megansambuca · 6 years
My best friend was in a tragic accident. She has lost both of her legs. She is doing better and taking this tragic event better then most. She is one of the most beautiful and strong women I know. She goes out of her way to make others happy and laugh. Even now she is telling jokes. Her family could really use the help and hopefully she can get prosthetics. This happened Friday morning.
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megansambuca · 6 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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megansambuca · 6 years
Sorry haven't been posting
My mother was in the hospital along with me starting a new job so I'm a little busy
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megansambuca · 6 years
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284K notes · View notes
megansambuca · 6 years
barba coming back from vacation all tan and yummy looking reblog if you agree
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megansambuca · 6 years
My anxeity is spiked
I have to ask for availability change from my attractive manager. So I am already nervous around him, but now I have to ask for his signature on something he could say no to.
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megansambuca · 6 years
Allergic to work 😂
I literally can't stop sneezing well I'm at work. And it only when I'm at work. My nose runs too.
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megansambuca · 6 years
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megansambuca · 6 years
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megansambuca · 6 years
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(A/N: under the cut is a little bonus for you 😉) 
His expression couldn’t be more arrogant, more cold as you explain that you’d leave him. The more you speak the more it hurts and with all strength you hold back the tears which swim in your eyes like a curtain. „You know what that means.“ Negan simply states with a shrug and you nod. „Back to working for points.“ „I know.“ You whisper. Desperately you look up in his face, in the brown eyes, hoping for a sign that he cares, but there’s nothing than carelessness. A slight smirk plays around his lips as he calls for Sherry that he needs a wife. Gasping for air you turn away from him, from the girls and your old home before running downstairs. Your belongings you’d get later or leave them behind.
The jealousy you felt whenever you saw Negan and the wives in the main hall died the moment when you found out that you’re pregnant. It was like a slap in the face, because to get a baby in times likes these is already bad. But to get a baby from Negan is the worst. It took you more than tears to convince Carson not to tell Negan. You begged, basically on your knees and he gave in, helping you to get through the pregnancy without anyone finding out who the father is. The months were hard, especially to avoid Negan the growing belly from him. But then things became easier when you earned enough points to get a room on the other side of the Sanctuary. One last thing took you down the peg and that was the birth of your son. He was and still is an image of his father with black hair and big hazel eyes. The fact that he was a mini Negan was awful and didn’t let you sleep the first nights. But now you’re probably one of the happiest woman in the world and can’t get the smile out of the face whenever you look at him.
Today is one of the days where you can leave the corner of the Sanctuary without being afraid to meet Negan. From what you’ve heard he’s busy with another community and so you decided to look over the new goodies and ask in the kitchen for a birthday cake for your son. Smiling you look at a bunch of action figures and decide if you’ve enough points to also get the cake. It’s just a second where you don’t pay any attention, a second where you talk to the owner of the ‚toys paradise‘ how he calls it, a second which will change everything. You turn around to tell your boy that he should decide which toy he wants, but he’s suddenly gone. Pure panic rushing through your veins as you don’t spot him anywhere and run through the stalls, calling his names. „He ran upstairs.“ Maria, who owns the medicine stall, tries to help. But it just forces sweat on your back and you can’t even nod as you stare up to the stairs which leads to the private rooms of Negan and the lieutenants. With weak knees you’re rushing upstairs, nearly stumbling over your own feet as you reach the upper level. Quietly calling your boy‘s name you sneak down the hallway, constantly afraid that one of the doors opens and you get caught. Blood pulsing in your ears and your heartbeat increases to a maximum as you hear heavy footsteps behind you. „Si-Simon, hey.“ You greet the right hand man nervously. „Follow me.“ He says and you freeze in the spot before nodding. From afar you hear your boy‘s laughter followed by Negan’s loud voice and your heart makes it way downhill. There are no words which could describe your current feelings and you can’t stop the tears.
As Simon opens the door you become witness of a scene you’ve dreamt of - your son laying in Negan’s arms, laughing whenever the man pokes in his belly in a playful way. He’s laughing too and it’s completely different from the laughters you’ve heard before. „Mummy!“ The boy cheers and starts babbling about the ‘cool‘ man he just met. Instantly Negan’s expression changes, eyes cold like they were back then and he stops their little play. Also because you want to take your son away from him. But Negan pulls back and instead giving him to Simon with an instructing to bring him to the private rooms. „No! You’re not taking him away from me!“ You cry out in panic and want to lung forward as Negan grabs and holds you. „(Y/N)..“ „Please Negan, he’s all I have. Don’t take him away from me.“ You interrupt him with a sob, staring fearful up to him. „Please.“ „I don’t…“ As you want to beg again he laps his hand over your mouth. „I ain’t doing shit. Like you can fucking imagine I’m pissed as hell. But I‘m not taking him away from you, understood?“ Your eyes widen surprised about his decision and not able to say anything you nod as he finally takes his hand away. „You’ll live here with him and me…“ Again you interrupt him, because the thought to live with his wives again driving you insane. „We’re not living with you and your bunch of whores.“ „Careful, sweetheart.“ He grits through the teeth. „And I fucking meant my bedroom, my bathroom, my office…“ That sounded a lot better and you sigh relieved about his decision as he finishes his sentences. „.. it’s all ours. That’s right, (Y/N). We’re gonna live together like a happy, chaotic family.“
Months later you found the perfect to live with your son and Negan together. Your son got a separate room just for himself and sometimes Negan would sleep in there or in the parlor. Or sometimes he’d pretend to be drunk and snuggle in your bed to caress your body while you pretend to be asleep. Your feelings for him didn’t increase, but the also didn’t become less. You’re still struggling with him having the wives while you get only secret and hidden affection. But you live with it and it’s worth as you watch how Negan kisses your sons forehead before putting a blanket over him.
