mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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Mercy76week Day3 - Relationships
“I don’t know how she did it, but that girl brought back Jack Morrison…” Mercy
Many frown upon Soldier: 76 being a father figure to D.Va. But personally I see so many connections between them that it seems kinda natural to see a close relationship between them. And thanks to that special “father-daughter” the young and outgoing Korean pilot managed to bring back something inside 76, a side of him long buried beneath a rude surface. And Mercy was all too happy to see the fatherly, affectionate and even goofy Jack Morrison she loved all those years ago.
This post is dedicated to a very special friend of mine, Stellania, who sadly is no longer active on Tumbrl.
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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Mercy76week Day2 - War or Peace
While they experienced a lot of battles and hardships, Angela and Jack also shared some peaceful, tender moments. The fact that they understood each other’s experience, the stress, the pain, the fears made made these moments all the more deep and precious.
He needed an angel to stop the war around him, and she needed a soldier to rely on no matter what.
And they found each other, always.
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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Mercy76week Day2 - War or Peace
Mercy and Jack fought their fair share of battles, both during their Overwatch days, and now that Overwatch is coming back together. They always had each other’s back but Angela always feared the day Jack would succumb to the war that followed him around all his life.
And that day whoever harmed his soldier would know to fear her
P.S: I’m sorry I didn’t post anything for day one, but I failed to write something
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Jack’s diary
This is my Mercy76 day 1 “History” entry, Enjoy :D
It was uncharacteristically for Jack to keep a diary as he never liked keeping memories of the past. But as Angela looked at their secret place in the Alps. Angela saw a notebook that slipped in between the stack of books.
Opening it, Angela saw a picture of Angela.
Entry #1
I don’t know why everyone wants me to keep a diary, not saying that I like it but it is good to have something to do before I go to bed.
Entry #2
Ana told me to get some rest. Nightmares always keeping me awake, drunk, shit faced or something, those fucking nightmares are keeping me awake, I can’t stop hearing the voices of my men who died way back in the Omnic Crisis.
Entry #3
It seems I can’t be helped. I helped myself with painkillers or something stronger, whiskey? Vodka? No, it ain’t helping me I could shoot myself to the head to keep these voices away but Ana injects me with this sleeping serum of hers. Might go back to the bar to get drunk again
P.S God I need help, I wanna kill myself
Entry #4
I am this close to the edge to just grabbing a gun and killing myself but Ana told me to seek out Dr. Ziegler, said she can help me. I. DON’T. NEED. HELP (I really need it) I… I give up, I’ll be looking for her in the base tomorrow morning, hope she can help me, I really need it right now.
Entry #5
I met this Dr. Ziegler woman, got to admit, she’s kind, cute… (god what am I thinking? She might be married, no one would DARE to let that woman go) but I can’t stop thinking of her, she’s really beautiful.
Angela laughed as she thought to herself, “I never knew he thought of me like that before” chuckling as she turned to the next page, Angela suddenly drop the diary as Lena zipped behind her.
“OH, sorry for scaring you doc, any who, What’cha doing in the commander’s private room?” Angela then said “I was… reading a scary book, sorry can you err… leave me for a while? I’ll go be staying here”
Lena nodded as she said “Oh, well the Commander won’t say no right? If you need me I’ll be at the next room” before closing the door.
Picking the diary back up, Angela continued reading.
Entry #6
What the fuck is wrong with me? I shouted at her, she cried in front of me as she said she just wanted to help, I really need help, I don’t know if I could look at her straight in the eye again, oh doc I’m so sorry, maybe if I’m gone everything would be okay… yeah right, I should run away, go back to Indiana, be a farmer again start over… no that’ll not be good, I’ll try again, I have to.
A few steps right? Somehow the voices in the night they disappeared, frequent night terrors but that’s fine, I could sleep again, I got over my addiction to painkillers, alcohol, that’s a negative but she said it won’t be a problem…
I can’t help but notice that she’s always this tense to me, like she was holding some words to me, I can see it in her eyes, she wanted to say it but she’s afraid. I’m also afraid, what if she says that this session is over and we should move on with our lives, I’m afraid to go back to start… I feel that I’m in love with her.
Entry #8
What is this feeling in my chest? It’s tight, I can’t explain. Whenever I see Dr. Ziegler, I can’t help but have this butterflies in my stomach, I know I can’t be in love, I don’t deserve her, she’s a doctor and all she saw in me was just a patient in need, I can’t help but think of her at night, everything is tight in my body, I have to talk to her about this.
