melwsnt · 2 months
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After countless heated fights, you and eddie call things off, unofficially . All this time all you ever wanted was for him to chase after you...Until he actually does.
Obviously based on the other side of the door by Taylor swift 🤭
A fortnight.
Two weeks since it happened.
Two hours every single night of sitting at your window starring hopelessely at the driveway hoping to hear the roar of his van you know all to well.
Two days of your friends trying their best to get you out of the house, while also trying not to pick a side.
And now two minutes of being back to that same window, starring at the curly metal-head you've been in love with for so long.
They say there is five stages of grief.
and acceptance.
You'd been grieving, but in denial for two weeks. And yet, seeing him standing here, in the drivway, in the pouring rain, ready to throw pebbles at your window,like you'd imagined, the denial didn't go away. It increased.
It was impossible in your mind that after everything you've endured with each other, he'd want you back. He fucked up, and yet you were set on yourself being the problem. You gave him too much shit for nothing, that's why he went to someone else. Though you never even let him explain the why as to he had been with another girl just minutes prior to your last argument.
It didn't matter. You were mad. Furious, even. But living without him was like living without the nececities you needed to survive. It was impossible.
He had tried calling so many times. But the only way you wanted him to chase you, was for him to show up at your door.
Steve's parties always had the reputation of being the best, yet most of the people you knew had gotten their heart broken in that house. Steve included. Unbeknownst to you, tonight was about to be your turn.
You were looking for eddie, scooped the whole house, and yet he was nowhere to be found. Until eventually, the bathroom that was closed ten minutes ago was now unlocked. Letting yourself in, the sight in front of you was filled with disgust and pure anger and sadness. She had her lips on his. Moving in synch as if they fit better on his then yours did. All these years spent making fun of you at school, even making fun of him, and yet her mind had changed and she has gone after him.
The silence that filled the room was enough to kill someone. The buzz in your ears, the voices in your head telling you to get out of here before you threw up, or threw punches.
Your legs moved faster than your mind registered and before you knew it, you were standing in steve's room, hands on your stomach, tears pouring down your face.
The door opened, you could hear him sigh, before he could even open his mouth to say anything.
"Don't" You said, voice low, scared to choke on your own words.
"Y/n.” Eddie tried to take a step towards you, before being stopped again.
"I said don't. I don't wanna hear it. I've had enough of this."
"Can you at least let me explain? I swear it didn't-"
"If you're about to say it didn’t mean anything so help me god Eddie i will actually lose my mind. I said i don't wanna hear it. I just wanna be left alone. Leave, please." You said, your back still to him.
"I'm not leaving until you let me explain. I promise it's not what it looked like."
"Fine. If you're not leaving, then i'm out of here. I'll walk home."
“Please don’t-“
The slamming of the door cutting him off was intense, heads turned to you in the hallway, seeing your macara stained cheeks. Friends called your name, but it all seemed too far away for you to care. You just had to get home, and cry. Because it was over. You needed him, and frankly didn't know how you were going to survive this.
You don't know how you even made it down the stairs to the door. Maybe it was still the denial kicking in, making you think you'd seen a ghost and were hoping he wasn't behind that door. Or maybe you wanted him to be.
Muscle memory opened that door before you could even think of doing so, and he was there,standing in the rain, one last pebble in his hand which he dropped the moment your eyes locked. Standing under the porch light drenched in water, waiting to say what you'd been waiting for.
"I'm gonna talk and i need you to not interrupt me. I'm so sorry. You didn't leave me any time to explain and i was so mad at first but now i get it. I can't imagine what it looked like and i'm sorry. But i did mean it when i said it wasn't what it looked like. I was just smoking and she came in, i told her i was with you, she laughed then kissed me and i was a bit drunk so it took me seconds to register. I know that's no excuse, and i'll forever apologize. But i can't keep going on without you. I know you, i know you've been waiting for me to come here. But i called a hundred times and never got an answer. I thought you never wanted to see me again. I'm sorry. I’ll do anything to make you forgive me." After rambling for so long and so fast, Eddie was out of breath. It took him a second to catch it, starring back at you waiting for you to either kiss him, or telling him to fuck off.