„You really wanted this, wanting him in your life?“ You ask as Negan comes in your bedroom. „Yeah.“ His face lightens up as he steps closer and locks his arms around your waist. „You gave me the best gift a man can ever have and I can’t thank you fucking enough for this.“ „The pearl necklace was a good beginning.“ You tease while trying to get out of his embrace. But he’s quicker and puts his lips on yours in a short passionate kiss, holding you close while he guides you to the bed. „He’s not the only thing I want.“ „I don’t become a wife again.“ You protest and he shakes his head. „I don’t need them when I can have you.“ Your next protest dies as you land on the bed with him on top, kissing you again. His tongue seduces yours and soon you forget about you just spoke. Prying hands find their way under your shirt, taking it off and his mouth starts devouring your exposed skin. Quietly moaning you rip on his shirt until he helps you, caressing his slicked back hair as his tongue dips in your belly button. „Negan.“ You moan out as he reaches the waistband of your pants and opens the knob. „Can’t wait to taste you again.“ He mumbles against your skin and pushes the pants down. Warm breath tickling over your skin, beard scratching your inner thighs in an erotic manner and teeth biting down your pantie…
„Daddy! What are you doin‘?“
You jolt upwards with Negan, almost falling from the bed as you try to get away from him and covering yourself. „Is mummy hurt?“ Your son continues to ask, already pouting with big teary eyes. „What? Fu.. no, no. Daddy just.. uh.“ Helplessly Negan looks at you and you can’t suppress a giggle. Not only that the big fearless leader is probably speechless for the first time in his life, your son also looks like he’d attack Negan with the teddy in his hands and crying about the fact that someone hurts you. Mama‘s good boy. „Come here baby.“ You say while putting on a shirt and reaching out for your boy. The boy crawls on your side of the bed and rests his head on your belly while Negan watches the scene in awe. „Daddy just kissed mummy and she liked it a lot.“ You explain in a soft voice like you’d tell him a story. „Oh.“ „And where are you going?“ You ask Negan who just turned around. „Come here baby two.“ Negan chuckles quietly and kicks the boots from his feet before laying down next to your son, carefully putting a hand on his tiny back. „I’d never hurt your mum.“ He whispers and kisses first him and then you. „We’re a family, right?“ „Right.“
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megansambuca · 6 years
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Who doesn't like #needles
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megansambuca · 6 years
Still Ruining His Life Behind Bars
Negan X Reader
Making my way go Negan's cell to give him his food. It was the only time I got to see him. I was happy my father choose not to kill him. It meant more then my father could fathom, not only was he honoring my brother. He was keeping the man I had accidently fell in love with alive.
"Negan," I call softly opening the cell. He looks up to me from his spot on the bed. "Will you talk to me today?" I set his food down next to his bed on the only table in the cell, before sitting on the bed. I begin talking when he doesn't answer." I understand... hell my father almost killed you. I guess I'll just do the talking for the both of us. I am sorry this is your life now, but I'm happy it may be selfish for me to say that. Your alive Negan and my dad is alive. I made my choice thinking it had to be one or the other. I choose my family I turned my back on on you, because at the time it seemed like it had to be my family or you Negan. I wanted to choose you, but I couldn't lose my family. It broke my heart to turn my back on the man I love-" I stop realizing what I had just said." I need to go. I'm sorry-" I stand up from the bed going to leave in a hurry. I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me back into his arms.
"What did you say?" He asked.
"Nothing important," I say tears well up in my eyes.
"I love you ____," he lifts my chin to look at him. Negan uses his thumb to wipe a tear away from my cheek.
" I love you too Negan," It felt good to say that outloud. That's when I felt his lips on mine. Something I hadn't felt in what felt like forever. I grab his arms gently as his hands are on my face gently. I pull away slowly and sadly." I have to go, or they will come looking I'll be back tomorrow with breakfast." I kiss his cheek softly. This continues for days finally my dad was on a run with most of the people that would notice me missing. I sneak in to see Negan.
