mensobrush · 3 years
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I figured as I’m already here I might as well post something 😭 sorry that it’s not kkob though 😖
I’ve been doing these daily challenges to get me out of hating making art and so far it’s going pretty well I think!! Really like how these turned out :)
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mensobrush · 3 years
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mensobrush · 3 years
y’all im so sorry for the inactivity my life is absolutely all over the place rn but hopefully itll settle down soon 
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mensobrush · 3 years
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More Kakashi love because he deserves it 😌
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mensobrush · 3 years
shoutout to all my kkob mutuals the devil works hard but y’all work harder
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mensobrush · 3 years
its like almost 12 am where im at but fuck it imma ask; if you don't mind do you have any show/book/series recs? most specifically art related bc whelp im just someone wanting to draw and your style is really clean and i lowkey kinda want to diversify my art so uh.
Oh BOY have I got a list for you my friend
SHOWS: I'm not too sure about shows that would teach you art necessarily, but i know of a few that are ABOUT art and artists (forgive me because most of these are all anime lol):
1. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! - super cute anime about three high school girls working together to create an animated short film, there's a concept artist, animator, and manager and they have such distinct personalities! Highly recommend for anyone wanting to go into those fields 2. Blue Period - manga and upcoming anime about high school students trying to get into Japan's best fine art colleges. Lots of deep shit about what being an artist is about and delves into struggles like impostor syndrome and shit. Had to stop reading the manga because it hit too close to home and gave me nam flashbacks
3. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun - definitely less on the art side and more of a shoujo between a mangaka and his assistant - super cute
The next few are shows that aren't about art, but have distinct/outstanding art, animation, or cinematography and i highly recommend them for artists to watch:
4. Ping Pong the Animation - probably the most distinctive anime in terms of art style, definitely worth taking a look at!
5. Mob Psycho - highly mainstream but the animation for that anime is insane, especially for fight scenes!
6. Godless - live action western/cowboy limited series on Netflix, probably the show with the best cinematography I've ever seen
This I can probably give more info on! Keep in mind that most of these are geared toward concept art/illustration since that's what I mainly do, but all artists can benefit from having these:
1. Framed Ink and Framed Ink 2 by Marcos Mateu-Mestre - Books on composition, lighting, and storytelling! Must have for people interested in illustration and creating full pieces, and it goes into storyboarding as well!
2. How To Draw by Scott Robertson - THE book on perspective (disgusting, i know, but if you're a character person and you want to level up, perspective is worth learning)! It's definitely more on the advanced side, so I don't recommend it for beginners!
3. Stonehouse's Anatomy by Seok Jung Hyun - I don't personally own this one but I've heard VERY good things about it! I think it's also a pretty advanced level book, but feel free to challenge yourself if you wanna get it!
4. Bammes and Bridgman - Gottfried Bammes and George Bridgman are the people to go to when you're first wanting to get into human anatomy! They focus less on scientific latin muscle names or whatever and more on the gesture of the figure and simplifying body parts into simple shapes that are easy to put in perspective! You can get pdfs of their books for free online or buy them off amazon.
5. Any art book from games that you like - art books are literally a gift from amitabha y'all, they are so insightful into the concepting for games and some of them (coughs the Ghost of Tsushima one coughs) have ALL BANGER art in there and there's NO MISSES
The next ones are again, not necessarily art tutorial books but books with insane art in them:
6. Vagabond/anything by Takehiko Inoue - this man is a fucking god, a legend, his art is so fucking good and delicious and it never misses and he's cracked out of his mind and
I don't really know what you mean by "series" so I'll just use this as an opportunity to highlight "series" of videos/channels that are highly helpful for artists:
1. 10 Minutes to Better Painting by Marco Bucci - Marco Bucci's videos are fucking awesome in general, but his 10 Minutes to Better Painting series condenses painting concepts into something concise and easily digestible, and they're incredibly helpful for general painting skills.
2. Proko's Anatomy Series - again, Proko is a great resource for everything art related but he specializes in anatomy and is probably the best resource for people starting out and wanting to jump into anatomy.
3. Draftsmen Podcast - Podcast by Proko and Marshall Vandruff, less direct art tutorials but more talking about artist mindsets (which is just as if no more important than practicing technique)
4. Sinix - not a series, but a channel on youtube! Sinix is great at condensing complicated shit into simple to understand, short videos! He also graduated from my college hehehe
5. Rossdraws - another alum from my school ;) I have many mixed opinions on Rossdraws, but he's pretty good for beginner artists! And his videos are fun to watch so there's that
I might add more onto this as i think of them but these are all I can think of off the top of my head! hope this helps :)
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mensobrush · 3 years
💌 your art style is absolutely goals 😭💕✨ You remain an inspiration even on hiatus 💖 self care and rl obligations are important, take care, be well ☕️ Thank you for sharing your incredible arts with us 💌
PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE ANA 😭😭😭 you’re so sweet omg tysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m actually working on an obkk collab project right now!! Hopefully it’ll get into y’all’s hands soon 👀
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mensobrush · 3 years
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武蔵, Musashi 
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mensobrush · 3 years
井上 雄彦, Takehiko INOUE.
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mensobrush · 3 years
I would not date hidan because the man is clearly unhinged though I admire his unwavering faith in his god lmao
he’s also 100% into BDSM which is pretty intense for my taste 😭
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mensobrush · 3 years
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I am sorry for the lack of content recently my friends, have this incredibly short animation in these trying times
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mensobrush · 3 years
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it‘s friday my dudes you know what that means
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mensobrush · 3 years
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Please, come by the shop and let our lovely salesmen, Hashirama and Madara, help you find the merchandise of your dreams!!! ;D (gif designed and produced by the spectacular @petitcanard​)
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Keep reading
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mensobrush · 3 years
for the dating, the founders? (izuna included lol)
Hashirama is lowkey unbased cos i literally don't understand what he did when he founded the village LOL the man said he didn't like that child soldiers were being used and then continued to use child soldiers like am i missing something or
he's tall and handsome and a cool shonen anime character but irl i don't think i would vibe with him he's a politician
Madara is way too passionate about his personal goals to have time for anyone else methinks, would not date but i'd do edibles with him or something idk
Tobirama has several sticks up his ass and he's lowkey racist towards the Uchihas not a big fan of that
im ngl I do not know much about Izuna other than the fact that he is hot, probably wouldn't date cos Madara would curb stomp me if i looked at him wrong
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mensobrush · 3 years
are u fr asking me why i wouldn't want to date the crusty ass gangrenous saggy tittied dripless mcdonald's hairline ass relies on the most broken power in the show to fight a 16 year old ass gum smile no teeth wrinkly ass mad cos bad smell like cheeto poop lettuce water ass bitch
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mensobrush · 3 years
I couldn't find the ask button on your page 😭 For the dating thing, please consider Team Minato: why wouldn't you date Kakashi / Obito / Rin [ you can include Minato and Kushina if you really want to, or not ]
nOOO why is my page so scuffed 😭 sorry about that let me look into it!!
As for my answer, obviously I wouldn’t date obito and Kakashi because they’re dating each other 🙄🙄🙄 and I wouldn’t date Rin because she’s out of my damn league 😩
I feel like minato’s a bit too serious?? Like we wouldn’t really vibe even as friends 😭 he’s a hot ass dilf though
And I literally cannot think of a reason why I wouldn’t date Kushina outside of the obvious which is that I am sadly not romantically attracted to women, one of my many regrets in life 😞 she’s fucking awesome though, one of the only women Kishimoto wrote correctly
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mensobrush · 3 years
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