"Was she worth this mess? Do you regret it? because I’ve lost too much sleep over this and over you for us to have been a lie. I need to know this won't ever happen again."
"She was never worth it. You're the only thing in my life that's ever made sense and i'm sorry i fucked it all up. I swear, i'll never be this stupid again."
Arms crossed, cheeks still stained, a small smile made it's way to your lips.
"Good. Because i need you."
Haven’t been on here for so long because I had the worst writer’s block! Slowly getting back into it so this is a small one ( and probably bad let’s be honest) but I decided to start a Taylor series:) will be mostly for Eddie and Steve and song themed!! ( don’t hesitate if you have ANY request even if it’s not for Eddie or Steve, I can make some exceptions🤭)
I’m excited to get this actually started. 🫶🏼
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melwsnt · 10 months
Taking Coriolanus snow requests if anyone has any 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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melwsnt · 11 months
I want to write some buck/911 imagines SO BAD so please if anyone can give me requests I’ll be happy to execute those immediately because I miss writing 🫶🏼🫶🏼
( if you have any requests for Bellamy Blake, Steve Harrington, Spencer Reid, Ruel,Ethan Landry, Eddie Diaz, and Macgyver feel free to tell me I’d love writing about them also)
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melwsnt · 1 year
What is joe biden’s plan to help swifties be able to interact with each other again before speak now week
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melwsnt · 1 year
A/n: I just spent an hour writing this because I was bored, this definitely isn’t great but I’m hoping you like it :) also- for the sake of this imagine let’s pretend hopper didn’t ‘die’ at the end of s3 because I said so <3
It had been an eventful couple of days. You couldn’t believe it was over- thank god it was- but it felt wrong- like it wasn’t actually completely over.
You stood outside of starcourt, most of the group had gone home already, as you starred at the last of the fire being put out, the memories of the mindflayer hitting you as you almost died a couple hours before.
You were lost in thoughts when a hand was placed on your shoulder startling you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, where were you just now?” You turned to face Steve, a concerned look on his face.
“I don’t really know. Was just thinking, I guess. Why aren’t you home?” You asked- fairly embarrassed that he caught you daydreaming.
“Uh- my parents, they didn’t pick up. Guess they aren’t home.” He said- his turn to be embarrassed. He lied- he knew they must’ve been home, they just didn’t care enough to actually pick up the phone even if it meant that their son had just came this close to dying.
“I can drive you home. My car’s a couple blocks away. If it’s still here.” You sighed. You had joined the group a little bit after they had discovered the Russian secret code- so your car had been there for three days.
“ Yeah. Yeah that’s fine, you sure you don’t mind?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to bother you.
“ Yeah- it’s fine. Plus, I’m your only ride, as long as you don’t mind waking a bit?” You said as you started walking- him following you instantly.
The walk to the car was silent. Both of you were lost in thoughts- forgetting about everything around- and each other.
“Isn’t that your car?” Steve stopped- putting you out of your thoughts once again.
“Shit, yeah. Thanks.” You said quietly as you fumbled with the car keys in your hands- shaking.
“Do you want me to drive? I don’t mind.” Steve asked from the passenger car door.
“ No- it’s fine, it’s gonna ease my nerves.” You mumbled- Steve barely able to hear it. You had been awfully quiet- which in all fairness was unusual even for you- though the circumstances of the past days made sense of you being quiet.
“So I’m taking you home?” You asked as you put the key in the ignition to start the car, turning to Steve waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I got nowhere else to stay, home’s fine.” He said as he looked down at his lap.
“You can crash at my place if you’d like? I know you don’t wanna go back there; I don’t mind.” You knew Steve might refuse- he would be embarrassed, but he took you by surprise by agreeing and thanking you. Neither of you had the force to fight anything- even less parents so he accepted instead of fighting with his own thoughts.
