mibeau · 5 days
[Book Review] Hearts That Remember
Score: 4.65/5.00
*** 20:4
تَنزِيلًۭا مِّمَّنْ خَلَقَ ٱلْأَرْضَ وَٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ ٱلْعُلَى ٤
˹It is˺ a revelation from the One Who created the earth and the high heavens—
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
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The content is well-divided into a few parts: Introduction - The Journey of Our Hearts, Part 1 - The Internal Battles of Our Hearts, Part 2 - Safeguarding Peace During Life’s Battles, and Conclusion, which the author discusses embracing imperfections and compassion to ourselves, and finally, bring attention again to us the important, the sweetness of remembering Allah swt in all our affairs.
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For quite some time now, I’ve been looking for books on Asmaul Husna that are neither too deep/technically nor too light/brief a.k.a, summary-ish. And, SubhanAllah, indeed if we keep seeking, He will show us the way. 
Long story short, in my early 20s, I attended a “majlis tahlil”, and one of the “souvenirs” I received was a small booklet that contained selected asmaul husna, their meanings, their uses, which day and how many times they are recommended for our daily zikr. This most likely was a cultural thing and not entirely sunnah. The content interested me so well, that I started to leisurely read more on the 99 Names of Allah, and fell in love with making it a habit to do supplications by calling Ya Rabb with His specific names.
A few months back I “met” this book, I was mind-blown. Wallahi, I was so touched by this “revelation”. I think the author and her team, did a brilliant job! It’s amazing that she’s incorporating Asmaul Husna in her prose & poetry, Allahumma Bariki!
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The author, sister Sa’diyya has her own “difficulties” that she deals with on a daily basis, and her remembrance of Allah SWT, keeps her moving forward. Throughout the book, she shares her life experiences and serves them as examples right before she complements them with beautiful, heartfelt, consoling, encouraging poetries; highlighting the grandeur, and the “functions” of Beautiful Names.
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The book taught us to rely only on Allah, yet always appreciate and show gratitude to the good people surrounding us. The book also taught us it is human to feel down and helpless, but embrace yourself, care for yourself better, look for Allah’s signs internally and externally, and try your best to have faith. Find strength in the remembrance of Allah. I pray that this book may heal more troubled souls as much as it inspires deeper enlightenment in our fellow readers.
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To provide some perspective about the poems, they are simple yet heartfelt, just like “Love&Misadventures by Lang Leav. The messages are as impactful as many pieces in “ The Thoughts of Nanushka by Nan Witcomb”.
The only downside of this book is probably just a matter of preference. To me, some parts of the life narrations can be a little bit draggy and not interesting enough. Otherwise, it is an almost perfect book(for an Islamic contemporary book)!
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Highly recommended! <3 <3 <3 20:8
ٱللَّهُ لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ لَهُ ٱلْأَسْمَآءُ ٱلْحُسْنَىٰ ٨
Allah—there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. He has the Most Beautiful Names.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran ***
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mibeau · 7 days
[Ulasan Buku] 44 Fakta Penting Tentang Al-Quran
Skor: 4.7/5.0
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■ Syukur alhamdullilah, this book is truly “Al-Quran Facts Made Easy” ! Seperti yang sudah saudara penulis, Dr. Abdul Razak Muthalib maklumkan dalam ruangan prakata, beliau sudah menghimpunkan ilmu-ilmu dan maklumat yang diperoleh daripada beberapa buku-buku ulum-alQuran dan kitab-kitab lain, kemudian diolah, disusun dan dikongsikan dalam buku ini dengan baik sekali, mashaAllah!
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Bahasa dan gaya penyampaian yang digunakan amat mudah difahami oleh semua lapisan masyarakat Islam dan yang baru mula ingin mengenali Islam, inshaAllah. Fakta-fakta yang diperkenalkan dimulakan dengan yang asas dan “ringan” kemudian tingkat kematangannya meningkat mendalam dan sedikit “berat” seiring dengan sudah sejauh mana pembacaan kita dalam menimba ilmu. Yang menariknya, sebab pengenalannya secara beransur dan “bahasa ringan dan sopan”, kita tak rasa “terbeban” langsung dengan “trivia” yang perlu diserap masuk.
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■ Buku ini juga sebenarnya sesuai untuk penjaga, pendidik mahupun ibubapa untuk berkongsi fakta mengenai al-Quran dengan anak-anak dengan cara bersahaja. Atau mungkin sesi “satu hari satu fakta”? Atau, “sesi tazkirah selepas solat/mengaji”? Sebab saya rasa, kebanyakan “silibus”-nya sudah teratur molek, dan agak mudah juga untuk kita sampaikan semula dengan gaya bahasa kita sendiri, inshaAllah.
Menarik juga sebab kita dapat pelajari a glimpse of pengajian bahasa Araba dan juga peringatan untuk kita akan kebesaran Allah swt dan mukjizat al-Quran. Menambah semangat diri dan keyakinan iman jua.
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■ Cuma, ada tiga hal kecil sahaja yang saya ingin komen. Pertama, mengenai “headlines” di setiap bab (fakta). Okay, tajuk buku ini kan “44 Fakta Penting Tentang Al-Quran”? Tapi di setiap bab, dimulakan dengan persoalan. Ambil contoh Fakta 5. Faktanya adalah, AlQuran diturunkan beransur-ansur selama 23 tahun. Kemudian, baru dihuraikan di bawah subtopik: kenapa sebegitu? Pada pendapat saya, susunan begitu lebih jelas atau tak berasa “misleading”/ “click-bait”? Walaupun saya faham, not really, the end product sama sahaja, but you get what I mean, right?
Kedua, kekurangan buku ini adalah ketiadaan glosari. Sebabnya, buku ini di fakta-fakta yang lebih mendalam, banyak menggunakan istilah bahasa Arab. Seringkali tidak dijelaskan makna perkataan-perkataan tersebut. Jadi, pembaca perlu atau harus cari tahu sendiri makna-maknanya. Walaupun adakalanya memang boleh faham maksud yang ingin disampaikan daripada konteks ayat, tapi kita nak juga tahu specifically makna perkataan itu apa.
Ketiga, ada beberapa kali, hadis yang dikongsikan bahasa Arabnya tapi tidak terjemahannya.
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■ Overall, recommended! Dapatkan di Karangkrafmall segera!
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mibeau · 7 days
[Ulasan Buku] Saya, Sherlock & Lupin: Wanita Berkelubung Hitam
Skor: 4.3/5.0
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Novel ini bercerita daripada sudut pandang Cik Irene Adler, si protagonis utama. Sesiapa yang pernah menonton atau membaca kisah Enola Holmes, it has the similar vibes. Serancak pengembaraan Enola Holmes dalam filem lakonan Millie Brown dan penceritaan yang lebih menarik berbanding Enola Holmes versi buku. Siri ini merupakan fiksi dalam fiksi. Masih bertemakan penyiasatan dan pengembaraan, penulis mengambil karakter terkenal sedia ada iaitu Sherlock Holmes dan Arsene Lupin, kemudian ditambah karater baru; Irene Adler, dan membawa latar belakang masa kembali kepada zaman remaja mereka bertiga-tiga.
