memyselfandianimation · 2 months
*crawls out of a hole surrounded by paper*
First off, behold, a shiny picture
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Outside of the realms of film production, I’ve been up to my eyes in marking at my job, and thus this page has stood still - UNTIL NOW!
Now that we are moving into the summer months here, I have *finally* returned back to this project, and immediately started back on the character art and tweaking the linework to feel a little more loose and fun - hence the new and improved sketch for out main character above, which I’m growing much more fond of!
For now, just a little text post to keep people aware that I do yet linger upon this mortal plane - but soon, more actual drawings will appear, as we finalise the character designs and go into tests later this month!
Thanks for the response to my first post ;-; I was apprehensive putting my life out on display here, but everyone has been so kind and supportive <3
See ya soon! :D
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memyselfandianimation · 5 months
I'm making a film!! :D
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Hello, My name is Jamie, and I am so excited to announce my animated short film 'M.E, Myself and I', which is currently in production! As it is International ME Awareness week, I thought it would be the perfect time to announce this project to the world, and start to share its production with you all.
The film focuses on our main character 'MJ' as they live their life, and come to terms with their new diagnosis, and how to find joy in the world despite it. This film has been a concept of mine that I have had for many years, and is a story that is close to my heart, as I was diagnosed with M.E. in early 2017. I have previously worked with various studios in the North of England, and have completed work for the BBC, but this project was always on the back of my mind since then! It will be an entirely paper-based animation, like the animation shown below, and will then be hand colour with alcohol markers, mirroring the previous personal projects I have done in watercolour.
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Our main character MJ ages throughout the film, and so the design reflect them growing up, aging and adapting as they adjust to using different mobility aids and travelling the world. Here is the concept art we have for our character at various ages throughout the film, as well as an animation test for the character.
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I will be updating this blog regularly as production continues, sharing where we are up to and anything exciting that happens along the way.
If you would like to help support the production of the film, we have a Kofi, which will go towards supplies and sound design, and also keeping me hydrated! :D Please see the links below for my Kofi, and my Instagram where I will also be posting updates if you would like to see things there! I leave you with this little piece of concept art for one shot of the film, as well as some storyboard frames to give you a little insight into the story of the film.
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Thank you for reading! \o/ Kofi - https://ko-fi.com/jamieisanimating Instagram - www.instagram.com/jamimation
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