meiyamie · 6 years
[Momoweek] [Teen-rated] Day 7: Free Day - Happy Birthday Momo! "Someone Else's Clothes"
"Sho-chan, what in the world?!" Momo exclaimed in shock from where she sat in the living room as Shouto stepped towards her in her hero costume.
"You were upset about being number one R-rated hero, and said I wouldn't understand why because I wasn't a woman. I guessed that the closest thing to it would be to try wearing your costume." Shouto twirled around to model in it as he spoke, "I hope my voice didn't go too high. It's quite chilly down the chest area. The cape is a nice touch. But I really dislike the belt."
Momo gawked.
"I still don't know why you're so upset," Shouto continued, "I know you look better than me in your own costume."
He struck a pose. A pause lapsed before Shouto gave a wince of discomfort.
Momo burst out laughing, and Shouto sighed. At least she was no longer in such a foul mood.
Momo went over to him, grabbing him by the strap above the chest area to give him a long loving kiss, smiling against his lips,
"Come on, my love, let's get you out of that get-up."
"Please," Shouto agreed, as Momo tugged him towards their bedroom.
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meiyamie · 6 years
[Momoweek] [Rated Teen] Day 6: Canon / AU - "The first of 1001 Nights"
Set in an ancient Middle Eastern kingdom AU, very loosely based on 1001 Nights.
While the Kingdom of the Elements was a city at peace, it was known throughout the continent that the Hellfire Sultan was not a man to be crossed. The kingdom was prosperous and strong, and its people had few complaints. But they knew that within the Sultan's halls lay a tragedy. While never put on the scribes, they knew that the fire in the Sultan's veins was such that it would cause agony to his wife and descendents. The Sultan's youngest son, Shouto of the Fire and Ice, was said to have been scalded by his own Mother -- the Hellfire Sultan's first wife -- when she was driven mad by his ambitions. The Vizier, when questioned, said it was nothing more than a birthmark. "But of course," He sighs, "The more interesting story is the one the people would prefer."
Shouto was married to the Princess Momo of the Plentiful, whose family's kingdom was known for their weaves and fertile soil. Not much was known of Princess Momo - it was practice of the Plentiful then that women were veiled and kept behind closed doors.
Shouto himself only had a chance to really see his bride a week before the wedding. And they were not left alone, accompanied by the Sultans who were more concerned about the wedding itself than anything else.
For a boy who never really knew of love, accustomed to the routine of training and duty, Momo was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.
So they married in grand ceremony. As princess of the Kingdom of the Elements, Momo's hair and her body from the neck down was covered in silk, and part of her face was under a sheer veil during the ceremony and celebratory parade.
It was difficult for Shouto not to stare. With what little he knew of the world, he did know that would be rude. However, he was at a loss for words. What would you say to a wife that was gifted to you? To one you adored, even without any reason at all?
That night, as they were left alone in their chambers, they sat together in silence. Shouto had some experience, his Father had sent women of pleasure to handle him before, but Shouto found himself unsure of how to take the first step. He felt a panic rise in him.
But Momo seemed to sense it, and quietly took off her veil.
"Your highness," She said, "I fully understand the terms of our union. We have fulfilled the obligations of our families, anything else from there would be up to us. You could have a good night's rest, or you could have me as you will."
At that, she rose from her seat to stand in front of him. Momo took her time to remove the layer of silk that covered the skin of her stomach. Shouto gave a gasp of wonder and stared.
As he did, Momo slowly drew her fingers over the skin above her belly button, "You can touch me, your highness."
Shouto blinked and looked up at her.
"As you are the only one who is allowed to see me in this state of undress or less, you can touch me."
"You shouldn't think that you should do this just because the kingdoms said so." Shouto told her.
"Trust me when I say, if I didn't want your hands on me, I would have kept the silks on," Her tone was patient, "You are more good looking than the portraits made you out to be, even with your birthmark." She paused to look at him closely, "But it isn't a birthmark, is it?"
"People prefer a more dramatic story." Was Shouto's automatic response.
"Birthmarks take on blueish colors. Your mark is flesh colored, which means that it was burned." She pressed the pad of her index finger on the skin by his left eye, "Am I right?"
Shouto looked back at her steadily. Momo could hear his breath catching, and drew herself closer to him. He was so close to the skin of her stomach now.
"I am impressed by your restraint, your highness." She complimented, "Even if it is your duty to have your way with me."
Shouto's breath shuddered, as his right hand crept up to rest by her hip. His eyes closed as he breathed in the scent of her. He leaned his face forward, pressing slow kisses over her skin. Momo gave a murmur, raising one hand to rest atop his head, carding her fingers through his hair.