When you parked in your driveway, Steve was first to get out of the car, admiring the house in front of him.
“I haven’t been here in ages.” He pointed out- and that one comment made you smile- though it didn’t quite reach your eyes- it was nice to hear him acknowledge that.
“ Yeah- well, if you hadn’t turned out to be an asshole in high school you could’ve spent more time here.” You said as you unlocked the front door, turning around and smiling at him only to see him frowning.
“Sorry- I was just joking. I mean you were an asshole- but that was just to lighten the mood a bit.”
“ I’m sorry.” He just said- still standing outside the door, in his scoops outfit.
“ It’s fine Steve. It was a long time ago- I shouldn’t have bring it up. Also- please come inside you’re making me nervous.” You smiled lightly at the boy, closing the door behind him as he didn’t say a word.
“You remember where my room is?”
“Yeah, you’re not coming?” He asked as he went up the first step.
“No- I’m coming in a second, just gotta check something real quick.”
You went to the living room to see if your parents had left anything- a letter maybe- but nothing. You had been missing for three days- and yet they didn’t seem to care a single bit.
You sighed as you made your way up the stairs, taking a deep breath before entering your room Steve was in.
The last couple year- Steve and you had driven apart. Once- he had been your best friend, your shoulder to cry on, but when high school hit and popularity became a thing, Steve ditched you for better friends- less lame than you- you thought.
The whole fight with demogorgons, and the mindflayer had bring you together once again- much to your dismay at first.
Steve had already apologized though you’d dismissed it every single time.
The truth was- after seeing how much he had changed, and how he had gotten back to his old self- the Steve you knew and loved, things were too complicated. He’d go on countless dates- not that you had anything to say about it since you were barely friends anymore- but it ate you inside. You just wanted it to be you. You always had.
So now- after everything- after realizing that all these years you’d only missed him- and that having him back in your life made it a little better- though the circumstances it was in- it was incredibly hard to keep it to yourself. But you had to.
You pushed the door open, Steve was sitting at the edge of your bed, his head in his hands, as he run them down his face when he saw you entering.
“ Hey. I’m back.” You closed the door behind you as you made your way to sit down next to him, trying to put a certain distance between the two of you.
“You okay?” He asked as his eyes ran down to your face, you looked exhausted- yet you still looked as beautiful as ever to him.
“I mean, are you?” You looked up only to see him look at you already- your cheeks turning pink.
“Right. That was a stupid question.” He laughed it off- and you’d missed that sound.
“Hey, I’m sorry about your parents. I know it’s always been complicated but you know I’m here right? It’s not because we’re not as close that you can’t talk to me.” You smiled sweetly at him, putting your hand on his knee, you hadn’t noticed you had gotten a bit closer to him.
“I know. Thank you. Your parents aren’t here either, what’s that about?” He asked- as you retrieved your hand and rested it in your lap- suddenly feeling weird about it all.
“Yeah, guess we’re both part of the same group called ‘the ones with parents who suck’ “ you stiffed a laugh. He had no idea.
“I thought everything was okay with them?” He asked, slightly turning his body fully to be seated in front of you.
“Yeah, that was like 4 years ago. Then it went downhill. I mean, right now, I could bet you that my dad is at a motel screwing one of his coworker, and my mom is probably at a bar looking for some random guy to screw for the night. Then they’ll come home in the morning and pretend everything‘s bright and pink. They’ve been doing that for awhile and they think I don’t know.” You rambled and took a deep breath.
“Shit. I didn’t know- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” Steve felt guilty- he could see you held back tears and it pained him to see you like that.
“No- it’s fine. Felt good to say that out loud for once. I didn’t mean to ramble.” You said- making him shake his head as a response.
“No I don’t mind- I’m here for you. You’re still my friend Y/n, I’ll listen to you ramble everyday if I could.” Steve smiled then caught up on what he said and turned red- making you smile at him.
“That’s sweet. Thank you.” You both looked at each other- and just after a few seconds of silence- you put your hand on his cheek- examining his black eye.
