michelanjello · 8 years
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sun god
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michelanjello · 8 years
So like you just know Mikey's watched a few male stripper/chippindale performances and learned some fuckin' moves. He totally (somehow) owns a pair of tear away pants just waiting for the right opportunity to perform for his lady....
Now all I can think of is Mikey doing this…
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michelanjello · 8 years
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he also drinks expired milk out of the carton and gets his nutrition from ramen
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michelanjello · 8 years
(Random) Raph Headcannons
-Raph is always down for doing craft projects or DIYs with his s/o; they want to make quilts for the winter? He’s down. -Raph truly adores how smaller his s/o is compared to him. He likes to play with their hands or toes and marvel at the difference. -He’s great at giving foot massages -He enjoys a good neck massage -Raph, like Mikey, isn’t a picky eater -If he stops by his s/o’s place and sees something is broken or wrong, he’ll offer to try and fix it himself. -I feel he’d enjoy seeing pink on his s/o, whether it’s a top or something sexy, he’ll love it. -Animal lover; of course with the smaller ones he’s on edge. -He’s a thigh guy; gap or no gap, he can’t stop staring at them… -On the topic of thighs: Raph is a total thigh biter -His lover’s hair is precious to him; he adores the smell, the texture, he plays with it a lot (he has no real issue with body hair either) -Raph wants to learn to cook (both for himself and his partner) -Usually Raph isn’t as emotionally verbal as his lover. It’s not like he doesn’t talk to them about whatever’s bothering him, it’s more he won’t just bring up his feelings out of the blue. -BUT he is super emotionally supportive. His s/o is feeling down, having a bad day, he’s gonna pick up on it quick and talk it out with them. He doesn’t brush it off, he wants them to genuinely feel better after talking/being with him. He’s a good listener, something his bros maybe don’t expect, but dammit he is. -Raph adores tattoos, but wouldn’t care if his partner had them or not. He’d probably draw designs on them for fun. -Raph doesn’t handle embarrassment well, poor guy, he gets tongue tied and tries hard to play it off cool. -Raph is more likely to call his s/o then text them, which probably surprises them at first. He likes hearing their voice, and he learns later on how much his voice makes his lover melt. -Raph wouldn’t pressure his partner to work out, but would always let them know they’re welcome to join him. He probs wouldn’t even mind if they just come in to watch; he’d show off his strength with such a cocky grin. -Speaking of that: if he can somehow show off his strength to his lover during sex, best believe he will.
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michelanjello · 8 years
Babe im not grabbin ur boob im grabbin ur heart 
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michelanjello · 8 years
More kinks! Using long distance toys or plugs on their partner (meaning from afar they can control the toy via remote).
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
Leo would use anything if it meant he could have his bae under his thumb–sexually, I mean. He finds it incredibly attractive, thinking of his partner squirming in their seat and thinking of him while he fiddles with the little remote.
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
Raph’s more of a “heat-of-the-moment” type of guy. Sure he’d find it nice to watch his bae twitch and clench their legs together while he’s toying with ‘em, but the novelty wears off quick. He’d rather have those legs clenched around him and squirming.
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
These types of things require some trust in each other, and Donnie would make sure he wouldn’t abuse his bae in the use of the remote, but Donnie is a freak. He would mess with the remote so that the signal reaches to the outskirts of the city, would probably change the intensities too so the bae would get a powerful buzz. He loves to get his sweetheart on the phone, hearing them moan while he tweaks with the little pink toy.