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“Wanita Berkelubung Hitam” berkisarkan tentang bagaimana kali pertama persahabatan terjalin antara Irene Adler, Sherlock Holmes dan Arsene Lupin. Pada musim panas tahun 1870, Irene, seorang gadis berasal dari Amerika yang kini menetap di Perancis bersama-sama keluarga beliau telah pergi bercuti buat pertama kalinya ke sebuah pekan bernama Saint Malo. Begitu juga dengan Sherlock Holmes dan keluarga, warga Inggeris yang bercuti di Saint Malo sudah beberapa kali. Keluarga Arsene Lupin pula merupakan sebahagian daripada rombongan sarkas yang sudah beberapa kali melawat pekan itu.
Asalnya, mereka sering meneroka Saint Malo bersama-sama. Dipendekkan cerita, suatu hari mereka, terjumpa sekujur mayat hanyut di tepi pantai. Peristiwa tersebut membuatkan mereka bertiga berbelah-bahagi yang akhirnya membuat keputusan untuk menyiasat lebih lanjut.
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Gaya penulisannya memang menarik! Mengimbau kembali kenangan masa remaja saya dengan koleksi Siri Salma. Tapi lebih baik! Saya suka pemilihan kata-kata dan susunan ayat penulis. Very descriptive, animated and full of emotions! Penterjemahan yang hampir sempurna. Saya sangat hargai ini kerana, banyak perkataan-perkataan tepat sebegini selalunya hanya dijumpai dalam karya sastera lama. Jadi, membaca ‘mereka” dalam buku yang agak moden dan kontemporari, buat saya rasa gembira. Like, “Ya, bahasa melayu kaya dengan kosakota, orang sekarang je yang jarang guna.” Terima Kasih Cik Penterjemah!
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Jalan cerita a.k.a, pengolahan kes pun sebenarnya lebih menarik daripada buku Arsene Lupin. Memang kisah-kisah buku Arsene Lupin pun menarik, tapi, kadang-kala rasa terbantut atau sedikit mengelirukan. Tambah pula, nada penulisan Maurice LeBlanc yang agak mendatar dan “control macho”. Karakter-karakter dalam buku Irene Adler ini lebih berwarna-warni!
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mibeau · 7 days
[Ulasan Buku]
Skor: 4.2/5.0
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Tepukan gemuruuuhhh~! Sesungguhnya buku ini berguna untuk kita memahami diri sendiri dan juga memberi kita keyakinan diri dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain serta yakin dengan pilihan diri (tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan desakan orang lain). Sambil saya baca untuk mengetahui cara terbaik berdepan dengan orang-orang yang susah di mana kita tiada pilihan untuk mengelak (seperti ibu bapa dan majikan mungkin?), saya juga dapat melihat bayang-bayang diri saya dalam contoh-contoh diberikan, sebagai si “antogonis”.
Selepas halaman pengenalan yang memberi kita “taklimat” akan perkara yang bakal kita “lalui” dalam buku ini, serta “mindset” yang we need to adapt going forward, kita diperkenalkan dengan wakta utama; Farid, dan pengalaman hidup beliau, sama ada beliau sendiri harus berdepan dengan orang-orang sedemikian, atau orang sekeliling Farid yang mengalaminya, dan Farid masih part of the story walaupun hanya memegang watak sampingan.
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Pertama, it is fascinating that the situations discussed are general yet relatable, to ourselves or we’ve seen them around us. Cara penyampaiannya juga seperti bersahaja, tetapi sebenarnya berat dan boleh mengelirukan jika salah susunan kata. Secara keseluruhan, mesra pembaca bagi yang berminat. Nada penyampaian tak membosankan. Tapi, mungkin ada isi yang kurang menarik, itu sahaja. It’s all about preference, I guess?
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Kedua, saya suka penggunaan visual dan illustrasi yang dipakaiguna dalam buku ini. Gambar rajah, lukisan, “statement quotations” dan anotasi/garisan di perkataan-perkataan dan ayat-ayat terpilih, stimulate our brains further and improve our comprehensions.
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Ketiga, saya sangat hargai bahagian buku ini yang membincangkan dan mengesyorkan latihan dialog dan senarai soalan yang mungkin dan biasanya akan dilontarkan apabila berdepan dengan manusia yang “susah”. Jadi, terutamanya, bagi orang yang agak “timid” kita boleh berlatih dahulu, inshaAllah, dengan persiapan, kita bakal lebih yakin diri berdepan dengan pelbagai situasi “susah” di masa akan datang.
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Buku ini secara ringkasnya memang lengkap dari semua sudut pengaruh masyarakat kita. Bagaimana kita berdepan dengan “pembuli”. Bagaimana kita dapat membantu orang yang “dibuli’. Bagaimana juga kita perlu munasabah diri, adakah kita ini “pembuli”?
Allahumma Barikum!
Buku ini boleh didapati di ImanShoppe.com :) ---
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mibeau · 7 days
[Book Review] Saya, Sherlock & Lupin: Babak Terakhir Opera
Skor: 4.2/5.0
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Dalam jilid kali ini, penyiasatan tiga sahabat ini mengambil tempat di Kota London, di mana kediaman tetap keluarga Sherlock Holmes terletak. Latar belakang masa pula adalah ketika perang Perancis-Prussian sedang berlaku. Oleh itu, Irene dan keluarga, merantau demi keselematan diri ke London, buat sementara waktu. Beberapa ketika selepas Irene bertemu dengan Sherlock di London, mereka dikejutkan dengan suatu berita gempar mengenai bapa lupin di akhbar. Bermula dengan mereka berdua mencari Lupin, setelah bertiga, mereka terus meneroka banyak sisi lain di London dan merungkai banyak cerita di sebalik kes yang terkait dengan bapa Arsene Lupin.
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Seperti sedia maklum, saya suka historical fiction. So, I enjoyed this case better than the previous one (Wanita Berkelubung Hitam). Ceritanya lebih kompleks dan lebih banyak kawasan, budaya dan masyarakat yang diterokai. Kelas atasan, kelas bawahan, orang asing, orang tempatan, sejarah lampau, isu semasa, pelan masa hadapan dan lebih lagi. Berbanding dengan buku pertama, saya fikir, kisah kali ini, pasti lebih menarik dan tertarik untuk direalisasikan menjadi filem.
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Ilustrasi yang disertakan di awal halaman setiap bab juga “on point” dan “melengkapi” isi utamanya. Walaubagaimanapun, kosakata kali ini masih kaya, tapi, tak selangka seperti buku pertama. Juga, ada terjemahan di beberapa bahagian yang kurang rapi/lancar, agak baku/janggal.
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Overall, I had fun and it’s a good read! Many years have passed, saya masih menunggu(hampir tidak sabar) Jilid Ketiga siri ini! [Cepatlah penerbit, pleaaasse~]
Dapatkan buku ini di BookCafe.com :)
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mibeau · 7 days
[Book Review] Kekok
Skor: 4.1/5.0
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Dalam berempati dengan orang terdekat kita, niat kita ingin membantu, tapi kita tak tahu nak respon macam mana. Kerap kali, tapi bunyi penyampaian kita kurang tepat dan hati orang itu terguris. Buku ini membuka mata dan persepsi minda kita bagaimana untuk mendengar, memahami dan memberi respons apabila perlu.
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Penerangan diberi secara berperingkat dan jelas. Contoh-contoh yang dikongsikan juga lengkap. Bukan hanya pemilihan kata dan masa sahaja yang penting, gerak tubuh dan mimik muka lebih penting. Kerana perasaan orang yang “rentan” agak sensitif. Seperti perbandingan kulit biasa dengan yang luka berdarah disiram alkohol, pediiihh… We have to cautiously handle these situations with care.