As he felt desire pool inside him, he took a deep breath, then paused. He could feel his left side burning through him like a fever.
"You're beautiful." He finally told her, "I will take you one day. Just not...not tonight." And with that, he gently pushed her back, putting distance between them.
"That is curious," Momo replied, "But I can guess why you would do that. Too predictable, your highness?"
Shouto raised an eyebrow and wondered just how she was able to read him that quickly. She smiled at that.
"Well, we have a lifetime ahead of us after all." She returned back to her seat, "I think I like you." And with that, she moved to the other end of the bed to lie down.
Shouto swallowed. That went better than he expected.
As to when he will take her -- Shouto had a vague idea of one day having a moment of them wanting each other and falling into that want, much like the stories he had heard growing up.
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meiyamie · 6 years
[Momoweek][Gen] Day 5 - Confidence - "Brains"
During one of those UA special seminars, Class A was asked to draw a symbolic representation of what their brains looked like. Some higlights:
Bakugo drew a bomb about to go off, to no one's surprise.
Kirishima drew an arm flexing.
Midoriya didn't draw, he wrote all his musings about heroes and quirks in tiny and intricate print.
Uraraka drew a lot of different symbols -- wings, stylized exclaimation points, a heart ("Is that for--?" Mina teased, which caused Uraraka to erupt in a noisy protest).
Jirou put in part of the sheet music for Beethoven's Symphony number 9.
Iida drew a very detailed brain with an engine, of course.
Todoroki drew the shape of a brain, but colored one side black.
Momo drew a maze, and highlighted all the possible ways out of it. "This is how I see problems," she explained, "Sometimes I run into walls, but when I can, I will find a way out."
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meiyamie · 6 years
[Momoweek][Teen-rated] Day 4: Pro-Heroine/Villain Momo "I'll Drink to That"
Set in the Empower 'Verse, a futurefic AU where Momo and Shouto are married business partners and pro-heroes.
It wasn't usual for Momo and Shouto Todoroki to head home in silence. When a day got busy and their more complex cases pile on one after the other, Shouto was used to Momo laughing about something ridiculous in the car. She latches onto the most trivial bits of joy when work gets tough, whether it's a corny knock-knock joke or even finding out that the intern mixed salt with the sugar in the office coffee. It's a side of her that Shouto adores, and that he finds himself very protective of, knowing that it's something that perhaps only five other people have seen for themselves.
Her in defeated silence infuriates him.
It was because of that feature. World Hero Tribune, the global authority on heroes, had interviewed them about the rise of EMPOWER a month ago. Momo had been excited at first and wanted to talk about how Elite Group, her group operates, EMPOWER's young heroes who have ranked top 50 in Japan and within the top 300 in the world.
The reporter wanted to interview Shouto about owning EMPOWER, and wanted to talk to Momo about being married to Shouto. When Momo had called the reporter out on it, in a frank but reasonable tone, so Shouto thought... Momo was completely written out of the article.
They saw it in print that morning, and it ruined Momo's day.
She was at least able to take it out on the field today, and they got a major lead in a smuggling case they've been persuing for a while. But even while she had gotten a few good necessary punches in to hold their perp down, Shouto knew it wasn't enough.
When they got home, Momo headed to their room to freshen up. As she did, Shouto brought out the whiskey and two glasses. He takes his straight on the rocks while Momo takes hers as a highball with soda. When Momo steps out of the room, hair in a messy bun and dressed down in her favorite pair of pajamas, Shouto quietly offers her highball mix. She shakes her head, "On the rocks, straight tonight."
Shouto raises an eyebrow, but nods, handing her his drink instead.
"Want time alone?" He asked her.
"You can join me outside in ten minutes." She replies. "I just... Need to make sense of things."
She heads for their veranda, while Shouto stays behind. He waits -- he even times it, watching the time at the top of his mobile-- while checking on the Class A alumni boys chatroom where there was bc an ongoing discussion about whether the dress in the picture was blue and black or white and gold.
When the ten minutes were up, he joins her. He sidles up next to her, glass in hand, shoulder to shoulder. She's the one who wraps an arm around him first, allowing him to press a kiss upon her head as she does.
"This company isn't what it is without you, you know that, right?" Shouto asks her, "I tell the world what we can do, but it's you, Iida, and Uraraka who show them."
Momo nods, hearing him but not believing him.
Shouto takes a deep breath.
"Do you want to go freelance for a while? You can do that."
