mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
“You… broke it down. Of course.”
[He feels he should’ve been angrier than they were about the door, but they only found himself mystified at the strange robot.]
“Proto, you say? I must admit, it is… interesting to meet you. Out of the few robots I have met, I don’t believe I’ve encountered any such as yourself, yes? Apologies for my… initial reaction.”
[On instinct, they offer a handshake to the robot, as he was always brought up to do. Despite the calm exterior, he still seems rather shaken…]
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(- @physically-bloody-medibot )
[It had been a fairly uneventful day for Flick. No one had come by for repairs, nothing unusual or wacky had happened, just a normal, completely regular day.]
[Which led to quite the shock when an unfamiliar robot seemed to pop right into existence in front of them.]
“Holy fuck, where did you come from!?”
[He exclaims, clamouring to their feet out of surprise. Taking a pause to compose himself, he clears his throat, before continuing.]
“Ahem, I mean to say. Why might you be here? And how did you get in? I could’ve sworn I had the door locked…”
[They muse, taking the opportunity to observe the newcomer. A medibot, he guesses. Quite an unusual one, though. They aren’t normally so short, or so… bloody. Though annoyingly enough, the robot still stands taller than the man, who takes note of the odd construction of the being before them.]
“And… If I may ask. Who exactly are you?”
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
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(- @physically-bloody-medibot )
[It had been a fairly uneventful day for Flick. No one had come by for repairs, nothing unusual or wacky had happened, just a normal, completely regular day.]
[Which led to quite the shock when an unfamiliar robot seemed to pop right into existence in front of them.]
“Holy fuck, where did you come from!?”
[He exclaims, clamouring to their feet out of surprise. Taking a pause to compose himself, he clears his throat, before continuing.]
“Ahem, I mean to say. Why might you be here? And how did you get in? I could’ve sworn I had the door locked…”
[They muse, taking the opportunity to observe the newcomer. A medibot, he guesses. Quite an unusual one, though. They aren’t normally so short, or so… bloody. Though annoyingly enough, the robot still stands taller than the man, who takes note of the odd construction of the being before them.]
“And… If I may ask. Who exactly are you?”
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
humans are social creatures, you know
eventually youre gonna go nuts if its just you and your guns
“I. Am. Fine.”
[It growls.]
“I am a perfectly normal and sane person. And I certainly will stay as such going forward.”
[It finishes, before adding:]
“I do not like other people. Other people do not like me. And I am perfectly fine with that. Understand?”
[Though its words are confident, it almost feels as if he isn’t so sure about these facts he supposedly believes.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
wow, thats sad
“What’s sad?”
[It hisses back.]
“I will have you know I am perfectly fine. I have Sterling, I have Aldric, all of them. I have everything I need. So lay off. Got it?”
[He finishes, coldly.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
Got any good friends?
“Well, I used to. They’re long gone at this point. I doubt I would be able to get in contact with any of them even if they wanted to see me. As for the team here, we don’t quite… interact much.”
[They pause.]
“I have my weapons, and that’s enough.”
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
DO you like dogs?
“Dogs? I would say I’m quite neutral. I don’t mind animals by any means, don’t get me wrong. It just tends to be animals that mind me. It’s just how it is, I suppose.”
[They say.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
Are you okay?
“Me? Ah, yes, yes. Perfectly fine. Right as rain. Doing just wonderfully, obviously.”
[He responds, dryly.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
[Flick sat in the darkened armoury. A regular night like any other.]
[Something felt off. The team was back, should… should be back. And yet, no sound. No chaos, no shouting, no laughter.]
[Just silence. Usually they’d be grateful for that. Tonight, though, it only felt cold.]
[Perhaps they’d had an early night? Unusual, but it would explain the odd quiet.]
[Perhaps he should go check.]
[Rising from his seat, he exits the cramped room. As they walked, the halls seemed to get longer… and longer… and longer.]
[After far too long, he reached the common room. It lay abandoned, far too clean for the team to have been there.]
[Now that was worrying. His heart starting to thump, he turns down a corridor. This was the way to the rooms, he recalls.]
[He turns down another hallway. And then another. And then another. Admittedly, they rarely visited any of the rooms, especially his own, but… It never remembered the base as being this large.]
[One foot in front of the other, just a little further… Just a little further… Just…]
[He paused. Looking down, instead of the familiar tile of the base, their foot made contact with half-dead grasses and muddy ground. A fat raindrop fell onto his head, followed by another, and then a curtain of rain fell onto the shifting scene. The moon shone brightly above, a sharp crescent piercing through the dark.]
[A snap, like a twig being stepped on. A jolt of panic spiked through their mind as they snap to attention, stumbling and tripping as he attempts to break into a sprint.]
[And quick as it started, he came crashing to a stop. A root from a nearby tree had caught their foot, sending him to the floor.]
[A cold horror settled over him as a shadow blotted out the pale moonlight.]
[Weakly, he attempts to pull himself up.]
[And as a single, loud blast rings out…]
[…they jolt awake.]
[Catching his breath, reason begins to return. It was… just the base’s door. Being slammed open. Sure enough, the sound of conversation had returned to the halls, loud laughter and the occasional shout filling the complex.]
[He sinks down into the chair with a relieved sigh. Hand drifting to that spot on his shoulder, they reassure themself.]
[It was just a bad dream.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
“…I suppose you do.”
[He responds, voice cold as they return to the table, tossing a map down.]
“Here. This should cover enough area for you to find your way, yes?”