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Saya faham banyak lepas baca buku ini, terima kasih! Dalam kita belajar macam mana nak jadi “kaunselor” yang baik, kita juga jadi lebih terbuka kenapa ada orang yang kurang sensitif dan tak rasa bersalah dalam berkata-kata. Jadinya kita lebih memaafkan. Orang muda yang sudah baca buku ini sejak remaja lagi, mungkin akan lebih matang dalam menjalani kehidupan selepas sekolah menengah, inshaAllah?
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Hmm… buku ini sangat berguna, cuma ia bernada ilmiah. Terlalu padat, penyampaian agak “dry”. Which is fine for me cause I enjoy reading good journals. But, I can foresee that this book may not be appealing to general mass readers.
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The good thing is, it actually simplified many psychology theories and jargon for us to understand better. Ample examples and situations were shared, too. Complete foundation studies. However, oftentimes, reading through the book does feel like I am doing revisions, back in uni days.
Overall, it’s a good handbook, recommended!
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mibeau · 9 days
[Ulasan Buku] Arsene Lupin: The Gentleman Burglar (Edisi Bahasa Melayu)
Skor: 3.7/5.0
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Buku ini menghimpunkan kisah-kisah pengenalan, siapakah Arsene Lupin ini? Ada yang kononnya dari beliau sendiri, ada daripada “mulut” orang lain, ada yang berkaitan antara satu sama lain, ada yang tidak. Kes-kes yang diceritakan tidaklah disusun dari satu bab ke satu bab. Which is interesting, baru rasa macam baca journal, atau himpunan “testimonials”. hehe.
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Sejujurnya, saya memang terpengaruh untuk baca kisah Arsene Lupin sebab membesar, saya memang peminat komik Detektif Conan dan amat menggemari karakter Pencuri Kid. Walaupun seiring waktu, saya menyedari yang plot detektif conan ini diinspirasikan daripada Sherlock Holmes, saya tidak menyangka ia semirip ini!
Oleh kerana itu, mungkin kisah-kisah yang saya baca dalam buku ini kurang memberi kesan? Sebab saya sering kali teringat kes-kes yang sudah saya baca dalam komik Detektif Conan. Ditambah pula dengan gaya penulisan Maurice Leblanc yang nadanya agak mendatar, a.k.a sentiasa tenang walaupun sekeliling ada kekecohan, macam “oldman” vibe? Haha… Tapi itu menunjukkan yang penulis berjaya sampaikan yang Arsene Lupin ini selalu bergaya “gentleman”, ye tak? Mungkin gaya penceritaan, saya lebih gemar buku seperti penulisan Agatha Christie.
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Namun begitu, ada 2 kisah yang saya tak rasa bosan dan memang menarik minat saya sepenuhnya. Satu, kisah Arsene dikurung di penjara dan bagaima beliau melepaskan diri. Dua, kisah bagaimana beliau merompak kediaman tertutup orang walaupun waktu itu beliau masih dalam penjara.
Kalau menggunakan istilah dunia manga, boleh dikategorikan buku Arsene Lupin ini bergenre seinen. Sebab agak dewasa jugalah cara penyampaian ceritanya. Saya macam nak letak dalam shounen, tapi macam agak matang si Lupin ni, so tak jadi. Haha.
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Sekian, selamat membaca!
Boleh dapatkan di Book Cafe :)
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mibeau · 9 days
[Book Review] The Greatness of Forgiveness and Repenting to Allah
Score: 3.95/5.00
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This book is a compilation of Quranic verses and verified ahadith, with commentaries. Each is considered as one chapter. A verse may be repeated in a few chapters but with different highlighted perspectives. This short treatise was originally a lecture delivered by the author in Mansura, Egypt. He discussed the fiqh, etiqutte, forms of supplications, virtues, benefits, preferred times and places for seeking forgiveness, and the obstacles that may prevent forgiveness from being accepted.
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The concept is similar to “The Book of Answers” by Carol Bolt. Where it doesn’t matter which page you turn to, it will motivate you to ask for forgiveness and repent. The encouragement shared is sincere and the truth, meremang bulu roma kadang-kadang. A good motivational pick-me-up book. Whenever you’re feeling worthless, read this book. The Quranic verses soothe your heart and give you hope. The recommended supplications mentioned guide us in making duas.
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However, I don’t understand why some hadith/verses are complemented with romanisations, and some are not. Inconsistency. And this book contains too many spelling errors! Almost in every chapter. This sometimes interrupted the flow.
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Other than that, this is a wonderful book and an amazing effort by the author, Allahumma Barik!
You may get the book from www.dakwahbookstore.com
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mibeau · 3 months
Imam Hanbali - Pejuang Kebenaran
🧮 Skor: 3.6/5.0
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■ Walaupun kandungannya telah diolahkan semula menjadi novel sejarah agar mudah difahami lebih ramai pembaca, namun, bunga penceritaannya masih agak “rigid” dan tona yang mendatar. Mungkin memang gaya hidup masyarakat setempat pada zaman Hanbali itu memang begitu, jadi sang penulis tak dapat mengubah sangat dan sengaja menyerap dan melontarkan “sisi gelap” sejarah Islam kita sebegitu. Yang penting, buku ini banyak menyentuh golongan Mutazilah dan sedikit Kawarij, yang saya rasa, banyak orang Malaysia kurang ambil tahu.
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■ Sebenarnya, fakta yang terkandung dan niat penyampaiannya bagus, cuma mungkin kerana saya memang kurang gemar genre yang banyak dengki-mengdengki dan satu pihak selalu beralah, so saya sekadar baca sampai habis sebab saya nak tau sejarah, bukan sebab tertarik dengan kisah hidup beliau. Sebab ketokohan Imam Hanbali yang terkenal penyabar dan “full of wisdom”, kurang menyerlah dalam novel ini. Tapi, dipandang dari sudut yang lain, kita dapat lihat kekuasaan Allah yang Maha Esa dan Maha Kuasa, di mana, pihak yang benar pasti akan lebih damai dan sejahtera, pengakhiran yang baik intinya.
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• Ditambah lagi pula, jenaka-jenaka orang Arab yang pada mereka kelakar, adalah juga diselitkan beberapa kali dalam buku ni, yang sebenarnya tak buat saya geli hati, tapi menyampah. Tapi tu lah, dah budaya mereka kan. Lain orang lain “taste”.
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• Dan kita memang tahu zaman dulu orang kuat perang. Tengok je lah sejarah Britain -- “The Terrifying Tudors”, lebih kejam! Tapi, penulis-lah yang perlu pandai ambil hati pembaca, terutama yang tak minat sejarah.
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■ Pendek kata, buku ini walaupun disifatkan sebagai Novel Fiksyen Sejarah, lebih berasa macam buku teks sejarah yang ditulis dalam bahasa mudah. Untuk bacaan umum dan pengenalan, ok je. Berbaloi untuk dibaca. Yang penting, mesti ada minat!
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Terima kasih penulis atas usahanya! Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira! --- 🛒 Dapatkan Novel ini di: BookCafe.com.my 🛍 --- *Baca juga ulasan saya di media sosial lain: • Instagram • Facebook . --- • Follow me on Telegram for quick updates!