Momo thought about it.
"One day, yes. But not now...not because of one writer."
Shouto nods.
"Jirou's introducing me to their PR firm...they're younger, more in touch with how the world is working now. That's who we should be talking to."
"Talk to them about nabbing that InstaKyuu distributor? That was your operation."
"Yes. And slowly but surely, word will get out."
Shouto gave a sigh of relief.
"I hate it when they do that to you." He admitted, "Treat you like 'just' my wife. You aren't. Creati has always been her own person."
Momo swirled her drink before taking a sip, musing,
"As much as we want to save the world...there will always be that side of us that knows we defend whatever shred of innocence they have left. We're just hoping they're still steps away from the edge. But working with them hurts, sometimes even more than fighting a villain."
They fell silent, arm in arm together, looking at the lights of a city they knew too well.
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meiyamie · 6 years
[Momo Week] [Teen Rated] Day 3: Friends/Support - "A Little Help from My Friends"
Study time at the 1-A girls' lounge area. When Momo was sure that the girls had just about understood their readings for class, she cleared her throat.
"Ladies, I have news."
The girls, each in their own corner, looked at her.
"Todoroki--" Momo started, only to be interrupted by Mina,
"Oh you're going out with Todoroki?!" Mina shrieked, "He finally asked you out?!"
The other girls erupted into squeals, and Momo grew flustered.
"He just asked me if I was free, it doesn't have to mean anything yet!" She protested. But it seemed to fall on deaf ears as the girls started prying,
"Where is he taking you?"
"What dress will you be wearing?"
"Do you need music? Want me to make you a tracklist?"
"Waaaait!" Momo yelled.
The other girls fell silent. Momo cleared her throat.
"So we're going to the Cherry Hilltop View."
Before she could continue, the rest started chattering again.
"So soon?!"
"Yaomomo, boys take girls there so they can do stuff!"
"Do you have protection?!"
"Do you have Nice Underwear? The really nice underwear?"
"Do you need some of us to wait for you somewhere in case he gets carried away?!"
"Todoroki's a gentleman, I trust him," Momo laughed nervously, attempting to reassure her friends.
That only made them squeal some more.
"You trust him!"
"You two are so pretty together it's not fair!"
"Ugh, I wish Denki was as suave when he asked me out--" Jirou muttered.
That caught the girls' attention.
As the other girls found a new person to fuss over, Momo watched, smiling.
It had taken her a while to find friends. The wait was worth it.
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meiyamie · 6 years
[Momo Week] [Gen] Day 2: Growth/Improvement - “Just the Way You Are”
Day 2: Growth/Improvement. Fic has established relationship TodoMomo.
Quiet dates for Momo and Shouto meant reading or studying together in the common room, at times when the rest of their classmates were out or visiting their own families. Shouto also noticed that Momo would be scribbling a lot in a notepad she carried with her, during quiet dates and in between classes too.
Curiosity got the better of Shouto one weekend evening, so he had to ask, “Can I see what you’re drawing?”
Momo was startled as she looked at him.
“Sorry, dear, what?”
“You’re always drawing...but I don’t see you showing your art or giving them to classmates so... what do you draw? That’s the third or fourth sketchpad I’ve seen with you in the last semester.”
Momo fell quiet as she closed the pad. Shouto grew concerned.
“Is it too private, Momo?”
“I didn’t want to tell anyone because it’s a surprise, I guess. I thought I told you, but I know I might have forgotten because I’m quite embarrassed by it.” She took a deep breath, “I’m redesigning my costume.”
“Oh.” Shouto was unperturbed, “Why?”
“I should opt for something more modest. As we get older, I’m hearing more R-rated hero jokes. But I never designed my costume for that... I’m just comfortable in it. But if I want to be taken seriously, I’ll have to.”
At that, she opened her sketchbook and showed it to Shouto, “What do you think?”
Shouto leafed through the pages. They were over a dozen different studies. Some of those that caught Shouto’s eye were those that looked like plug suits from the Evangelion anime, and one that was like the dress Momo wore during their Shield Mission but with a deeper v-cut in the back. He also couldn’t help but notice one that Momo crossed out completely, a bikini armor with high boots.
“What do you like best?” Shouto asked her.
“I don’t know. I...I actually like the one I have now.” She confessed, “But it’s really not appropriate, is it? I mean, no one takes me seriously in it.”
“They do.” Shouto reminded her, “It’s just Mineta who doesn’t...but it’s Mineta.”
“But the young heroes forum comments--”
“They don’t use their real name. I don’t think they really exist.”
