meteoreid · 2 years
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Adreana ✮
CC Links:
+ Skin Details - Skintones | Skintone Overlay | Skin | Skin Blend | Eyes | Eye Masks | Eye Preset | Body Preset | Nose Preset | Tattoos | Nails | Eyebrows | Eye Lashes | Details | More Details | Nose Shading |
+ Hair & Make up - Hair | Eyeshadow | Eyeliner | Blush [SD] | Blush | Highlighter | Lipstick
+ Clothing + Acc - Dress | Shoes | Rings
If you see something that isn't listed please feel free to send me a wcif message
Huge thank you to all the creators who made the CC listed on this sim.
@lamatisse @vibrantpixels @northernsiberiawinds @divinecap @pralinesims @sammi-xox @obscurus-sims @eunosims @sugarowl @miikocc @okruee @simcelebrity00 @goppolsme @christopher067 @jius-sims @belaloallure3 @cosimetics-cc @squea @crypticsim
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meteoreid · 2 years
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A Winter Lookbook
made for Youtube
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4
Outfit 5
Hair - Seasons
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meteoreid · 2 years
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A lookbook made by spinning a wheel for an aesthetic: video here
Links under the cut!
Outfit 1
Hair Dress (High School Years) Leggings (Jungle Adventure) Socks Shoes
Outfit 2
Hair Eyeshadow Face Paint Top Overalls Socks Shoes
Outfit 3
Hat Hair Face Paint Necklace (High School Years) Top Under Shirt Jeans Shoes
Outfit 4
Hair Headband Eyeliner Face Paint Top (High School Years) Jeans Shoes
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meteoreid · 2 years
☆ Planetary Values : A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge ☆
Please let me know if you find any problems with the challenge (I’m currently play-testing it myself) or if you find a part that is too similar to yours/someone else’s (I’m aware there are quite a couple planet-based challenges out there but I tried to base mine off astrology and alignments to put my own personal spin on it).
Character Outlines based loosely on these descriptions of the planets: here
General Rules
For each generation complete the designated aspiration, career, and skills.
Challenges marked with an Asterisk (*) require a cheat/mod to accomplish 
Each “planet” has a color associated, you may use that in your style choices if you wish.
Like most in depth legacy challenges, it is recommended you play this on normal lifespan. (Long if you want to relax, short if you want to cry, or like me, I’ve used MC Command Center to make custom durations because babies are boring but we love and adult life-span)
If your career is max-able (aka like how in the freelancer career, you cannot?) it is a requirement that you reach the top of it.
If you try this challenge @ me or use the tag #PlanetaryValues if you want me to see!
Gen 1 - Earth (blue, green, brown)
(required packs: University, Island Living)
Ever since you could remember, you always wanted to go to college to become an Environmental Conservationist and help take care of the world that grew you. However, all these plans got turned upside down when you became pregnant as a teenager in high school. Your parents always pushed you to be the best and we’re disappointed in you and kicked you out without a dollar to your name. Although it seems your dreams have been crushed, you are strong and determined to make them come true, even if there are a few bigger and newer hurdles in your way.
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Ambitious, Loves Outdoors, Outgoing
Career: Conservationist - Environmental Manager branch
Skills: Gardening, Research & Debate, Painting
Start the challenge as a teen, pregnant with twins, on a lot with no money*
With your main goal in life is to get a job with a degree, you cannot get a job until you have your degree
Get a degree in Economics to get your required job of: Conservationist - Environmental Manager
You may have a relationship, but you cannot get married until after you have graduated from college
Gen 2 - Venus (white, yellow)
(required packs: Parenthood)
From a very young age your mother taught you the beauty of art through her many  many paintings. Sadly, since she spent all of time trying to be the best, you kind of fell by the wayside. You decided from that moment on, your kids would be the most loved and cared for. You were never going to let them feel alone…or be alone…ever.
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Family Oriented, Jealous, Perfectionist
Career: Freelance Artist
Skills: Parenting, Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Painting
Get married to your highschool sweetheart RIGHT out of highschool
Have 5 total children
Never leave any of your children (this includes teens) unattended, no nannies, no daycare
Maintain really high relationships with all of your children
Gen 3 - Saturn (orange, yellow)
(required packs: Eco Lifestyle, Tiny Living)
You love your family, you really do, but that was A LOT of sims in one house, you need a breather…you need to get away from it all, you need to go: off-the-grid.