Angela skipped a few more pages as Angela knew the stories behind each entries, there was an entry where Jack constantly apologized with each sentence when he made her bleed when they had sex for the first time, memories like those were like a delicious flashback for her but Angela stopped when she read Entries #25 and 26
Entry #25
I should give the ring to Angela, we’re together ever since I recruited her to Overwatch to the time she helped me with my nightmares, but I’m scared, really scared. Angela is the chief medical specialist in Overwatch and I can’t interfere with her work. Some Strike Commander perks for me that I could set some private meetings with her, recently I bought this house at the Alps so we could see each other on our off days, maybe something more.
Entry# 26
Do you know that I never had this sigh of relief when I heard Angela say yes, we’re going to be together forever… oh what am I saying? We love each other… This might be the only entry tonight.
Angela removed her glove as she looked at the diamond ring that Jack gave her right in this very room, the night he gave her that ring, Angela and Jack practically tore their clothes to make love like there’s no tomorrow. A bright red flush on her face was visible as Angela remembered the night.
As Angela closed the Diary, Angela looked at the watch as it said 4: 00 am, keeping the diary on her bag, Angela took his Diary with her wherever she goes. It is the only memory of the man she loved and lost at that fateful day.
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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WIP for Mercy76 week! but since im already lagging, might as well post what i have! ill post the finished one tomorrow. first prompt was “History!”
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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I wanted to do comic for Mercy76 week, but my tablet wasn’t working so I only have the almost finished sketch
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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Contribution for the Mercy76 week! \o/ [Patreon]
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Frost - The Beginning
Paradise or Paradies? A Piece of Heaven or Bits of Hell?
I cannot believe how much time I slept today, I didn’t remember how or why I caught myself in a place called Frost, or at least what the brochure said in front of my bed – it’s not a brochure, more or less similar to a poster, a billboard poster. I cannot recall previous events of my life, I cannot recall my friends and colleagues, I cannot remember anything – even some of the family members of the Ziegler family. To my view, the place called Frost shared an exciting picture of a world. It’s one of those locations that offer an unending season of festivities, cheerfulness, sharing a drink together, and another endless session of theatrical shows and plays. Alas, I can only see a white blanket of snow and droplets of snowflakes, but nowhere near the festivities, the cheerfulness, or even the theatrical shows.
However, I found myself wide awake in a hut, belongs to an old lady named Ana – or should I called her Grandma Ana, an Egyptian lady that lives longer than my grandfather, even longer than humanity itself, I suppose. She is so wise that to put me in her own bedding where the snow is nonstop, and the frigid weather threatens to put me as one of their thousands of icy, embalmed statues. She found a lot of people that didn’t know how or why they are in Frost at first. A French lady, very mysterious being, once stayed here but she could not survive the harsh winter of Frost that reached minus 30 degrees Celsius at its highest peak. She went to the Icy Cathedral of Hopeless Hopes, but to no avail – she was found dead within two hundred and fifty meters from Grandma Ana’s hut. She always said the same thing to different people that want to get out of Frost. I don’t quite remember what she said, but sure it’s a very, very important warning. Grandma Ana once said that a man named Jack Morrison stayed at her humble hut a few weeks earlier before my arrival. Jack was my teammate back in the day, back before we even knew each other.
Jack was… stubborn, even in battle, when we were just compatriots that served together in the Alpha Team, he never cared for war wounds or physical harms or even bullet scratches that tore apart his uniform like a sabrecat pouncing a careless hunter. Jack didn’t care about anything but the mission, he always wants to finish the job quickly so he can get home even quicker and plan even more dangerous tasks for all of us to suffer. Master Engineer Torbjorn recalled that in one mission he had to plant a lot of turrets in various places to keep the Commander alive, Cadet Oxton can’t believe that she has to move so quickly with her translocator to protect Commander’s flanks and his life. Now that he’s gone eaten by the frozen cotton and embalmed with all the sorrow… and a glimpse of curiosity of why the Icy Cathedral’s magnificence is beyond any creations. Grandma Ana said so, Icy Cathedral is one of the most visited tourist attractions, but none ever found their way back nor come back to Grandma Ana’s hut. Jack was brave, but his bravery is just leading him to his undoing. Just like the others who sought for an escape, but to only fall for their inevitable, cold death of Frost. But, even still, I… we do not know how we get here. How we even arrived in Frost. I’m digging through Grandma Ana’s stash of abandoned journals from my “predecessors.” How Frost lured most of us to just die in it, is something straight out of a book, or a game.
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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MERCY76WEEK - III EDITION - Feb 19th-25th 2018
The moment has come! The Mercy76 is happening!
