mikalhenderson · 1 year
I will reach until I finally get you to look. I need you to wake up far less then he does. I know he will save you. after all,
you kept him sane for a reason.
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mikalhenderson · 1 year
Dtz ybt mfajs'y xutpjs ns djfwx, djy dtz xujfp tk jfhm tymjw ns mzxmji bmnxujwx uwfdnsl dtzw xfi rfxyjwx bts'y mjfw. Dtzw kfyj fsi kzyzwj nx tsj tk xfisjxx fsi xns. Ymnslx dtz hfs'y uwjajsy st rfyyjw mtb mfwi dtz ywnji. Dtz wjfqqd ini bfsy yt it xtrjymnsl gzy sjnymjw tk dtz ini tw xfni fsdymnsl fgtzy ymj uwtojhy. 
Tjp orj cvqzi'o nkjfzi di tzvmn, tzo tjp nkzvf ja zvxc joczm di cpnczy rcdnkzmn kmvtdib tjpm nvy hvnozmn rji'o czvm. Tjpm avoz viy apopmz dn jiz ja nvyiznn viy ndi. Ocdibn tjp xvi'o kmzqzio ij hvoozm cjr cvmy tjp omdzy. Tjp mzvggt ydy rvio oj yj njhzocdib wpo izdoczm ja tjp ydy jm nvdy vitocdib vwjpo ocz kmjezxo. 
is it possible to make a pizza out of space?
what sort of astral bodies are better as sauce?
what sort of planets make the best toppings?
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mikalhenderson · 1 year
is it possible to make a pizza out of space?
what sort of astral bodies are better as sauce?
what sort of planets make the best toppings?
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mikalhenderson · 1 year
You have 24 hours to tell me what I should make
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mikalhenderson · 1 year
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mikalhenderson · 1 year
You have 24 hours to tell me what I should make
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