Shouto was dead serious with that observation, but there was something in the way he said it that made Momo smile. Shouto looked puzzled as she did, and wondered.
Unsure of what he should do next, he turned back to the book he was reading. “You work fast in your hero uniform and you’re pretty in anything you wear. I think what’s more important is that you’re able to fight in it. Maybe you don’t need to change the uniform, maybe you just need to redesign the belt and your book for your quirk? I don’t know. I just think you should be comfortable.”
Shouto was surprised by Momo suddenly wrapping her arms around him in a hug around the waist.
“Thank you, Shouto.” She murmured.
Shouto was confused, “I’m not sure why...but okay, yes, you’re welcome.”
“Just say you’re welcome next time.” Momo set her sketchbook aside and picked up the pocketbook she was reading. “You’re right. I’m keeping the costume, until Mei improves on the design.”
As she started reading, she slipped her hand over Shouto’s and held it for as long as she could that afternoon. Shouto didn’t mind at all.
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meiyamie · 6 years
[MomoWeek] [Gen] Day 1: Quirk/Creation - “Not yours, my own, unbroken”
Day 1: Quirk/Creation
“Are you enjoying the babushka dolls, Momo-kins?” Mrs. Yaoyorozu asked her seven-year-old daughter on the plane back from the South of France to Japan. It was the end of another summer vacation, this time through Europe.
“They’re not babushka, Mother,” Momo corrected her, “They’re matroyshka dolls. Babushka is what non-Russians call it.”
“...Well we aren’t Russian, my Momo-kins.”
“But we have to be correct about it.”
Mrs. Yaoyorozu laughed and hugged her little girl tight, “Alright, my Momo-kins. Matroyshka dolls.”
To no one’s surprise, it was all she wanted to play with when she wasn’t engrossed in a book. She found joy in taking out the dolls and putting them back in again, all seven of them. Her parents knew better than to pry into why she preferred it that way. They had come from upper crust, “old rich” families in Japan, and were weary of the scrutiny placed upon them in their private lives. They wanted their Momo to have more freedom than they did, and that meant respecting her privacy.
Momo was their only daughter, and after a few difficult attempts to bear a child. Mr. Yaoyorozu would have wanted a son, but after so long – Momo was more than enough. And she was a good daughter, quiet and loving, even if he and Mrs. Yaoyorozu were rarely home.
Mrs. Yaoyorozu first sighted her create quirk when she was eight years old. When she was refused to buy a set of play-dough toys for fear of overindulging her and making a mess, Momo made it herself. She first thought that Momo had rebelled and found a way to get the money for the set, and had gotten red in the face when she walked in on Momo in the library with it.
“Mother, no, I’m sorry... I was looking up how to make it myself... and I found the ingredients, when suddenly...”
She showed her the strange plastic shapers – and the one mold that was finally in a proper triangle. There were also balled up bits of clay, a number of them weird gray molds, up to the ones that finally had faded colors of red, blue, and green.
“I made this, Mother. I made this.”
*Title spun off a lyric from a song by Jewel, ‘Hands’
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meiyamie · 6 years
[Teen-rated] JirouMina BNHA fanfic: I hear my heart beat to the beat of the drums
Originally posted on https://archiveofourown.org/works/15188213
Mina has lost track of how long Jirou’s been smitten by Momo Yaoyorozu. She didn’t entirely mind being her confidant about it – they were young and Yaoyorozu was the most gorgeous and intelligent girl in their class. But her patience did strain as Jirou decided to finally confess her love for Yaoyorozu through a playlist, which subjected Mina to listen to every revision and the same insistent question: was this “cool” enough to win her over?
Luckily, Mina had been recruited into UA’s dance troupe, so she had something to do while Jirou continued to obssess with the playlist. They spent a number of Sunday afternoons together in UA’s dance studio where Mina did her stretches and practiced her routine as Jirou handled her music. During their breaks, Mina indulged Jirou's updates.
“You took out ‘N Sync?” Mina asked, “I thought 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time' was a cute addition.”
“May be too soon to admit that I like bubblegum pop. Yaoyorozu knows me as the cool rocker chick,” Jirou replied.
“But it shows how you really feel about her.”
“I want to be more subtle about it.”
Mina did a few pirouettes across the floor, “But isn’t Yaoyorozu a classical and pop kind of person? She may be turned off by your more indie rock songs.”
“Yeah.” Jirou realized, “You’re right.”
Their sessions went on and on that way.
“You should just put in Flashdance and dance your confession,” Mina suggested one day, and she did the signature move before the chorus and posed to make her point, grinning, “No one would say no to that.”