Aspiration: Master Maker
Traits: Loner, Freegan, Maker
Career: Freelance Maker
Skills: Fabrication, Juice Fizzing, Handiness
You MUST live in Evergreen Harbor on an off-the-grid lot
Since it’s just you, live in a micro-home your entire young adult life
Have NO romantic relationships until you’re an adult (like actual adult, not young adult, she do not count)
Gen 4 - Mars (brown, tan, green)
(required packs: Strangerville, Spa Day, Cats & Dogs)
You HATED that tiny home. You HATED living near all that trash. You HATED living paycheck to paycheck. You HATED living off the grid. You deserved better than that, so, you plan to GET better than that for yourself…and your family. But you’ve gotta be the perfect image, better than everyone on the street.
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Traits: Materialistic, Snob, Neat
Career: Style Influencer - Stylist Branch
Skills: Charisma, Mischief, Wellness
You need the most money out of the entire neighborhood, what better way to do that than having the 2 highest paying jobs in the house? Marry someone in the military career (you can marry them and have them join the career)
Have the recommended average 2 ½ kids, well 3 will do I guess. Do not have friendship with your children. They’re just for show after all.
Do not befriend any of the neighbors, in fact, become enemies with at least 3 of them, show them who’s boss.
Always have a little white dog
Gen 5 - Neptune (blue)
(required packs: Cats & Dogs)
Your parents were horrible, all they cared about was their image and how you all looked on the outside. They never cared about you, but your siblings cared, and you all always loved that dog. Since your parents only wanted stuff that made them look happy, they always got those white dogs but left you to take care of them. But you didn’t mind, it was your one source of happiness in that fake dollhouse they called a home. Because those dogs helped you in your time of pain, you dedicate your life to helping them.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Dog Lover, Slob
Career: N/A
Skills: Veterinarian, Pet Training, Fitness
Buy a clinic, have it be your only source of income (plants, paintings, collectibles are still ok), get it to 5 stars before you die
Always have 2 pets in your household at all times
Marry someone that comes to your clinic as a client
Have only one child* (you may have to cheat to make sure you don’t get multiples)
Gen 6 - Sun (yellow)
(required packs: Get Famous, City Living, Get Together)
Being an only child, the world basically revolved around you, and you think the world is better for it, you’re amazing. Because of this you MUST share yourself with the world, they’re gonna love you…just maybe not as much as you love yourself.
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Romantic, Vegetarian
Career: Actor/Actress
Skills: Acting, Dancing, Singing
Become a 5-star celebrity
Upload a video every Friday
Marry an editor (basically this means, get married, whoever you get married too has to edit your videos, not you)
You may have any amount of children you like, they MUST be adopted
Gen 7 - Mercury (Grey)
(required packs: Strangerville, Get to Work, Get Famous)
Growing up in the spotlight you always had to be on your best behavior, even though you always longed for chaos and adventure. So, you ran away, not from your family, you love them and want the best for them, you ran from the spotlight…or so you thought.
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
Traits: Geek, Paranoid, Genius
Career: Scientist
Skills: Logic, Charisma, Programming
Live in Strangerville
Have no children until the Aspiration is complete and the world is safe
Marry one of the scientists who helped you solve the Strangerville Mystery
As a result of getting too close to “The Mother”, get pregnant with triplets*
At the end of your life, have no fame whatsoever
Gen 8 - Uranus (blue, green)
(required packs: N/A)
You were conceived out of love, but something heinous had a hand in it, something evil, something extra-terrestrial. Your siblings are practically angels, good, nice..how…disgusting. You were put on this world to ruin it…well…until something changes your mind. 
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits: Evil, Mean, Hot Headed |trait change| Good, Family Oriented, Outgoing
Career: Criminal Career - Oracle Branch
Skills: Mischief, Charisma, Parenting
Have a child from a one night stand, BEFORE you reach level 6 of your career
Having this child spoke to the maternal instinct of “The Mother” and she releases you of your evil hatred.
After your child is born, you change your traits to the good ones listed above
You stay in the criminal career, but choose to take them out from the inside and enter the Oracle Branch.
While you’re evil, make 5 enemies make up with them and turn them into friends once you become good.
Gen 9 - Jupiter (orange, yellow, brown)
(required packs: Get to Work, Jungle Adventure, Snowy Escape)
You saw the whole good v. bad world view from an early age. Although the world thinks all bad people stay bad, you saw first hand that with love and compassion, people can change. You want to take that knowledge and use it to protect the sim world. But even the most professional detective needs a break every so often.