[They pause, looking over the map as they realize how the robot likely wouldn’t know where exactly on the map they are. He sighs, mildly annoyed, and uncaps a pen.]
“Now, I should not be telling you this, in the occasion you have affiliation with RED, but quite honestly I could not care less about this company. We are…” [He circles a plot of land on the map with the pen,] “Here. I would recommend taking the side road away from the base, if you wish to avoid becoming mincemetal, robot.”
[They fold the map back up, swiftly handing it over.]
[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
[Their eyes narrow slightly, eyes drifting to where Arthur’s hand hovers. Turning back to the shelf he had been searching through, he speaks.]
“I would highly advise against backstabbing me, machine. I am not required to do this, you know?”
[He turns back to the robot, voice colder than ice.]
“I am actively attempting to find you a way out of here so your father won’t wake up to a pile of scrap tomorrow. So I apologize if it may take some time.”
[They hiss out, voice crackling with what might’ve been fury, and what might’ve been fear.]
“As I have stated, I do not want you here. As such, the fewer knives in my back is all the quicker you’ll return home, robot.”
[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
“Of course. I don’t quite like having others in the Armoury much, anyways. I won’t be keeping you around any longer than necessary.”
[He responds, opening the Armoury door for the robot. Once inside, she settles down on a chair, offering the one opposite to the robot.]
“Teufort, you say? Hm… Well, I’m certain it’s close. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how exactly to get there. I’m sure I could figure it out eventually, I certainly have my maps around here somewhere…”
[They wave their hand idly as they speak.]
“But, it could take a while. On the upside, you’ll be safe in the meantime. I’m of virtually zero threat to you, and the others don’t visit more than they need. Just don’t look down a gun barrel to see what makes it fire and you should be perfectly fine.”
[He finishes.]
[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
"Pleasure to meet you, Arthur. I take it you don't live around here, do you?" [He helps the robot to its feet, stepping back a little to give it space.] "And I would assume that you wouldn't know how to get back, considering you don't know how you got here. Would I be correct in that assumption?
[They ask, pausing for a moment before frowning slightly.]
“And I should think that you may like to come in, considering the combatants could return any minute. While they do avoid coming down this way, I shudder to think what they might do to a robot on base if you were found.”
[He adds in a rather unconcerned tone, not quite matching the weight of their words…]
[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
Do you have a favorite weapon you've made or worked with, or maybe just some of your favorites? :3
“Ah! Wonderful question!”
[He seems to perk up at this question, a genuine smile crossing their face.]
“Well, I have worked with many fine weapons in my time, from rifles to pistols to shotguns. Though, despite the number I have repaired or crafted, truly none can compare to my Sterling.”
[They state with utmost certainty, pulling the aforementioned derringer out of his holster with a flourish. Well-polished and well-maintained, it’s clear a lot of love has been put into this small weapon.]
“Now, I do admit my bias here, Sterling and I have been together quite a number of years, after all. He’s the first I ever restored, did you know? It’s quite the story how we met, actually, I simply must tell it sometime!”
[They exclaim, enthusiastic. It’s rare to see anything other than vague boredom or veiled annoyance from him, so this is quite a surprise.]
“Ah, and did you know that..!”
[They proceed to spend the next fifteen minutes rambling on about all sorts of details about the various weapons he’s worked with in the past, from the broadest, surface-level facts to the most minute little details.]
[They… really like this topic, as it turns out.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
“Ah, so you can talk! Interesting…”
[He exclaims. They’d seen robots before, of course, though usually it was only in bits and pieces, and definitely not talking.]
“Mechanic? Not quite, no. Though, I suppose I’d be the closest thing they have here.”
[It sticks out a gloved hand, a performative act of greeting.]
“Armourer. Though you can call me Flick. I’m not quite… attached to the title, yes?”
[A hint of resentment laces the casual tone, a wave of bitterness below the surface of the friendly facade making itself known.]
“That was quite the fall you took there, I must say. You’re lucky the combatants are away, I’d be quite worried for you otherwise!”
[They say with a cold bark of laughter, an uneasy air settling over the friendly actions. He doesn’t seem like an immediate threat, at the very least…]
[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
12 notes · View notes
mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
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mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
[The sound of a clock can be heard softly ticking, weaving future into past with every movement of those rigid hands as Flick paces around the small building.]
[Tick, tock.]
[What was there left for them to do today?]
[He'd done all the repairs those reckless combatants had caused for today, performed routine maintenance twice over, and cleaned Sterling so diligently he'd be shiny as a mirror for the next month, at least.]
[So what was it they should do now?]
[Tick, tock.]
[He spends some time idly shuffling a deck of cards. They don't play, really. But he does cheat.]
[Tick, tock.]
[He yawns. Perhaps they could turn in early for the night... But he quickly shoots down that idea. Sleeping on the job didn't end well for him last time, and he's still technically on the clock...]
[Tick, tock.]
[Sitting, staring up into the ceiling, listening to that ever-persisting timekeeper wind seconds into minutes, and minutes into hours.]
[He hates boredom.]
0 notes
mentally-amoral-armourer · 5 months
[throws a bucket of spiders at flick]
[He lets out a shout as the bucket makes contact, small black bodies scattered everywhere. Brushing away the arachnids still clinging to him, they stumble to their feet.] "Must you?!"
[He hisses, glaring.]
"Do you know how long this will take to clean up?! And, what's more, a bucket?"
[They huff, annoyed.]
"Now, I can understand dropping a spider over somebody's shoulder as a joke, ha-ha. but throwing an entire metal bucket at me? If I thought higher of you, I would assume you were attempting to kill me!"
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