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
Michelangelo is a horny little shit that loves to cause trouble. He would totally abuse the fuck outta this kink. He would turn the remote on at the worst times, knowing his bae is either at work or somewhere public. He kinda lives for the exasperated phone calls he gets when he’s caught using it too much. He’d tone it down once the bae would threaten to take it away, only to start back up once again the next day. He can’t help it, he finds it extremely arousing to think of his bae blushing & trying to keep themselves composed when he’s getting them off. *cough* exhibitionist *cough
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michelanjello · 8 years
TMNT Astrology
Raph -Aries
courageous and driven, but also impulsive and impatient, barges in and does what (he believes) needs to be done, with little thought of potential consequences
additionally, very optimistic and confident in his abilities, may not even consider the possibility of failure, especially if its his plan or idea
he can be selfish, he has difficulty understanding others perspectives, and is very set in his views and opinions 
stubborn and argumentative he is never wrong, if he is wrong, he dies
can be (is) a bit violent 
Donnie -Gemini 
gentle natured and easy going with a sharp wit, he is effortlessly funny and is easy to get along with, fun to be around
well spoken, loves to talk, good at communicating and discussing ideas, generally speaks his mind
intelligent and curious as well as very enthusiastic, interested in a wide range of topics and loves to learn
may be inconsistent and easily bored, may have trouble sticking to one project or seeing things through
restless can often take on to many tasks resulting in stress or anxiety, a general nervousness 
 Leo -Virgo 
loyal and reliable, very family oriented
likes to help people and can be very attentive when need be
smart, analytical, and practical, he plans his moves carefully before he makes them and takes all outcomes into consideration
he is incredibly critical of both himself and others, wont hesitate to voice these opinions, 
stubborn and inflexible he has a clear picture of how things should be in his head and gets annoyed when people dont conform 
can be very cranky and negative when things dont pan out
all work and no play
Mikey -Libra
charming and easy going, good social skills, great at keeping a conversation flowing (but wont shut tf up), makes friends easily wherever he goes
wants to keep people happy and dislikes conflict, always trys to help diffuse a bad situation and will bend over backwards to help a friend (even if they just met) 
naive and overly trusting
wants everyone to love him, may superficially change himself or tell fibs to seem more desirable (of COURSE he understood the ending of lost hes not STUPID)
flirtatious to a fault, sometimes (usually) makes people uncomfortable, especially the target of his affections
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michelanjello · 8 years
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michelanjello · 8 years
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Mad Max: War Boy Donnie sketch Commission for @turtlebaes! <3 
I hope this is what you wanted! I tried!
 This was completely outta my comfort zone, but I had a lot of fun with this commission!! xD
*EDIT:This took me 4 to 5 hours to finish!!! Just for a simple sketch!!! 4 to 5 hours! And I don’t fucking care if I see mistakes, and if she loves it and makes her hella happy then by god I ain’t gonna change those mistakes! I am happy that she is overwhelmed with happiness that I finished her lovely sketch commission!
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michelanjello · 8 years
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Here’s Leo in Pants! (With some crotch action hurrhurr.)
I hate/love drawing the 2014/2016 boys… ugh… This sketch was a HUGE pain in my ass!!!!
I also blame @turtle-sketches, @boochan-man, and @pointlessquotehere for joining on the Leo in Pants train. Whoot Whoot! //GETS FUCKING SHOT
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michelanjello · 8 years
if u donuts wanna start shipping new star wars characters then be my fucking guest but mama din’t raise no fool. im waitin til i know who related to who so i don’t have to spend the next ten years in the shower praying for forgiveness. fool me once, george lucas.
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michelanjello · 8 years
Soulmate AU Story Ideas
Because I am complete trash for Soulmate AUs, I decided to try and make a post about them. Hope you guys like it! ♥
✖ Soulmate AUs involving measurement
[ Time // Countdown ]
Where for whatever reason, your clock is stuck/frozen/it’s not counting down anymore but it hasn’t reached 00:00:00:00 yet and you’re freaking out because this hasn’t happened to anyone before.
Reverse one where the clock starts at 00:00:00:00 from the moment you’re born and stops counting the moment you meet your soulmate, so it’s like a reminder that “It took me 19 years, 11 months, 20 hours, and 13 seconds to meet you, you fuck, and you do it by spilling coffee on me, thanks, now my laptop’s broken—what, you’re buying me a new one? Okay.���
Your soulmate clock is actually a countdown of how long your soulmate has left to live and holy shit you have to find your soulmate soon because your clock says you have three months left (for angst maybe).
Alternate version of above where your clock is a countdown of how long you and your soulmate have left to find each other or else you both will die because the universe is sadistic af—and if you find your soulmate you get to live longer.
Another alternate version of above where you and your soulmate’s clocks have each other’s life spans on it but you can give your time to your soulmate if you want to so they can live longer. Again, because the universe is sadistic af.
The soulmate clock is actually something breakable and you accidentally break yours or vice versa.
Alternate version of above where someone purposely breaks their soulmate clock so they can be with someone they fell in love with that isn’t their soulmate/they are strongly opposed to the whole soulmate idea and want to defy the system.
Your clock is counting down too fast (as opposed to everyone else’s) and you have no idea what’s going on anymore.
It’s been a busy week and after finally having some time to yourself, you just happened to look at your soulmate clock and see that it’s already at 00:00:00:00 and you don’t know when that happened because you don’t religiously check your clock either.