Here are the themes for this edition:
Day 1 (Monday) History - Jack and Angela have a long history together, and even some important experiences before meeting and falling in love. Let's start the week seeing how you think they talked or lived all these stories together: it can be flashback, confessions, dialogues or even photo albums and more! 
Day 2 (Tuesday) War or Peace - Jack is a man of war, Angela a woman of peace. Which side prevails in the couple? The fighting or the comfort? The battles they fought together or the moments they shared outside of the war zone? 
Day 3 (Wednesday) Relationships - During their long story together both Mercy and Jack developed many relationships with diverse people from the Overwatch world. How do these people see our OTP? How can another hero interact with Mercy76? Will they help or hinder our lovebirds? 
Day 4 (Thursday) Secrets - From the big secret of Soldier: 76 to any thing Jack or Angela kept from the other. It could be anything: Fears? Phobias? Something no one else knows? 
Day 5 (Friday) Reverse Day - Stealing from AU day (but it can happen in-universe as well), show us how do you think Mercy76 will be with a role reverse, gender switch, body swap, etc. We are sure Mercy76 can hold even if it’s 76Mercy
Day 6 (Saturday) AU - A staple of Mercy76 week! Only one rule: it must not be set in the current Overwatch universe (and ofc feature Mercy76). Show us your fantasies with Mercy76
Day 7 (Sunday)  Freestyle - We are not lazy (we swear), we just want to give you the chance to do any theme you wish that don't fit the other days. You have the power today. Just remember to tag or flash NSWF stuff, ok?
There they are, folks!
As for the rules, just remember to that if you want to contribute with your works (pictures, fanfics, photos, even songs) just tag them #mercy76week3 and #day(number)(theme) as well as the type of content. For example if you are making a fanfic for the reverse day theme the tags should be #mercy76week3, #day5reverse and #fanfic.
We apologize for the short notice, but we can do it!
Be respectful, be lovely, be Mercy76!
Thanks @pviane for the SFM picture and @begging-for-mercy for the edit
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
A Single Death
I know this ends yesterday, but here’s my last submission for day seven: Mission
and yes, a bit free-style.
If you’re reading this, I’d probably die or went missing… or went to search for something that I can use to… get a foothold for myself. I know you’re not good with words and how to craft it like a true craftsman and I know that I write better than you.
I’m sorry… I shouldn’t take that mission earlier. I don’t know that this mission will cost my life… to save a lot of others. That’s a noble cause, yet my altruism is getting another foothold against my feelings and decisions. I realise that you worried about me and my illness… an incurable disease, yet I rebelled, and now I bite more than I can chew. I face the Death himself.
It has been two days since the first initial attack, many recognised me KIA, but I managed to open my eyes a bit for 0.5 seconds every time a fresh reinforcement come in. The lights flickered uncontrollably, and all I can see is a blurred vision of the world. I don’t know how many times left for me to open my eyes and see you for the last time, nevertheless, I had a little story that I’d like to share with you if you found me take a long dirt nap, under the desk near an old radio.
Death sat down beside me. “Angela, what a beautiful name for a Shield-Maiden,” he complimented. “I long to see another Shield-Maiden in the Land of the Dead.” He took a short sigh. “I had a lot of Angelas in the Land of the Dead, but you…” he stopped for a bit and pet my head. “You’re unique.”
“Why?” I said. “I am just a regular Angela with a normal life as a doctor and a field medic, why am I that unique to you, dear Death?”
“You were destined to save others while risking yours.”
“Death, there’s a lot of people that rescue others better than me.”
“They risk their lives for others, but you… risk your life for others… with feelings.” Death said, sipping a glass of a Deathly Wine, it was so fragrant that I can’t hold myself to taste it.
“What are you talking about? Feelings have nothing to do with my job, Death.”
“You stuck with somebody you love that when I called you for a few days, you rejected it and embrace what will happen next,” he stopped. “You keep telling yourself you’re going to be okay that you forgot how painful it is to be shot in the chest three times…” he looked to another dead soldier beside me. “How painful to left this world while you don’t say goodbye to your beloved ones.”
“I guess so.” I shrugged, although it’s hard, I managed to do it.
“Angela, have you ever dreamt about a sky so blue that you feel you were flying in it?” Death asked.
“I have, several times, even.”
“Would you like to go there now?”
“Death, if my death was in vain and beyond saving. I’d like to go there now.” I said while looking at the orange skies of the afternoon. “But the skies are too beautiful for me to left this world.”
“Angela, how I like your tenacity,” Death chuckled. “What will you do if you’re saved?”
“I’d like to stay with my beloved ones and forget everything since this accident,” I said, with a warm smile. “I long to see peace and serenity. Maybe we can talk again, sooner or later.”