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mibeau · 3 months
💔Mendewasa Dengan Luka - Aiman Amri❤️‍🩹
🧮 Skor: 4.9/5.0
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■ Buku ini sememangnya pilihan yang tepat untuk peringkat saringan…
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• …bagi mereka yang ingin muhasabah dan mengenal masalah diri(jika ada) dan mencari keyakinan diri untuk pergi mendapatkan bantuan(jika perlu). Sebabnya, ada orang mungkin tiada masa, atau segan untuk berjumpa dengan kaunselor kerana fikir, masalah beliau perkara biasa, dan orang sekeliling ramai tak memahami.
• Tapi, tak semua orang mengerti diri sendiri, atau berupaya(mempunyai kapasiti/pengetahuan) untuk proses emosi sendiri. Kadang-kadang orang yang banyak tolong orang lain, tuan empunya badan sendiri, secara separa sedar yang telah lama “menderita” yang terseksa. Terutama mereka yang sudah terbiasa memikul tanggungjawab “besar” dan jarang mengeluh, sejak kecil lagi. Atapun orang yang memang lahir “timid”. Mereka memerlukan bimbingan, bahu untuk bersandar untuk berehat sebentar, teman berbual agar minda tidak terlalu berkecamuk dan tersusun, dan lain-lain. Tak semua orang familiar dengan konsep journaling.
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■ Bahasa mudah faham dan mesra pembaca.
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• Ada empati. Sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. Tetapi masih memerlukan orang yang mempunyai penguasaan Bahasa Melayu yang baik atau orang yang memang minat membaca. Sebabnya, saya ada beri kepada seorang remaja dewasa perempuan berbangsa India, beliau hanya baca sekerat jalan sahaja kerana banyak perkataan yang beliau tak “familiar”. . ■ Pembahagian bahagian utama dan penyusunan kandungan yang baik dan memberangsangkan!
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• “Masalah” atau “simptom” atau “kecendurangan akibat trauma” yang kebanyakan orang alami, disimpulkan dan disampaikan dan 5 bentuk cerita. Saya percaya banyak orang dapat “relate”, cuma tahap “severity” setiap individu berlainan. • Penggunaan typesetting yang kontra further emphasised the main points and fun soft illustrations that make the presentations more impactful for us, the readers, inshaAllah.
• Selepas bahagian penceritaan, baru sampai ke bahagian perbincangan mengenai kisah-kisah yang disampaikan, dan apa diperjelaskan lagi isu-isu yang ingin diketengahkan dan dikenalpasti serta apa stigma atau stereotaip masyarakat mengenai perihal-perihal tersbut.
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• Dan di bahagian terakhir, diberikan bahan-bahan dan alat-alat pengukur kendiri, untuk kita self-evaluate. Kemudian, cuba buat keputusan apa langkah seterusnya. Dapatkan khidmat professional atau mempunyai keberanian diri dan keyakinan diri untuk menyatakan pendapat atau bincangkan apa yang bersarang di fikiran dengan orang yang terdekat dan dipercayai.
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• Cuma, perkongsian rajah dan jadual sampingan yang diselitkan, tulisannya rata-rata agak kecil. Kalau tak pakai kaca mata pasti susah nampak. Kalau orang yang sah-sah rabun dekat, lagilah! .
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■ Percayalah, inshaAllah, buku ini sangat membantu! Mungkin orang yang tak pernah trauma boleh jadi terbahagi kepada dua, “stereotyping” dan meperkecilkan orang lain atau menjadi individu yng cuba memahami keadaan dan carikan bantuan. Bagi orang yang memang mengalami, dan baru mula cuba memahami diri, buku ini adalah satu bentuk “support system” yang ada.
Kita boleh! Healthy Mindset, Happy Life!
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mibeau · 4 months
[Book Review] Rohingya of The Arakan: Conflict, Crisis and Solutions.
🧮 Score: 4.7/5.0 . Bismillahirahmaniraheem.
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-- “The Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim community living in Arakan with a long history and glorious past. They have had connections to the high cultures of Bengal, Persia and Arabia. For centuries Arakan prospered in international trade, brought to its people new ideas and learning, flourishing civilization with the most cosmopolitan court in Modern Burmese history. History testifies that the heyday of Arakan began with the development of Muslim civilization. Due to the Burmese military government’s policies of exclusion, de-muslimization, persecution and extermination against Muslims, today Arakan is one of the poorest regions in Burma and its Rohingya population has often been called the most persecuted minority in the world.” --
■ I admire the author’s love for his people, his heritage and his motherland, The Arakan State of Burma. I salute his determination and fighting spirit to stand up for the identity and rights of his people, the Rohingya. I am compelled to share his background. Brother Nurul Islam is a prominent Rohingyan Activist and Human Rights lawyer. He obtained a B.A. (Law) and LL. B Degrees from Rangoon(Yangon) Arts and Science University back in 1972 and 1973 respectively. He continued to equip himself by completing a course on “Human Rights and Diplomacy Training Program” at the Faculty of Law, the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 1988. In 2007, he was accredited with Master of Laws(Human Rights) with Distinction in 2007 from the University of East London. He has been active in the “activist movements” since young. It all started when he served as the President of the Rangoon University Rohingya Students Association back in the day. The Rohingyans are often mistreated whenever they seek asylums to escape the government-endorsed “ethnic cleansing” in their Motherland. With his status and education, Nurul Islam can easily choose to flee the country and turn his back on the people. Yet, he uses his advantages and tries his level best to fight for the Rohingyans and spread awareness of this ongoing injustice and oppression to the world. Allahumma Barik!
The author was one of the founding members and the president of the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation(ARNO), which emerged in 1989 out of the merger of all then-existing Rohingya Organisations. As a member of ARNO, he fights for the Rohingyans to be recognised and given the same treatment as the other ethnic groups in Burma. Allowing the Rohingyans to return back to Arakan. To nurture back the unity and good relationship with the Buddhist Rakhines of the Arakan.
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■ In my opinion, Nurul Islam is one talented author. He arranged and curated the content with the storyteller’s style of narrative, yet still academia. I learnt so many new words and terminologies. He is a thorough researcher and avid supporter of the prosecuted people. He really knows what he wrote. No parts of the book were ever just fillers. A beautiful balance of history book and “research journal”. Despite being factual and statistical, everything was filled with emotion, it can be empathising and heart-wrenching at times.
■ It was very pleasing that after the overview introduction of the whole arguments that we are going to read in this book, he started the chapters with a genuine presentation of his beloved Arakan land herself. Her mesmerising landscape, her soothing climates and her “kekayaan hasil bumi” , subhanallah! Then only the author introduces the people and cultural influences that were formed throughout the centuries, which brought us to today’s conflicts and politics.
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■ The propaganda that the Burmese Buddhists Nationalists amplified to justify their heinous acts is that The Rohingya are illegal immigrants/settlers from Bangladesh.
The Arakan chronicles can be traced back to the year 2666 B.C. And its people since the establishment of many kingdoms and civilisations(From Hindu to Buddha then Islamic) from the year 100 A.D. onwards. Muslim settlements along parts of Arakan coastlines can be traced back as early as the 8th century, and the "adoption” of the Rohingya name was consolidated by the 17th century. There is evidence that the Rohingyas(Muslims) and Rakhines(Buddhists) co-existed there. They are the ethnic groups of Burma. However, their existence was not recognised, and their leaders were not even invited during the Panglong Conference. The current Burmese regime denies their heritage.
