mer-curious · 4 years
Hiiiii would you consider making a sequel for weird kid? I really like how it started out, you’re a great writer! :)
I've just seen this, sorry for taking so long! Yeah, of course. In the next few days I'll upload a second part. Thank you so much! ❤❤❤
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mer-curious · 4 years
Weird Kid | Stanley Barber
Pairing: Stanley Barber x Reader
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: Swearing?
 “Is Bradley actually that dumb or is he just acting?” I asked Syd while we looked at him and Dina making out in the corner of the room.
“Honestly, who knows?” She laughed.
It wasn’t the first time Dina had ditched us for her new-found lover, it wouldn’t be the last either. Luckily for us, she usually made it up by buying us some candies from the store. Syd was always the most affected by this. Not saying that I didn’t care, I would much prefer my awesome friend being away from such an asshole, but sometimes dick is worth it.
“What are you doing after school?” I asked Syd while we packed our backpacks. “I’ve got some cash, we could go play at the arcade or something”
“I’m not really in the mood, but you can come over to my house” She replied.
“Sounds good”.
  “Hey, Syd!” A voice said from the side of the road.
We turn our heads towards the person calling her. Stanley Barber, a weird kid from our class was coming our way. The only thing I knew for certain about the boy was that he had an obvious crush on Sydney. That’s it.
“Hey, Stanley” she awkwardly responded.
Am I third-wheeling? Can this be considered third-wheeling?
“Hello” I chimed in.
“Oh, hey there, Y/N” he grinned. “Do you guys want me to walk you?”
We were literally one block away.
“Uh, sure” Syd answered before I could say anything.
Once we kept walking, I realized that the boy wasn’t wearing any shoes. “Where are your shoes at?” I jokingly asked him.
“Shoes… who needs them?”
I swear to God he’s weird as fuck.
  The following morning I woke up feeling like that day was going to be shit… and I was right. First class of the day and Dina showed up very cheerful. Turns out Bradley had gone down on her for the first time. Disgusting. After that, I had to put up with Syd being all grumpy because she wanted to be in Bradley’s place. Lastly, some girl had vomited all over another dude, which ended up causing more people to follow suit.  
“Why Bradley?” I questioned Dina while walking to gym class.
“There’s something special about him” she replied.
“Like what?” Sydney retorted.
Dina looked at her. “I don’t know, Syd. Something”
Again, disgusting.
Once we arrived to the gymnasium, Dina and I headed over to where the coach was standing and asked her if we could play basketball, while Sydney just sat down on the steps. While we were playing, I caught a glimpse of Stanley trying to bounce the ball, but failing miserably. Without being seen by my team, I stood next to him and asked him what he was doing.
“Playing basketball, obviously” he replied.
“What you’re doing is a disgrace for basket” I joked. “Here, give me the ball”
After showing him how to actually play, I went back to my team.
  “Today I saw you with that Barber kid, he’s kinda cute” Dina commented.
“What?” Sydney [chimed in]. “Y/N was purposely talking to Stanley?”
I rolled my eyes. “It was pitiful watching him try to bounce the ball, I had to help him”
“Oh, and you were watching him too? Damn, Y/N, you sure can hide your crushes from us” Dina continued teasing.
I swear to God Sydney was in a constant state of confusion.
“She’s joking” I explained.
“Am I?”
“You’re getting on my nerves.”
Just as Sydney was about to say something, Stanley came walking towards the steps He had changed from his gym clothes back into his weird loose pants and brown belt. His white teeth were showing through his smile and I couldn’t help but stare at him, for some reason he looked really nice.
“Hey, Y/N” He said while sitting down next to us. “What were you guys doing?”
“Just talking” I rapidly responded before Dina could.
Stanley kept looking straight to my eyes. It was making me uncomfortable.
“What we’re you up to?” Dina asked him while gathering her stuff. Sydney and I started doing the same, it was almost time to go home.
“I was about to go grab something to eat at the cafeteria, but I heard that Bradley had beaten some poor guy up, so I decided against it” his eyes switched back and forth between us.
Wait, Bradley did what.
 Turns out, that “guy” Bradley had beaten up was actually a professor. The four of us quickly went over to where the fight had taken place and found Bradley being lectured by the principal. We waited until he was done and we formed a circle around him.
“What is this weirdo doing here?” He pointed at Stanley.
Before anyone could say anything, I angrily replied “Shut up, idiot. Why did you punch Mr. Atkins?”
