meliaki · 11 months
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Broken without you
Jake X y/n
TW: death 💀
Jake was the perfect boyfriend. he and Y/n had a beautiful and loving relationship. Jake would often pamper Y/n with gifts, take her on romantic dates, and make sure she felt special and loved every day. However one day everything changed. Jake started to come home late, ignore y/n, and stopped asking to see her to go on dates.
Y/n woke up to a familiar buzzing of her phone, and she quickly reached for it without even opening her eyes. A text from Jake, asking to meet up. Her heart raced with excitement, and she quickly jumped out of bed, throwing on her favorite dress and running a brush through her hair. The idea of spending time with Jake again filled her with happiness and joy, and she could hardly wait to see him. Her world came crashing down when she heard these words "I want to breakup." A million thoughts ran through her mind and she burst into tears. After all that they went through he decided to break up with y/n for no reason. "Why?" She tried to keep her composure but failed as she was choked up with tears. Jake simply stood up and walked away, leaving y/n crying.
Y/n pov
It has been a week since that incident. I still can't get over him. I have many questions for him. "Why did he want to break up?" "What did I do wrong?" "Why did he leave me without an explanation?" These thoughts constantly rushed through my head. This has affected me to the point where I had to take leave from my work. I am constantly reminded of the relationship we had before our breakup that time where he surprised me for my birthday: that one date we went on to the aquarium, when he tried his best to cook breakfast for me but ended up burning the frying pan... the thought of these memories made me chuckle but I was hit with a thousand bricks when I came to a realisation of what happened. I missed the Jake who always made me laugh even when I am sad, the one who would always shower me with gifts, the one who would constantly bring me on dates every week.
Just then I felt the buzzing of my phone I picked it up to see Jake's mother calling me. "Y/n you really need to come to the hospital now!" I immediately rushed to my car and turned on the engine.
Jake's pov (1 month ago)
"You only have a month left to live." The moment the doctor broke the news, my heart was broken into a million pieces. "What am I going to do?, what about y/n?" I thought to myself. I do not care if I die or not, all I care about is y/n. How am I going to break the news to her? How would she react to this? How would she feel after my death? The life I had planned for the two of us was gone. We planned to get married and have two kids and a dog.
Just the thought of the future that could never happen with the two of us made my heart ache. "Why did this have to happen? What did I do in my past life to have this happen to y/n and I? All I want is to be with y/n forever..." I thought to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks non stop. I gathered my composure as I walked out of the doctor's office.
I debated whether to tell her about my illness or keep it a secret. Just the thought of her not being able to move on from me made me heartbroken. I would never want to see my girl like that. Eventually, I decided that keeping it a secret and breaking up with her would be the best option for both of us.
After several weeks of acting cold towards y/n, I no longer had the energy or strength to take care of her the way i used to, and  began to withdraw emotionally. My responses to Y/n's phone calls and texts became shorter, and i stopped asking to see her or go on dates. I could tell that Y/n was confused and hurt, wondering what she had done wrong to cause me to change like this but it is still better than telling her the truth.
It was a week before my death date. The day that I decided to break up with her. I saw y/n walk into the restaurant looking as beautiful as ever. I started to regret my decision. "I want to break up with you." I said in a monotonous voice while trying to control my emotions. She asked me why but I just walked away. The moment I was out of her sight, I couldn't help but break down in tears.
(One week later) It felt like an eternity lying on my death bed for a week. I wonder if y/n is coping well with the news. Everywhere in my body hurt especially in the stomach with my stomach tumor. I could feel my body starting to give up. "Jake!!" A familiar voice could be heard coming from the door. I immediately came to my senses and realised that it was y/n! "Why didn't you tell me about this!" Y/n sobbed with tears rolling down her face nonstop. "I didn't want you to be devastated after my death, I want you to be happy and free to live your life without the burden of my illness." I said while trying to control my emotions. Y/n immediately pulled me into a tight hug, that was when I broke down into tears.
Y/n pov
"Jake is in the hospital with a terminal disease!" Jake's mother said in a state of panic. A whirlwind of emotions overcame me as I rushed to the hospital. I can't believe Jake never told me this. I was devastated to realise that Jake had been going through so much on his own, and that he had broken up with me to protect me. "Jake!!" I exclaimed while running through the hospital room door. "Why didn't you tell me about this!" I cried while pulling him into a tight hug and not wanting to let go.