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Traits: Good, Adventurous, Ambitious 
Career: Detective
Skills: Archaeology, Selvadoradian Culture, Logic
Take a Vacation to El Selvadorada every weekend
Marry an Selvadoradian Local
Adopt at least one child
Have 3 enemies and 3 good friends
Gen 10 - Pluto (tan, red, brown)
(required packs: Realm of Magic, Outdoor Retreat, Seasons)
Basically raised in El Selvadorada, you LOVED the adventures with your parents: the hikes, the discoveries, the ancient tombs. However, you guys found and discovered everything that was there, you want more. One day you meet someone who can open up a whole new world of opportunities and discovery.
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Traits: Self-Assured, Outgoing, Romantic
Career: Gardener - Floral Designer Branch
Skills: Photography, Gardening, Herbalism, Flower-Arranging 
Live in Glimmerbrook
Date/Marry ONLY wizards
Have a romantic interest take you to the Magic Realm
Become top-tier wizard
Host at least 1 event every week
Have only 3 kids: one for each type of magic
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meteoreid · 2 years
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Them <3
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meteoreid · 2 years
I've got a video of this makeover, up now here
Goth Supremacy
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Better Goth, Better Pizza, P*pa J*hn's
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meteoreid · 2 years
Goth Supremacy
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Better Goth, Better Pizza, P*pa J*hn's
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meteoreid · 2 years
A New Chapter...
It's bad enough that the person who helped me get into this mess is mad at me, but at least he wasn't as mad as my parents! My dad was FUMING when he found out, so much so, he kicked me out without a penny to my name! His image of wealth and success must be way more important that your own daughter right? I thought my mom would've had my back but she ran off when my dad started yelling!
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I can't believe where I am now. I was the top of my class, set for a full ride to college..WITH HONORS! And now look at me, a pregnant teen living on my own without a roof. No job, No Help, Nothing.
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But finally the girls are here, I thought I would hate them when they came. I thought they we the reason why my life started crashing around me. But when I looked into their eyes, I saw, they were the reason my life had purpose.
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Little Victoria and Vanessa, I would break the world for them. And I plan to do just that. We're making enough money to be above water from some plants that I found in the wild, so I'm gonna put my all into getting my degree...with honors of course to get my dream job and try to give these girls the best life I can. It is and will be tough, but I think I've got this...well kinda, it can't get any harder right?
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**Victoria, Vanessa, and Terra AGED UP**
*To watch this story unfold, watch it: here
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meteoreid · 2 years
Earth Sim || First Heir
Hi my name is Terra Pickett, welcome to my story!
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Ever since I could remember, I've always LOVED the outdoors, so every chance I got, I explored.
This Summer through school we we offered the chance to visit Sulani to learn about the ocean and all that inhabits it. Seeing as how I want to be a Conservationist, How could I resist?! Speaking of not resisting...while on this trip I met a boy named Kaiko
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We hit it off right away, he loved the outdoors...I love the outdoors. He loved the islands...I loved the islands. He loved kissing me and well... ;)
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One thing led to another we got close...fast.
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Of course... Right when everything for my future was perfectly lined up. I was planning for college, planning for my future, and then life decides to drop this on me. Of course I'm scared, but I know I can do it, I'm strong. I love Kaiko and we can do this, together...or so I thought.
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I was excited to tell him the news, but he was LIVID! I understand, we're young, but I know he can do it, I know WE could do it. (I know he's mad now...but do I wait until he cools down to let him know it's not just one?)
0 notes
meteoreid · 2 years
☆ Planetary Values : A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge ☆
Please let me know if you find any problems with the challenge (I’m currently play-testing it myself) or if you find a part that is too similar to yours/someone else’s (I’m aware there are quite a couple planet-based challenges out there but I tried to base mine off astrology and alignments to put my own personal spin on it).
Character Outlines based loosely on these descriptions of the planets: here
General Rules
For each generation complete the designated aspiration, career, and skills.
Challenges marked with an Asterisk (*) require a cheat/mod to accomplish 
Each “planet” has a color associated, you may use that in your style choices if you wish.
Like most in depth legacy challenges, it is recommended you play this on normal lifespan. (Long if you want to relax, short if you want to cry, or like me, I’ve used MC Command Center to make custom durations because babies are boring but we love and adult life-span)
If your career is max-able (aka like how in the freelancer career, you cannot?) it is a requirement that you reach the top of it.
If you try this challenge @ me or use the tag #PlanetaryValues if you want me to see!
Gen 1 - Earth (blue, green, brown)
(required packs: University, Island Living)
Ever since you could remember, you always wanted to go to college to become an Environmental Conservationist and help take care of the world that grew you. However, all these plans got turned upside down when you became pregnant as a teenager in high school. Your parents always pushed you to be the best and we’re disappointed in you and kicked you out without a dollar to your name. Although it seems your dreams have been crushed, you are strong and determined to make them come true, even if there are a few bigger and newer hurdles in your way.
