melporter45 · 2 years
Lessons From a Pup Named Roscoe
The storms bring a furry friend to our front door. Roscoe, a little Corgi mixed pup, belongs to a nearby neighbor who often travels. We welcome him in with treats and a warm rug. When his master is out of town, Roscoe finds refuge from the storms with us.
Late evening storms often pepper my neck of the woods in our beautiful East Tennessee. These summer storms showcase magnificent lightning displays and thunderclouds etched in ominously brilliant colors. The storms also bring a furry friend to our front door. Roscoe, a little Corgi mixed pup, belongs to a nearby neighbor who often travels. We welcome him in with treats and a warm rug. When his…
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melporter45 · 3 years
A REEL to REAL Look at Sia’s Snowman
Besides being a hauntingly, beautiful melody, there is so much goodness in this imaginative work of art.
Snow is on my mind. After glorious sunshine and temperatures in the 60s today, those pretty people on TV that try to predict the weather here in this East Tennessee valley say that snow’s coming … even though the daffodils are blooming. So, I thought it would be cool to take a REEL to REAL look at Sia’s Snowman video. I came across this sweet, catchy tune in December after my husband found the…
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melporter45 · 3 years
A Reel to Real Look at Pride and Prejudice
A Reel to Real Look at Pride and Prejudice
She thought him arrogant when they first met, and perhaps he exhibited some upper-crust cheekiness. He thought she was a gold digger. After all, her family’s audacious sass and blatant flirting made him feel like a trapped mouse in a bucket.  It was no secret Elizabeth’s mum was looking for husbands for her daughters. The plot for this Jane Austen masterpiece is charming and culturally…
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melporter45 · 3 years
Welcome to ... Reel to Real!
Welcome to … Reel to Real!
Photo by Paulina Milde-Jachowska I’m a big movie fan! I love watching a good story unfold and figuring out what will happen in the end. I have to confess; it irritates my husband to no end when I correctly guess the ending before the movie’s over. I fell in love with the Theatre at the tender age of twelve after winning the role of a damsel in distress in a children’s community theatre…
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melporter45 · 3 years
Are You the One?
Are You the One?
The post was long, and I almost didn’t read it. I strictly stick by my rule of only 15 minutes a day on social media. But something told me to read on. I’m part of a private women’s ministry page with Christian communicators and pastors’ wives. They share a lot of emotionally challenging experiences. I’m privy to prayer requests and heartbreaking details of hurts collected via the church and…
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melporter45 · 3 years
I Can't But God Can!
I Can’t But God Can!
There she is … my little ceramic Scottie dog, Sassy, affectionately named after a beloved Scottie we had years ago. But she’s sitting on a ledge in the nativity and with a great view. I just noticed her today … one of my littles obviously relocated her to be with Jesus. My guess is my 2-year old grandbaby, Lonnie girl, put her there. She’s so fascinated with the baby Jesus. I can’t tell you how…
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melporter45 · 3 years
Reel to Real
Stay tuned! Seeing JESUS through the arts is coming real soon!  
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melporter45 · 4 years
What Are You Wrestling With?
We live in a time of many unknowns. Loss abounds all around us. Broken hearts are in abundance ... its understandable we wrestle with God and fallen world circumstances. Life isn't fair, but don't let what the Devil brings to harm you, cause you to quit.
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I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. Ephesians 1:18 (NIV)
As a teenage girl full of brokenness, I wrestled hard with condemning voices from the enemy. Struggling with suicidal thoughts, I opened my green Living Bible one day and made a connection that…
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melporter45 · 5 years
What God Wants You to Know Today
Ever feel like you've blown it so bad that God could never forgive you let alone love you? Well, listen up, friend! God has a message for you today!
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The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore, I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 (ESV)
Did you wake up feeling defeated this morning?
Are there regretful actions or words on replay in your mind?
Did you blow it in a big way?
Girl, have I…
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melporter45 · 5 years
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When We Know Something or Someone isn’t Good for Us “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up.
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melporter45 · 5 years
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
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The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
Do you ever feel like the troubles of life are similar to a leaky faucet that’s constantly dripping loss?
Is there an unwanted change. loss, or a new wound that’s caught you off guard recently?
Unfortunately, that’s what we get when we live in a fallen world.
But the enemy’s plan is to pull us down…
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melporter45 · 5 years
Why You Are Enough
Why You Are Enough
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Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:18-19 (ESV)
The conversation was light and friendly enough to pass the social meter test, but the pointed tone of her dialogue was lacking. It was clear that I didn’t…
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melporter45 · 5 years
Trusting God with A Broken Heart #First5
Trusting God with A Broken Heart #First5
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Do you live in a radical realm of faith where you know that God is the end-all solution for the hurts you encounter? For every loss, every disappointment, even death?
It’s hard to decipher how God can be the answer to everything bad that happens in our lives, isn’t it?
But the truth is … He is.
A lot has happened inside of me over the last two years.
A lot of healing and learning to live by the…
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melporter45 · 5 years
"Hard Lessons of Motherhood"
“Hard Lessons of Motherhood”
Hey moms……did the precious child you carried for 9 hard months post his or her undying love and adoration on social media for you this mother’s day? Yes? No?  My daughter in law posted a precious message….. girls tend to think of these things first and I am grateful to finally have a thoughtful female in my brood; however, it was my middle son that made me burst out laughing with his twitter…
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melporter45 · 5 years
Trusting God When We Can't See What's Ahead #ForJon
It's hard to trust God when we can't see what's ahead, right? But what a testimony of faithfulness is Jon's story.
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And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10
The service was just starting as I found my place in the choir loft last Sunday. The music started and immediately my eyes found Jon keeping beat with the rhythm, slightly bouncing his knee up and down. It made me smile to see this sweet boy acknowledging worship in the Lord’s…
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melporter45 · 6 years
When We End Up in Emotional Bondage
When We End Up in Emotional Bondage
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It’s so easy to sit and think about our hurts, isn’t it? To relive the moments that cause such a ripple in our souls, right? 
But are these thoughts causing you to collect wounds?
In days past, I found myself stuck in a quagmire of grief, loss, disappointment, rejection, and more since the tragic death of my step-daughter and son-in-law, two years ago.
There were days that I thought I was losing…
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melporter45 · 6 years
A Few Lessons Learned from Pain
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is … the enemy wanted the pain to devalue who I am in order to keep me down. Nevertheless, this unbearable pain and emotional muck have merely made me more desperate for God.
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For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18
The enemy is great at manipulating our pain and suffering.
Our emotions are a direct reaction to the pain that we go through. Those negative emotions can build up a toxic fog making our thoughts murky and leading us astray.
The more we dwell on the negative…
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