“Does it still hurt?” You ran your finger over it- making him hiss- only for you to retract your hand once again not wanting to hurt him more.
“No- not as much. It’s fine now.”
“Good. You still look like shit though.” You teased him-just like you used to.
“Yeah?” He asked as he raised his brows.
“Yeah. You definitely need a shower. You smell too.” You smiled, and he stayed quiet for a bit.
“I’d tell you you look like shit too , but you look pretty, even like this.” He asked- unbeknownst to you- his eyes made their way to your lips.
“Oh C’mon Steve. My makeup is smudge all over my face, I’ve got blood all over me, and I haven’t showered in three days. I assure you, I’m not pretty right now.”
“No, you are. You always are.” Steve felt confident- he didn’t know where it came from, but after almost dying, he realized he couldn’t lose you- he couldn’t take you for granted anymore.
“Don’t you like Robin?”
Steve was taken aback by your question. He thought he did- but when he talked to Robin and she revealed to him she liked girls- she gave him a pep talk about how utterly in love he was with you. He always talked about you- about how he wanted you back in his life- and Robin saw in his eyes something different when he thought of you. He was in love- and he only thought he liked Robin because it was less scary than being in love with his ex best friend.
“No- I mean. I did- I thought I liked her. But we talked-and she made me realize it’s you.”
“What do you mean it’s me?” You were confused now- you thought you knew where this was going- though you didn’t wanna believe it was happening. You’d waited your whole life for this.
“I mean it’s always been you. I think- I think I’ve loved you for so long it never occurred to me that I ever did like that. You were my best friend so I never thought it was more than that. But you almost died, Y/n, and I think that made me realize I can’t lose you. I just- I thought you were dead and I felt like a part of me was dying. I’m in love with you- and you don’t have to feel the same I just - I had to tell you.”
You couldn’t believe it. It felt too surreal- and too much. When the car hit you- and you found yourself going back and forth in between consciousness and unconsciousness, all you could see was him. Your life flashed before your eyes and all you saw was him. It was enough for you to realized that- you loved him. And you had for years. But hearing him say that he felt the same before even knowing how you felt- it was bittersweet.
“I- I love you too.” You blurred out- he had just poured his heart out so you had to do the same. Plus- you knew how he felt now. So what could go wrong?
“What?” He blinked many times- which made you laugh.
“I’m in love with you, Harrington. Keep up.” You looked up only to see him completely shocked.
“Thank god. I thought you might kick me out.” He let out a relieved breath.
“ I mean.. I still could.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! It’s my house!” You laughed, as you saw him get in position.
“Steve?” Your eyes went wide, still a huge smile on your face.
“Are you sure you wanna kick me out?”
“If you keep asking, then yes I will!”
A scream left your mouth as Steve attacked you with tickles, forcing you to lay on your back, Steve on top of you as both of you laughed your hearts out.
“Still wanna do it?” He asked as he put a strand of hair behind your ears.
“Not sure now. I always wanted to have Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington on top of me. I like it.”
It only took that sentence for Steve to crash his lips into yours, a slow- passionate kiss- a kiss you’d both been waiting for for years.
Steve was the first one to pull away before you spoke up.
“Is it crazy that it took us three times of fighting monsters and almost dying to realized we’re in love?” You laughed- red spreading all over your cheeks.
“Yeah. Kinda. I’m glad we did though, I couldn’t keep listening to Robin and Dustin telling me to pick up my balls and go tell you how I feel.”
“That’s gross.” You laughed.
“Can I kiss you again now?”
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melwsnt · 1 year
Here’s a cute Steve Harrington imagine x short but sweet!
A/n: Friends to lover / reader has issues with trusting and feeling loved / Steve being cute and golden retriever
Saying you were absolutely terrified of what was to come was an understatement. Getting out of your car and staring at the big mall in front of you, your stomach was twisted in knots and your hands were shaking, you were always a nervous person but for what was going to happen, you weren't exactly ready.
