mikkagale-blog · 4 years
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PRE-TEST (Multiple choice)
1. What is peruses means?
a. something b. examine c. typically in a thorough or careful way
2. Willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing
a. connivance b. hammer c. declined
3. A cancer of the blood or bone narrow?
a. hypochondriac b. leukemia c. covid
4. Huge glowing ball of hot gas
a. moon b. star c. rain
5. Which word is similar to Between?
a. across b. amid c. ultimate
One day, there's a girl named Gale an ofw who works very hard in Singapore and believes in destiny and true love. Circumstances in her family led to Gale's departure from the Philippines and work in various jobs in Singapore. One of her job involves pet sitting, the dog of her friend. Dess, is the boss and a friend of Gale. One day in a park, Gale sees Kurt who seems sad and heartbroken. Suddenly, a thief grabs Kurt's bag and then goes after the snatcher. Gale also pursues the thief and gets the bag from the thief but Kurt is nowhere in sight. She peruses Kurt's smartphone to find contacts and inform them about the whereabouts of Kurt's belongings. Aside from being a pet sitter, Gale also works as a household helper for Belle who turns out to be the stepmother of Kurt. Oh, you have a new smartphone? That's nice Gale. No, madam, I get this from the thief, he get this bag from a boy I saw earlier but until now I really don't know who's the owner of this bag. Let me see. Gale give the bag to her madam. Until Kurt sees Gale in their living room with her stepmother browsing his smartphone. Gale and Kurt have not met personally, So you are the boss of that thief? Aren't you? Answer me!! (Kurt shout) No!! Your wrong!! I can never do that to anyone! My parents grow me with a full of respect to others and specially to don't judge on people you don't even know!! Gale answered Kurt. Kurt confronts Gale saying that she is connivance with the thief. After arguing, they accidentally fall and hug in the couch. Belle comes into the scene and ends their feud. Gale eventually returns Kurt's bag and their friendship starts. When Gale go home she share what happens to her on her friends. Lany and Clara her boardmate also her friends. You know guys I met a boy today. Gale says it while looking at the sky. Is he cute? Lany ask. Do you type him? Clara ask. Can you please shut up! What are you saying? My point is the way I saw him I had a feeling that he's not okay you know what I mean? I feel something that he carry a big problem. I save that boy earlier from the thief. Really?? Did you meet already?? Friends ask gale. I actually realize that the world is to small then Gale laugh. I meet him into my boss house and he is the stepson of my boss. Anyway his so very judgemental! It is right that he say I'm one of the thief who get his bag? Do i look like that? This face??? Clara says, you know Lany I really want to sleep right now. I think I also need to sleep right now. Then Gale laugh. Kurt call Gale. Phone rings, Hello is this Gale Perlejo? Kurt ask. Yes, who is this? I'm Kurt Buenavista. The one who owns the bag that you get..... from the thief. Ah, so you are the judgemental boy I saw in Mrs. Belle house. Yup, can we meet now? Exactly 1:00 pm For what?? Don't ask to much, just come okay? Okay. Hays! (Roll eyes) 1:00pm Wheres that boy! He said 1:00pm but his not yet here. Hays!
Oh there you go! Why your late? Mr. Judgemental? Gale said.
My name is Kurt, never called me judgmental.
Okay fine. So why we need to meet here? Gale ask.
I decided to treat you because you save my things to that thief. So thank you. Also sorry for judging you. Kurt's said.
Okay i accept it.
And they finally become more friends start that day. They always seeing each other. Eat and more.
One day, Gale decided to go to Dess house and bring some dogfoods and Fruits for dess.
Hello Dess! How do you feel right now? Are you all good? Gale ask Dess.
Im good gale, thank you for this fruits.
Dess said.
You want to go outside? Gale ask. Oh yah sure bring me there on our favorite spot. Dess request to Gale.
Gale push the wheelchair into their favorite spot. Do you see that star? Dess ask.
Yes. I see it. Gale answer.
Whenever I saw that star, I remember my ex boyfriend. Dess smiled.
Can I know what happened? Gale ask.
I broke up with hime 3 years ago, I leave him in the philippines because of this leukemia. I don't want to hurt him. I really love him so I decided to leave him so that he can forget me slowly. When the right time is come I may also be that star looking on him and seeing that his happy with his new one and that's my dream for him. Dess cried while telling the story to Gale.
Gale get some tissue and give to Dess.
Don't cry Dess. Maybe he will understand you and maybe he will forgive you. Gale hugged Dess.
Another day was spend again by Kurt and Gale.
Until one night. Kurt and Gale talking..
You know I have to move on my life after proposing to my ex-girlfriend Sandra 3 years ago who left me without any reason. (Kurt laugh)
Kurt said while looking at the sky.
One night, I decided to take Sandra for a date, not just date, Because I decided to propose to her that night. We go to our favorite place and sitting at the back of my car and looking to that star. (Kurt pointed out the star.) That star reminds me of her. We always looking on that whenever we have an argument or something. Its just that star will lead us to make our relationship longer. But that was a fake I think. Hahaha (Kurt laugh)
(Gale remember what Dess say to her, and confusing face)
I don't even know why she broke up with me that night. And I....
