memorylovesmagic · 9 months
The First People worked together, building a row of rooms as new people join them. The healer begins working on stabilizing the forest that is being suffocated by its magic going wild. As he heals the trees and drops the overgrowth, the rest of the First People use those resources to start building a home.
A landslide from a thrown rock causes a tunnel to collapse, dropping another of the First with the rocks. The child she has taken in as her own finds his way out of the mountain and to where she is.
The healer stabilizes the first area he had healed, awakening the hamadryad within the oak nearby. She warns them of an unknown threat to the forest, and the Grand Matriarch. Intending to set out on their quest at dawn, the group heard the dryad scream for help as they tried to make a plan.
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memorylovesmagic · 9 months
The first of the First Otherworlders awakened and began their new life, only to realize they need the help of those still below.
The First Bard played his lute through the night, dancing around the sleeping figures with grace, his cat eyes shining in the light of the three moons.
When the two suns had risen, he led those who had awakened up the hill to find the other two.
Their fates had yet to be decided, by themselves and the other beings and creatures native to this land.
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memorylovesmagic · 9 months
Without existence there was no knowledge, and no destruction. After Magic created everything, it's time became limited by the memories in between.
When the first otherworlders were brought to the world on the Day of the Dragon, Memory was able to wake up too. He stood on top of the hill that will hold a city one day, crying as he remembers his home, for all it was and could be.
He listens to Magic, and guides the souls of this world and the others towards what he remembers. When times of Destruction are approaching, Memory teaches people to be capable of standing against it.
Memory has loved Magic since the beginning, since he could watch them create and even destroy. Even their rage and vengeance had him ensnared.
When the otherworlders whose souls were most precious to them woke, he knew he would help Magic make them strong enough to survive throughout the Chaos and Destruction awaiting them.
Memory knows that eventually Chaos will take over, or Destruction will tear everything apart.
But every moment until then, every story each soul gets to live out, is far too precious to be wary of the inevitablity of the future.
If Chaos and Destruction can be prolonged with Life and Hope, if Magic can last just a little longer, then every lifetime Memory spends living and dying among the people, will be worth all the pain and suffering he feels living among the stories.
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memorylovesmagic · 9 months
At first, there was a force of creation, of power, and a force of destruction. In between those two, fractured through the time they created and destroyed, was knowledge, stories of lives lived and lost.
The Creation, desiring freedom and the ability to exist on the world they created, spread their essence throughout their world.
Magic blossomed in every atom, and found many forms. That of Water, flowing and cutting through the land it created. The first Tree giving life, nature sprouting from the Earth, each spec of dirt also holding its own kind of magic. The Wind breathed Life through the grass, and the first animals were birthed.
Magic, in their joy, caused quakes to form mountains, birthing dragons from the volcanos before they turned to stone. Their hurricanes brought all kinds of creatures from the depths. In the brightest bolt of lightning, another dragon burst out with the sound of thunder.
And after the animals and beasts, and creatures of many kinds, have spread across the land, Magic found the soul of ones they held dear. They brought those souls to their home, and waited till they had made the magic of the world strong enough to live with those souls.
It is said those souls were the most powerful lines. That some were mortal, but the others were deities. The mortals became rulers. Most of their children were demigods, and started even more powerful lines.
Even as dragons came down from the mountains, and beasts roam deep in the forests, and the rapids make the river uncrossable, those souls, chosen by Magic and Memory, somehow found a way to build a world unlike any before.
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memorylovesmagic · 9 months
I've been working on a fantasy world for a couple years now. I found a GM to be Magic, found a DM to be the First Great Beast, and got a discord up and running. However, I don't have enough active players. I'll be posting stories on here to try to get some of you interested in joining so we can do more. We use both dnd and pathfinder to create characters, but most of the game is homebrew. You can go on quests and adventures or stay home and take care of your family or build a new town, you can even become a lord or a king if you work for it. We do have the option to pay for a chosen souls subscription where you have more say so in who your character is and more of a focus on you in the story.
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