mile-long-tbr Ā· 5 months
I love adventuring party bc I did really want to know wtf porter was trying to do by stunning fig but then not following it up with anything (some kind of stun/divine sense to see if she was actually devoted to ankarna? Intimidation? Some kind of signal to kipperlily?) and that is not at all what happened in this episode but Iā€™m ok with that somehow
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
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Herbier geĢneĢral de l'amateur (1816-1827)
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
things i forgot were canon in the riordanverse:
ā€¢taylor swift is half dwarf
ā€¢list ends here because what the fuck
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
Somehow, in 2022, Tumblr University finally exists, but the only offering is a semester long English course about Dracula and everyone is enrolled
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
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this sums it up for me perfectly
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
im not sure about the casting. im not hating on the kids more so confused about the casting directors decisions and thats just because they dont look like the book descriptions
i have spent the majority of high school and college surrounded by theater kids, so let me tell you some information i learned against my will about the acting business:
the job of a casting director isnā€™t to find the actor thatā€™s gonna look the part. itā€™s to find the actor thatā€™s going to act the part.
when they cast percy, they werenā€™t looking for a black-haired green-eyed boy. they were looking for a funny motherfucker. a good actor. someone who could portray percy jackson, in all his preadolescent impertinent glory. walker scobell is that guy. even though heā€™s blonde, even though heā€™s not how you pictured book-percy, heā€™s gonna embody percy jackson. would you rather have an actor whoā€™s good at their job and dedicated to the part, or one who looks right but canā€™t deliver the iconic personality?
a big part of annabethā€™s character and journey is that people underestimate her because of her looks. back when PJO was first published in the early 2000s, the dumb blonde stereotype was rampant (this was the era of movies like legally blonde and clueless, after all). annabeth was made blonde in the books to combat that stereotype.
now, in the year of our lord 2022, the dumb blonde stereotype is no longer as present. you know what is present? racism. people thinking black girls arenā€™t as smart or as good as white girls. stereotypes like ā€œthe angry black womanā€. iā€™m not being very eloquent about this, please forgive me, but my point is this: casting annabeth as a black girl is the perfect way to preserve this part of her character, this journey of her defying stereotypes.
the story is more important than the appearances of the actors. the personality of the characters is what we adore, not their looks. the show is an adaptation of the books, not a carbon copy of them. and itā€™s gonna be great. these kids are talented. they have experience. in opera, itā€™s more important for your actors to sing well than to look right. do you understand?
iā€™m not looking to console anyone or hold any hands anymore, because i am thrilled. i am ecstatic. i am rereading the books and picturing walker scobell and leah jeffries and aryan simhadri as our beautiful trio. i am celebrating. there is nothing to be unsure or worried about. disney threw a billion dollars behind this show, and rick riordan is at the helm. what are you worried about?
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
no really yā€™all need toĀ open your hearts to blackabeth chase because all of her traits are negatively compounded by the fact that sheā€™s white.. black girl from the south? excellent. black girl with complex analytical strengths despite racist stereotypes? taste. black girl is the culmination of generations of curses and high expectations and writes her own path of glory to stand against the gods as a test of time and humanity and its best qualities? salivating at the thought
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
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Delicate spring florals
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
If you could posses someone and make them do something only once, who would you and what would you do?
Elon Musk. I'd make him tweet the words "9/11 themed porn gifs" then I would turn off the phone and destroy it with a blow torch. I would find a small knife and carve the words "Thunder, Perfect Mind" into my chest.
After that was done, I would drive for several days until I found a Midwestern thunderstorm. I would drive the car into one of those ditches by the side of the road, the ones always overflowing with greenery. I'd leave the engine and the AC on full blast until the battery and the tank were dead. I'd leave my clothing nicely folded in a nearby hollow tree. Then I would wander into a field for several hours with the intent of being struck by lightning. Once I got hit I would leave his body.
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
when brains r like "today i will not brain" my brother in christ you are a brain
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
I love Sarah j Maas books, and I do love that theyā€™re all connected. However, Iā€™ve been keeping up with them for the last seven years religiously, so the fact that now if I want to talk about all my crack theories about where theyre going I have to convince my friends to read like 14 books. 14! No one wants to do that! I must suffer in silence!
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 2 years
Genuinely baffled that I managed to completely avoid House of Sky and Breath spoilers until I was finally able to read it myself
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 3 years
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chel_faust on Instagram
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 3 years
college is like. i am the stupidest person in the world. i am a god. i am universally loved. these people only tolerate me because they live with me. everyone in this library desires me carnally. i am repulsive. i am myself. i am as far from myself as i have ever been. i am an adult and i have never left the womb.Ā 
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 3 years
Hyper-conservative christians will be like "let's create an idealogical system where submission to the husbands will must be completely unquestioned and women are brood mares for the army of god" and terfs will be like "these are my political allies"
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 3 years
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I used to think one day weā€™d tell the story of us
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mile-long-tbr Ā· 3 years
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You donā€™t say.
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