Jirou actually laughed as Mina continued to sing out loud, dancing, “I can have it all, but I’m dancing for my life!”
“You’re adorable, Mina.” Jirou told her.
“I’m glad someone thinks so.” She shrugged, “Pink skin is not to everyone’s liking.”
“Heh, they’re missing out.”
Finally, after about a month into the second semester, Jirou finalized her playlist. After Mina finished with practice, she sat next to her and gave it a listen.
“It’s a new side to you,” Mina observed, “It’s so bubbly. If you were talking, you’d be like Midoriya -- cheerful and bouncy -- and that is such a weird thing to imagine. This is you in love, huh?”
“I guess.” Jirou grew shy, “Too much?”
“Nah, it’s just enough.”
They reached the last song – a slow female cover of 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' by the Beatles. Mina gave a gasp, recognizing the singing voice, “Oh my god, Jirou, is that you?”
“...Yeah, it is.”
Mina was in awe, “Yaoyorozu is so lucky.”
Jirou had sent Yaoyorozu the link to the playlist on Saturday, and Mina expected not to see her on the Sunday after. She was surprised when Jirou suddenly showed up, and Mina immediately recognized that things did not go as they both hoped.
“Oh Jirou... I’m so sorry.”
Jirou sank into her usual place under the ballet bar, her legs crossed. Mina sat next to her, wrapping one arm around her shoulders in a quiet commiserating hug.
Jirou sighed, “Love’s hard enough, what more love with a girl, right?”
“It’s a good playlist though.”
“At least.”
Mina stroked her hair, “I liked it.”
“Heh, maybe we should be dating each other.”
The thought hung in the air for a while.
Mina suddenly gestured towards Jirou, which she recognized as her asking for her phone. She handed it over to her. Mina went through her phone for Musicfy, then put on a song. As the opening bars played, she grinned and bounced up to her feet,
“Dance with me?” She offered, holding her hand out.
“I don’t dance.”
“But it’s Carly Rae, Jirou. You introduced me to her.”
The music was starting to build up.
No more crying...to get me through...
Jirou gave a sigh, and slowly stood up.
I’ll keep dancing ‘til the morning with somebody new...
“There you go!” Mina beamed, “Come on!”
She grabbed Jirou’s hands, and spun her around.
As she finished her spin, Jirou stilled for a moment, closing her eyes as she felt the vibrations of the bass seep into her skin. She started to move, and as she slowly opened her eyes, she saw Mina watching her intently. At some point, their hands found each other's, fingers entwined.
When their eyes met, Mina shyly dropped her gaze. Her voice cut through the music, and Jirou heard every gentle word from her,
“You got it, Jirou.”
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meiyamie · 6 years
MATURE CONTENT - BNHA TodoMomo Fanfic: On the Appropriate Use of Office Equipment and Other Matters
Where for most people, a honeymoon meant being sent to an exotic location away from home, for just-wedded Momo and Shouto, it meant getting their new office and pro-agency company in order. 
Read the story behind and around these spicy little sexts on AO3.
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meiyamie · 6 years
Haikyuu!! Fanfic: Make It Better (Rated T, IwaiOi)
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Originally posted at https://archiveofourown.org/works/14500431.
Based on the sensory prompt, “The tender ache when you press against the bruise”.
"You're not a cat, you won't always land on your feet, you idiot." Iwaizumi had told Oikawa many times over the years, but of course he rarely listened.
And where with others he wouldn't get too annoyed at, with Oikawa, he didn't mind repeating himself. Sometimes it's out of glee when he's proven right, other times it was because there was something so right as Oikawa's caught with the wind knocked out of him, eyes wide and vulnerable, and calling him without any pretentions, "I-Iwa-chan..."
During a bad fall that caused a sprained ankle, Iwaizumi ran up to him. It was routine, their manager grabbed the ice pack and rushed over to them, but it was Iwaizumi who took it from his hand to press it against the area.
"Kiss it to make it better?" Oikawa suggested.
"This is not the time for Sluttykawa," Iwaizumi scolded.
That's for later. If he's still up for it.
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meiyamie · 6 years
Haikyuu!! Take Me Higher than the Rest (Rated G, HinaYachi)
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Originally posted on https://archiveofourown.org/works/14633172, based on Sensory Prompt 34: The feel of fingers brushing against each other.
It wasn’t the first time Hinata had stayed behind to help Yachi pack up after practice. From first into second year when he had stayed behind, it had been largely routine. The others helped with packing up, and they’d all chat about whatever events of interest came up. On other occasions, after the poles were taken down and the bigger pieces moved, it would just be her and Hinata. It was all about the club, so Hinata thought.
