memezz · 6 months
"I'm breathing in the chemicals" - Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying ladies?
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memezz · 1 year
Tell the Copyright Office About AI
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Concerned about AI?  The U.S. Copyright Office is asking for public comments and fans can add their voices. Read more at: https://otw.news/0bd40f
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memezz · 1 year
it is times like this where I want everyone to show support for the ao3 volunteers
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memezz · 1 year
I wanna tell you guys a story,
Not too long ago, my friend Bella came out as aromantic to me, and now I’ve got some things to say.
I was the one who told her what aromantic means, because I was explaining different sexual orientations to her. I remember saying, “Asexualiy is when you have romantic attraction, but no sexual attraction.”
Bella immedently, without missing a beat, asked, “Is there an opposite to that?”
I asked what she meant, and she asked if there was a term for sexual attraction but no romantic attraction. I told her about aromantics. She got weirdly quiet, then excused herself.
Not two weeks later I was heading to my boat. I was supposed to meet Bella and another one of our muteral friends there for a day of fishing.
As soon as I was in earshot, I saw Bella storming off the boat, and our other friend standing there like an idiot. Boi had no idea what was happening.
Anyway, Bella isn’t looking where she’s going and walks smack dab into me. That’s when I realized she was crying. Puffy red eyes, wet cheeks, the whole nine yards… And if you know anything about Bells, she does not cry. Ever.
She’s been through some serious crap in her life, and she does not cry. She’s tough as nails. Bella has a steel core. She does not not cry. I’ve seen her fall off a roof and break her arm before, not a single tear. I can’t stress this enough, Bella. Doesn’t. Cry.
So seeing her in tears shook me. I took her by the shoulders and escorted her somewhere more private where we could talk. We ended up in the women’s restroom, which was weird as fuck for me, because haven’t been in a woman’s rest room for years. Luckily it was empty, and I’m realistic, I know I don’t pass so well, so I don’t think anyone would have said anything anyway.
Before I can even ask her what’s wrong she hugs me around my middle and burys her face in my hoodie. Then, in a voice I can only describe as traumatized, she says, “I think I’m broken.”
I’ve never seen her in so much pain, and Bella and I are CLOSE. She’s one of my dearest friends. She’s like my little sister, but if she’s like my sister, our other muteral friend is like her twin. He and Bella have know each other WAY longer, they’re practically inseparable. They come as a pair. They’re a duo. They’re a package deal.
Appearently, said muteral friend asked Bella out and forcefully kissed her. She shoved him off, and told him she’s aromantic, which she only recently figured out. She wasn’t ready to be out, but this muteral friend left her no choice. She tried telling him no, and he didn’t listen. Bella saw no other option.
Quote on quote, this is what he said to Bella. “That’s okay. You just haven’t dated me yet. We’ve been like, unofficially together for years. You’re probably just freaked out that it’s finally going somewhere.”
After that I’m not 100% clear on what happened, but apparently Bella kept saying no Nd trying to explain herself, but he kept insisting he could ‘fix her.’
Eventudally she started crying and stormed away. That’s when I found her.
Keep in mind, this was her first experience coming out, and her best, closest friend insisted he could fix her and forcefully kissed her. I found out later he also implied corrective rape would ‘solve the problem.’
Bella was traumatized. She’s still traumatized. I tried to make her feel better by buying her an aro pride shirt, and taking her go a local LGBTQ+ hang out. I wanted her to be around like minded people, so she could see she wasn’t broken, and her identity deserved to be respected.
Instead of a warm, welcoming environment… The first thing someone said to her was, “This place is for REAL lgbt people. You don’t belong here.” He also implied she wasn’t human.
Just think about that for a minute. Her first experiences with being an out aromantic have been limited to;
A person she trusted more than anyone forcing himself upon her, claiming she was ill, and needed to be fixed. (Raped.)
Sobbing in my arms in the women’s restroom because she thought she was broken and defective.
Being told she wasn’t welcomed in LGBTQ+ spaces and called inhuman.
This isn’t what I want for her. Bella deserves better than this. She needs a support system, not all this crap. I’ve spent the past week trying to undo all the damage exclusionists, arophobes, and people she trusted did.
Aromantics and asexuals belong in the LGBTQ+ community. You literally cannot change my mind.
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memezz · 1 year
Okay so, here I am again to ask for your support 🥲
In the past month I've been extremely busy irl attending classes/studying to take a test near the end of the year in order to try to get into a public university and take a medical course. I've been on this rythm from Sunday to Sunday, having classes every morning and also at the afternoon on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. I also have a tutor helping me outside of the preparatory course on weekends.
