mekachanic · 2 years
I have returned after almost 3 years and lemme tell ya.. wow
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mekachanic · 4 years
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mekachanic · 4 years
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mekachanic · 4 years
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General Iroh and his son Prince Lu Ten, from Avatar The Last Airbender: Legacy of the Fire Nation (preorder).
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mekachanic · 4 years
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We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have colors and patterns that we cannot see because they’re outside of our visual range. It calls to attention how much of the world we can’t experience because our senses are limited. When we shine UV lights on them, they glow pink or blue, but these are the colors that we CAN see…. they could be a bunch of different colors, which we SEE as all pink. It’s also interesting to consider that most of these animals are not aware of having glowing patches on their bodies…. isn’t it also possible that we have skin or hair patterns that were not aware of? . . (There is actually some research out there to support the idea that our own skin fluoresces as well and that there are gender differences in the pattern and glow.) Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER    
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mekachanic · 4 years
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I was taking pics of this kitten sitting on her mom when her sister came to square up
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mekachanic · 4 years
ok so honestly? i'm pretty fucking sure your original post would only seem petty to any person who DOESN'T have to deal with this shit on the regular, so not hard to guess the type of person this bitchass anon is and frankly, their opinion doesn't matter mostly bc they staunching on anon lmao
p.s. u were right op
for anyone who does this to promote their work and stuff, we get it you want more people to see it so you're using as much tags as you can but please don't bc it's frustrating af esp when the tag gets clogged with that unrelated stuff or little to nothing of that character
👏🏼 be 👏🏼 respectful 👏🏼 when 👏🏼 asking 👏🏼 something 👏🏼 instead 👏🏼 of 👏🏼 sounding 👏🏼 like 👏🏼 a 👏🏼 petty 👏🏼 bitch 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Ok first of all. I was respectful, That’s not the first post I have made about it. Second. Go into the Jackie tag and tell me I’m wrong. Third. if I want to sound like petty bitch that’s my problem. And lastly. Why should I treat with respect people who have absolutely no respect for me??
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mekachanic · 4 years
The Demo is Live!
Howdy folks! The demo is live! Ack!
Check out the demo link here.
Update: view the COG forum post here!
Here’s a blurb from the forum:
This particular story is called The Goodfellows, and the very, very quick gist is that it’s about what happens when mythology meets spirituality meets fate meets a small crew of mercenaries and black market specialists who meet… you.
This is a fantasy-type adventure with maybe some slight buddy-cop vibes.
Rebuild you life from the ashes of your imprisonment! Er, well. That might be overselling it. Keep your life from falling apart any more than it already has!
Befriend (or befrenemy?) a cast of, ahem, interesting characters. Do they have dirty secrets? Can you expose them? Will they expose you? Who knows!
Pull the strings of fate, both yours and others– you can be the reason why others live and die. And playing god has… consequences…
Get involved with the shenanigans of the Arcane. This one might end a little badly for you, not going to lie! Do your best to not get killed. (:
And the main cast:
Avery has been orbiting the world of black market information for years. They’re smart and well-learned, and they use their charm and easy smiles to fly under the radar. They’re reticent with personal information, but their amicability belies their secretiveness.They make choices with their head, and they live their life by the principles of curiosity and observation. RO option!
Eliza first made contact with Fernando in her home city of Brightland. She joined his quest out of hope for adventure and interest in his obvious ambition. She’s a force of nature who lives her life boldly and unapologetically–and maybe a little abrasively.She makes choices with her head, but generally defers to collective opinion. RO option!
Fernando is wildly ambitious. He’s clawed his way from humble beginnings to a person of modest repute, largely thanks to his talent for making friends and establishing connections. He loves a good storyteller. He makes his choices with his heart, and gets what he wants by charming the pants off anyone and everyone. RO option!
Jakobi has carefully cultivated his current business positioning—the right balance of ruthless and considerate, his reputation is crucial. He advocates for a cautious approach to every aspect of life, and always wants cooler heads to prevail. He makes decisions with his heart, much to his chagrin. RO option!
Winifred is perfectly lovely and kind until you make the mistake of pushing her buttons. Her fuse is short and explosive, and it’s given her a reputation as a fireball. She makes her decisions with her heart, which can exacerbate her temper. Winnie’s choices are influenced by her desire to maintain and protect her family. RO option!
The Traveler is, has been, and will be watching you. They’re very, very intrigued. You’re a bit of a lost soul. What better kind of soul to guide? Non-romancable.
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mekachanic · 4 years
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Julie D’Aubigny was a 17th-century bisexual French opera singer and fencing master who killed or wounded at least ten men in life-or-death duels, performed nightly shows on the biggest and most highly-respected opera stage in the world, and once took the Holy Orders just so that she could sneak into a convent and shag a nun.