Until one evening when they reached for a bottle at the same time and their fingers brushed against each other. In that split second, Hinata found Yachi’s hands to be unusually soft and wondered what it would be like if he could hold onto it for a little while longer.
Hinata suddenly felt like he was smacked across the face by a ball...which was silly because they were in the outdoor washing up area, with no other ball sports team in sight.
And while he would have wanted to see her home like he usually did, that night he apologized as asked if he could just bike past her corner and go on ahead. Yachi didn’t think anything of it.
Just what does one do with these feelings? Who would know what to do? Definitely not Kageyama, the National team trainee; nor Tanaka and Noya, who never went beyond talking about girls and what they’d like to do with them.
He decided to ask Daichi. Hinata had waited for him after his shift at the local butcher’s, where Daichi started work in the summer before college started. He vaguely recalled Chikara mentioning that Daichi had quit volleyball to focus on work and studies. There were murmurs that he was preparing to propose to Michimiya once he saved enough money.
Daichi was surprised to see him by the entrance.
“Ah, Hinata! Good to see you!”
“Hi Daichi. I had to ask something.” Hinata said, embarrassed. “You mind if we head home together?”
Daichi was curious.
“I don’t mind at all. Come on. Isn’t it out of the way though?”
“It’s fine. I got my curfew lifted at the start of the term after we won nationals and when my grades went up.”
“Let’s walk then.”
Hinata walked with him. They had gone past a few blocks when Daichi spoke again,
“You’re very tense, Hinata. What’s going on?”
“I have...ah....I have a bit of a problem.” Hinata flustered, “With someone in the team.”
Daichi looked concerned.
“It’s not because of something they did. They don’t know...but...I don’t know how to tell them...” Hinata blushed.
“Were you hurt?”
Hinata quickly shook his head, and Daichi frowned.
“Is it with Kageyama? Tsukishima? Chikara?”
“No, no. None of them. But I haven’t been feeling comfortable recently. I’m seeing--a team member-- differently, and I don’t know what to do.”
Hinata nodded.
Daichi took a deep breath.
“I don’t know if Takeda and Ukai would agree, but I think there’s nothing wrong with liking someone else in the team. In the years I’ve been with Karasuno, it’s inevitable for some of us to become fond of someone, girl or guy.”
“How do they admit their feelings to them?”
“It’s...” Daichi was cautious, “Admittedly easier if it’s a girl, because other people don’t have the need to say something about it.”
“Oh!” Hinata said quickly, “It’s a girl.”
Daichi realized, “Ah. Yachi.”
Hinata sighed.
Daichi shook his head, “This is what I miss about high school, those become the best problems you’ll ever have. Now go home and think about how you’re going to ask Yachi out.”
“Wait! How do I do that?!”
“You tell her what you like about her and ask her out. If she says yes, great. If she says no, be a man and stay respectful. Your best friends are in that club, and no matter what happens, you should try to be friends for life.”
The next time they practiced, Hinata stayed behind to help Yachi.
“You’re not in a hurry?” Yachi asked him.
“No, I can totally take my time.”
“Great!” Yachi smiled, “I missed you!”
He wondered if she saw him blush.
They packed away, and Hinata waited as she locked the door.
“Yachi, I’m sorry I left you last time.”
“It’s fine, Hinata.” Yachi walked on ahead.
“No it’s not. I mean, it’s late, you work hard, you’re the last to leave. I shouldn’t have.”
“It’s nothing I can’t take on.” Yachi assured him, “It will be worth it when we win Nationals again.”
“Thank you for always believing in us, Yachi.”
“You’re welcome.”
“And I believe in you.” He blurted out.
Yachi looked at him, curious.
“Would you go out with me, Yachi? There are some good movies on this weekend. You can pick one, and I’ll take care of it.” Hinata blabbered on, “We can have a meal after and stuff. We’ll hang out and I hope you’ll like my company enough to see me again when it isn’t practice. But if not, that’s okay too!”
Yachi stopped in her tracks, staring at Hinata. Her eyes were wide with shock.
Hinata scuffled his feet.
“You can answer me another day. I can wait.”
Yachi blushed.
“This weekend, huh? After practice?”
Hinata felt his heart soar.
“Yes. Really.”
He wondered if his face would tear apart from his grin.
“I can hardly wait.” He told her.
“Neither can I.”
He doesn’t remember what it was they talked about after, but the conversation on the way back was perky. Yachi’s eyes were the brightest he’s ever seen.