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■ The Buddhist-Muslim Problems truly started in Burma from the era of the British Colonial period onwards. There were violent anti-Indian (including anti-Muslim) riots in 1930-31 and again in 1938 in which several hundreds of Indians and Muslims were killed. Muslim properties: shops, houses and mosques were looted, destroyed and burned.
Reading through the British and Japanese eras in this book reminds me of our Malaysian very own history. The tactics and treatments are very similar! Like the “Divide and Rules” concept, used to tame and manipulate the locals. Also, to instigate “nationalism”, the slogan introduced is similar: “Burma for Burmese Only Campaign”. Ours was “Tanah Melayu untuk Orang Melayu”. British Administration’s and their promises. From what I read, originally, generally, the Rohingyas were well-educated and lived in the high society, and they have mixed blood in their ancestry in addition to their Indian-like appearances. Maybe, that is why the locals envied them and discriminated against them extremely?
■ Topics that really caught my attention: 1. Panglong Conference and Rohingyas. 2. The nu-Attlee Agreement 3. Incompatible Actions with The Teachings of Lord Buddha. 4. Chapter 10: Analysis of the human rights situation of Rohingyas. 5. Chapter 11, Ethnic Conflict in Arakan. 6. The Case of Ma Thida Htwej 7. Killing of Muslim Preachers in Taunggup.
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■ Apart from very few spelling errors and a lack of significant perspectives from the Buddhists on why they hate the Muslims so much, other than the slanders and rumours, this book is a well-documented overview of the issue. I hope, more authors will be inspired to write such a book to create awareness in the world society, inshaAllah.
For the rights of our brothers and sisters in Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen and many more. Hasbinallah wa ni’mal wakeel.
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mibeau · 4 months
[Book Review] 🧕Muslim Women’s Participation in Professional, Social and Political Life (#3 Women’s Emancipation during the Prophet’s Lifetime)🧕
🧮 Score: 3.7/5.0
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■ I think the most interesting portion of this volume would be in Chapter 3 -- in regards to women’s political participation. My “ranking” followed by Chapter 1, about women in professional sectors. As a so-called independent woman, these issues picked my interest because, contrary to some “orthodox Islamic belief systems” where a good muslimah must stay confined within their home and their movements should be restricted only to selected occasions and locations. Thus, this volume provides valid arguments and clarity to address these issues.
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■ In the practical, reality of life, women deserve an education, and women deserve rights. After all, when Islam emerged during the Jahiliyyah period, it empowered women! Therefore, women's involvements in workforces and political scenes are a necessity for our ummah to strive successfully, biiznillah. After all, men and women are created to complement each other in running this earth, each of us has our fitrahs to contribute. That is why, to have a smoother society management on all levels, interactions and beneficial discussions among men and women being present in the same place, is inevitable. Of course, at the same, we must abide by the Islamic code of ethics. Islam is easy, there are guidelines for everything. People complicate matters.
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■ "Learn from history for a better future." As Muslims, we should always go back to the Quran and authentic hadiths. Then, the fatwas and other Kitabs by our verified, respectful scholars in Islam, in all fields. These sources provide solid and sound foundations and exemplary acts for us to refer to and get inspired. InshaAllah, with efforts and tawakkal, we will find solutions and uplift any oppressions. From this research, we will able to effectively strategise plans to be implemented in today’s issues. I highly appreciate the author’s and translator’s sincere efforts to educate and fix these centuries-old misconceptions. One of the few “pioneer” genres in the scene of English Islamic Books.
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■ At the end of the day, the author is also a humble human, and he tried his level best. May Allah swt reward him abundantly for his intentions and good deeds. Having said that, within his content in this particular volume, here and there, there were times his explanations were a bit unclear or confusing. I am not sure whether it is due to linguistic issues due to cultural differences, or the meaning was lost in translation. Or, it was just me who failed to understand his words. Wallahualam.
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■ Overall, this volume is recommended for casual readers and slow-paced students of knowledge to gain useful insights. It triggers critical thinking and is a good starting point before we delve into a more serious book. ---
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mibeau · 4 months
[Book Review]🔥F.I.R.E: Financial Independence, Retire Early🔥
🧮 Skor: 4.6/5.0
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■ Lebih kurang 40 halaman pertama buku ini, membuat saya berasa untuk tidak berharap tinggi. Kerana itu, saya tidak menyangka buku ini bakal selengkap, komprehensif , memberi impak sebegini!
■ Menyusuri penerangan dan aktiviti dalam buku ini seperti menghadiri seminar kewangan, atau lebih tepat lagi, saya rasa hampir seluruh rakyat Malaysia pernah melaluinya, bengkel modul SPM per subjek yang dianjurkan di sekolah. Mirip sekali “feel”-nya.
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■ Buku ini terbahagi kepada 4 bahagian utama dan saling melengkapi. Pembahagian silibus teratur dan berkesan. Bahagian pertama, lebih kepada pengenalan pasal asal-usul saudara penulis, ulasan buku-buku yang pernah beliau baca dan saranan bahan bacaan untuk rujukan para pembaca. Ulasan-ulasan ni membantulah sebenarnya supaya kita tahu apa yang sesuai denagn kemahuan diri sebagai pegangan utama.
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■ Bila masuk bahagian kedua buku ni dan seterusnya, tempo terus berubah. Perkongsian daripada borak-borak kedai kopi terus jadi seperti resmi padi, berat-berat berisi(hasil usaha berjaya) tapi masih tunduk ke bumi (rendah diri). Punya interaktif dan berbagai ragam, membuatkan tak berasa bosan “menghadapi” lebih 300 muka surat seminar minda orang berjaya ini!
■ Bahagian kedua dan ketiga amat penting(critical&crucial), seseorang invididu perlu luangkan masa, fokus dan jadi proaktif. Saya terkesima sekejap masa mula-mula transisi dari bahagian 1 ke bahagian 2. Bahan-bahan yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini semuanya boleh diulang-rujuk dan boleh diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan juga, bukan sekadar pengurusan kewangan atau cara nak jadi jutawan sahaja.
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■ Banyak diselitkan ciap-ciapan(quotes) kata-kata semangat yang pelbagai dan memberangsangkan. Juga dikongsikan punca kegagalan banyak orang adalah kerana “mindset” mereka, dan disenaraikan sifat-sifat bagaimana yang perlu dikikiskan atau diubah demi menjadi orang berjaya.
■ Disertakan juga kisah-kisah inspirasi jatuh bangun nama-nama terkemuka seperti Khairul Aming, JK Rowling, Steve Jobs dan ramai lagi. Bahagian keempat lebih kepada “recap” dan apa yang boleh kita lakukan lagi untuk jangka masa panjang dan berterusan inshaAllah.
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■ Terdapat beberapa kesalahan ejaan dan awalan yang agak “menceceh” atau berseloroh membuat saya tidak dapat memberi markah penuh untuk buku ini. Namun begitu, sesungguhnya, buku ini tinggi nilainya. Suatu pelaburan yang berbaloi dan menguntungkan, biiznillah. Berharga dan harus dimiliki!
Highly recommended!
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mibeau · 4 months
[PEOPLE] I'm Ceylonese, Not Indian.
Disclaimer: This is the personal story of Keshika as a Malaysian-Ceylonese. Each family may have differences in their traditional practices.