Your soulmate clock is actually telling you what time it is where your soulmate is currently at (could include AM/PM/time zones or not, for example 3:46:31 MDT).
I already wrote something similar to this but a countdown au where your soulmate has died and you two still happen to meet each other (one is a ghost, one is alive) and the other finds peace after the meeting.
[ Distance ]
Where you actually have a compass instead of a clock, and it leads you to where your soulmate should be.
✖ Soulmate AUs involving colors
[ Eyes ]
Reverse colors AU where you can see in color but once you meet/marry your soulmate your world turns black and white, this is how people can tell that married couples really love each other because they’re willing to give up a world of colors for their soulmate. If your soulmate dies you get to see color again.
Between you and your soulmate, only one of you can see other colors and the other sees black and white. Like you can see all the other colors except black/white/grays, and the other one can only see in black/white/grays. If you two meet, you’ll get to see all the colors.
You can see colors but realize that recently, with each passing day, your world of colors is becoming a little duller and you’re panicking because you don’t know what’s going on, or what it means, or if your soulmate is okay.
You can see colors and your world turns black and white but it doesn’t necessarily have to mean your soulmate is dead. There can be other factors that will result in a black and white world like losing eyesight, but you don’t know that.
You will be able to see the world in full color once you meet your soulmate but until then, you can only see the world in the eye color of your soulmate. However, you can alter the color your soulmate can see, for example, by wearing contact lenses. Like if you wear blue contact lenses, your soulmate sees the world in blue, purple makes them see the world in purple and etc. And you realize each day/week you get to see the world in a different color because your soulmate is being all cute and would want you to see every color there is and they probably have a huge collection of contact lenses by the time you both meet.
Everyone is born color blind and their sights are fixed once they meet their soulmate, or your soulmate is blind and you have the choice to give them your sight, but it’s irreversible and if they die, they take your sight with them.
[ Hair ]
If you dye your hair, your soulmate’s hair color changes as well and you swear the moment you see your soulmate you will choke them because you just woke up with your hair colored like a rainbow and it’s your first job interview at a prestigious company what the fuck. Oh, and your best friend just took a picture to post online and wait—what, how many likes is that?
Like the above AU but you only get highlights for the dyed color of your soulmate’s hair. If your hair color returns to normal, it means your soulmate has returned to their natural hair color too.
Related to the first two AUs—you decide to get revenge on your soulmate by dying your hair the most absurd color combination you can think of and the exchange goes back and forth until you meet each other. It can be that if you meet, you two can dye your hair without affecting the other anymore.
If your soulmate dyes their hair your fingernails turn into that color (like nail polish?) and you’re hoping your soulmate isn’t bald by the time you meet because it’s the fifth time the past two months that your nails have changed colors.
If your soulmate dyes their hair, your eyes turn into that color and you wish your soulmate wouldn’t change it again because you really like this shade in your eyes.
✖ Soulmate AUs involving any kind of body mark
[ Tattoos ]
You and your soulmate have identical tattoos on your wrist about the date when you’ll meet each other. Place and time can be included (as opposed to the countdown AUs).
Like the countdown AU, an alternate version where it’s your soulmate’s date of death that’s tattooed on your skin.
Where a tattoo isn’t set from the moment you’re born and whatever tattoos your soulmate gets, you get it too and it’s all cool because you kind of like the designs, except you also feel the pain of getting a tattoo and that sucks because you’re kind of in the middle of an exam right now and it’s getting harder to concentrate on your work.
You remove your tattoo because you hate the idea of someone dictating who you can be with for the rest of your life and the person who’s removing it happens to be your soulmate and they’re torn between letting you know and just not bringing it up because you kind of went there because you didn’t want a soulmate and vice versa.
Your tattoo is only half complete and it completes itself the moment you find your soulmate, like if you had half a heart, you’d get a full heart on your skin.
You’re not sure if the other half of your tattoo should end with this person’s words, or that one’s—wait, I think it might end with the phrase of that other person too. It’s just a very open-ended sentence…
You don’t have a name tattoo on your wrist, meaning you probably don’t have a soulmate but you didn’t want your friends to tease you about it so you had a tattoo made on your wrist about some name you picked at random because your friend said she wanted to see it soon. And then somehow there’s a person claiming to be your soulmate and they’re kind of cute and sweet so you don’t know what to do.
Because the universe is sadistic af, it only gave you the first letter of your soulmate’s name.
Your tattoo is like a mood ring, it changes its color depending on what your soulmate is feeling at the moment and you’re not sure exactly what rainbow means.