Fighting the urge to go back to your car, go home and scream and cry into your pillow, you made your way into the mall, starcourt. Ahead of you you could already see the " Scoops ahoy' " sign, and you finally had the courage to go into the shop.
You hoped robin would be the one at the counter, so it would be less awkward but luck never being on your side, Steve was the one standing in front of you, surprised to see you.
" Y/n hey" he just said, frustrated to say the least after you ignored him for what felt like months.
" hey, I'm sorry to bother you at work but um, can we talk?" Your stomach was still twisted in knots and you felt like your heart was at any moment going to jump out of your chest by the way he was beating so fast.
" Yeah sure." He made his way to the back asking robin to take his place just for a few minutes, the girl knew about what had happened so she just sent you a smile and thumbs up to encourage you further.
" what are you doing here?" He asked, folding his arms around his chest while holding himself on a counter.
Finally finding the courage to speak up, you started.
" I've been thinking a lot about last week, and I know I've been ignoring you and blowing you off and I'm so sorry. It's just- you scared the hell out of me, Steve. And i guess I just needed time to think and to be away from you, to just be alone and think about what I was going to say to you because the minute I ran, I regretted it and I thought you hated me for it. I just wasn't ready for it and wasn’t expecting it, and if I'm honest I wasn't really happy about it"
" Oh so you just came to humiliate me a bit more-"
" No please just let me finish. This isn't about you, I'm just- I don't know I guess it scared me because I never had someone say that to me in a way that wasn't just friendly and from the minute you said you loved me I knew it wasn't in that way and it was the I'm in love with you kinda way and I never said it to anyone you know? I mean I say I love you to my mom, my brother, hell even my dog but this? I've never done before and I wish I could’ve said it back but I couldn't because I didn't know what I was feeling and then I thought about it and I figured I'd say it but I never said it-"
" Y/n" he interrupted you but you were rambling too much to even hear him.
" So now I'm here making a fool of myself because god Steve I'm so in love with you I can't even comprehend it but I'm so scared-"
"Y/n" he interrupted again.
"Oh god, I just said it didn't I? I'm so sorry.” you were now pacing and panicking because you had basically just told Steve you were in love with him, and even if you knew he did feel the same, the way you blew him off made you sure he would hate you for it.
“Yeah you did”
" I'm so sorry god you must hate me so much it's so embarrass-"
" Y/n?"
" Yeah?"
" Shut up"
Next thing you knew his lips were on yours. During your amazing yet embarrassing speech you hadn't noticed he had come closer to you, almost chest to chest, until you felt his soft lips against yours and realized that he didn't hate you. The kiss was full of love and passion, so as his hands rested on your waist, your hands made their way to the back of his neck, and his right cheek, your left hand finding itself in his hair.
Out of breath you pulled away first.
" You just kissed me" you said still taking your breath.
" Yeah I did." He grinned at your shocked expression.
" I'm sorry for rambling like that it was embarrassing"
" No it was cute. Look, this entire week has been hell for me just as much as I know it's been hell for you. I thought you didn't feel the same and it broke my heart. But I love you and I know you feel like it's impossible, that you're unlovable or whatever bullshit your father put inside your brain but I love you so damn much. You're lovable y/n, you're loved and cared about, and I'm not just talking for me. Everyone around you, they love you and I need you to realize that because I hate seeing you doubting yourself, I hate it. Got it ?" He asked with his signature grin.
" Got it." You answered, smiling through the tears because you had just realized that he was here to stay and that he was right.
" I love You" he said
" I love you too." You replied taking him by the neck and kissing him again.
" I don't mean to bother or anything but guys ? Your son is waiting for you two " Robin said making the both of you pull away and laugh at how she described Dustin as your son. Just as she was smiling at you and giving you another thumbs up to congratulate you.
This was going to be fun.
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melwsnt · 1 year
Here’s a short 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲; wrote this a year ago when season four came out so I’m posting it on here( posted one about steve too!)
