meggimed · 9 days
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Good morning! I’m salty.
I think we, as a general community, need to start taking this little moment more seriously.
This, right here? This is asking for consent. It’s a legal necessity, yes, but it is also you, the reader, actively consenting to see adult content; and in doing so, saying that you are of an age to see it, and that you’re emotionally capable of handling it.
You find the content you find behind this warning disgusting, horrifying, upsetting, triggering? You consented. You said you could handle it, and you were able to back out at any time. You take responsibility for yourself when you click through this, and so long as the creator used warnings and tags correctly, you bear full responsibility for its impact on you.
“Children are going to lie about their age” is probably true, but that’s the problem of them and the people who are responsible for them, not the people that they lie to.
If you’re not prepared to see adult content, created by and for adults, don’t fucking click through this. And if you do, for all that’s holy, don’t blame anyone else for it.
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meggimed · 9 days
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the first step is recognizing you have an addiction, as they say
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meggimed · 14 days
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I want to eat your onion gratin soup / tofu soup every day. A proposal and a couple of rings
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meggimed · 14 days
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very serious musicians 🎻🎻🍊🐑
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meggimed · 1 month
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meggimed · 1 month
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Late to the party
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meggimed · 1 month
a detail I think fic writers overlook sometimes: when you put weight (a belt, a gun holster, a sword, etc) on the hips, especially lopsided weight, it completely changes the way someone walks and even shifts their center of gravity.
that’s a long way of saying, do you think Bruce’s belt helps him with his secret identity? because he’s walking around with like 20 extra pounds of equipment as Batman, so Bruce Wayne, in contrast, walks lighter and with more sway in his hips?
does Jason have to readjust his stance walking around as a civilian because he’s unconsciously trying to accommodate for a holstered gun on one thigh? or holsters on both hips?
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meggimed · 1 month
Dick “it’s not broken if I can still move it” Grayson and his brother Jason “what bullet wound, I don’t see a bullet wound” Todd are proof that dumbassery can be inherited even through adoption (from one Bruce “I’ve never been injured in my life” Wayne)
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meggimed · 1 month
imagine you’re Hal Jordan and you’re pissed about a mission, you blow up on Batman (who mostly deserved it) and then you go home and sleep it off without ever realizing that you just blew up on the one (1) and only mega-funder of the entire Justice League, the man who built the Watchtower himself, who is so used to people falling over themselves to flatter him at major donor events that he probably went back to the Manor and told Alfred, with great enthusiasm, that today Hal Jordan told him to go space yourself until your brains shit out of your ass, you dick-less drill sergeant fetish freak.
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meggimed · 2 months
Kuroko is just as manipulative as Akashi, but he hides it better.
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meggimed · 2 months
It's a bit creepy but I developed a specific anxiety for the people online that have stopped updating after 2020, that covid got them.
me, quietly whispering to the ao3 page of an author who doesn’t even know I exist: I am obsessed with you
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meggimed · 2 months
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Kuroko catches a cold.. still on KnB trans rampage | artist (゜_゜)  | chns trans 面包一郎泥塑塑 
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meggimed · 2 months
I don't know if you're still doing those requests but....
may i suggest......
catboy kise and wolfboy daiki 🥺👉👈
Well since i would be doing them animal themed, might as well try being more accurate to their canon animal counterparts, no? ;D So Black Panther! Daiki and Fox! Kise it is!
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...sometimes Kise forgets he's not in Animal Form
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meggimed · 2 months
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Ok time for some angsty Neji Headcanons 🥲
Tw under the cut for death, phobia, mental health mentions
Not as sad headcanons can be found here if interested
🍃Have this headcanon that Neji’s mother either died during childbirth or passed away shortly after he was born.
🕊️Developed severe arachnophobia after his fight with Kidomaru. He’s really embarrassed by it, but he just shuts down when he sees spiders (maybe even spiderwebs).
