metanoiayvonne · 6 years
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And after battling with all of that.. we learn, we grow, we improve and we finally love ourselves. It doesn't spoil your life.. it teaches you lot of things you need to be learned the hard way.. emotional way and in a touching way. But leaving us as a better human. Being depressed is not the end.. the only bottom line I learnt and I know.
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metanoiayvonne · 6 years
I am gonna make it a detailed one one.. just trying to pour things out of my heart regarding insensitive people in my life. In fact you will notice, not all such people or their views matter but only the very few who are dearest to you. And that makes it all the more difficult trying to understand their behaviour.
So am just going to clarify some facts here.. which I have experienced in few years. I am going to give you give you 5 traits of emotionally insensitive people and how to actually deal with them. I should warn you here that the second part of the article is kinda tough.
The traits to look out for :
1. The most important one is that they won’t be bugged by you being upset. If they are immune to your state of mind then it’s a sign you are going to have a really tough time dealing with them or maybe even talking. 
2. They will run away from you as soon as the situation is getting tensed or upsetting. they might get back to you after 24 hours or 72 hours. but they surely are gonna avoid you for sometime reason being you got “sad, upset or depressed.”
3. You might experience some random, useless and unnecessary things coming out of their mouth...... completely unexpected and making no sense at all. They might even bring your personal things up and declaring them a joke later on realising they took it too far.
4.They would prefer to hurt you with a lie rather than comforting you with truth. when in fact it should be the other way around. They should hurt you with the truth but never comfort you with a lie.
5. This one is really close to my heart as I have personally experienced this one to be the biggest reason me ending my relationships with people. “The confrontation.” You can never expect these people to confront you, rather they will declare you crazy. No matter how many times you ask them the truth they will keep lying even if you prove them wrong through evidences.. not only this ... fearing the defeat in the discussion.. they will either get hyper and blame you for things, might leave you with your thoughts or maybe advise you to end the relationship. because they simply cannot accept few truths of their miserable behaviour. 
Now dealing with these type of people is kind of tough. Because one person literally left me with a whole lot of anxiety and depression.. so don’t do what I did. Be smart.
1. You gotta be fucking calm. Yes, I have never hated this word more but you gotta keep your calm.. no shitty soul walking this earth is more important than your sane.
2. Try this.. Whenever you are in a conversation with a person like this..  quit the conversation midway and try continuing it later on.. firstly it’s make you patient and secondly it makes the insensitive people wonder a whole lot of things. 
3. Don’t behave in a usual expected way. Be different and frank about your views and feeling.. Don’t be scared and DO NOT I repeat DO NOT give a DAMN if your voice makes someone upset.
4. Just let them do whatever they want. Don’t push them to care about you, or treat you in a better way. This will only make them feel important. Under no situation they should feel they are the most important person in your life even if they are.. don’t let them take this for granted and treat you insensitively.
5. Never ever be dependent on a person like this. Its difficult and might take sometime.. but at least do not be dependent on them emotionally. They do not deserve the proud feeling we accidentally and stupidly give them. Trust me I realised it quite late.. but when I did.. It made such a huge difference. 
And never forget to take care of yourself. <3
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metanoiayvonne · 6 years
I hope you find what you're looking for in 2018.
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metanoiayvonne · 6 years
Just a little reminder for people with anxiety,depression and insomnia... You will beat it in the end.
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metanoiayvonne · 6 years
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Blurred Vegas Memories be like, <3
#lasvegas #nightslikethese #blurryloveforthiscity
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