Eddie Munson x reader
-Lots and lots of eye contacts
-puppy dog eyes if you happen to refuse cuddles or kisses, he's a literal child when it comes to this
-he's so clingy it's adorable
-"sweetheart" " angel" and "darling" UGH
-forehead kisses are a constant thing
-he always tucks your hair behind your ears
-running his thumb over your lips before kissing you
-always starts with soft kisses, then if it escalates he'll definitly get rough
-asks for consent 24/7 to make sure you're comfortable even if it's just to kiss
-let's you play with his rings
-and gives you some of his to remember him when he's at a meeting or just not around
-he's a sucker for hair touching, massages, anything he just melts whenever you touch his hair, especially if he lays in between your thighs or on your stomach, he'll probably fall asleep and snore lol
-aftercare king. he'll ask for hours if you're okay and make sure you liked it and that he didn't go too rough on you, then will cuddles and not let you go
-he mostly sleeps on his stomach so some mornings, you'll catch him snorring and drooling on his pillow
-will probably throw you out of bed at some point of the night because he moves like a freaking child in his sleep
-bruises in hidden places and obvious hickeys all the time because he's rough during sex (sometimes not but mostly) and he wants to show you're his
-raspy voice in the morning
-he can't cook or bake for shit but when he tries to make breakfast you'll hug him from behind your hands on his waist while he turns around hugging you kissing you and asking you how you slept with his morning voice and messy hair
-" Sorry angel didn't wanna wake you, how'd you sleep?"
-he does the same when you make breakfast, hugs you from behind and then kisses you on the forehead " hey sweetheart" making you blush like crazy ( then kisses both of your cheeks because he loves it when you blush)
-the handcuffs are in his room for a reason :)
-he's very dominant
-hair pulling, whether you do it to him or he does it to you, he loves it
-always tries to make you feel better and cheer you up by doing stupid things to make you laugh if he sees that you look sad or upset
-writes you secret letters, almost everyday only to give them to you on your birthday and you crying hystericaly while he hugs you tight " i meant every word, i love you so much okay?"
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melwsnt · 1 year
Here’s a little 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲; i wrote it when season four came out and posted it on wattpad so I’m posting it back on here, along with others about Eddie :)
Steve Harrington x reader
-Steve's way of showing he loves you is mostly through words of affirmation and physical touch. He can't help getting nervous around you so he always has to hold your waist and/or hand/s.
-He has a lot of pick up line in stock, he always tells them at the most inappropriate times which makes it ten times funnier
-Words of affirmation are a daily thing, he's not scared of talking about his feelings or showing them he loves seeing how you blush and how shy you get when he tells you he loves you.
- stargazing late at night
- climbs your window almost every night because he's scared to get caught. He likes climbing as if he's a ninja even tho he literally almost falls of on in face half the time he climbs it
-can't go without seeing you, he goes crazy when he's not around you. Misses you even tho you just saw him an hour ago
- make out sessions
-lots of them
-in the back of his car
- or after he climbs your window
- he's a great kisser
-always holds you by the waist and the back of your head/ side of your neck when making out
-forehead kisses too
- hands kisses
- cheek kisses
- he literally kisses everything everytime
- being separated at startcourt and worrying about each other so much , then reuniting with him and everyone else with the biggest and most heartwarming hug ever while he kisses the top of your head saying
" I was so worried, I couldn't stop thinking about you, are you okay?" And then taking your head in his hands searching for any sign of you being hurt, when you tell him you're okay he pulls you back into his chest and doesn't wanna let go
-talks about you all the time and annoys everyone with you because he's proud he pulled you so he likes to show you of and make everyone know you’re his
- you're basically the kids dad's since Steve is their mom.
-still gets nightmares from everything that happened, so in the middle of the night he’ll start to mumble and sweat, you’d wake him up so he can calm down, you reassure him and hugging while he calms and him being tired of disturbing your sleep every night and feeling guilty but you assuring him that you’ll always be there and it’s okay.