☯️Has a lot of inner turmoil over Hiashi. He looks identical to his father, so he gets an initial jolt of happiness and excitement, which is quickly shot down by the reality that his father is no longer there, and that that is not his father. It was especially bad when he was younger. Definitely fed into his bitterness towards the main branch.
🍃Speaking of Hiashi, while his relationship definitely improved after the chunin exams (thank you Naruto for knocking sense into him), he still tended to keep him at arms length. Partially because there’s still leftover distrust, partially because he doesn’t want to “replace” his father, and partially because he’s afraid of getting attached to another family member only for them to die and leave him all alone (bonus: has a great relationship with Hinata tho. Will beat up people who pick on her. Sees her as his little sister)
🕊️Struggles with self esteem. More so when he’s older and after the chunin exams, and over how he is as a person rather than his abilities. For so many years he suppressed these feelings with his fighting abilities, basically telling himself that it’s ok to be a jerk cuz he’s the best etc etc. But after his fight with Naruto, he realizes he can’t do that, and that he needs to learn how to be a better person. Is worried that he’s not being good enough. Has trouble trying to find a good balance. (Idk if this makes any sense I’m sorry. Basically is worried he’s not a good person and just wants to be loved please give him a hug)
☯️Wants to be happy, but sometimes feels like he’s unworthy of it. Needs reassurance from time to time.
🍃Still cries over his father. Probably has dreams about him still being alive, how his death was the real nightmare. Wakes up really sad. But maybe when his mental health gets better, he’s encouraged to enjoy the life he does have. Would probably never tell anyone about this, except his s/o (if he has one).
🕊️Places a lot of stress on his own shoulders. This causes him to try to do everything himself. Has to be reminded that he doesn’t have to do that.
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meggimed · 2 months
Random Neji Headcanons That I Think About A Lot
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🕊️Birdwatching is a hobby of his. I kinda like to think that he got into it with his father, but after he passed away he kinda suppressed the hobby. It was just too painful. But when he gets older he decides to get back into it, kinda as another way to feel closer to his father again. Now he has a lot of books about birds, maybe has bird feeders or bird houses at his house.
🍃Enjoys reading. Probably not like a big bookworm, but likes reading shorter books as like a way to wind down from a busy day.
☯️Can cook really well. He ended up developing the skill more so out of necessity, but ends up kinda liking it.
🕊️Cats really like him. I feel like his more cool and collected personality makes them feel comfortable around him. Might even follow him around the village. He doesn’t mind too much. Would probably play with them if he thinks no one is looking.
🍃Is awful at card games. Just has the worst luck with them. Doesn’t use his Byakugan during them cuz he wants to play fair. Probably didn’t consider it until someone else pointed it out to him.
☯️Has chronic migraines. Gets into the habit of overusing his Byakugan, so he’s often treating migraines. He’s had days where everything was way too bright and loud.
🕊️Big tea guy. Probably has a much wider range of knowledge about tea than he’d ever care to admit.
I have more but those ones are kinda sad so I might put them in a different post 💖
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meggimed · 2 months
Ok I got a hyuga theory for y’all:
What if when you marry into the main household, they remove the curse mark from you and your immediate family? It would explain why Hinata’s mom didn’t have the curse mark (tho to be fair I don’t think we ever see her eyes so she could have been an outsider, but I just get the feeling that marrying outside the clan wasn’t very common until Naruto and Hinata), and Ko could have been like her brother or something, so his curse mark was removed as well.
This would also make the elders/main household lowkey… extra bad cuz they could totally remove the curse mark at any time but choose not to. I feel like the fandom just kinda all agree that the curse mark is non reversible, unless it’s stated at some point that it is?? I don’t remember it though.
Or she and Ko (and maybe other members of the clan??) choose to use makeup or concealer to hide their curse mark?? Or maybe some kind of concealment jutsu???
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meggimed · 3 months
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Happy AoKise Day!!!!
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