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Ambitious, Loves Outdoors, Outgoing
Career: Conservationist - Environmental Manager branch
Skills: Gardening, Research & Debate, Painting
Start the challenge as a teen, pregnant with twins, on a lot with no money*
With your main goal in life is to get a job with a degree, you cannot get a job until you have your degree
Get a degree in Economics to get your required job of: Conservationist - Environmental Manager
You may have a relationship, but you cannot get married until after you have graduated from college
Gen 2 - Venus (white, yellow)
(required packs: Parenthood)
From a very young age your mother taught you the beauty of art through her many  many paintings. Sadly, since she spent all of time trying to be the best, you kind of fell by the wayside. You decided from that moment on, your kids would be the most loved and cared for. You were never going to let them feel alone…or be alone…ever.
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Family Oriented, Jealous, Perfectionist
Career: Freelance Artist
Skills: Parenting, Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Painting
Get married to your highschool sweetheart RIGHT out of highschool
Have 5 total children
Never leave any of your children (this includes teens) unattended, no nannies, no daycare
Maintain really high relationships with all of your children
Gen 3 - Saturn (orange, yellow)
(required packs: Eco Lifestyle, Tiny Living, Get to Work)
You love your family, you really do, but that was A LOT of sims in one house, you need a breather…you need to get away from it all, you need to go: off-the-grid.
Aspiration: Master Maker
Traits: Loner, Freegan, Maker
Career: Shop Owner
Skills: Fabrication, Juice Fizzing, Handiness
Move out as a teen
You MUST live in Evergreen Harbor on an off-the-grid lot as a teen (once you age up, you may remove the lot challenge)
Since it’s just you, live in a micro-home your entire young adult life
As a freegan, you don't want to have to work for the man, so you BECOME the man, you buy and run your own storefront where you sell things you make.
Have NO romantic relationships until you’re an adult (like actual adult, not young adult, she do not count)
Gen 4 - Mars (brown, tan, green)
(required packs: Strangerville, Spa Day, Cats & Dogs)
You HATED that tiny home. You HATED living near all that trash. You HATED living paycheck to paycheck. You HATED living off the grid. You deserved better than that, so, you plan to GET better than that for yourself…and your family. But you’ve gotta be the perfect image, better than everyone on the street.
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Traits: Materialistic, Snob, Neat
Career: Style Influencer - Stylist Branch
Skills: Charisma, Mischief, Wellness
You need the most money out of the entire neighborhood, what better way to do that than having the 2 highest paying jobs in the house? Marry someone in the military career (you can marry them and have them join the career)
Have the recommended average 2 ½ kids, well 3 will do I guess. Do not have friendship with your children. They’re just for show after all.
Do not befriend any of the neighbors, in fact, become enemies with at least 3 of them, show them who’s boss.
Always have a little white dog
Gen 5 - Neptune (blue)
(required packs: Cats & Dogs)
Your parents were horrible, all they cared about was their image and how you all looked on the outside. They never cared about you, but your siblings cared, and you all always loved that dog. Since your parents only wanted stuff that made them look happy, they always got those white dogs but left you to take care of them. But you didn’t mind, it was your one source of happiness in that fake dollhouse they called a home. Because those dogs helped you in your time of pain, you dedicate your life to helping them.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Dog Lover, Slob
Career: N/A
Skills: Veterinarian, Pet Training, Fitness
Buy a clinic, have it be your only source of income (plants, paintings, collectibles are still ok), get it to 5 stars before you die
Always have 2 pets in your household at all times
Marry someone that comes to your clinic as a client
Have only one child* (you may have to cheat to make sure you don’t get multiples)
Gen 6 - Sun (yellow)
(required packs: Get Famous, City Living, Get Together)
Being an only child, the world basically revolved around you, and you think the world is better for it, you’re amazing. Because of this you MUST share yourself with the world, they’re gonna love you…just maybe not as much as you love yourself.
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Romantic, Vegetarian
Career: Actor/Actress
Skills: Acting, Dancing, Singing
Become a 5-star celebrity
Upload a video every Friday
Marry an editor (basically this means, get married, whoever you get married too has to edit your videos, not you)
You may have any amount of children you like, they MUST be adopted
Gen 7 - Mercury (Grey)
(required packs: Strangerville, Get to Work, Get Famous)
Growing up in the spotlight you always had to be on your best behavior, even though you always longed for chaos and adventure. So, you ran away, not from your family, you love them and want the best for them, you ran from the spotlight…or so you thought.