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melwsnt · 1 year
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This is my first time on tumblr- I’ve been writing on wattpad for years and never thought I’d start to write here but there’s a first time for everything so here I am! ( wattpad is corneliastreetss in case you wanna check it out!) this one isn’t great but the good ones are coming<3
Pairing: Steve x female reader
SMUT! Lots of fluff and just Steve being extremely cute and boyfriend material <3
Steve was your escape. Whenever life was getting a bit too much for you, school or work related, he was always just your shoulder to lean on, making you feel better in any way he could.
Tonight wasn’t any different- you worked at a record store, and one of your colleague- a male- was making your work life hell. Not only by being an asshole but also by making you feel extremely uncomfortable- so after one of many alterations, you decided to quit. It wasn’t an easy decisions knowing your job was one of your favorite things ever- but you knew your boss wouldn’t dare to fire a male- even if he wasn’t a good person- so instead you quit.
You drove back to Steve’s house, heart aching knowing you would feel better in his arms just minutes later.
When you pulled up in his driveway- he heard the car door slamming and made his way to the front door, not expecting you would show up this early.
As he opened the door, Steve immediately knew something was wrong- the look on your face, the puffy and red eyes, your demeanor was different and he could tell something had happened.
“Hey, what happened? “ he said making his way to you only to be attacked by a hug. You relaxed just as quick- breathing his sent and letting your stress get out of your system.
“ I quit.” You said in his chest as he pulled back, still holding you by your waist.
“ What do you mean you quit?” He furrowed his brows- concerned and confused.
“ My job. I quit. Higgings didn’t want me to go but since Matt’s a guy he couldn’t fire him over ‘a simple misunderstanding’ so I left.”
“ That asshole bothered you again?” Steve said- and you could almost vision the smoke coming out of his ears.
“ Yeah- can we get in? It’s freezing.” You said hoping this might change the subject.
“ Shit. Yeah, sorry come on.” He led you with a hand on your lower back, closing the door behind you once you were inside.
“ Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked, taking your hand in his.
“Not really. I think I just wanna lay down and cuddle if that’s okay with you?”
“ Yeah, we can do that babe. I need to go to the bathroom just make yourself comfortable alright?” He squeezed your hand as you nodded and made your way upstairs to his room.
And you did just what he said- you threw your coat across the room, your pants and shirt following as you went into Steve’s closet and found a button up shirt you always liked to steal. You laid down and waited for Steve to come back.
The night went on as just you two cuddled and talked, until he said something that caught your attention.
“ You know, you could come work with Robin and I at Family Video. I could talk to my boss about it, plus we’re understaffed.”
You looked up at him- your head previously on his chest.
“ You would do that?”
“ Of course I would. I mean Robin would be happy, and we’d get to work together. Plus there’s a back room with plenty of space, so…” he said looking away teasing.
“Oh shut up.” You slapped his chest and both laughed hard- until you calmed down.
“ You’d like that?” He asked, putting a strand of hair behind your ear.
“ Yeah. I’d like that.” You smiled prepping kisses on his chest.
“You know, I was serious about the back room stuff, there’s plenty of space.” He said again.
“Oh yeah? To do what?” You said, imitating his grin.
“ I could show you.” He wiggled his brows and immediately got you on your back and climbed on top of you.
“Show me then.” You smiled like an idiot- you could use that distraction.
“Would start like that.” He said while prepping kisses along your jawline and neck, making you hum in response.
“Then what?” You asked, your eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his lips on your body.
“ I could do something like that.” He came up and kissed you, his hands traveling all over your body until reaching for his wanted destination.
Steve started parting your thighs all while kissing you, slowly making its way down to them as his free hand came to a stop- right at your entrance.
“Stop teasing.” You laughed on his mouth- not breaking the kiss.
Steve smiled through the kiss and started touching you- pulled down your panties so he could have full access.
He broke the kiss only to start kissing along your jawline again-unbuttoning your shirt, making his way down to your stomach- and then to your spot.
Steve waisted no time- his mouth was on you in a second, making you feel like a piece of art.
