memesen ¡ 6 years
my head : OMG this idea is perfect
my drafts : please ... no more
me : hmmm sTART
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memesen ¡ 6 years
connor x shy!reader / part 2
a/n : finally! part 2, i’m just gonna start off where i left off from part 1
tag list :
warnings : pda, connor’s potty mouth
• “thank fuck, i think school is worthless and a waste of time, though i don’t think you could relate. you seem to get good grades a lot.” connor sighs and moves to sit next to you.
• you zone out for a bit to stare into his eyes, smiling softly at the little sea of brown in the ocean of blue
• connor raised an eyebrow at you before snapping his fingers to get your attention “god you zone out a LOT, i just wanna know what you’re thinking about.”
• “o-oh it really isn’t anything, connor..” you didn’t want him to know about your crush on him but you can’t help but want to be closer
• he moved from you to go through his balcony, “do you wanna go out—to get some food or something, i mean?” connor seemed so nervous to asked you. it wasn’t everyday that a person was in his room with him alone, let alone someone like you
• “that sounds good!” you quickly responded and he went to his closet to changed into a different shirt, the dark grey was maybe a little too much for the weather that day
• your eyes went wide and you looked down at the floor
• “don’t worry, i’ll change in the bathroom. uh, just head downstairs and wait for a bit?”
• you nodded and grabbed the things you needed before heading down the stairs to the tv playing a show you loved
• zoe turned back when she heard steps expecting to see connor leaving, “oh, i’ve seen you around before! what are you doing here?”
• your voice got caught in your throat for a moment before pointing to the stairs with your thumb “uhm, me and connor are gonna go get some food...”
• she smiles softly before tilting her head “you.. and connor? like together?”
• “OH NO NO IT’S... not like that..” your face shows worry, like if she knew your secret
• she pats the seat next to her and smiles a bit wider “i know you like him, it’s okay.”
• you gulp before looking her in the eyes “h-how do you know?” causing her to let out a joyful laugh “it’s SO obvious! you look head-over-heels!”
• “connor is a good person, but there’s a million walls you have to knock down.. i look forward to being your sister-in-law one day..” stuffing some popcorn in her mouth
• “th-thanks but i doubt he sees me like that, in fact i doubt he saw me at all until this project..”
• zoe thinks for a bit “then you just gotta make him notice you, you’re really cute so i doubt it’ll be hard..!”
• almost on cue connor walks down in a maroon red shirt and some light colored skinny jeans, it was captivating, he was so handsome
• “WOAH, you look like an actual teenage boy, go connor!” zoe shouted from the living room
• “fuck off” was his only respond before looking at you and motioning his head to the door
• you got up and headed to the door before he closed it, took a deep breathe and looked at you “i heard you talking to my sister, and you’re not fucking around with me, right? you like me?”
• your eyes go wide and you couldn’t seem to get words out but you nodded vigorously “i-it’s true! i mean.. i’ve been pining over you since the beginning of school, you’re so mysterious but you look like you just want to have someone. and i want to be that someone.”
• in a flash connor pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly, you let out a small yelp but nuzzles your face into him. taking in his smell
• “why don’t we call this little scene a date and see where it goes from here?” his eyes showed wonder and hope
• you place a light kiss on his cheek before moving back to go to the car “that sounds like a plan to me.”
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memesen ¡ 6 years
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memesen ¡ 6 years
i need more connor x shy reader holy fuck
y’all get ready bro,,,connor,,, is a sweetheart
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memesen ¡ 6 years
connor x shy!reader
a/n : i could make a part 2 to these if people want, i don’t want this post to be too long ,,
tag list :
warnings : connor’s potty mouth
• you would think connor is used to being stared at all the time
• and really he is but not in the way you were staring
• he just made eye contact with you and you looked away, it confused him
• like everyone else he thought you were scared of him
• this goes on for about half the school year until your english teacher puts you together for a partner project on romeo and juliet
• “who’s to blame for the tragedy of romeo and juliet? this is bullshit.” connor mutters under his breath, lowkey snarling u kno
• “oh! i t-think it could maybe be time? like romeo met her at the wrong time, he didn’t get the letter in time.. but i could be wrong”
• with an eyebrow raised he nodded slightly
• “yeah, that sounds pretty good actually, you should come over and we could work on it.”
• your heart skips a beat because the connor murphy just asked you to come over to his house, of course it was only for a project but you were excited none the less
• sending a soft smile his way you nod, not trusting your voice
• at the end of the day he waits by his car for you and he watches you smile and run to him
• “what’s up with all the energy?” he questions you and you honestly don’t have the guts to tell him the reason you’re so happy is because you’ve been pining over him for forever
• “just ready to get an a that’s all” you smile at him as he scoffs and gets into the driver side of the car
• the drive is kinda long and silent but when he puts on a song at a red light you know you can’t help but hum and bop your head to the beat of the music
• connor looks at you with a surprised face before his eyes pan back to the road and he makes a short smile
• cynthia is ecstatic when she sees you and wonders if you were one of connor’s friends
• “we’re just working on a project, don’t bother us.” connor’s tone is cold and short and you give cynthia a sad smile before waving goodbye and heading up the stairs
• when you reach connor’s room it’s a dark color on the walls and on the floor is a bunch of vinyls of old bands
• when he sets his backpack down he falls onto his bed and exhales
• “we don’t have to get started on the project right away” you say in a hushed tone, and connor almost looks relived
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memesen ¡ 6 years
shitty deh fans : mike faist is the only connor in my eyes
me, wearing an alex boniello shirt : oh you haven’t heard?