[ Scars ]
The only way for your scars to disappear is when your soulmate kisses them goodbye.
[ Others ]
Whatever mark you get on your skin your soulmate gets it too so one day, you just kind of just get a sharpie and start writing on your skin. You definitely didn’t expect to get a reply, but you did. Now it’s five in the morning and you’re just about covered in ink and this will be a pain to wash off later.
Imagine the above point but like, your soulmate maybe falls off a bike and you write on your arm what happened, and your soulmate replies to reassure you everything’s okay. Yes, you always carry a non-permanent marker to write on your skin at all times.
You accidentally fell down the stairs and broke a leg, oh, and fate must love you because it seems your soulmate also broke the other leg (or something else) and whatever happens to the other, you feel it too (no actual injury but you feel the same amount of pain) so now you’re in the hospital and you happen to meet your soulmate in the waiting area.
Wait, imagine the above point but way into the future and you’re about to give birth and your soulmate must be cursing you and rolling on the floor by the operating table or the waiting area screaming murder and punching walls while crying. Also periods, yes periods. Okay, I’ll shut up now.
You can choose to take the pain of your soulmate away. Like if they’re sick or even if they just have a paper cut, you can choose to transfer the pain/sickness to yourself instead and they’ll heal. You can only do it once you meet them though, since what happens to them doesn’t happen to you, unless you transfer it to yourself.
Like above but what if the pain becomes two times or more worse. Imagine someone afraid of pain, and the other soulmate shouldering everything or maybe you can half the pain your soulmate feels if you can’t handle taking everything on your own.
Alternate version of above two points where you can also transfer your pain to your soulmate. Imagine the payback you can do.
✖ Soulmate AUs involving reincarnation
There wasn’t a soulmate system in place before, now it’s about a thousand and more years later, and—wait, aren’t you the person that killed me in that back alley?
Where you’re reborn with the memories of your soulmate and you can only get your past memories if you meet each other again in this lifetime.
You somehow find a diary/journal of your old self and read through the contents of how you met your soulmate centuries ago.
Your soulmate was an artist of centuries ago, and currently, you’re an art student at university (or not but you’re taking an arts class). Then one day for a field trip, you go to a far-away museum and you just find yourself staring at what was your reflection, wearing different clothes to fit the timeline but it was definitely a split-image of you, on one of the framed displays.
Alternate version of the above where your soulmate still was an artist of centuries ago but you were there too, and you both were able to meet again in this lifetime. You don’t remember anything but you’d be at the museum, looking at the picture that looks like you with curiosity until your soulmate (who remembers everything) comes by and asks you what you think of the painting.
You’re sent to an insane asylum because everyone is convinced you’ve lost your hold on reality since you’re the only one that remembers everything from your past life. Also, that new doctor is your soulmate.
Your soulmate from the past life is not your soulmate in this life.
You become a writer and your series of novels become extremely popular, but what they don’t know is that you’re retelling your previous life where certain circumstances made it so you and your soulmate did not end up together but your soulmate promises to be with you the next lifetime. At a book signing you open the book cover of a fan’s copy to see something written on the front page: “I’m sorry I took so long.”
You don’t remember anything from your previous life but your soulmate does—your first meeting under the tree with the broken swing in summer, the way you smiled when you met each other again at the start of the school year, your eyes that were filled with such mirth and depth and beauty, even the way your hands fit together like missing piece of a puzzle—everything, even the gasps for air, the coarse little pleas, the way you stared with a look of betrayal until your bright eyes became nothing but a dull sheet of color at the hands encasing your neck in a vice grip.
You keep going to this place, and you always notice another person here too. Neither of you know that this is the place where the both of you had died/first met in the past life.
✖ Soulmate AUs involving dreams
Kind of a reincarnation AU where you’re losing the distinction between reality and dreams because when you’re asleep, you actually relive your past life, and you’re not sure if you’d much rather stay in the past or in the present anymore.
If you’re on separate time zones, when you sleep, you see the world in the eyes of your soulmate at present time. You see the world through your soulmate’s eyes, what they’re eating, who they’re talking to, the contents of the essay paper they’re trying to finish, but if they look into a mirror/reflective surface/picture, the image is blurred so you don’t really have a clue what they look like.
You see your soulmate in the eyes of their friend instead.