Kurt, I want to go home. I think I'm not feeling well. Gale said.
Oh, Sorry okay I'll tale you home.
(While Gale lying down on her bed)
So, Dess and Kurt.... (gale cried)
Noooo!! This is not true! Maybe I'm just overthingking. Gale stop it!! You can't fall inlove with Kurt!! That's not right!! (Gale cried)
(Friends enter to the room)
(Hugged Gale)
One morning.. Gale goes to Dess house and start her job which is taking care of Dess dogs.
Dess to Gale
You are sick?
No I'm okay, its just I having lack of sleep. How about you? How you doing?
Im okay, Blessed because im still alive hahaha. Dess laugh.
Dess, can i have a favor?
Oh sure what it is?
Can we go out tomorrow?
Oh for a??
We will just eat outside, my treat dess.
Oh sounds good, okay. Since Im always here in my house I will go with you.
Okay thats good. Thankyou Dess.
Until one night, Kurt tell to Gale that he has a feelings for her.
Gale.... I need to tell you something, I think I have a feelings for you.
(Gale laugh)
No! Your joking Kurt. Hahaha
No! Im serious. And I know and I have feeling that you also have a feelings for me. Kurt smiled.
Gale pointed a restaurant. (Noodlecup)
Im hungry, lets eat.
Oh your hungry okay lets eat.
After eating..
Kurt can we go out tomorrow?
Can you meet me tomorrow?
Oh thats new ah? Hahaha sure for you!
Okay then, goodbye see you tomorrow.
(Gale hugged kurt) gale enter the house.
Take care, gale said.
Gale arranges the meet up between Kurt and Dess so that they can finally meet and talk.
While Kurt is sitting and waiting for Gale..
Suddenly... Kurt sees Dess standing and looking on him.
Dess move backward and continue to walk.
Sandra wait!!! Sandra!!... (kurt shout)
(Sandra's stop by walking)
So you're here? How long? (Kurt)
Why you even tell me that you will go here? Huh? (Kurt)
Answer me Sandra!! (Kurt)
Kurt, I'm sick! (Sandra/Dess)
I have leukemia! (Dess/Sandra)
What? Sandra? Why did you say it now? Why did you not tell me that before? That's why you leave me?? Just because of that fvcking reason? Huh? Sandra!? (Kurt)
No, you know kurt how much I love you! (Sandra/Dess)
That's why you leave me and ignore me. Hahaha (kurt)
(Kurt look at the back)
(Kurt saw Gale crying)
(Gale, run)
Gale waaaait!!! Wait!!! (Kurt)
No kurt, you and dess need to talk. (Gale)
You know sandra?? (Kurt)
Yes, Im the one who take care of her and her dogs (Gale)
Kurt, Dess loves you so much. She did not mean to hurt you. She do that not because she don't love you! She did that just because she wants you to train that every single day her lives will be no longer. (Gale cried)
But, Gale, I love you! (kurt)
Kurt, I love you too, but this might be happen. (Gale)
(Gale runs)
Meanwhile, Gale decides to return in the Philippines. In their meeting, Sandra/Dess tells Kurt that he is happier with Gale and he must go after her.
Gale did not make it in the airport due to an accident. In the hospital, Kurt prays that he would not lose Gale because he loves her so much.
(Gale opened her eyes)
Kurt? Why are you here? Gale ask.
Gale, I love you! Kurt said.
(Kurt hugged Gale)
(Gale cried)
(After a few months, Dess passed away)
(Kurt brings Gale to a beautiful place)
(They are sitting at the back of Kurt's car)
Kurt, look that star. (Gale pointed it)
That is Dess. Dess are looking on us.
She's now happy for us. I know it. (Gale)
Dess!!! My friend!! Thankyouu for this gift!! Thankyou for giving me this kind of boy!! I promise that I will be the to continue the kove that you give to him I promise that!! Take care there!! And here's nambo!! (The dog) His now missing you...
(Gale shout, while looking to the star)
Sandra, As what I promised to you! (Kurt)
(Gale think and confused)....
(Way back to Sandra and Kurts Talking)
Kurt, Gale loves you so much! She always telling me what happened between you and her. I hope that this ring (get on her pocket) will be placed on Gale's finger.
I'm so happy for the both of you. I wish that you will live happy together. Promised me that you will take care of her. (Sandra/Dess says while crying)
Gale,, You know how much I love you! and I want to spend my whole life with you.
(Kurt take the hands of Gale)
Gale, can you spend your whole life with me??
(Gale,, cried)
Yes!! Kurt!! Gale answered.
(Kurt hugged Gale)
The story concludes with a scene in Verona where Gale and Kurt are seen happy together and the story ends with a kissing scene on a church between Kurt's and Gale's wedding.
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
2. What does the story all about?
3. What illness that dess brings her to give up with kurt?
4. Who is sandra in the story?
5. What type of person is sandra is?
6. Why sandra wants kurt and dess to talk?
7. What type of personality does kurt have?
8. What is important between you love, or the one who loves you?
9. Is the story can relates in our industry now?
10. If you was sandra, will you be like her?
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mikkagale-blog · 5 years
So, hi everyone!! I just want to tell or to share you something about myself. Hi, my name is mikka gale francisco I'm now in a age of 18 turning 19 on 26th of october this 2020. I live here in gentri, cavite. I am the youngest daughter of Gizel Francisco and Michael Francisco and I have a brother.
