methodicallykind · 2 years
you knew it was coming.
my fur was thin, my bones shone through my skin like cellophane over a frame.
you watched me shiver, watched me stumble to jump onto tables i once ruled. felt me purr as i curled against your youth-warm legs.
you knew it was coming.
i slipped through your legs, skinny and quick. the air was warm and full of sunbeams; i drank what i had stolen between windows and curtains.
you called out; sweet fool, wishing for something that was never yours. my bones were heavy and longed for the dirt i was born in.
you knew it was coming, and so did i. you cared for me, loved me. you wanted to find me, asleep a final time, cold saturating my bones.
you should have known. i am more dignified than a shuddering end.
now the night air makes me shiver. i blink cloudy eyes, and see the stars clearly for the first time in years.
i turn once, twice, three times.
i lay my head on the soft forest floor.
i fall asleep.
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methodicallykind · 2 years
there is a girl, sitting beside me.
there is a glass pane between us. i am outside, in the rain, on the concrete and she is warm, on the tile floor. we sit hunched in the same way, our hands curled tight to our chests.
she looks down to her white-tipped shoes; i look down to my ratty, torn sneakers.
there is a glass pane between us, and for this brief moment, we sit and watch the rain as a pair.
we will never see each other again, and we cannot speak through the pane. she shifts, tucking her knees under her chin, a mirror of my own body, a story intersecting perfectly with mine.
the rain falls, and this feels like home.
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