merwin-me · 3 years
Just me 😊
Prepping dinner for parents and I, like a good daughter 😊
Make a slight miscalculation 😊
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Whomst here wants some BEANS
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merwin-me · 3 years
I'm love Mildred Ratched
I'm love
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I watched all of s1 on Netflix yesterday
I'm love
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Also nurse Huck holds a special place in my soul, bless him
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merwin-me · 3 years
I just finished watching Charlie's Angels (2019), and I loved it! It was pure fun and a reminder of why I fucking love Kristen Stewart (and hate that people sometimes don't take her seriously cause of the Twilight movies). She's a fucking riot!
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I see the IMDB rating of 4.8/10 stars, and give it a solid middle finger.
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merwin-me · 3 years
Has Hannibal non-erotically eaten dick? How would he season it? Cook it? Does he reserve it for specific guests?
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merwin-me · 4 years
Bucky, writing in his diary: day 3. I’m stuck in what appears to be the soul realm, surrounded by creatures of all species, the likes of which I’ve never seen before. After hours of thorough observation, I have concluded....
Peter: *to the tune of final countdown* ITS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN
Shuri: *off-key kazoo*
Bucky: ...there is no intelligent life here
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merwin-me · 4 years
I have a headcannon that when Peter Parker gets cranky from lack of sleep, hunger, whatever, his scariness/sass factor goes up like 1000%
After a horrible battle against giant lizards. Back at Stark Tower.
Steve Rogers ruffling Peter’s hair: Aren’t you a little young to be an Avenger?
Peter running on 12 red bulls, only slept nine hours total in the last WEEK, and now knows the taste of lizard blood: Aren’t you a little old to be alive?
Steve shocked:
Tony stunned:
Other Avengers mentally freaking out:
Peter: i can fix that for you
Tony: KID-
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merwin-me · 4 years
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I’m sure this has been voiced before but it looked really fun
Original comic by @hayleyolivia
Original concept by @dungeons-and-dragonborns​
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merwin-me · 4 years
DnD languages be like
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merwin-me · 4 years
Human: Deal.
Fey: Very well. When you return home tonight, your mother will be in pristine health again. It will be like she never fell ill at all. Even the memory of her suffering will fade…
Human: Thank you so much. She means everything to me.
Fey: I know, I know. Let’s hope the price wasn’t too much for you after all… Only time will tell.
Human: So, when do we start?
Fey: …If I may ask you to elaborate?
Human: You said you wanted my firstborn.
Fey: Yes? And you agreed?
Human: Yeah, so, when do we start?
Fey, blushing: Ah.
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merwin-me · 4 years
I have been successfully tempted once again. No promises for the future.
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merwin-me · 4 years
Richie Gecko💀
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merwin-me · 4 years
So this came to me in a dream and made me wake up giggling: due to time travel shenanigans Stiles finds out he's accidently Jacksons biological father. Derek is miffed, sure he was only 6 at the time but still Stiles coulda come to him! Stiles.exe has stopped working, he's got a kid? He's got bullied by his own kid?! Jackson simply refuses to believe that he shares any DNA with a Stilinski. Isaac, Erica & Boyd try to see who can get their bingo cards full first while listening to the arguments.
DW: And now I’m laughing! This may be the greatest time travel AU I’ve ever heard about!!!! 
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merwin-me · 4 years
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When Prof. Graham’s forensic psychology class goes remote.
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merwin-me · 5 years
Scott: do you ever wanna talk about your feelings?
Liam: no.
Theo: I do—
Scott: we know, Theo.
Theo: I miss Stiles.
Scott: we know, Theo.
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merwin-me · 5 years
everyone: writing fanfiction is a great way to explore your various sexual fantasies 
me, through clenched teeth: what if they lived in a TINY house and took NAPS all the time
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merwin-me · 5 years
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He’s gay, Mr. Shadwell.
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merwin-me · 5 years
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