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memesen ¡ 7 years
Hey! Could you write something with Albert from Newsies ? Like maybe he and the reader were childhood friends and one day they reconnect ? Thank you! Have a nice day/night xx
- it was your first day as a newsie and you decided to stick closely to jack
- jack took you in and made you his underling so why refuse ?
- while you were laughing at a joke jack told you made eye contact with albert
- his face lit up and you were a bit surprised he smiled widely and ran towards you
- jack quickly pushes albert off of you and asks him what his deal was 
- albert frowns a bit and looks at you before asking “don’t you remember me?”
- you squint before gasping and jumping into his arms and smiling widely, you found him.  
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memesen ¡ 7 years
Hey love, how about some headcannons with connor and his s/o who are in a long distance relationship?
- he’s probably used to having people he knows love farther from him
- but when he met you online he never thought he would end up falling in love
- it really sucks knowing that you weren’t there with him or were even close
- you both texted and skyped every night
- connor knew larry checked his emails and texts but he didn’t care if larry saw
- he loved you too much for anyone to interfere with your relationship
- one day he asks you where you live and ends up showing up with your favorite foods and drinks and things you love
- cynthia let him use the car to drive over to where you live / or if you live really far she bought him a plane ticket
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memesen ¡ 7 years
can i request connor murphy/autistic reader hcs please??
- he really doesn’t know anything about the topic
- definitely doesn’t mind it when you tell him
- tries to read up on the topic so he doesn’t do anything wrong
- makes sure to not yell or lose his temper too much 
- whenever you get overwhelmed he takes you to his car and cuddles you
- kisses your forehead a lot, just cause 
- looks up some breathing exercises to help you calm down 
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memesen ¡ 7 years
jared kleinman x reader / study
a/n : the insanely cool jared kleinman , this is based off a headcanon from @robot-anon !
words : 619 !
warnings : cursing !
      You walked into the principal’s office, dusting off the dirt from your pencil skirt. Today was the day you were going to become a teacher, you were sure of it. Hearing a voice speak to you. “Just go right in there, sweetie.” You get up and head your heels click every time they come into contact with the ground. There was another person in his office, and you felt awkward for walking in. “One more ‘mistake’ Kleinman and these kids will find themselves with a new teacher.” The principal spoke. “Oh come on, principal Merritt! Those kids love me!” The taller male spoke in a condescending tone.
      Merritt rolled her eyes and pointed to the door. “Mr. Kleinman, I do believe you have to teach a class in twenty minutes.” You smiled softly before waving towards her. Kleinman smiled and winked at you. You felt your face blush as he exited the room. “Ms. Y/L/N! A pleasure to see you, and pardon me for not kicking out that… Excuse for a man. Jared doesn’t even come close to what I would expect from a science teacher.” Jared, finally. A name to put on a face. A handsome face in fact. You sat down and started your interview.
      A couple days pass and you wake up around noon to a phone call. “Hello?” Your voice is soft and raspy. “Good afternoon, Ms. I am pleased to inform you that you have received your work hours and room number in the mail. Thank you.” The phone call ends and you squeal before racing to your mailbox. Room 2203, it was in the science wing due to no other rooms not being used which meant you had to be in the same wing as Mr. Kleinman. Luckily you had a whole day before you started so you got to plan an outfit and hairstyle. Tomorrow needed to come faster. You just spent the day at home watching Netflix. You got up to take a shower and brush your teeth, getting into bed after changing you slowly drift off to sleep.
      You shake yourself out of bed and rush to shower. You had a whole two hours to get ready and that was just enough. Getting your bag and keys you jump into your car and drive down to the school. There you are met with Jared Kleinman, the apparent science teacher. It was obvious from the lab coat and pocket protector. “Hey, sweetheart. Take a picture it’ll last longer.” You blinked until you realized you were staring directly at him. Clearing your throat and looking down at the ground awkwardly. Good first impression, Y/N. Walking into your class and seeing that it wasn’t such a bad class layout, but it could be better. Class started in an hour so you started to move around the desks to groups. Things were going great until you heard glass breaking and a loud “FUCK” from the other room.
      You rush over to see Jared standing there, hand bleeding and glass everywhere. You gasp softly and he looks up at you, quickly placing his hand behind his back. “Hey, Princess… Don’t you have to go fix your classroom?” And for the first time, you spoke back to him. “Funny, give me your hand, moron. You’re bleeding.” He gives in surprisingly easily. You grab the first aid kit and clean his wound. Humming along a soft tune from your head you heard the pitter patter of feet walking into the classroom and gasping before turning to each other and whispering. You blushed deeply and looked at Jared’s smirking face. “I-I need to go actually teach now. Be more careful next time.” 
      Maybe being in the science wing wasn’t SO bad.
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memesen ¡ 7 years
dear evan hansen
- sincerely three as parents !
- jared kleinman x reader / study !
- connor murphy x autistic reader !
- connor murphy x reader / long distance !
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memesen ¡ 7 years
Sincerely Three as parents? Maybe??
- terrified about being a dad
- reads every book there is
- makes sure to baby proof the house
- watches over the kid/s a LOT
- he loves whenever they grab his pinky
- ‘tiny hands’ he whispers to himself
- loves the fact the baby is a mini you and him
- scared but really really excited to have kids
- he’s always wanted to be the dad he didnt have
- makes sure to get a house with a backyard
- he wants the little ones to roam around a lot
- no cursing around the babies / baby
- whenever they cry he holds them and sings to them
- has the task of feeding them because he thinks it’s cute
- thinks that he’s going to be a bad dad
- puts a framed picture of pepe in their room
- the baby laughs at it so
- always carrying them
- a little over protective but it’s cute
- spoils his kids with toys and such
- sneaks ice cream at late with them
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