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It's all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone. . . . #doggos #mrmelano #vetvisit #rescuedog #coneofshame
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Mom, I know you're just sitting and making a ravendore blanket, but your hr isn't happy about that. Sthap. . . . #dogblr #servicedogdobby #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #chronicmigraines #servicedog #enlishmastiff #hralert #ravendore #gryfinpuff #potterhead
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My emoational support. My nurse dog . . . #dogblr #mrmelano #chronicmigraines #chronicillness #dogsofinstagram #muttsofinstagram
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This is us, migraine and pots alerts were crazy this am, laying in bed with my infusion and Toradol for the pain, new POTS medication leveled out my blood pressure and heart rate some more. It was a day spent in bed again trying to get up the energy to go anywhere. . . . #englishmastiff #chronicmigraines #chronicillness #potsie #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #piccline #servicedogdobby #dogblr
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Today is a good day, for my mental health and the last stretch of this month of awareness I went to my counsler before coming home to a toyapalooza with the doggos. . . . #mentalhealth #dogblr #mrmelano #servicedogdobby #myboys #mayismentalhealthawarenessmonth #depression #anxiety #ptsd #chronicillness #spoonie #chronicpain #chronicmigraines #sanity #boringselfcare #selfcare
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Went with a friend and saw a movie today, it was good! And got out of the house, that's been a #mentalhealth goal this week, to get out of the house every day. I think that's important no matter what battle youre fighting. . . . #mentalhealthawareness #servicedogdobby #mayismentalhealthawarenessmonth #mrmelano #soloastarwarsstory #depression #anxiety #ptsd #potsie #chronicmigraines #chronicillness #spoonie #selfcare #dogblr
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Yesterday was a day of rest for me. Also a bad migraine. Driving to and from Seattle for tests took alot out of me, but I did it. Taking a day of rest, an introvert day, a day where I don't push through the pain, is necessary for me sometimes. #selfcare takes many forms, yesterday was resting. , , . #servicedogdobby #dogblr #cuddlebug #migrainealertdog #mentalhealth #sleepsanywhere #mastiff #englishmastiff #depreession #anxiety #ptsd #mayismentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealthawareness
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"look mom, there's something I wanna show you!" ...." Yeah, he died" straight from the mouths of babes. This weekend was really hard for me, mentally and physically. Today's #mentalhealth was going to counseling, yesterday's was getting out of the house. Dobby in this picture reflected me this weekend in bed. 'yeah, (s)he died'. . . . #sleepsanywhere #dogblr #servicedogdobby #servicedog #joanns #toddlerisms
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Today's #mentalhealthawareness is cross stitching and project runway then criminal minds. I'm living up a day without appointmets or responsibilites besides living (infusions, fighting to eat and meds all day are included in living). . . #dogblr #mayismentalhealthawarenessmonth
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Yesterday's #mentalhealthawareness was not getting on Instagram. Mostly. Man it was hard! I tried to run some errands but that didn't work out well. Panic attack ensued, ugh body and mind health is hard while life is happening. . . . #mrmelano #dogblr #mayismentalhealthawarenessmonth #depression #anxiety #panicattack #muttsofinstagram #selfcare #boringselfcare #mentalhealth
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There's a lump in my bed! Yesterday's #mentalhealth thing was LEAVING THE HOUSE. Yes, I stayed in the car, and it was to the corner to pick up my prescriptions, but it counts. Today... I have no idea what to do. Suggestions? . . . #servicedogdobby #dogblr #maymentalhealthawarenessmonth #selfcare #boringselfcare #potsie #chronicmigraines
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Since May is mental health awareness month I'm trying to do one thing a day to help my mental health. Yesterday I stopped at a park on the side of the highway and had a short walk with my hero. Today I watched one of those 'try not to laugh video's on YouTube guarenteed to get you to smile. What will you do today for your mental health? . . . #servicedogdobby #dogblr #stateparksrock #mentalhealthawareness #depression #anxiety #selfcare #onethingaday #challenge #mayhealthawareness #semicolonproject #chronicillness #spoonie #chronicpain #painwarriors
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Made it back from portland yesterday, someone's in sync with me . . . #exhausted #longdrive #servicedogdobby #dogblr #englishmastiff #hydration #piccline #potsie #chronicmigraines
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It's a high pain day for reasons other than a migraine. Someones reminding me to keep it at an arms length though. Now if only my legs worked more... . . . #pain #servicedogdobby #dogblr #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #potsie #chronicmigraine #fibromyalgia #washedmyhairnowexhausted
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Got a new carpet, its like a bear rug but a little bumpier. 😂. . . . #servicedogdobby #dogblr #newrug #mastiff #englishmastiff #servicedog
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Professor plumb, in the library with a wrench. (He screwed up my day ofc). . . . #servicedogdobby #dogblr #clue #library #paws #servicedog #alwaysworking
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Dog TV . . . #dogblr #dogtv #servicedogdobby #mrmelano #roommates #alwaysworking
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