merci-lin · 2 years
Killer Sally
We just finished watching Killer Sammy on Netflix, my friend and I got into a very heated argument on how the trial was not fair. He argued that she was rightfully found guilty and possibly deserved this treatment. I on the other hand had an urge to hug all the victims of abuse especially women who took it all and was holding on to that one string of hope, that things might change the next morning.
When you watch the trial, you'd be surprised at how many times her body was the topic. The prosecutor, an highly educated intellectual man went on to say that Sally was physically stronger than the husband, and that Sally had no feminine traits thus making her capable of murder. The trial revolved around the masculine nature of Sally. My heart pours out to all the strong women in the body building or athletics field who are a prey of such stereotypes. With no surprise Sally was found guilty and served the next 25 years in prison.
To all girls I urge you not to say no to an opportunity just cause the gender norms says so. Go lift that bar in the gym, run an extra mile, dive, swim like the goddess you are, let no one tell you otherwise.
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