After he explained, I dip my head and he catches my lips in a deep kiss that tilts his head to meet me. He presses his mouth against mine in a passionate kiss. His eyes meet mine as he parts his lips and whisper "I'm sorry...y/n, I love you." When my mouth parts with his, it feels as though he punched a hole straight through my chest and makes a fist around my heart. It hurts, it's terrifying, I want this kiss to last for an eternity. "I love you too jake..." Sadly the kiss would never last forever. Jake started grimacing in pain while clenching his stomach. He was about to pass out. The nurses and doctors pulled me away from Jake and started doing medical procedures. Jake's body was about to shut down. The heart rate machine went from going up and down to ending in a straight line with a long beep sound, signalling the death of Jake. "Noo..." I cried as I kneeled on the ground weakly. If only I knew about this sooner...I would have been able to spend more time with him and care for him.
I was overwhelmed with a range of emotions sadness, loss and regret. I was reminded with of the wonderful moments we had shared together. The wonderful life we could have had if not for his illness. Despite the pain and regret I felt, i am grateful for the memories we have and will hold on to the love we shared.
Y'alls I'm still a new writer 😅 I really appreciate likes and reblogs 🥰🥰🥰
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meliaki · 11 months
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Duolingo X heeseung
(this is just for fun 😭😭)
Heeseung had always been a fan of learning new things, especially learning new languages. Growing up in Korea, he was fortunate enough to be fluent in his native language, Korean, but he had always wanted to expand his horizons further. He had tried learning English and Japanese in the past, but he quickly realized that he lacked the time and resources to fully immerse himself in those languages.
That's when he heard about Duolingo, an app that promised to teach users the fundamentals of many different languages. He was impressed by the app's user-friendly interface and its ability to track his progress, and he started to use it regularly. He started with Spanish, and was amazed at how quickly he could pick up new words and phrases.
As he dug deeper into the app's lessons and his desire to learn Spanish grew. As he studied and practiced daily, he started to notice a curious little owl mascot appearing next to his progress bar. He found the mascot adorable and charming, and it was only through his curiosity about the app's makers that he realized that the owl was part of a team at Duolingo.
As he thought more about the owl, he started to feel more than just a desire to learn a new language - he was also starting to have feelings for the mascot itself. He knew that it was silly to have feelings for a cartoon character, but he couldn't help himself - he kept finding reasons to open the app and study Spanish, just so he could see the owl again.
One day, Heeseung's members dared him to ask the Duolingo owl out on a date. He knew it was crazy, but he couldn't resist the challenge. With a little bit of encouragement from his friends, he mustered up the courage to ask the owl out, and to his surprise, the owl said yes!
The date was a resounding success, with the two of them exploring the streets of Madrid and practicing their Spanish together. He and the owl clicked immediately, bonding over their shared love of language and culture. As they spent more time together, Heeseung knew that he was falling in love with the owl, and he was determined to make their relationship work.
He knew that people might think that he was crazy for falling in love with a cartoon owl, but he didn't care. The owl madehim happy, and that was all that mattered. They began to see each other more often, exploring the world together and learning new languages. As they started to talk about the future, Heeseung knew that he wanted to spend his life with his owl. With her by his side, he felt like he could conquer anything - even the world's toughest languages.
They both knew that their relationship was unusual, but they didn't let that stop them. They were content to live in their own little world, surrounded by language and love. He knew that he was lucky to have found such a unique and wonderful relationship, one that was built on shared passions and a deep love for each other. With the owl by his side, Heeseung knew that he was truly happy.
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meliaki · 11 months
jungwon oneshot
enhypen fluff, academic rivals
Y/N's unwavering dedication to her grades left little room for thoughts of romance. Her friends struggled to understand why she prioritized studying over socializing. However, there was one person she despised above all else - Yang Jungwon, her academic rival. For some inexplicable reason, Jungwon possessed a level of intelligence that rivaled Y/N's own, and the mere thought of him surpassing her in their studies haunted her.
Since the first day of high school, Y/N and Jungwon had been locked in an intense academic rivalry. Their clashes extended beyond the classroom, often manifesting in passionate debates during class discussions. Each of them would challenge the other's ideas, presenting meticulously researched arguments and counterarguments. Their debates were nothing short of captivating, leaving their classmates in awe of their intellectual prowess. Unfortunately, the rivalry between Y/N and Jungwon extended beyond the realm of academia. Jungwon and his group of friends took pleasure in teasing and making fun of Y/N, adding insult to injury. The constant taunting only fueled Y/N's determination to outshine Jungwon and prove her worth.
pov y/n
It was the day our teacher would announce the groups for our project work. My best friend and I exchanged hopeful glances, silently praying that we would end up in the same group. As our teacher spoke, my heart sank when I heard the dreaded words, "Jungwon, Heeseung, and Y/N, you guys will be working together on a group project." In that moment, it felt like my world came crashing down. The thought of working with Jungwon, my academic rival, was the last thing I wanted. Anger surged through me as I thought to myself, "How am I supposed to work with him?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes in frustration.