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Keshika Ganendra, who touched my heart with phone calls and flower bouquets sent to my home the night my dear mother passed away, all while she was far away in India. I’ll always remember that. She is currently still in India, but we would always meet up at least once a year. I first met her in Basic Pharmacology class, and we instantly clicked. Her laugh is contagious. At first, I thought she was a Punjabi. Then, I found out, she is a Tamil. But, she is not Indian. How? Let’s get to know her heritage better in this article. *smiley emoji*
A Ceylonese is a person who is a native, inhabitant of Sri Lanka and their descendants.
There are two major ethnic groups which are the Sinhalese and the Tamils. Keshika is a third-generation Malaysian of Sri Lankan Tamil/Ceylon-Tamil descent. She was born in Subang Jaya. Her family of five lived in Petaling Jaya and Puchong, then moved back to Subang Jaya during her adolescent years, till this date. Both of her parents and grandparents were born and bred Malaysian-Ceylonese. Except for her paternal grandfather, who was born in Sri Lanka, and migrated to Malaya when he was young. When asked what languages she is fluent in, she answered,
“I speak English at home and some Malay. Not as fluent, but I can also speak a little bit of Tamil and Hindi. Though Tamil is a common language between the Indians and the Ceylonese, certain words, pronunciation and accents are different.”
Digging deeper into the family history, Keshika’s maternal great-grandfather was one of the first Ceylonese in Malaysia to obtain an ACCA title and he then proceeded to have his accounting firm in Brickfields. He was also the co-founder of the Sri Kandaswamy temple, located at Jalan Scott, Brickfields. He was a prominent figure in the Ceylonese society, loved by all and known for his charity work. Her paternal great-grandfather was a Financial Assistant (FA) under the government of Malaya. Adding to that, her paternal granduncle who was a doctor, served as a private GP for the Sultan of Kelantan back then.
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Talking about the Ceylonese Communities in Malaysia, generally, they are concentrated mainly in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. According to Keshika,
“Initially most Ceylonese settled down in Taman Yarl, Taman Kanagapuram, Brickfields, Petaling Jaya, Bangsar and Seremban. The majority of them settled in the KL region as they were mostly brought over from Sri Lanka to work as government office servants. Fun fact, Taman Yarl is named after a place in Sri Lanka, Yarlpanam.”
Her favourite Ceylonese dishes are Sweet Appam, Uthappam, and string hoppers(putu mayam or idiyappam) with Sothi and Kool(broth made with seafood, mainly crabs). However, being a true Malaysian, her favourite dish will always be Nasi Lemak! When it comes to festivities, the Ceylonese Tamils celebrated the same festivals as The Indian Tamils, such as Deepavali, Ponggal, Tamil New Year, Thaipusam and more. Yet, the traditions practised are different.
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How different or similar is the Ceylonese Culture from Indian Culture? We will focus on three aspects to compare.
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First, in terms of wedding rituals, most festivities take place in the bride's house.
Whereas in Indian households, the celebrations mostly take place in the groom's house. Sri Lankan brides usually wear a saree with a veil that covers the face, whereas Indian brides do not as the veil is not part of their culture. The sacred thread ’thaali’ which the groom ties around the neck of the bride is an actual yellow thread in Indian culture where three knots are tied, whereas for Ceylonese the thaali is a gold chain with a screw that is screwed around the neck. Also, there is a pre-wedding Ceylonese ceremony called ‘ponurukku’ which loosely translates to ‘melting of gold’ ceremony which is not part of the Indian culture. In addition, back when the concept of dowry was practised, in the Indian culture the bride's father/family presented the groom/groom's family with whatever dowry is agreed upon, differing from Ceylonese culture whereby the dowry given by the bride's father/family goes to the bride itself. For example, if the dowry is a house, the house would be under the bride's name not the groom's.
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Second, pregnancy rituals whereby first-time Indian mothers have a bangle ceremony which is done on the 8th month of pregnancy.
This is meant to be a blessing for the mother and child, in opposition to Ceylonese culture where we do not hold the said ceremony.
Third, the food.
Although the Tamils have similar food they do not always eat it the same way. For example string hoppers, Ceylonese people usually pair it with a yellow curry called Sothi. Whereby Indians usually like to have it with brown sugar, the way most Malaysians are familiar with it. Remember when we were young, uncle on a bike would go around the neighbourhood, honk a few times and yell “Putu Mayaaaam..” *laughing emoji*
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I’m going to be side-tracked and stereotypical a bit here.
To be honest, often in Malaysia, the Javanese, Bugis, Minangese, and Melayu Pattani would just label themselves as Malay as a race, then when people ask further only they introduce their designated ethnicity, if they are aware of it. Unless, they are proud of their ethnicity and grew up in a specific area concentrated with that particular ethnicity, like Bugis in Pontian or Javanese in Muar. In the cities, even among us Malays, we cannot differentiate them at a glance. But for sure, other races would just perceive us as the Malays.
And we usually grouped Tamils, Telegus, and Punjabis as Indians. Although, we do know Punjabi are different. And Indian Muslims, no matter where their ancestors were from, we call them mamak. Many older generations might get offended when we say that, cos they were Pakistani or not from southern regions of India.
Back to Keshika.
Growing up as a Ceylonese Tamil in Malaysia, having to tick the ‘lain-lain’ box on every form starting from the mere age of 7 did make Keshika feel like a bit of an outsider, especially without fully being able to grasp the concept of race and why am I ‘lain’ from my friends at that age. However, it did get better and less confusing over the years.
From the public perspective, the non-Indians usually will assume her to be an Indian and the majority of Indians think I'm Punjabi based on looks or features. In terms of speech, when conversing in Tamil, most Indians can differentiate almost immediately because of the difference in accent.
Today, as an adult, Keshika does see the importance of heritage and history and understands the insistence from her ancestors not to give in to pressure and be assimilated as Indians. Because her ancestors were never from India, they are from an island in South Asia called, Sri Lanka. The more she explores her culture and background the more connected she feels to her ancestors, realising the sacrifices they made and how much they contributed to building this country and nation. She commented, “I feel proud, despite still being ‘lain-lain’ I am truly Malaysian and a single checked box on a piece of form is not going to make me feel otherwise.”
My dear homies, Keshika Ganendra has a few words to share with our fellow Malaysians.
“Dear Malaysians, we are all of different races, ethnicities, religious backgrounds and ultimately from different places but our ancestors came together to build this nation and we are here together presently on this beautiful land called Malaysia. Our differences ARE our uniqueness and strength in this big wide world. There can never be another Malaysia. So cherish one another and always stick together, we are ONE as a nation.”
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mibeau · 4 months
🍋As long As The Lemon Trees Grow🍋
🧮Score: 4.0/5.0
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■ This story revolves around a young pharmacy student named Salama, who became a doctor due to necessity because of the Civil War in Syria. She worked hand-in-hand with the Head Doctor of the Hospital, Dr. Ziad.
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■ Salama lives with Layla, her bestie and sister-in-law after her mother passed away in rubble and her father and brother were arrested by the military and never heard from. Layla is pregnant in her third trimester and has been “pestering” Am for a boat, to escape the country and seek refuge in Germany. However, for a long time, Salama has been hesitated. Due to the stress caused by this war, she also now has to deal with her hallucination “friend” called Kharwf, who has been tormenting her with bad memories and relieving those moments.
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■ On one fated day, she happened to treat a young girl called Lama, and that was when her chapters with Kenan began. Kenan is a patriotic young man who enjoys videography and films. He documented the lives in Syria. Salama bonded well with Kenan through their love for Studio Ghibli’s animations.