"It's not dinner yet," he smiles sitting up on the bed. I take no time closing to space hopping into his lap.
"Yeah, but no one is here to stop you from having desert early." I say pressing my lips into his wrapping my arms around his neck grinding my body into his. I feel his hands on my hips. He flips me onto my back.
"Damn women," he pulls away. I run my fingers through through his beard.
"I know I need a shave." He chuckles.
"I kinda like it," I giggle as he presses his lips to my neck being tickled by his beard. I feel his teeth graze my skin causing me to moan. I wasn't expecting him to bite me. Gasping I could feel his smirk as his hands went up my shirt. When Negan pulls away. I start immendently undressing him." As much as I love to make love to you all night handsome, they could come back any minute."
"Isn't that half of the fun." Negan chuckles undressing me just as quickly. Looking over him, I groan his was just as handsome as I remember. Negan moved himself in between my legs. Instinctively I spread my legs for him. I could feel him guide his tip into me. Before he presses his lips into mine roughly as he shoved himself into me. His mouth muffled my groan. He was going at a steady pace enough to keep me moaning I bite his shoulder trying to keep myself quite when pulls away. It wasn't long before I was pushed over the edge from not being touched in so long it was one of best orgasms I've ever had. He continue to slam into me until I felt him spill inside of me. "Shit!" He pulls away quickly. "Sorry, darling I lost control."
"It's okay Negan," I stand pulling my clothes on quickly. "I wouldn't mind if I had your baby." My back was to Negan when I spoke buckling my jeans. I felt arms around my waist.
"That... I love you." He kissed my neck. I turn in his arms.
"I love you too," I say looking seeing the scar on his neck. Remembering that day and the heart break I had. "You know when my dad slit your throat. I realised I made the wrong decision. When I saw that happen I knew. I wasn't going to be able to live with myself if you died. That I chose wrong because you had became my family. You had became what was most important."
"___," he guides my face to his pressing his lips to mine.
Watching my father from the hill. When I saw my dad slit his throat something in me clicked. I ran down the hill.
"NO! NEGAN NO!" Feeling arms around my waist I beat on Daryl breaking free. I run down the hill towards the scene when my dad says save him. Maggie screams I block her out running to Negan. "Negan please don't die," put my hand on his cheek.
"I can't lose you," I kissed his forehead not caring about what anyone saw.
Flashback end
"Just for the record," he says softly pulling away from my lips. " I can't lose you either."
I smile heading out hearing the gates opening. I walk over to the church sitting watching them coming in.
Months later I was sat in my bedroom hand on my stomach, I was pregnant from one mess up. To be honest I wasn't upset. I hadn't said anything to anyone, but I wasn't going to be able to hide it much longer my baggy clothes where becoming tight. And I was only putting weight on my stomach so it was clearly a baby bump. I walk to Negan's cell. He deserved to know first. Opening the door I found my father and Negan.
"What are you doing here ___?" My father asked.
"I need to see Negan," I say softly.
"You can wait till dinner. That's was the deal," my father voice was strict.
"Dad, I love Negan. It can't wait. I've waited long enough to tell him this and I am tired of hiding it!" I snap at me dad sticking my hands in my hoodie pockets sweating for it being like ninety degrees out. I look to Negan smiling.
"Then spit it out!" My father was now mad at me.
"Can I have privacy?" I glare at my father.
"No," he states. I growl I unzip my hoodie throwing it to the side revealing my round stomach. " What is this! Why the fuck does Negan need to know your pregnant?" My father was pissed.
"You know why Rick," Negan states bluntly." That's my baby. I love you ___." Negan voice and eyes soften looking to me.
"He is right dad it's his baby." I say placing my hands on my stomach. " Negan is part of our family now."
"When did this happen?" Rick growled at me.
"When you went scavenging." I say softly.
" You can not see him anymore. I'll have someone else bring him food." My dad says pointing out.
"No!" I growl at my father. " Not only will you not keep me away from the man I love. You will not keep him away from his child. I will find a way to visit him so you are better off just letting me."
"Fine! He can't do much more then get you pregnant anyway." Rick leaves slamming the door. I walk to the bars grabbing them Negan reaches through touching my stomach. A smile spread across his face.
"I'm still fucking up your dad's life while I'm behind bars." Negan chuckles kissing my through the bars.
"I will convince him to let you out eventually." I whisper to Negan.
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megansambuca · 6 years
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(featured here are gerudo link, thancred waters, negan, & gladio!!! stay tuned, more to come!!)
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megansambuca · 6 years
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megansambuca · 6 years
Hubby time
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megansambuca · 6 years
Me whenever I see a new pic of Jeff
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megansambuca · 6 years
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I’m losing my shit avhsqafgshssb
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