My dislike for Jungwon ran deep. He constantly teased and made fun of me, always trying to provoke a reaction.
The idea of spending extended time with him on a project filled me with dread. Later, during the break, I headed to the library in search of a book on the topic our group was supposed to research. I scoured the shelves, searching high and low, but to my dismay, I couldn't find the book anywhere.
Just as I glanced over, I noticed Jungwon leaning casually against a bookshelf, holding the book I needed in one hand, wearing a smug expression. Frustration welled up inside me as I whispered to myself, "Why does he have to have that book?" Summoning up the last bit of patience, I reluctantly approached Jungwon and mustered the courage to ask, "Excuse me, may I have that book, please?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes, already anticipating his response.
With a cocky expression, Jungwon retorted, "Why should I give it to you? I got it first." His words dripped with arrogance, fueling my annoyance even further. "Pleaseeee," I pleaded, my voice tinged with exasperation. I hoped that maybe, just maybe, he would show a hint of kindness or empathy. A mischievous smirk played on Jungwon's face as he replied, "Okay, fine. I'll let you have the book if you can reach it." His challenge only added to my growing frustration. Without wasting a moment, Jungwon deliberately placed the book on the top shelf, well out of my reach. I could hear his chuckles as he watched me struggle, relishing in my predicament.
Refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me jump around like a fool, I quickly spotted a nearby stool and grabbed it. Stepping onto the stool, I hoped it would grant me the extra height I needed to retrieve the book. However, even with the added boost, my short stature proved to be a hindrance, and the book remained just out of my grasp. Amidst my struggle, I couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. The sound of Jungwon's laughter only intensified these emotions, making me more determined to find a way to retrieve the book and prove him wrong.
As I tried to back up a little on the stool to create more space, I suddenly lost my footing. Panic surged through me as I realized I couldn't save myself. The nearby shelves were still too far for my hands to reach and grab onto, leaving me no choice but to succumb to the fall. In that split second, I landed on top of Jungwon, and we both tumbled to the ground together. As I processed what had just happened, a rush of emotions flooded over me. I found myself on top of him, my hands instinctively resting on his chest. Our lips were unexpectedly pressed against each other, and I could feel his warm breath against my face. My eyes widened in shock as the realization of the situation hit me. His heart raced beneath my hands, mirroring the realization that had dawned on him as well. "How did this happen?" I wondered, my mind racing to comprehend the unexpected intimacy that had unfolded between us.
The last thing I ever anticipated was finding myself in such a vulnerable and intimate position with my academic rival.
As I hastily got up from the floor, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The realization of what had just transpired between Jungwon and me hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe that a simple accident had led to such an intimate and unexpected moment.
Embarrassment flooded through me as I replayed the scene in my mind. Our bodies entangled, lips touching, and the palpable tension in the air. It was a moment that I never anticipated, especially with someone I had considered my academic rival for so long. The awkwardness of the situation was palpable as I stumbled over my words, muttering a feeble "sorry" before hastily retreating from the scene. My face burned with embarrassment, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of regret and confusion that washed over me. As I walked away, I couldn't help but wonder how this incident would affect our relationship moving forward. Would it change the dynamic between us? Would it create an even greater rivalry or perhaps something entirely unexpected?
These questions swirled in my mind, leaving me with a mix of anticipation and apprehension about what the future held. Despite my best efforts to forget the incident and move on, the memory of that accidental intimacy lingered in my thoughts, serving as a constant reminder of the unexpected twists and turns life can take.
hi guys this is my first post,, if you find it nice I appreciate any reblogs or likes 🥰
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meliaki · 11 months
Hi guys I'm a new enha writer and would appreciate it if u support me 👹👹👹
My new jw oneshot
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meliaki · 11 months
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jungwon academic rivals
enhypen fluff, academic rivals
Y/N's unwavering dedication to her grades left little room for thoughts of romance. Her friends struggled to understand why she prioritized studying over socializing. However, there was one person she despised above all else - Yang Jungwon, her academic rival. For some inexplicable reason, Jungwon possessed a level of intelligence that rivaled Y/N's own, and the mere thought of him surpassing her in their studies haunted her.