(via Feminism)
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mekachanic · 4 years
I have problems finding different "voices" for each of my characters. Could you help me by maybe explain the different aspect that can change one's voice? Thank you!
Hi, love!  Thanks for your question and your patience :)  I love writing unique character voices, both in dialogue and narration, just because it can make a story completely different just through the way it’s told.  There are a lot of different aspects to a character voice, though, so I’ll just go through the basics I run in my mind when I develop voices.
Aspects of Character Voice
Education – To be as realistic for your character as possible, you need to consider the level of education they received growing up.  There are too many characters in modern fiction who speak eloquently, confidently, and grammatically correct, yet don’t have the educational backstory to support this.  This is especially important if the character has to speak publicly, which many overlook as a skill that must be developed.
Influences – People learn how to speak, how to joke, and how to appeal to others from their family, friends, and idols.  For example: my aunt is much more reserved than my father and uncle.  She’s a quiet, thoughtful psychologist – but every once in a while, she shows her roots over her education by engaging in some of the awful puns that run in my dad’s side of the family.  Puns seem uncharacteristic of her at first glance, but it adds depth to who she is by reaching back into her childhood.
Communication Style – I touched on this in my post on character traits, and it probably applies even more here.  Your characters aren’t all going to speak up at the same times, about the same things, in the same ways.  Some people avoid confrontation; some people can’t ignore irritants.  Some people are open about their personal affairs; some don’t feel comfortable sharing their middle name with friends.  Some people think out loud, and occupy the room subconsciously.  Some people use humor to mask their feelings, and rarely speak without a hint of irony in their voice.  Some people are horribly self-aware, and some people talk without really hearing or filtering themselves.  It’s all important.
Demeanor – Mood, countenance, disposition – basically, what is the character’s general attitude?  If someone were to describe them in a couple of words, what would they be?  Some people are generally positive, and some are generally negative, or irritable, or uncomfortable, or emotional, or just really strong in whatever direction.  I had a friend in theatre describe me as “anxious at rest”, and I think that pretty much covers my demeanor.  Now, no one behaves one way all the time – this is just more of a “default emotion” that colors how they approach certain situations.
Example: Because I’m “anxious at rest”, I feel happiness like butterflies in my limbs, and sadness like it’s raining bullets in my stomach.  Because my brother is naturally chill as hell (my words), he feels happiness like a warm, gooey piece of pie, and sadness like a thin, wet sheet clinging to his skin.
Social Skills – This can tie into education and influences, but also has a lot to do with personality.  A character can be raised to know and value social convention, or they can pick it up themselves; or they can disregard social “rules” despite any kind of education.  How does your character handle awkward situations?  Are they blunt with strangers?  Are they respectful to authority?  Do they keep their opinions to themselves, or speak up no matter what?  Do they at all change themselves or their behavior to adapt to new situations?  There’s a spectrum there, between 100%-Integrity and Chameleon status, and your character’s somewhere on it.
Sense of Humor – I’ve talked about this before, too, but for posterity, I’ll add it here.  When writing a character’s voice, you have to think about what amuses them – and it’s not necessarily what amuses you.  I think of the show The Office, which is basically a playground of different senses of humor.  There’s Michael Scott, who works with things like “that’s what she said” and celebrity impressions; there’s Jim Halpert, who’s both sarcastic and a diehard prankster; there’s Pam Beesly, who can only offer puns along the line of, “I’ll put out an A.P.B. – an Ask Pam Beesly.”  These small details make characters sound distinct from each other.
Introversion/Extroversion – Lastly, a lot of how a character communicates depends on how they experience social interactions.  Are they energized by conversations and social events, or do these things drain them?  Do they seek out others, or do they wait to be addressed?  Are their thoughts focused outwardly – on what’s going on around them, what others are saying or thinking, on how they appear to others – or inwardly – on their internal thoughts and interests, on what they’re thinking and feeling?  This will affect how they speak and how they narrate the story, even if you’re not writing in first-person.
Anyway, that’s basically what came to mind when I saw your question.  If this doesn’t help you, be sure to send us another ask with more information :)  Good luck!
– Mod Joanna ♥️
If you need advice on general writing or fanfiction, you should maybe ask us!
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mekachanic · 5 years
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mekachanic · 5 years
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I never did get to show her…
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mekachanic · 5 years
your lesbian. ?
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mekachanic · 5 years
your lesbian. ?
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mekachanic · 5 years
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mekachanic · 5 years
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Superman: Red Son (2020), dir. Sam Liu
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mekachanic · 5 years
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