mexicanbabe1997 · 1 year
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I'M BACK!!! 👋 I bring You some drawings i Made of a place called the "Ancient Garden". A place where the souls of the mortals who die come to, in order find eternal rest and peace. Their souls become flowers and are given a resting spot in the ancient garden. The place is divided into four places that correspond to the four seasons of the year (spring, autumn, summer and winter) along with a beautiful lake called the "Misty lake" where mist and fog flow through the rivers and streams that connect all the parts of the ancient garden together and end up in the Ancient bog, where the Bad souls go. They become fog or dead dry trees and are sent to the ancient bog For their crimes and misdeeds they did back when they where alive.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 1 year
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Hoy hace 5 años que llegué a Tumblr. 🥳
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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I haven't posted in a long time so here are some drawings I made out of leisure. My two Sonic Ocs: Maria The Mouse and her big sister, Dana.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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you know what? i like you *shows you my human Dr.Starline*
//yeah anyway hyperfixates on him SOO hard hyperfixates so bad i think about him all the time
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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“Unlike Sonic I don’t chuckle”
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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writer culture be like
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
Favorite thing about them: His sweetness! It's a really interesting route to go with a Child Genius character, and a great contrast to Sonic and Knuckles too.
least favorite thing about them: The way Sonic Team keeps resetting his character. I know they're not interested in continuity but. Still.
favorite line: I'm not scared... I'm not scared! I can do this!
brOTP: Sonic of course! Bros for life.
OTP: I don't really ship him with any of the canon characters, but his interactions with my character Pixie (with @gojira007 writing Tails) is some delightful puppy love content!
nOTP: S*ntails. ¬.¬
random headcanon: His bangs got more spiked up as time went on because he's mimicking Sonic in a small way.
unpopular opinion: While I do dislike the constant backtracking on his character, I also think people get a little too up in arms about him occasionally being timid or feeling at a loss without Sonic. There's a balance to be reached here, you know? Anyway he's a kid cut him some slack.
song i associate with them: Of course it'd have to be Believe In Myself! (Preference for SA1 version.)
favorite picture of them
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Sonic Channel is a treasure.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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Here's a comic I made in my free time, I will upload the next parts soon... I hope. This also helps introduce my main oc character, Maria the mouse to the Sonic world! :)
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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I have decided to make something that I have never done before, and I hope you guys would be okay with it. I know I ain't active around in this count but I will be soon submit something I am sure that you all might like. I have decided to make my very own and FIRST Sonic oc comic! Yet with the original characters as well. Right now I am working on it, so I hope it won't be too long when I first publish my first page.
Stay tunned!
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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The Dancing Tree, A Cautionary Tale for Parents
This is another nightmare I had that I’d completely forgotten about, until I found this unfinished comic buried in my hard drive today.
In the dream, I was the tree.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
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mexicanbabe1997 · 3 years
Wow, this goes against all laws of nature and physics! :O
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Mind switch brains!
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mexicanbabe1997 · 4 years
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Represent! #4 - “Believe You” (2021)
written by Nadira Jamerson art by Brittney Williams & Andrew Dalhouse
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mexicanbabe1997 · 4 years
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I definetely had a one special of a christmas with this pack! First my pen-pal friend sents me a gift for christmas (the eevee plushie) and then this cool gift pack with the Nintendo Switch and everything! 😊 I wish you all had a merry christmas and had good gifts as well.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 4 years
Huge family dinner, no covid restrictions. Typical 🙄
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