There's a lot of things that I like and I don't like. I love to have fun with my friends. I like to play with my dogs. I love to spend more time with my family and what I really love is to sleep. The things I don't like is to eat vegetables (don't bash me hehe) I know that its healthy but maybe soon I will forgive myself to eat it. Another thing I don't like is to have a friends that only knows me if they need something or etc, you all know guys what I'am saying and I know you also don't like this things isn't? Also, I really hate the most is to asking my time to spend with them but in the end Im the one who out of place. Specially, I really hate to be bored.
Well by now you might know about some of my personality. Now I will share to you the things that makes me memorable and unforgettable.
First, is the time when the volcano erupts. I felt so sad fo the people who lives beside, under, that volcano. That's why we decided to give some help for the family who needs it, for the people who hurt because of it. We give them some donations, relief goods, clothes, and more. We put a box infront of our store so that we can collect money to buy something that they needs. When we go there I saw the sadness on their eyes wishing that their situation will be end. I'm very grateful to see them happy when we give the things that may help them. I saw their smiles, their big hopes, specially I saw their faith in God.
Second, is the time that I spend one night with my friends. Even if were not complete but I understand it. I enjoy, I really enjoy that night, how I wish that it can be happen again. I really appreciate that night. I love the way we spend our time to each other. I really love the way we dance, we tell something about ourselves, also to feel that there's a people who always feel you so lucky to have that kind of friendships.
Third, is to celebrate my 18th birthday. That day was so perfect for me. I really don't expect that day will be so perfect. I celebrate it with the friends, classmates, and families. I really enjoy that day. I feel so happy because whenever they greet me and send their best wishes and I realized that God gave me this kinds of people who can love me the most. I really appreciate it.
And lastly, to have a family like this. Im so very lucky to have you all in my life. God knows everything how I really say thankyou to him because he gave me a kind of family that the others don't have. I can say that theres a time that we can't undestand each other, we have arguments, challenges, and so on but, theres the love that can forget, can fix those arguments. I really love the way we spend our time, to talk something. I know that I'am not a perfect daughter and a sister to you guys but I promise that I will prove you something that can makes you happy and so proud of me. Mama, Papa and Kuya I love you!! I can't say it personally but I want you to feel it emotionally.
this is me the one and only, your Mikka Gale Francisco.
(03-24-20) (12:43PM)
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mikkagale-blog · 5 years
A disaster is a serious disruption occurring over a short or long period of time that causes widespread human, material, economic or environmental loss which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. A natural disaster is a natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. Various phenomena like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruption, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, tsunamis, and cyclones are all natural disasters that kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year. Natural disasters are becoming an increasing concern globally, and the world's poorest are becoming more exposed to the risk of disasters, aggravated by climate change and globalization.Facts about disaster, over 90% death caused by disasters occur in poor countries.After a disaster, disease spreads quickly if there is no clean water and limited toilets available, and with some countries being so poor, they have limited health care to help deal with the emergencies from the disasters. Natural disasters destroy essential rural infrastructure. Kinds of disasters earthquakes hurricanes drought floods etc. As more infrastructure is developed in rural areas to combat poverty, and as the frequency and severity of natural disasters also increase, the impacts on the poor will become more critical.
The Epidemic is an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time. Also an affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time. The epidemic survival is the one who survived in this epidemic situation. The virus is an endemic in the tropical areas. Its a requirement that the travelers must have in order to enter specific countries, its also important to protect your health. The vaccine provides immunity within 10 days after vaccination. Outbreaks anywhere are a threat everywhere. With vaccines we can prevent epidemics.We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge, so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.
A survival once said, Epidemics follow patterns because diseases follow patterns. Viruses spread they produced they die.
Pray is the powerful solution to save our world.
Love one another, forgive others, avoid selfishness and live life with happiness.
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mikkagale-blog · 5 years
1. Yes, the author actually did the best interview for Lee Gutkind. It was all clear and all detailed. The author ask so many curious questions and Lee Gutkind answer it clearly.
2. As I have read in this article Gutkind defines the essential elements of creative nonfiction as five "R'S" real I life, reflection, research, reading, and writing. Creative Nonfiction is about real life experiences, and like journalists, cnf writers go to the places and people, immersing themselves in new experiences.
3. The central theme of the piece is that Gutkind drove home the central theme of the symposium that humans are at once insignificant against the great measure of nature, and yet capable if theirs remains the only measure of wreaking the effective destruction of earth as a home for human and possibly all life. What Gutkind tried to demonstrate in his photographs was that the measure of nature is as much local and contigent.
4. Their difference is grounded on the fact that journalism relies heavily on the truth, facts, current events, and knowledge. Creative nonfiction on the other hand, comprises much on art, fiction, and imagination. This is why these two ends don't meet.
5. Maybe because to make it reliable and also maybe because every speech theres a question and answer session.
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