For Yachi, she never imagined that Hinata would ever be that happy off the court.
For Hinata, as he waved goodbye at Yachi when they reached her apartment building, he found another moment where he felt like he could take off and fly.
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meiyamie · 6 years
Boku no Hero Academia fanfic: Lucky Strike (Rated G, TodoMomo)
First posted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14748216
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After the practical exam, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were immediately escorted back to UA for the post-exam debriefing. X-Rei, Recovery Girl’s assistant, gave them a quick body and health scan when they arrived. Upon making sure that there were no unseen injuries, they were sent to the waiting room for a quick rest before the next  match started.
Yaoyorozu gave a sigh of relief as she sat  by the table. She folded her arms on its surface, pillowing herself as she lay her head down.Todoroki sat next to her, sitting still as he went  through a breathing exercise he had picked up from qi gong.
A few more minutes passed in silence before Todoroki spoke,
“Good job.”
Yaoyorozu gave a nod in acknowledgment.
“We got by.” She said, “Somehow.”
“I’m glad we’re partners.”
Yaoyorozu made a murmur of acknowledgement at what he said then slowly stood up.
“I’m getting a drink, would you like some?” She offered.
“Yes please.”
Yaoyorozu headed to the dispenser on the other end of the room. She realized that there were no cups there, and had to make two of their own from her chest area. She filled the cups with water  then headed back to the table, passing one to Todoroki before she sat back down.
“Thank you.” Todoroki said. Yet he had to pause for a second before taking his first sip. Yaoyorozu saw it.
“Why?” She asked.
“It’s...peculiar to know where this comes from.” He traced one finger over the rim as he answered, then glanced at Yaoyorozu, who frowned.
“It’s clean.”
“I’m sure it is, it’s just--” Todoroki puzzled over it for a second while Yaoyorozu gulped down her drink. It suddenly dawned on him that what he said may have offended her, “Don’t get me wrong -- It’s just different when you see other quirks up close.”
He drank some more then set the cup down.
“Thank you, Yaoyorozu.”
Next thing he knew, Yaoyorozu grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him. Todoroki’s eyes widened as she did. It was like time slowed down for that split second her lips brushed against his and her hands squeezed his shoulders. When the kiss broke, she immediately turned away. Todoroki could only gape at her.
Yaoyorozu answered the silent question, “I’m feeling lucky today,” She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she composed herself, “You believed in me, and I’m grateful for that.”
Before Todoroki could reply, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Yaoyorozu called.
It was one of the UA staffers who wanted to inform them that the next match had started. Yaoyorozu got to her feet and followed him to the screening area without another look back at Todoroki.
Todoroki slowly got up. He paused and touched his lips – that was his first.
He blushed furiously, and it felt like a low fever spread throughout his left side.
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meiyamie · 6 years
Taking prompts for this! The a number of them have already been answered and are up on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/series/1011072. Message me if you have any prompts. I can write for P3, P3P, P4G, and Haikyuu.
64 Sensory Prompts
Watching a meteor shower
Digging your fingers into fresh dirt
Snow being shoved down the back of your coat
Napping in sunshine
Trying to walk on ice
Walking through the woods
Raindrops on eyelashes
The way cold glass fogs when you press your hand against it
A perfectly brewed cup of tea
The taste of Vodka at the back of your throat
Blood at the corner of your mouth
Cloying sweetness on the back of your tongue
The first glass of fresh water
Stale breath when you wake up
The taste of salt on the tip of your tongue
The taste of almonds
Your bed after travelling
Red wine stained lips
Satin in candlelight
Reflections in glass
Thigh-high stockings and garter belts
Neon lights at 1.30am
Darting shadows in the corner of your eye
Dust floating in golden sunlight
The smell of ozone during a storm
The smell of Cologne/Perfume on warm skin
The musty smell of an abandoned home
The bitter tang of acetone
The smell of burning wood
The smell of freshly baked bread
The cold, sharp smell of the first frost
The smell of blood
The feel of fingertips trailing over a bare shoulder blade
The feel of fingers brushing together by accident
Blowing a raspberry against someone’s skin
Being so close that you can feel your lips brush when you whisper 
The tender ache when you press against bruises
A person’s weight as they lie on top of you
Stepping in something squishy
Gritty eyes when you stare into fire too long
A door closing
A ticking wristwatch
Your favourite song on repeat for the hundredth time
Distant traffic
The creak of leather
The waver in a person’s voice when they’re stressed
Singing badly as loud as you can
A quiet sigh as they turn away
Trying to pull on clothes with damp skin
The empty space that can’t be breached between you in bed
The jittery, sick feeling when you can’t do anything
Exhausted numbness after crying
The relief of fatalistic recklessness
The moment when reality starts to make sense again
Finding old photographs you’d forgotten about
Someone accepting the bad parts of you without judging
Brown iodine stains on skin
Rust red dirt
Orange sunsets
Yellow halogen lights
Green wine bottles
Fingertips smudged in blue ink
Indigo skies just before dawn
Violet bruised eyes
Feel free to use in writing and art - I’ll be tracking the tag ‘sensory prompts’ if you want to share :)
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meiyamie · 6 years
The Portrait of the Fic-writer as an Adult
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Prompted by The Bodies of the Girls Who Made Me: Fanfic and the Modern World
My return to fanfic turned out to be part of a long overdue recovery program for me. I have been writing most of my life, I majored in Creative Writing and I was very set on being a writer. But I learned too late in life that I was raised with unrealistic expectations in a third world country. The ones who even got a touch of what JK Rowling or Cassie Clare managed to achieve only managed it when they migrated abroad. 
