mellow-honey · 8 months
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bioware i’m in your walls
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mellow-honey · 1 year
Shipping isn't trying to explain why a relationship is actually canon. It's not even trying to explain why it should or could be canon. Shipping is saying "wouldn't it be funny if these two fucked" and everyone needs to remember that.
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mellow-honey · 1 year
alright let's do another question post
what nicknames does varric give your ocs?
you know, bc not everyone's gonna be a waffles/chuckles/killer. or, what nicknames do other characters (isabela loves nicknames too!) give your ocs?
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mellow-honey · 2 years
If I may add on, the one thing I've noticed about this writing decision as it regards to grey morality is that a lot of these people think grey exists by itself and/or one shade. The nuance of an individual of having a line you just don't cross based on their own (in this case, fictional) morals.
The depth and perspectives that are watered down to wishy-washy feelings and then aggressively defended as 'nuanced grey morality' really makes me laugh.
okay so like.obviously anders approving of hawke giving fenris back to danarius is abhorrent but. it only results in minor rivalry points from the rest of the squad?
like this should absolutely be a make or break moment. the party members watching fenris be given back into slavery shouldnt just give hawke +5 rivalry or whatever. they should fight hawke over it. that choice shouldnt even be in the game. so idk i think maybe anders approval should be taken with a pinch of salt lol his approval also just makes no sense, its so out of character. anders is a person who believes in freedom first and foremost and i think they could have had so many moments between him and fenris sharing solidarity over the different oppression they’ve both faced as a mage and elf, respectively. but instead bioware just did their usual bullshit
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mellow-honey · 2 years
As long as its not the jewelry looted during colonial and should be returned to the respective countries then sure 😌
"many people will find this disorientating" yeah the poor working class who will be crippled by how much focus and money will be put into the official mourning of her death so maybe in honour of her "dignity and decency" you might fucking. idk. help some people out? spend some of the riches of buckingham palace on civil support?
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mellow-honey · 2 years
"I like how there are no good characters… it’s just a tragedy” is such a wild commentary to make as if a character has to be morally wholesome to not have bad shit happen to them?
Literally, that’s life. Someone made a post about how you're the antagonist in someone else's story no matter how good you think you are. Assuming no one is on some fuckshit here, I don't see how these types of themes is media is constantly being dwindled down to basic black and white singularities.
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mellow-honey · 2 years
I don't know how old those posts are and if people still go by those interpretations but can someone point to me why so many people came to the conclusion that the Dalish 'were all wrong' in their mythology, when an underlying part of Inquisition was about how there is a semblance of truth behind every legend? Yes, Cassandra pointed out how every retelling leads to it being mangled, but considering between the time of the Veil being put up and Tevinter destroying Arlathan, the stories were passed down by elves living within that time period. So other than just liking Solas and taking everything he says as gospel, just how was that a conclusion?
(Just because the elves were at the end of a civil war, doesn't mean that Tevinter didn't invade and destroy what could have been knowledge instrumental to magical studies :))
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mellow-honey · 2 years
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“if things had been different, i could have been one of them.” 
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mellow-honey · 2 years
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mellow-honey · 2 years
yall gotta be nicer about m/f  bc sometimes u guys like the blandest gay sutff ive ever seen in my life
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mellow-honey · 2 years
Wasn't it because the seeker lusius brought them there and templars just follow orders and barely ever question them?
The templars basing their operations in Therinfal Redoubt instead of White Spire still makes no sense to me
The templar order I know and love would have refused to leave Val Royeaux and escalated the matter into a full blown coup
The only scary Chantry employees are Leliana and Cassandra, who were both missing in action, so I think their odds were decent
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mellow-honey · 2 years
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mellow-honey · 2 years
The second paragraph made me rewatch the first episode and it gave me the impression that while that is true, it didn't look like the main kids had that kind of pressure on them. From having the time to seemingly set up an arcade with Vi having the most high score entries, to her admitting 'we thought we could handle a real job'.
While it may not have been the best life for kids, based on what's shown in those first three episodes, he really tried to give them a life better than most kids in the undercity and now I'm going to cry about episode 3 again.
Maybe because of the culture I was raised in, as well as being the youngest growing up, but seeing so many posts and review about Vander being a neglectful parent is completely wild to me? Especially considering that none of the kids had any resentment towards him or his relationship with Vi.
Not to mention Mylo and Claggor supporting Vi and reminding her that they see him as much as a father as she did.
It's not a matter of him being completely innocent or whatever, but he was an ok to decent parent, and I just wanna know what I'm missing to be seeing so many interpretations of him being neglectful?
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mellow-honey · 2 years
Maybe because of the culture I was raised in, as well as being the youngest growing up, but seeing so many posts and review about Vander being a neglectful parent is completely wild to me? Especially considering that none of the kids had any resentment towards him or his relationship with Vi.
Not to mention Mylo and Claggor supporting Vi and reminding her that they see him as much as a father as she did.
It's not a matter of him being completely innocent or whatever, but he was an ok to decent parent, and I just wanna know what I'm missing to be seeing so many interpretations of him being neglectful?
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mellow-honey · 2 years
if ever you find symbolism in my writing please tell me i’d like to know about it too
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mellow-honey · 2 years
The fact that I’m all for this but in reality this is a revolving conversation that has been going on for a good while. There are so many people here that jump up to greet these type of people cause they love any form of spectacle.
As for hearing any peace of information from Jamaican government, I take it with a grain of salt cause both political parties are performative.
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Yasss Jamaica🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲
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mellow-honey · 2 years
I hate strawberries and everyone who says mangoes is no longer allowed in heaven
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Mangoes. Hands down it’s mangoes
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