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
Traits: Geek, Paranoid, Genius
Career: Scientist
Skills: Logic, Charisma, Programming
Live in Strangerville
Have no children until the Aspiration is complete and the world is safe
Marry one of the scientists who helped you solve the Strangerville Mystery
As a result of getting too close to “The Mother”, get pregnant with triplets*
At the end of your life, have no fame whatsoever
Gen 8 - Uranus (blue, green)
(required packs: N/A)
You were conceived out of love, but something heinous had a hand in it, something evil, something extra-terrestrial. Your siblings are practically angels, good, nice..how…disgusting. You were put on this world to ruin it…well…until something changes your mind. 
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits: Evil, Mean, Hot Headed |trait change| Good, Family Oriented, Outgoing
Career: Criminal Career - Oracle Branch
Skills: Mischief, Charisma, Parenting
Have a child from a one night stand, BEFORE you reach level 6 of your career
Having this child spoke to the maternal instinct of “The Mother” and she releases you of your evil hatred.
After your child is born, you change your traits to the good ones listed above
You stay in the criminal career, but choose to take them out from the inside and enter the Oracle Branch.
While you’re evil, make 5 enemies make up with them and turn them into friends once you become good.
Gen 9 - Jupiter (orange, yellow, brown)
(required packs: Get to Work, Jungle Adventure, Snowy Escape)
You saw the whole good v. bad world view from an early age. Although the world thinks all bad people stay bad, you saw first hand that with love and compassion, people can change. You want to take that knowledge and use it to protect the sim world. But even the most professional detective needs a break every so often.
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Traits: Good, Adventurous, Ambitious 
Career: Detective
Skills: Archaeology, Selvadoradian Culture, Logic
Take a Vacation to El Selvadorada every weekend
Marry an Selvadoradian Local
Adopt at least one child
Have 3 enemies and 3 good friends
Gen 10 - Pluto (tan, red, brown)
(required packs: Realm of Magic, Outdoor Retreat, Seasons)
Basically raised in El Selvadorada, you LOVED the adventures with your parents: the hikes, the discoveries, the ancient tombs. However, you guys found and discovered everything that was there, you want more. One day you meet someone who can open up a whole new world of opportunities and discovery.
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Traits: Self-Assured, Outgoing, Romantic
Career: Gardener - Floral Designer Branch
Skills: Photography, Gardening, Herbalism, Flower-Arranging 
Live in Glimmerbrook
Date/Marry ONLY wizards
Have a romantic interest take you to the Magic Realm
Become top-tier wizard
Host at least 1 event every week
Have only 3 kids: one for each type of magic
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meteoreid · 2 years
Speed-running another legacy challenge!
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Since I am incapable of following through with any generational challenge, I figured, why not make what could've been! So I chose to make sims that fit in the "Sims in Bloom" Legacy Challenge made by @a-sims-garden ! I had a lot of fun doing these, if you have any other legacy recommendations, let me know! https://youtu.be/xe9HAmUj0vk
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meteoreid · 3 years
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Long time no see! I've currently been delving more into Sims 4 content again and wanted to share it with you all because I'm just so proud and having a good time! I once again am attemping the "Not So Berry" Challenge, this time with more mods and a prettier game! If you'd like to see it unfold, check out the first video now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5A1zQsNF58
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meteoreid · 3 years
Hey! I’ve got some bad news, my channel was follow bottled yesterday and when I went to remove them, the webpage glitched and blocked all of my followers, I went from 61 to nothing in the matter of a day. So if any of you would like to follow me it would be very much appreciated <3
Also! Another reason to follow! We’re streaming the second part of our Not So Berry Challenge tonight! 6pm EST (April 21st) so come hang out!
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meteoreid · 3 years
Hey everyone! So we did it! Our first Sims 4 stream was a success! We’ve started the Not So Berry challenge over on https://twitch.tv/meteoreid and we got pretty far for only 3 hours of gameplay! I’ve recorded a speed build of the house I made for it that’s going live tomorrow April 16th at 2pm EST and it would mean a lot if y’all went and gave that channel and video and me some love! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbnzoJQKgtZrm-H_l9Un0rA
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meteoreid · 3 years
Hey! I know I’ve been gone a bit, but streaming is so fun! And my PC atm can’t stream the sims :(, but I do have a new edit to share! To celebrate us becoming a Twitch Affiliate, I bring to you, my first attempt at putting together separate screenshots into one family photo! Meet the Clarke-Jimenez family!
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A little pixelated I know, but it’s a work in progress XD
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meteoreid · 4 years
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These are my latest edits that we’ve done on stream, I am so happy with how they have been turning out!
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meteoreid · 4 years
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Why is this so fun! I think I’ve found my new calling lol.
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