, which I know a lot of monsterfuckers will care for.
Protectiveness and possessiveness - in addition to their protective nature they are also prone to jealousy and possessive tendencies. The moment they notice others looking at you they will establish that you are theirs, kissing you, grinding up against you and when you get home absolutely covering you in their cum so you smell like them for days.
Size kink - oh you are getting stretched on their cock and fingers every damn night. Might be a lot for you at first but with practice and repetition your holes will get used to the size, the length, the girth of their cocks and fingers.
Morning wood - if you think humans have morning wood too often theirs is worse because it will never go down without you helping them out. They need your mouth, your sweet cunt milking them dry or else they're gonna have to walk out there and let everyone see their boner early in the morning.
Victory celebrations - because they get into many battles they often have parties to celebrate their winnings. Sometimes they're on the more calmer side, lots of food and drinks to be had. But other times its sex to let of the extra adrenaline. They always go to you in moments like this.
Growling/snarling - they make a lot of noise when they fuck. Its not possible to not hear them or know know good they're feeling when they're deep inside you. They encourage you to be just as loud, match them the best you can, let everyone know how good you're getting fucked.
Breeding kink - huge breeding kink on their part. Because of their warrior like ways they also have a drive to reproduce to make sure they don't leave their kind with no future. They don't really care of you're human they just want to make sure you take their seed and give them lots of babies.
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I’m in terato-ish mood  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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why isn’t sleep paralysis utilized more in monsterfucker smut like
waking up in the middle of the night, completely unable to move, at the mercy of your demon?
maybe i’m fucked up but i smell POTENTIAL
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brains been kicking my fucking ass all day so have an emergency Ollie doodle 🕷
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Terrifying monster, but a cuddler in bed.
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