It lasted awhile- him down on you, one hand inside while the other one cupped your breasts.
You tried not to make a sound until eventually your back started aching and you could not hold back.
He could not hold back either, he needed you- you needed him so he pulled away and made his way back to your face, kissing you- so you could taste yourself.
The kiss was heated- knowing both of you could not hold back any longer- so Steve put the condom around him as fast as he could and in just a second- he was back at your entrance.
“ Are you ready?” He whispered- already out of breath.
“Yes, Steve please.” You begged, your legs already around him, and hands ready to dig on his back.
After hearing you- Steve couldn’t wait anymore- the boy came crashing into you- sending you both into a moaning spree.
He would go faster- stronger whenever you asked- he was at your mercy and didn’t want this moment to stop.
“ Steve I’m close.” You said, out of breath too as you felt your body coming undone.
“ Me too baby.” He said in your neck- his head resting there and you dug your nails into his back- pulling his hair because of how much pleasure you were feeling.
It happened quick- both of you, at the same time- and it felt magical.
Steve’s head was still in your neck- both of you trying to recuperate from what had just happened.
“Fuck.” He whispered again as he pulled back, your body feeling lonely and empty the second he did.
Steve fell on your side on his back, both of you breathing loudly, sweating.
“ That was the best sex I’ve ever had.” You said and laughed, turning your head to look at him.
“ Yeah. That was pretty good.” He smiled at you- obviously joking.
“ Asshole.” You slapped his bicep- only for him to open his arms and cuddle with you- as you always did.
A few minutes past- Steve cleaned and handed you new underwear and a shirt of his, you went to the bathroom and laid back in his arms.
“Yeah, babe?”
“ your stomach is growling, you hungry?” You asked hearing the sounds his stomach made under your head.
“Starving, actually.”
“Me too.” You replied- and an idea went through your mind.
“Want me to cook?” You asked, sitting up next to him- as he followed you.
“It’s past midnight, you sure?”
“Yeah, I wanna do it.”
“Y/N, take no offense in this, but last time you tried to cook you almost burned my house down.”
“ Because you were distracting me!” You defended- remembering what had happened that night.
“And I won’t now?” He asked, his brow raised.
“That’s your problem. What food you craving?”
“Pasta.” He answered
“Same. You got anything to go with it?”
“ Chicken, I think. My mom left it as if she thought I’d cook it.”
“ Well too bad for her, I’m gonna be the one to cook it. C’mon.” You made your way out of bed, Steve doing the same.
“I’ll help you. Get everything ready I’m just gonna take a shower real quick okay?” he said standing in the doorway.
“ Okay.” You smiled and got on your tiptoes to kiss him.
You both smiled as he pulled away and turned around.
It took around ten minutes for you to lay everything down- finding everything too.
Once you had- you started prepping everything only for Steve’s hands to come lay across your stomach, your back on his chest.
You smiled and turned around, putting your hands around his neck, and admiring how much taller than you he’s always been.
Steve looked at you with eyes you’d never seen before. It was adoration- pure bliss and love.
“What?” You said and laughed, flustered.
“You’re just very beautiful.” He said and put a strand of your hair back around your ear.
“Thank you, my love.” You said- obviously blushing but really happy.
“You’re beautiful too you know?” You said- his turn now to be flustered and blushing.
“ I know. Is it the hair?” He said sarcastically.
“Definitely the hair. I wonder what you’d look like bald.”
“Oh god I don’t ever wanna imagine.”
“Me neither.” And this sent you into a fit of laughter.
Few minutes later- Steve had decided to try to cook as you stood on the counter next to him, admiring and hoping he wouldn’t mess everything up-you really were hungry.
But eventually- Steve got distracted, coming to stand in between your legs, pulling you close and starting to kiss you passionately.
“Steve, babe.” You said against his lips.
“Hmm” he hummed against your lips, making you pull away.
“ Your chicken is burning.” You laughed and pointed at the pan.
“ Oh shit shit shit!”
You couldn’t wait for the future- and more nights like this one.
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