In addition to that, I'm also struggling with my meds/mental health. I've been diagnosed with OCD recently (in addition to my bipolar diagnosis) and God, everything is so hard right now.
If you've been following me for the past couple years you know how fucked up I've been mentally and financially. Last year I got a huge debt that I'm still paying off, and I also need to use my credit card a lot since I don't have money on me ever. I've taken all commissions I've gotten, but it's not always that luck comes my way. So, here I am.
I'm going to say it outright. I'm in dire need of help. Financial help, because thankfully I have a supportive family (who is already helping me financially as much as they can) to help me go through all the mental care stuff.
If I sum up everything I owe, it should be around 3.8k usd. Which is a LOT, especially considering I don't pay rent and spend mostly with myself.
I'm asking for help because no matter how hard I work, no matter how many commissions I take, this number never seems to lower and I don't know what to do anymore. I've been pondering getting another loan from the bank to pay for at least my credit card bills, but that would start another never-ending cycle of eternal debt. And it is so stressful to me that I can't stop spending because I literally need to live, as well as I can't control my compulsive episodes when I'm having them.
So, here I am. Again. For the billionth time, asking for help. I don't expect anyone willing to help to solve my problems for me. It's just that I literally have nowhere else to run, and I've always used social media as ways to advertise and sell my work.
So, please, if you can, I'd appreciate it if you could buy me a ko-fi or consider commissioning me. I'm willing to draw whatever and if you need a discount, just ask me and we can find a good amount together. If you could also share this post, it would mean the world to me.
I'm sorry for making this post at all. I'm just another struggling adult trying her best to become someone in life.
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memezz · 1 year
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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memezz · 1 year
internet censorship bill about to pass congress:
ao3 is facing a ddos attack from an overseas right-wing anonymous group because it contains "degeneracy and disgusting things like LGBT and NSFW".
they're not the only right-wing group that is attacking fanfiction sites because of queer & nsfw content. the Heritage foundation, the US right wing think tank that writes laws for republicans, wrote an article about how "big tech turns kids trans" in which they're advocating for the Kid's Online Safety Act to pass because it will give state attorney generals power to sue websites for "potentially harmful content towards minors". in this article they point out websites like wattpad, tumblr, tiktok, twitter as sites that GOP attorney generals can and will target for censorship if this bill passes. all places where fandom, that's mostly queer, hangs out.
if you think this bill has no chance of passing because of all the red flags it poses, think again. it currently has 38 cosponsors in the senate, and is being pushed by the democrats as a "protecting the children!!" type bill.
there are left-aligned orgs in congress rn lobbying for this bill to pass. july is extremely decisive, because if KOSA goes through to markup it'll be bundled with the Earn It act, Restrict, and all the other bad internet bills and passed as a package, completely censoring the internet forever.
if you want to learn more about the bill, go here. also sign the open letter against it here
it's ESSENTIAL that you call your members of congress, specifically Maria Cantwell (you can call from out of state) and tell them DO NOT PASS KOSA. this site here connects you to your members of congress and gives you a short simple script to read off of! super easy and doesn't take much out of your day! please do this now!!
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memezz · 1 year
They are so stupid on the PGL, incredible
Razork had to go back to his team because he didn't actually know what team they picked to play against
BB was like "I THINK I heard my manager say we're picking Koi"
Zero braincells, love that for them
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memezz · 1 year
friendly reminder for the new twitter refugees:
change your icon/pfp and put something coherent in your blog description or you're going to get blocked bcs people think you're a bot
this site is built around reblogs, so please actually reblog posts(especially art and fics!!)
you can set your likes and follows to private
checkmarks here are a meme and mean nothing
follower counts are private and we like it that way, so get used to not judging people by that metric
drama and discourse is boring, use your blacklist and block button liberally
DON'T CENSOR YOURSELF!! we can swear and say kill and make fun of corporations all we want, and if you tiktok-ify your tags people who have things blacklisted for whatever reason will still see them, and people who want to see that content won't be able to find it!! spell words out normally, you won't get in trouble!!
tumblr live is sketchy as hell and full of fake accounts, if you decide to use it anyway may god have mercy on your soul o7
be nice to the reddit refugees, they're our friends <3
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memezz · 4 years
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FELICIDADES por los 11M Luzu. Te queremos💙💜
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memezz · 4 years
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