“What a noble choice, Angela,” Death touched my shoulder. “You should remember that you have an incurable sickness. I can lift it off from you, but you promise me something in return.”
“What would you like to trade with me?”
“I’d like to buy your sickness with love. A Love from Death.”
I blushed, hard. “Death, don’t flatter me like that!” I laughed for a bit. “I don’t want to see my fiancée’s face getting all confused and ask why I’m blushing when I was on the brink of my death.”
“I thought you were single.” He joked.
“No, I’m engaged.”
Death stood up. “Anyway, I have to go, I had to collect lost souls of your comrades,” he picked up some of my comrades on his hands. “I guess you better get some rest, I feel your fiancée is coming right now.”
“Thanks, Death.”
“No. Thank you. I learnt a lot from you, now, Angela.”
I gasped. “You… You’re welcome.”
He smiled. “Keep praying for someone to come and make your life worth living, Angela.”
Then, he fades away.
Ah, sentimental Death – what could you expect?
Hey, do me a favour, will you?
From Betelgeuse to Saturn, how’d my Marshmallow Cake tastes?
Ah, enough joking, I don’t want you to find me dying in laughter. Literally!
Like, who’s excited to see someone died while they’re laughing hard, right?
I hope this doesn’t make the extraction awkward.
Winky Wink Boom Pow!
Angela Ziegler.
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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Mercy and Soldier 76 working together on the battlefield!
Gotta love these two
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Mercy76 Week 2 – Day 7: Mission
Angela tightened her grasp on the staff, eyes stuck firmly to the glass window, scanning the cityscape. Lena sat behind her, chatting up Hana and Lucio about their after mission dinner plans.
In truth, she’d rather fall into a nice bath and curl up with a book after.
“You ready?”
Well, there’s one person she’d rather spend that time with than a book…
She smiled, turning to look Jack in the eye. Over the past few months her soldier had returned, though admittedly with more scars than before.
He nodded, looked over his shoulder and leaned in for a quick kiss. She smiled wide at the vague gagging sounds behind them.
“Next time Emily and you stark necking well be sure to return the favor.”
Lena stopped laughing to frown.
“Necking? How old are you again?”
Angela stuck out her tongue in defiance, grabbing another quick smooch in response.
Jack smirked as he slipped on his visor and took up position by the door. Gunfire began buffeting the sides of the ship, forcing the others to a ready position.
“Game on!”
The door dropped and she followed Jack out the door, ducking laser fire and rocket blasts. The crisp Russian air whipped up the snow as they trudged to the low wall.
“Team two, you in position?”
“Roger, we’ve got eyes on the left flank, engaging now.” Came Lena’s eager response.
Jack lifted his free hand as a fist, then pointed forward. Angela activated her secondary beam and the two charged just as Lena’s squad entered the fray. The enemy was pushed off balance, forcing them to regroup near the right flank, which happened to be a 500-foot drop straight down. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late.
“Lower your weapons.” Jack shouted.
The leader simply turned to his fellows and, quick as they could, pulled a hidden pin from their waists and charged.
Jack didn’t hesitate, merely fired, spurring the others to do so as well. Hana jumped in front of Lucio just as one of the assailants grenades went off, forcing the mech to crumple.
“D.va, report!” Jack shouted, finishing off one of the last troopers.
Angela was already there, helping to pull the girl from the wreckage.
“I’m alright, little soot stained but otherwise I’m good.”
She took a cursory glance at Hana, looked to be favoring her right side a little, and indeed covered in soot, but otherwise unscathed. Still, she activated her staff and repaired whatever damage there was.
“She’s good to go, but I’d recommend she stay with us, Lena’s team needs to be fast.”
Hana looked like she’d swallowed a particularly tart candy, but nodded when Lucio and Lena agreed.
“Sorry luv, but she’s right.”
“It’ll be over before you know it, then we can finish that dance.”
The MEKA pilot had smirked then, popping a new stick of gum and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“You got it.”
“Right, team two, do your thing, we’ll handle the rest.”
With Hana in tow they made their way onto the compound, the two soldiers checking corners and making call outs when they could. Angela smiled at the two’s rapport , a few weeks ago and Jack couldn’t stand her, but after getting to know her (and with some nudging on Lena’s part) the two found common ground.
“I’m almost out of clips.” Said Hana, taking cover behind a crate.
“Angela, cover me.”
The medic slung the staff over her shoulder and pulled up her pistol.
“Ready Jack.”
She fired, taking two of their assailants down without issue. The enemy adapted quickly, focusing their fire on her instead. She ducked, feeling the halo around her head take a hit.
“We got you.”