Creative Writing made me a more conscientious writer and an infinitely better reader. However, being an academic based program, there was that nagging feeling that its grads were expected to write a certain way. I loved my undergrad, but admittedly I let it keep me from writing what I really wanted to write. 
After graduation, my family got into some trouble and I had to hustle. I got to write, but it was a lot of hard sell commissioned work. I didn't mind, but it was just that, work. I was getting other peoples ideas and giving it sense and form. 
I was commission writing for years and the creative part took a long rest. As the publishing industry got hit with the shift to digital and made already bad compensation policies worse, I shifted to education and decided to take up my MA. Education and MA do not allow a lot of time for creative work, but it was a friendlier atmosphere that encouraged creation.
Some time after, when I got depressed and agitated from work, I snapped. In an attempt to calm myself down, I ended up reading manga again and found the fics I used to enjoy as a teenager. 
I ended up writing fanfic again and admittedly it's nothing close to the portfolio I compiled over the years as a CW major. It's tropey, it's porny and I put just enough thought effort into it so it's readable. 
After about several years of literal slaving away with writing-I finally claimed something in me that I didn't even know I killed off. 
And I wasn't able to put it into words until Husbando tried to intervene and hinted that I could be putting time and effort into original work instead which lead to a nasty fight (we're ok now though).
I generally have hang-ups with writing, and fandom appeared to be a less friendlier place than when I started. But while I am being a terrible adult, fic is saving me from being worse? 
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meiyamie · 6 years
I Want You For Worse or For Better
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Summary: Sex, love, intimacy, and the boys and girls of Haikyuu.
I finally caught up with Haikyuu, and I have not been in as in love with anime characters since freakin’ Ruroni Kenshin in 2000-2003.
And dangit, because the lovely fans of twitter are EVIL I ended up fan-shipping Sugawara and Ushijima. They’re very complex characters to work with,  Sugawara can round out what Ushijima lacks, and vice versa and I explore the possibility through a series of slice of life fics called ‘I Want You For Worse or For Better’. Warning: some fics have rated content.
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meiyamie · 6 years
True Blue
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Ah, where do I begin? 
One of the biggest fandoms of my teen years was Ruroni Kenshin, and my ship was Aoshi and Misao. Then I hear that the inspiration for this couple may have come from an illicit place.  As someone who graduated with a bachelor of fine arts degree, I totally get separating the author from the creation... but this is a little too close to home. Anyway, in dealing with deeply conflicting emotions, I wrote fanfic. I said goodbye to my ship through this modern day AU. Admittedly not my best work, my writing suffers with multi-parters, but it was a cathartic exercise. [Read at AO3]
While I still deeply enjoyed the past fics I read about them, I’m not comfortable knowing where that may have come from. 
So thanks for all the oros, kodachi and kunai, RK. I will always have my Bonnie Pink, TM Revolution, and most especially L’arc~en~ciel thanks to you, but I can’t keep you.
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meiyamie · 6 years
50 Shades of Reed
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While I want to say that I was struck by inspiration or something, in all honesty this was made from a stupid joke I thought of in the shower after rereading the CCS manga and my favorite ExT fics from the 00s.
It was also Christmas break, so I would rather write dirty fanfic than clean my apartment. A dirty place for a dirty mind, what can I say?
Contains S&M, some light dom/sub, and lots dirty bits. You have been warned. Please be mindful of your local access laws. [Read more at AO3]
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