Imagine that soulmates just have this ability to dream together/meet each other in your dreams regardless of whether or not you two meet in real life. Your dreams could then be like a real-life video game, for example, you two could be in a zombie-apocalypse type of dream and you both would try your best to help each other out. If one gets bitten/dies you wake up and your soulmate is there to tell you everything is alright or tease you how you couldn’t shoot fast enough and then you’d both go back to sleep and maybe start round two.
Just like the above point, imagine how you and your soulmate could pretty much be with each other even after you’d both gone to your separate homes/shared bed.
Your soulmate is dead and the only way you two can see each other again is in your dreams and everyday your soulmate tries to make sure you know they love you and will always be there for you the moment you close your eyes and retire for the night.
✖ Other Soulmate AUs
You and your soulmate can communicate with thoughts and your soulmate happens to be a math major and you really need help with this test right now.
On some days, whatever your soulmate thinks of is something you can hear in your mind and your soulmate is currently reading really hardcore smut fics and you’re trying so hard not to mess up this class presentation which shoulders half your mark for the semester.
You get to share the same talents as your soulmate and you probably hit the jackpot because it’s the first time you’ve ever touched this instrument but you’re quite the professional at it, what? Shredding? I don’t know what that is but—oh… hey okay, I just did it I think.
The Red String of Fate exists, and only some people have the ability to see the strings, and these people can actually cut strings and knot other people’s strings in to alter the soulmate laws. Your best friend’s wedding is tomorrow and they know you can see the string. They ask you to help them defy the laws of the universe and help them be with the person they love even though they know that’s not their soulmate. You know they love each other so much so you help them, even though the person your best friend’s marrying/your best friend is your soulmate.
How about like the colors AU except it can be your voice or your hearing instead that comes and goes when your soulmate dies. Imagine how your soulmate’s voice is the first and the last thing you’ll ever hear.
So I decided to just make a post of all the ideas I’ve thought of so far for each theme! I tried to think of things I haven’t read before but I’m pretty sure with tons of people out there, some of these are sure to exist already. I was also planning to write more but maybe next time, my heart hurts already from typing these ;////;)’
I hope you guys like it though and please feel free to add on to this or make these into stories please I’ll love you forever and tag me please I’d love to read them.
++ justfandomwritings is queen of Soulmate AUs, and I’d like to dedicate this to her because she’s amazing and so much more ♥ ^^
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michelanjello · 8 years
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michelanjello · 8 years
You announcing your relationship with the turtle of your choice to everyone & you hear April say “I always knew Y/N was a furry” from the back of the room.
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michelanjello · 8 years
TMNT farming AU: Raphael
requested by @pizzaau
you can take a ride on his big green tractor
you can go slow
you can make it go faster
in through the woods
out through the pasture
long as he’s with you it doesnt really matter
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michelanjello · 8 years
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Imagine texting Mikey and complaining about how starved you are and he just responds with this image.
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michelanjello · 8 years
drunk tmnt (??)
rarely drinks and lightweight as fuck
always says hes not gona get too fucked up but two beers in he’s slicing lime
generally happy drunk but if u bring up honour or leadership he WILL cry
first one to pass out first one to get sick
smoking of any kind is off limits for him
he does not care about romance hes just tryin to have a good time
always wants to listen to brittany spears 
he drinks often and he drinks a lot but still gets drunker than anyone
pretends to like scotch and rum but really he just wants a fucking cooler
very emotional drunk but its all happy, hes crying because he just loves you guys so fucking much
if theres karaoke u better watch tf out
he’d smoke a whole pack if you let him 
always down for weed
he will cuddle anyone he isnt related to (CASEY) but he’s probably not too interested in them he just wants some physical affection 
he and mikey always stay up the latest 
a bit of a light weight but not as bad as leo
he will do absolutely anything while drunk (and so will raph depending on how fucked he is)
he wont stop telling you to dare him to jump over shit
he just wants to DO something
he’ll drink literally anything (likes coolers tho)
he provides the jams but donnie always ends up taking over
the first to suggest weed but will never touch a cigaret
 will also cuddle anyone not related to him but if hes really drunk he’ll curl up next to raph (lets be real)
if hes into the person hes gettin cozy with it honestly getts kinda uncomfortable (for everyone else)
chill drunk
he likes beer and mixed drinks, no shots for donnie
laughs at everyones jokes
more of a one on one conversation kinda guy tho, may or may not be on his phone texting
and boy does he have things to say
official joint roller
when hes drunk all he really wants is to smoke a cigaret and put his arm around somebody cute
a casual flirt
usually fucks off to his room to watch movies at some point (cuddle buddy is invited)
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