She looked to find Hana and Jack firing over their cover, taking out the two remaining soldiers effortlessly.
“You missed his head.” she quipped.
“He’s dead isn’t he?” jack shot back.
“Yeah but now he’s gonna twitch, see, he’s doing it now!”
Angela peeked over her crate to find the soldier was indeed twitching on the floor.
“What do you want me to do, kill him again?”
A massive explosion rocked the building, Lena’s team no doubt.
“OK, we need.”
The two reloaded and moved towards the exit, Angela in tow.
“Um, team one, we’re in a pickle here.” Said Lena.
“Roger Team Two, where are you?”
“Lobby, ground level. Widow’s ‘ere.”
The three of them shared a look, they hadn’t seen her in action before, but her current body count was estimated to be in the hundreds. Jack turned to Hana and set a hand on her shoulder.
“You stick to me like glue, you got it?”
“Uh, OK?”
“Widow will do anything to get her kill, so you stick to me and don’t move unless I say so.”
Hana opened her mouth to level a response, only stopping when she saw the serious look in Angela’s eye.
“Yeah, sure.”
The rushed to the lobby, encountering little to know resistance. The sounds of gunfire reached their ears as they slid into cover above Lena. Her right leg was bloody, a clean shot through her thigh. Lucio sat beside her, smacking his healing unit.
“We got you Team Two.”
“Widow’s outside, and the enemy is closing in.”
Jack looked to Angela and Hana, then to the others and sighed.
“Cover me.”
Before she could so much as blink, Jack leapt over the railing and fired a cluster of rockets, scattering the advancing men for an instant. He activated his visor and continued to fire, downing at least ten men before Widow forced him to drop his rifle.
Hana leapt down as well, forcing Angela to follow. Widow’s fire brought them all in cover as the enemy regrouped.
“We need a plan.” She said.
“Workin on it.” Said Lucio.
The medic turned her staff to Lena and began to heal her as best she could.
“I’m all right, I’ve got a plan.”
She saw a grenade in his hand, and understood.
“Fire when he drops it and fall back.”
The others frowned, but nodded nonetheless.
“Torbjorn, prep the shuttle, we’re coming in hot.”
Jack dropped the grenade, waited for the flash, grabbed his gun and ran, following the others amid the confusion.
They had survived, now they had to make it home.
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Eggheadcobra’s entry for Day 6 - from Deviantart
If you have a profile there, leave a like and add to favorites!!!
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Mercy76 Week 2 – Day 6: Freestyle
Little backstory, this is a sort of Honor Harrington/my sci-fi series crossover universe, where Overwatch is a force for good in the known galaxy, most of the characters are the same, save for a few additions and playing with the timeline of the canon.
Overall i’d like to explore this as an AU in the future.
            Commander Morrison leaned over the guard railing, eyes scanning the 3D plot of the battlefield ahead. Little blue triangles represented his forces, whereas the red triangles symbolized the enemy: the terrorist group known as Talon. The only problem was that after the loss of Gérard’s ship-of-the-wall, Overwatch’s forces were severely out classed and outnumbered with the new AI controlled ships, along with the squadron led by this mysterious Widowmaker. Add to this a concerned government breathing down their neck and you had a recipe for disaster.
            If they didn’t win a decisive victory here, the fate of the earth, and Overwatch was in jeopardy. He sighed and turned to his second in command, Ana Amari.
            “How’s Oxton’s squadron?”
            “Primed and ready sir, just awaiting your order.”
            He nodded and looked to the plot once again. Lena’s mission was to punch a hole through the enemy’s left flank, drawing attention away from the right and leaving an opening for Fareeha’s destroyer.
            It was a sound plan, under normal circumstances, but the men were uneasy, moral was low.
            “It’ll be fine Jack, my daughter wont let us down.” She whispered.
            “I’m not concerned about that. Its those damned Omnic units.” He whispered back.
            She nodded, turning her remaining eye to the plot, scanning left to right. After a moment or two she looked forward, to the screen that displayed the ‘verse before them.
            “We can do it Jack.”
            He smirked.
            “Captain Amari, you have the con.”
            “Aye Commander.” 
  Continua a leggere
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Pocket Healers (Day 6 of Mercy76 Week)
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Pocket healers come in all shapes and sizes! Including angels or old grumps. Get yours today!
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
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Mercy76 Week Day 6 Freestyle: Lol, I thought I draw it as genderbend xD. A big mistake, it’s ugly but I have no time for a new one. I’m so sorry :’D
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mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Eggheadcobra’s entry for Day 5 - from Deviantart
If you have a profile there, leave a like and add to favorites!!!
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