“He was provoking me, I had to fight back”. Bradley defended himself.
This is the most ridiculous shit I’ve heard for a while.
“Right, I’m leaving then” I stood up, Syd and Stanley following closely. “Talk to you later, Di.”
The three of us walked down the same street as we had the day before, this time Stanley and I walking Syd home and going back to his, as my house was actually further than Syd’s. When we arrived to Stanley’s house I was about to keep walking, but he grabbed my arm.
“Uh, Y/n…” he started.
I stopped walking. “What, Barber?”
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” He timidly wondered.
Oh. “Sorry, my mother wants me home by nine, but we can hang out tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes, of course…”
Shit, he’s way too cute. “But, today we could do this.” I said and pulled him towards me and kissed his lips.
His arms easily wrapped around my waist while my hands found their place on his hair. Our tongues began a war for dominance, which I ended up winning. After some time, we pulled away from each other.
“See you tomorrow, then.”
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mer-curious · 5 years
Study Notes [Stanley Barber]
Pairing: Stanley Barber x Reader
Word Count: 664
Warnings: None.
This is my first post ever. It’s kinda short and shitty but well it’s nighttime and I’m sleepy haha. Anyways, thanks for reading!
 Stanley Barber.
He was an odd kid. Very odd.
Whenever the rest of us children were having fun, he always looked at us smiling, but never joined. The teachers always looked after him, almost as if they were scared of being sued for not realizing a student had depression or something. Luckily, he never killed himself. He ended up growing into a kinda weird but not really teenager.
Who I ended up falling for. Both metaphoric and literally.
“Are you ok?” He asked holding his hand out for me to grab.
I stood up with his help. “Yes, sorry I didn’t see you coming.”
That was the whole fucking conversation. Three fucking sentences, if noticed even counts as one. Why am I even thinking about it?
 Sixth period was always the worst one. Jocks running round the halls headed to practice while cheerleaders walk right behind as if they were in a runway. Us who were actually leaving for the day had to wait until their modelling fit was done.
Once I reached the entrance, I quickly left the building and went straight to the parking lot. My friend told me to wait for her there so she could give me the notes to a class we shared. When I got to my friend’s car and she wasn’t there I realized she had until seventh period so I’d have to wait for half an hour.
“Hey” a voice said from behind me.
I turned around and saw Stan walking towards me. My breath got stuck in my throat.
“So, uhm…” he continued. “What are you… why are you here?”
“It’s a parking lot. Am I not allowed to be here?” I faked seriousness.
“No, no, that’s not-“
I interrupted him with laughter. He rapidly caught on the joke and started laughing too. After we stopped, he repeated his question from before. “Why are you here?”
“I’m waiting for my friend to give me her notes”
He frowned. “Is it Ricky you’re waiting for?”
“Maybe” I replied.
It definitely wasn’t Ricky. I was waiting for Dina.
“Oh. What class are the notes from?” He asked.
Was this jealousy I was sensing? It couldn’t be.
“Math. Why are you asking?” I teasingly questioned him back.
“I also have that class…”
And that’s how I ended up sitting in Stanley’s bedroom while he furiously ruffled pages out of his binder while looking for said notes. His hair kept falling onto his eyes, so he was pushing it back again and again, it was getting to my nerves. When the same strand fell to his face again, I got up off the floor and used my hand to put it behind his ear. I went back to my place and noticed he was blushing hard.
When he finally found the papers, he hand them over to me.
“Thanks, Stan. I swear that I’ll give them back to you once I finish copying them”
“No worries.” He replied smiling. “Do you wanna listen to some music?”
Stan stood up and turned on his vinyl player, a song I’d never heard before started playing and we both laid on the floor. Honestly, I wasn’t really enjoying the music, but Stan seemed to be having fun. His eyes were closed and his hands were drumming on the air. I kept looking at him until the song finished.
When another song started playing, he opened his eyes and caught me staring. I immediately blushed and looked away. He quietly laughed and grabbed my cheeks to make me look back at him.
“You-“ he was about to say something but I cut him off with a kiss.
His hands crawled up to hold me by the waist while my fingers played with his hair. We sat on the ground, me on top of him while he left kisses on my neck.
“If I’d known it would end up like this, I would’ve directly asked you for the notes in the first place.
I’m aware that the ending is shit, but I really wanted to post something about Stan as the series just came out. Follow me if you wanna read more. All love xx
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