melonteee 6 hours
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Redraw from todays episode
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melonteee 6 hours
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i was warming up and now hes here ig
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melonteee 6 hours
god I wish I was in the fandom when the one piece timeskip first happened I KNOW my fujo sisters were eating SO GOOD when Oda made Zoro and Sanji the first ones to meet
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melonteee 9 hours
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melonteee 10 hours
[guy who hasnt drawn in a few weeks voice] yeah the world is horrible and life is agony
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melonteee 10 hours
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#7 - Usopp, ducks
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melonteee 12 hours
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what if he was 2014 tumblr sad girl actually
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melonteee 16 hours
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my pet mold spore
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melonteee 17 hours
you can tell a lot about a person by who their first fictional crush was. it also explains every fictional crush they鈥檝e had since
who was yours? i鈥檒l go first: mine was batman :x
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melonteee 17 hours
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melonteee 1 day
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melonteee 1 day
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foxy-fies your zosan
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melonteee 1 day
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melonteee 1 day
I know this will be a hot take but I think Pell surviving was more narratively meaningful than people give it credit for.
I think people do make a bigger deal of it than it needs to be. I think it's fine to have a wishfully happy ending. Yes, Luffy told Vivi people were going to die, but his helping her was to make sure people WOULDN'T die to the best of their combined abilities. Death in One Piece is a very big thing, Oda uses it very sparingly, so Pell surviving just felt like Oda's own heart not being able to take it LMAO
I think it's a sweet thing, even a character like Pell was someone he didn't want to part with. Oda has expressed multiple times what death means to him and in his writing, its a lot to him, so he just couldn't end Alabasta with a loss like Pell 馃槶
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melonteee 1 day
I had someone talk shit to me because I said I prefer Sanji in the anime over the live action sanji. (I just don't like him. He's not even a character at all. And he's ugly and creepy lol) and they were like "well sanji in the anime said he wanted the invisible fruit to spy on women." As if that's some gotcha that'll make me stop liking sanji lol like I get it...that was bad of him. But like..am I supposed to hate him now or what?? 馃槀 Just wanted to know what you'd say in a situation like this pretty much. Thank you for your time lol
HHHH I mean my answer to that is Sanji has flaws, even if they're unsightly and gross sometimes. He's not meant to be a perfect character or person, so I can forgive his dirty mind since...it was just his dirty mind LMAO
So long as he doesn't act out on what's going on in his head, I really can't say it bothers me too much. Yes, he was invisible in the bath in Wano, but I will once again remind everyone that was a mixed bath. He was allowed to be there, there were plenty other men around, he was just being a freak about it HFJKSD but also if Sanji saw what was going on in MY head about him...well...it's why I'm like, yeah he's a freakazoid but 馃槶馃槶 brother when it comes to our babygirls there's no saving grace LMAOO
The reason live action Sanji sucks and isn't a character is because he's been rubbed completely smooth of any bumps, he's just a walking idea of the most shallow parts of Sanji. When animanga Sanji has his 'gross' moments I don't commend him for it, but I do go "Ah, well, sometimes he's like that" and in a weird way, it's what makes him stupidly endearing. Because somehow, through these weird moments, I STILL love him, and that's a testament to just how layered of a character he is to me HAHA
But also Sanji just isn't for everyone! When he asked Stussy if he could be her dog, I loved that! I thought it was cute! I personally love that side of Sanji and it's targeted at ME specifically! Some people just don't fuck with that and, if that's the case, whatever! They can have the half baked, non-Sanji Sanji from the live action LMAO
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melonteee 1 day
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melonteee 2 days
Honestly, no one is doing it like Vinsmoke Sanji. He's royalty. He's homeless. He's a convicted criminal. He is a damsel in distress. He's a knight in shining armor. He takes down the Government at 10 am then makes a Bouch茅e 脿 la reine from scratch at 11. He has the empathy of a buddhist monk in the Himalayas. He will beat up a 90 year old. He has never given a fuck, he cant sleep at night cz of how much he cares. He is a ballerina. He sets his legs on fire. He is a slut. He is a virgin. He is a feminist He is a pervert. He's a fashion icon. He wears Alexander McQueen suits to the beach. He has never known happiness. God has personal beef with him.
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