mentalemtactum · 10 years
       "They want us all dead.         Well, not really. Not anymore.         Just the humans."
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  [ ❁ ] ;; “You can by  association.              You work for Ultra. They              want me dead.”
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
        "That's funny, because I can't kill you."
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  [ ❁ ] ;; “Look. People care about              me because they wanna              kill me. Simple    as that.              So fuck off, before I   ”
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
          "Really? That's all you have to say?          No one cares? Are you emo or something?"
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  [ ❁ ] ;; “Well, screw you, Stephen.              Because no one cares.”
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
          "Stephen Jameson            and because I care."
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  [ ❁ ] ;; “Yeah.                         Who the hell are you                        and why  the fuck do                        you care?”
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
If you're a marvel/dc rp and you're open to rp with an AU version of Stephen Jameson from TTP please like or reblog this so I can go and follow.
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
Canon variations on #Kill Switch
Like in canon, Jedikiah's switch comes unexpectedly (I need to point this since he is a psychometrist) therefore he didn't know what he was going to do.
Cara doesn't need to tell him, when she touches him, he sees it. 
When Stephen touches Luca's face, he sends a promise of coming back alive to them both. But when he touches his mother, he can't avoid hide a little lost of hope.
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
"Maybe because it isn't your war?"
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         ”I don’t see why I can’t help.”
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
Stephen wears gloves not to be invading people's minds.
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
        "Do I look like I am joking?"
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  [ ❁ ] ;; “Is that a real question?”
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
Stephen runs by Price knowing the truth about his father. Legally he is still Jameson. But he asks those who call him by his last name (mostly John) to call him Price. At ULTRA he asks Jedikiah to approach him like that after agreeing on working for him.
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
salvatorebastard started following you
"Are you going to help us?"
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
haphephxbia started following you
"You ok?"
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
ifanythingimfascinated started following you
"With John having ruined our plan, what's our next move."
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
onceatraitor started following you
"I thought you weren't around."
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
strongerperfectkiller started following you
"You better tell me why you risked your life uselessly."
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
timesinergist's mun here XD 
Just wanted to tell you. This AU stephen would probably be perfect for your muse to work on her fear (read his powers xD most of them imply contact)
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mentalemtactum · 10 years
"... I used to like Dinosaurs when I was a kid. I think I'd say robots though. They're cooler. Except if they are from Doctor Who. Those are fucking scary."
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