meteorologears · 13 hours
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they really spent a whole chapter making chaplain captain tappman tremble in fear and blush with embarrassment while getting harangued and humiliated for stuff he didn't do or didn't want to do and then at the end they said he looked like a damn almond shell because of his acne scars. he cannot catch one lousy break
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meteorologears · 23 hours
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This is incredibly milo minderbinder of you mr pyotr petrovich
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meteorologears · 1 day
aud and i were talking today and she pointed out to me that the chaplain being Anabaptist actually makes a lot of sense for him in the narrative. her reasoning for this being that Anabaptists believe in a re-baptism as a second spiritual awakening as an adult, which the adult actively chooses to affirm their faith (demonstrating that your faith is a conscious decision and not something that you're just born into). Which makes the chaplain questioning his faith even more poignant, because his specific denomination indicates that he affirmed that belief and actively chose to be there, and now he's at a crossroads with his chosen beliefs.
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meteorologears · 1 day
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yes im still thinking about gawain’s stupid names
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meteorologears · 1 day
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Gromit reading The Republic by Pluto while eating Korn Flakes, and Crime and Punishment by Fido Dogstoyevsky in prison.
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meteorologears · 2 days
listen. you dont have to keep consuming mediocre mythological retellings, ok? take my hand. get weird about an obscure roman senator. read the pharsalia. love wins
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meteorologears · 2 days
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Shitty Rodion Raskolnikov aesthetic: bro factkinned napoleon so hard he committed murder. and you thought your 2015 tumblr kin drama was bad
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meteorologears · 2 days
gonna be honest boss its starting to feel like virtue isnt actually sufficient for happiness
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meteorologears · 2 days
there’s a way a certain type of academics write about his historical style that’s like. thucydides isn’t gonna fuck you bro
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meteorologears · 2 days
I was thinking about this the last week, since my writing has changed so much over the last four years, so...
It's among the very first catch fanfiction I wrote (link here if you don't know what I'm talking about). It's not *bad*, I just know I could do it better. I'd obviously leave the existing ones up, but I would clarify that these are the new, enhanced versions. If I were to do it, of course. Popular* opinion will decide my fate *the three people who follow me for this
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meteorologears · 2 days
Chapter 11 :) We're in the home stretch, people!!!
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meteorologears · 2 days
Bob Balaban cast in Severance the Catch-22 connections continue
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meteorologears · 2 days
don’t go to grad school in classics it’ll ruin your ability to enjoy ancient history jokes on tumblr (which is really what matters) and you’ll find a part of yourself thinking things like “actually according to livy, remus wanted to name the city remora, so this joke about remus naming it reme is inaccurate” or “actually ea-nasir and the etruscans were separated by at least 900 years and even if you consider the villanovans as already being etruscan they don’t exist in the bronze age so this bronze age tumblr dashboard meme makes no sense” or “ugh nobody on this thread about the song of achilles understands the last 200 years of the homeric question or has even read the relevant passage from the homeric hymn to apollo” and then the other part of you will go “christ what an asshole”
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meteorologears · 2 days
Thus far (20% in) I'm kind of obsessed with the way Raskolnikov is depicted from the start as this uneasy, down-on-his-luck individual. It does set the stage for the ensuing crime very easily. But this particular section is what got me:
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Because this guy is clearly looking at it from the utilitarian perspective, when in reality i think you'd have to look at it more deontologically (i.e. it still isn't right to kill the woman even if it does maximize the possible good; you can't justify that)
And yet, Raskolnikov carries out the murder with (as far as I can tell) virtually no intent to distribute the wealth or otherwise benefit others through her death. Which then insinuates that it isn't even utilitarian, it's out of purely selfish desperation
Today is crime and punishment day. In which i read all of crime and punishment
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meteorologears · 2 days
that fake uncited article that claimed odysseus was said to have hetrochromia in antiquity (he was not) led me down a rabbit hole of attempting to find any source on odysseus' eye color at all, only to discover there is none, which i find utterly hilarious given the repeated descriptions of his physical appearance. homer said "don't ask me the color of nothing he has MASSIVE TITS and THUNDER THIGHS. ive never looked him in the eyes in my life"
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meteorologears · 2 days
Anyone: Hey (asks about a special interest of mine)? Me: Becomes an unskippable cutscene
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meteorologears · 2 days
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