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■ The background and the people of Syria suffered are well-depicted in this novel. The scenarios were carefully described so that we can actually vividly imagine them in our minds. However, the poetic narrations were inconsistent. It was really good in the beginning but can be monotone and seemingly factual in the middle portions of the novel. The language's lack of emotions did not make my heart flutter as much as it was earlier. Thankfully, reaching the climax and moving forward, the narration gets better. . ■ It is a well-authored book for the Young Adult genre but not good enough for the Adult genre. It feels like something is missing. Overall, it is a good historical fiction, appreciated.
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mibeau · 4 months
[People] From Penang with Love: Practice Tolerance and Be Proud.
Disclaimer: This is based on Irma’s experience with snippets of my observations.
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Greetings all!
Today I’m going to share the story of my dear cousin, Irma. Her father is my late mother’s elder brother. This probably seems nothing, but, the most memorable memory I had with her was when she slept over at my place back when my family first moved to Johor Bahru, in 2002. The conversations we had felt more intimate, as that was also the first time I had my own bedroom. The first time I learnt that she is 5 years older than I am. I clearly remember all my maternal girl cousins were big fans of Backstreet Boys, we were influenced by Kak Nat and Kak Shima a lot! So, we actually spent the night discussing about the boys, haha. It was memorable probably because it was the first time I had a “girls only” sleepover ever! Because, even though I visited my grandmothers’ homes quite frequently growing up, and did sleepovers with my cousins there, most of them of my age were boys and we played games outdoors a lot. I love those days as well, but I’ve never actually had any girls' night up till then. So, that is why, the night Kak Irma came all over from Pulau Pinang(Penang) and slept over at my place is memorable.
Irma was born in Kuala Lumpur, raised in Penang, and then moved to Kuala Lumpur(KL) for tertiary education and work. Now, after 16 years in KL, she is back in Penang.
There are four members in her family unit. Her father is Malay, originally from Johor, and her mother is a Thai-Chinese(local Siam in NRIC) mualaf(Muslim Revert) from Penang. She has one younger brother and she is the eldest. Her parents were national athletes. They met during the SEA Games back in 1973. Her father was a High Jump athlete and her mother was a sprinter as well as a hurdler.
At home, although she’s fluent in Malay, regardless of Johor or Penang dialects, the family mainly used English, as her mother’s vocabulary in Malay was not as strong as in English. It was also due to the fact that the Malay dialects spoken by northern and southern Malaysia are different made her parents choose English in most family conversations. She used to learn Padsa Thai(Thai Language) when she was a young girl. But, the lack of practice leads her to lose that language skill. Yet, she is still able to understand whenever her Thai relatives speak during gatherings.
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As a kid, we rarely define or categorise ourselves by race and whatnot.
We thought we were supposed to be just like everyone else. We want to fit in and feel belong. When we were not, then we began to question our identity. Irma said,
“When I was younger, I didn’t feel like I was a local. I was confused. Am I really a Malay? Or who am I really? I was raised in a Muslim household, yet, when I visit my maternal grandparents' home, there are other gods, why? Why there were differences in the way they worship God(comparing relatives from both parents)?”
She further added,
“So, when we first moved back to Penang and frequently visited my mother’s kampung, I felt awkward chatting with my relatives and cousins due to language barriers. My mother tongue is Malay-English, and theirs is Thai-Hokkien. Since I do not practice my Thai at home, it was difficult for me to mingle and joke around. I was unable to carry on conversations freely. I used to question myself, “Why am I even here? I am nothing like my cousins.” But, as time passed by, I understood situations better and accepted myself as it is. Thanks to my dear mother who patiently reminds me to accept myself and address my confusions, especially things involving religions and culture.”
Most probably inherited from her father’s Dutch ancestry, Irma and her brother have bigger frames than average Malaysians. As an adult, they are both over 180cm. In addition to that, her looks are not exactly like a Malay or Chinese either. Let’s just say that, she looks Thai but her build is like a European. So, growing up, among her peers, not many opened their hands and invited her to play together. She was very thankful for a few friends who accepted her as she was back then. Oftentimes, it was because she was taller and bigger than others. They appeared to be intimidated by her. Even outside of school, strangers thought she was at least 15 years old when at that time she was only about 11 or 12 years old. It was a bit disheartening to be misunderstood often because her heart and mind were still like other children her age. Also due to her background, her views on things were not aligned much with others, thus, sometimes, she felt misfitted. She also shared,
“As I reach adulthood, I am proud of my identity as a Muslim Malay. Yet, especially whenever I go to new places, people tend to treat me differently. They often assumed I was a foreigner. Only after I started to put on my hijab, that I feel a warm welcome from the Muslim community.”
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In her honest view, growing up in a mixed background was not much different culture-wise, Thai and Malay are very similar. From how we behave, the way we eat, cooking styles and others. The best thing about being a mixed race would be food, language and lifestyle. Food, Irma gets to enjoy Chinese, Malay and Thai mouth-watering cuisines in the comfort of her home.  Her favourite dishes are anything Masak Lemak Cili Padi(Spicy turmeric coconut milk curry) and her mom’s homemade Thai Laksa(a delicious spicy coconut broth served with noodles, a protein and a handful of other fresh, crunchy toppings), chef’s kiss! There were no clashes in upbringing values from her parents. Irma said,
“My mother is a mualaf, and since my father also was not a pure Malay, he was not so strict about the traditional Malay culture either. Still, our household is a practising Muslim Family. So, I would say, I might experience differences whenever I visit Kampung Siam. My mother’s family is actually a religious practising Thai Buddhist. Her late father was a Menora performer. So, often, there are so many ceremonies happening. I used to sit next to the stage and watch. That is why I feel that when you’re already exposed to this tolerance from a young, your mindset will be different from those raised in a single-race household. You will be more understanding and we are all at its core, Malaysians. Takde beza sangat lah! (not much different indeed!)”
She gets to celebrate many festivals and observes people of different races effortlessly. She was exposed to language practices firsthand without attending classes. It was all up to her how she was able to absorb and manoeuvre all the good things. That is why she regretted not embracing her Siamese heritage properly and practising the language regularly. Her mother rarely uses Thai at home. Irma usually used and listened to it only when she visited Kampung Siam in George Town, Penang. She said, “Tu lah, bila balik kampung dengar uncle semua cakap, kita paham. Tapi keras lidah ni nak cakap.” (Hmm… I understood everything my uncles chatted away back in our village, but it was difficult for my tongue to articulate any responses in Thai) Her maternal grandparents do not speak English and are more comfortable using the local Malay dialect. Thus, that is the language she used when conversing with them. Her late grandfather, Wandee Aroonratana, better known as Noo Wan, was probably the
last Menora performer in Penang Island. Marking George Town’s 13th Anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, he was awarded with Lifetime Achievement Award as one of the “Tokoh Warisan Pulau Pinang” for his dedication to Knowledge Transmission back in 2021. He was one of the backbones that actively conserve, preserve and promote the Siamese heritage locally. Indeed, being a public figure, he is fluent in Malay and Thai languages.
Except for her late maternal grandfather who had only Thai blood, her parents and grandparents were of mixed ethnicities. That is why she sees herself as the embodiment of the 1Malaysia concept. Regardless what is her stated race in NRIC, she proudly identifies herself as a Malaysian. In her words,
“Honestly, we Malaysians are so unique. We live together in a multiracial AND multi-religious society. We have the privilege to easily learn about another race, another culture, literally every other minute. Unlike people from mono-race countries, Malaysians are relatively able to adapt to other cultures more easily. We are “trained” since young of the importance of tolerance and understanding different cultures and their lifestyles.”