Since the first day of high school, Y/N and Jungwon had been locked in an intense academic rivalry. Their clashes extended beyond the classroom, often manifesting in passionate debates during class discussions. Each of them would challenge the other's ideas, presenting meticulously researched arguments and counterarguments. Their debates were nothing short of captivating, leaving their classmates in awe of their intellectual prowess. Unfortunately, the rivalry between Y/N and Jungwon extended beyond the realm of academia. Jungwon and his group of friends took pleasure in teasing and making fun of Y/N, adding insult to injury. The constant taunting only fueled Y/N's determination to outshine Jungwon and prove her worth.
pov y/n
It was the day our teacher would announce the groups for our project work. My best friend and I exchanged hopeful glances, silently praying that we would end up in the same group. As our teacher spoke, my heart sank when I heard the dreaded words, "Jungwon, Heeseung, and Y/N, you guys will be working together on a group project." In that moment, it felt like my world came crashing down. The thought of working with Jungwon, my academic rival, was the last thing I wanted. Anger surged through me as I thought to myself, "How am I supposed to work with him?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes in frustration.
My dislike for Jungwon ran deep. He constantly teased and made fun of me, always trying to provoke a reaction.
The idea of spending extended time with him on a project filled me with dread. Later, during the break, I headed to the library in search of a book on the topic our group was supposed to research. I scoured the shelves, searching high and low, but to my dismay, I couldn't find the book anywhere.
Just as I glanced over, I noticed Jungwon leaning casually against a bookshelf, holding the book I needed in one hand, wearing a smug expression. Frustration welled up inside me as I whispered to myself, "Why does he have to have that book?" Summoning up the last bit of patience, I reluctantly approached Jungwon and mustered the courage to ask, "Excuse me, may I have that book, please?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes, already anticipating his response.
With a cocky expression, Jungwon retorted, "Why should I give it to you? I got it first." His words dripped with arrogance, fueling my annoyance even further. "Pleaseeee," I pleaded, my voice tinged with exasperation. I hoped that maybe, just maybe, he would show a hint of kindness or empathy. A mischievous smirk played on Jungwon's face as he replied, "Okay, fine. I'll let you have the book if you can reach it." His challenge only added to my growing frustration. Without wasting a moment, Jungwon deliberately placed the book on the top shelf, well out of my reach. I could hear his chuckles as he watched me struggle, relishing in my predicament.
Refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me jump around like a fool, I quickly spotted a nearby stool and grabbed it. Stepping onto the stool, I hoped it would grant me the extra height I needed to retrieve the book. However, even with the added boost, my short stature proved to be a hindrance, and the book remained just out of my grasp. Amidst my struggle, I couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. The sound of Jungwon's laughter only intensified these emotions, making me more determined to find a way to retrieve the book and prove him wrong.
As I tried to back up a little on the stool to create more space, I suddenly lost my footing. Panic surged through me as I realized I couldn't save myself. The nearby shelves were still too far for my hands to reach and grab onto, leaving me no choice but to succumb to the fall. In that split second, I landed on top of Jungwon, and we both tumbled to the ground together. As I processed what had just happened, a rush of emotions flooded over me. I found myself on top of him, my hands instinctively resting on his chest. Our lips were unexpectedly pressed against each other, and I could feel his warm breath against my face. My eyes widened in shock as the realization of the situation hit me. His heart raced beneath my hands, mirroring the realization that had dawned on him as well. "How did this happen?" I wondered, my mind racing to comprehend the unexpected intimacy that had unfolded between us.
The last thing I ever anticipated was finding myself in such a vulnerable and intimate position with my academic rival.
As I hastily got up from the floor, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The realization of what had just transpired between Jungwon and me hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe that a simple accident had led to such an intimate and unexpected moment.
Embarrassment flooded through me as I replayed the scene in my mind. Our bodies entangled, lips touching, and the palpable tension in the air. It was a moment that I never anticipated, especially with someone I had considered my academic rival for so long. The awkwardness of the situation was palpable as I stumbled over my words, muttering a feeble "sorry" before hastily retreating from the scene. My face burned with embarrassment, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of regret and confusion that washed over me. As I walked away, I couldn't help but wonder how this incident would affect our relationship moving forward. Would it change the dynamic between us? Would it create an even greater rivalry or perhaps something entirely unexpected?
These questions swirled in my mind, leaving me with a mix of anticipation and apprehension about what the future held. Despite my best efforts to forget the incident and move on, the memory of that accidental intimacy lingered in my thoughts, serving as a constant reminder of the unexpected twists and turns life can take.
hi guys this is my first post,, if you find it nice I appreciate any reblogs or likes 🥰
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