Does this always happen in South Africa? I know why this story was hidden, but it should be heard.
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Nine white hikers stabbed by black thugs in yet another hate crime in South Africa. Media SILENT! (repost with usernames blurred)
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An idea for a character I have. I want to post more different stuff in the future. #character #girl #face #drawing #inkdrawing #inkdrawingart #sketch
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That question has been bothering me for awhile, thank you so much for answering it!
Hey Holly, I have a question. If you were making a traditional (not digital) webcomic with a dark skinned character, would you do something to make the skin darker or would you just keep it white?
Well depends on the medium and if your doing it in black and white or not,
if its black and white, you can make an inkwash, which is diluted ink with water, and it makes a solid grey tone so you can make stuff like this:
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Or if you dont like the mess of stuff having to dry and potential ink smearing mistakes you can use screentones! I made a video on how to make your own screentones here
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For full color comics, you can make them with watercolor or copic markers and that works just fine for consistant POC
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Did this person just not read carefully?
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Hey, sorry I haven't been very active, I've been busy with college and work, but I'm planning to be more active in the future. This was done with an ink wash which is something I'm new to, I'm just practicing. #inkwash #art #artistsoninstagram #traditionalart #bedroom #practice #blackstarindiaink
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Bling, Blog, Clickbait, Vape, Snark, Chillax
i just found out merriam webster has a time traveler feature that tells you some of the words that were “born” the same year as you. it’s pretty neat yall should do this
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This art needs a lot of work
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Why Microaggressions Hurt Artist: Alli Kirkham (x)
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I'm definitely watching this when it comes out!
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
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I once saw someone (Probably a parent) use the “Its for kids” excuse to defend NORM OF THE NORTH. A movie so hated that even kids were bored of it. Just watch a review by someone who saw it in theatres. The reviewers I have seen mentioned that kids were so bored that they were doing things like talking and running around the theatre, so yes, kids can usually tell when things are bad.
Reblog if shows being kid shows should NOT be an excuse for bad or bland writing
I want to see how many people agree
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I’m here
Reblog if you read Paranatural.
I’m trying to get a headcount of exactly how many pant fans we have out there
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I like this comic and the paneling, but the kid characters do look really similar. Just look at Max and Issac in the last panel. 
I was curious to see if your still into paranatural? I also wanted to know what your opinion was on the art style of the recent pages as some people think it's been getting really simplified lately compared to Zack's usual style
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no offense but how is any of this simple
this is one of the most dynamic and action-packed sequences i’ve seen in any comic series, ever
and it’s well drawn on top of that
simplistic doesn’t equal bad. it just means that his style is changing a little. every artists’ style evolves with time. and goddamn, Zack’s art is amazing either way, so i… really don’t see what the problem is here
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And if you sucked out all of the originality from them beforehand.
The Emoji Movie looks like if you put Wreck-It-Ralph, Inside Out, and The Lego Movie into a blender and then add a cup of “hip” meme culture.
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I got a new sketchbook, and I wanted to see how it did with watercolor.
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This is my other OC, Zale. I honestly don't know why I made the hair like that
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