We often hear that people with mixed backgrounds are less impacted by culture shocks and have better tolerance in facing situations.
In Irma’s opinion, it must be due to our constant exposure to cultural differences closely, since birth. So, whenever we face a new lifestyle of surrounding, our first response will always be to observe and respect. We may be surprised but we rarely judge or feel weird by anything that is out of our comfort zones and existing knowledge. We learn to accept and understand that people can have different ways of approaching matters and values in life. Nurturing tolerance in the community will create a beautiful harmonised living.
“That is why, when you asked me what was the major differences in our ways of living, honestly, I couldn’t think on the spot. But, as I paused, yes, the biggest differences are the way we worship and practice our beliefs. As an adult, mixing around be it with my mother’s side or my father’s side, feels natural, no awkwardness at all.”
But, yes, the difference was only significant when she visited her non-Muslim family members. She clarifies that due to different belief systems, shifting mentality is inevitable. Of course, in her father’s side homes, not much changes since everyone is Muslim and speaks fluent Malay and English. Our mindsets are similar, too. However, when visiting her mother’s side homes, especially when chatting with the elders, she would need to mix languages with her broken Thai, like “I want to Apna.” Apna means “to shower or to bath” in Penang's Siam dialect. And use simple words or short sentences when chatting. Because she learnt from experience, whenever she was excitedly explaining things back then, in the end, her stories were not properly conveyed. Especially jokes. In gist, whenever visiting her mother’s side, she will be more conscious of her choice of words.
When it comes to food spread during family gatherings, if there happens to be non-halal food presence, her mother’s family will notify them whenever they come over. She appreciates this about her mother’s family. She said,
“Because, as a growing Muslim child, we may not be sure of what we can and cannot consume. So they are always there to advise me. If events were going on at Kampung Siam, they would inform me whether I could participate or not. If it was a religious thing, they would make sure to ask me to step aside and watch only. To observe and understand their culture and conduct. I love my family. All these enriched my views in life.”
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Reminiscing her good memories in Kampung Siam, Pulau Tikus, Penang.
“Perhaps, it is the last Kampung Siam in Penang, God knows when it will last. My mother’s kampung used to be the main place in Malaysia for Thai Buddhists to come and study the religion, especially to be Monks. Like a Madrasah. As far as I remember, on most days, the vicinity is very quiet, and serene. Basically, we can say that the whole kampung is a Thai Buddhist Centre. There are worship places, graveyards, cremation places and a few Wats. There are non-Thai Buddhist temples nearby, too. But, you can differentiate them by the colour of their gates. The gate Thai Buddhist Temple or Wat, will always be blue. So, the little me with my brothers and cousins all, used to play everywhere within the compound of Wat Chaiya Mangalaram. Although I don’t speak Thai, no one actually realised that I am Malay. No one cared, I was treated like any other Thai kid in the village. It was fun and free, haha, good days.”
Due to the large Siam community there, whenever there are holy ceremonies or Thai celebrations like Songkran, it is a huge event! It seems like we were in Thailand itself. She adds, “So yeah, when it comes to religious celebration, it was really a different exposure. Otherwise, mannerisms, food, as long as halal, we are all the same.”
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Irma encourages fellow Malaysians to venture out and try to mingle with others outside of our racial circles as well. Especially, those in the suburbs, please do not be dictated by ideas that divide our beloved racial harmony. Take part in community events. At least, enough for us to respectfully understand others' way of living and perspective of life. From her own experience, once upon a time, she had a friend who hailed from a rural place and used to hang out only with her “own kind”. When her friend first moved to Singapore, the friend experienced major culture shock and developed anxiety issues. It took the friend a long time to adapt to the changes.
Therefore, being Malaysians, we must not be one-track-minded. Seize the opportunity, to explore the country and our rich culture. InshaAllah, if we can adapt to every state in Malaysia, we can make ourselves at home anywhere in this world!
Photos not tagged are taken from: Thai Laksa, Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi
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mibeau · 5 months
[Book Review] HASAN AL-BANNA🕊
🧮 Skor: 4.40/5.00
"Sesungguhnya sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidupku, dan matiku, hanya untuk Allah,Tuhan semesta alam. Tiada sekutu bagi-Nya, dan demikian itulah yang diperintahkan kepadaku dan akulah orang yang pertama menyerahkan diri."- Imam Hasan Al-Banna.
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■ Selain daripada karya-karya Buya HAMKA, saya suka buku-buku karya Pak Latip. Buku pertama beliau yang saya baca ialah “Perjanjian Hudaibiyah”. Bahasanya mudah, penceritaannya ringkas, tapi tetap merangkumi semua yang penting dan menyentuh jiwa. Jaranglah membosankan. Cuma, kadang-kadang tu, terlalu padat.
Contoh, dalam buku ini, banyak sangat nama-nama penting yang diselitkan tapi kehadiran nama itu cuma sebentar. Bahkan banyak yang muncul hanya dalam sepotong ayat sahaja. Yang membuatkan saya fikir, perlukah dimasukkan? Tapi, saya faham, nama-nama itu penting untuk menyampaikan bahawa, takdir pertemuan dengan individu-individu tersebutlah, walaupun seketika, yang telah mencorak pemikiran dan peribadi Tuan Hasan al-Banna sejak kecil hingga dewasa.
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■ Buku ini tidak terlalu berat dan berselirat. Maka, amat sesuai bagi memperkenalkan pembaca dengan kewibawaan dan perjuangan tokoh Islam penting pada zaman moden kita ini. Ketajaman minda beliau, ketegasan pendirian beliau, cara diplomasi beliau dan wawasan beliau dalam mahu mengembalikan sinar Islam yang sebenar, jelas terselah walaupun ringkas, memberi inspirasi besar untuk kita.
Betapa cintanya harus kita kepada Allah swt dan Islam. Betapanya, perlunya kita menanam keikhlasan dalam pekerjaan. Semoga kita dapat bersabar menghadapi ujian dan tentangan dari pelbagai arah.
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■ Ada beberapa bab dalam buku ini, saya fikir mungkin perjuangan Kaum Muda di Indonesia yang saya kenali melalui karya HAMKA, mereka terinspirasi oleh Ikhwan Muslimin, yakni, Muslim Brotherhood. Bila baca bagaimana tertubuhnya Ikhwanul Muslimin dan perihal ahli-ahlinya, memang tidak mudah. Memang bergetar dada. . ■ Ketika saya sampai ke bab yang menceritakan bagaimana beliau ditamatkan riwayat, pipi saya dibanjiri air mata. Sungguh marah, kecewa, dan sedih saya dengan pihak-pihak munafik. Hampir-hampir saja saya memaki mereka, tapi saya tahan lidah dan hati daripada berkata kesat. Sungguh ingin saya memeluk isteri Allahyarham Hasan al-Banna.
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■ Sebuah novel fiksyen sejarah Islam berbahasa melayu yang wajib dimiliki semua. Sesungguhnya, Hasan Al-Banna adalah salah satu tokoh penting yang wajib anak-anak kita ketahui. Allahumma Barik! --- Dapatkan buku preloved ini di Carousell Malaysia. . --- Also, read on:
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