miljuju · 6 months
Äiti, minun täytyy jatkaa. Joku kutsuu kulkemaan. Täytyy taittaa taival matkaa, vaikken tietä tunnekaan.
Siellä missä toisiansa aallot vievät tansseihin, siellä, veden loiskinassa, siellä olen minäkin.
Siellä, missä korkealla siintää pilvi sulavin, siellä, sinipilven alla, siellä olen minäkin.
Äiti, katso, kuinka kasvan! Kuule, kuinka kohisen! Minkä kasvoin viime vuonna, tänään kasvan ohi sen.
Avara on taivaan syli. Tuulen teitä purjehdin. Pääsky lentää pääsi yli, siinä olen minäkin.
Älä pelkää. Tulen kyllä. Tulen kyllä takaisin. Iltatuulen hyväilyssä: siinä olen minäkin.
- Anna-Mari Kaskinen
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miljuju · 1 year
komorebi (japanese) = sunlight filtering through trees saudade (portuguese) = a nostalgic longing for something that no longer exists and knowing that it may never return
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miljuju · 1 year
Kaikille maailman rannoille minä jätän sinulle rakkauskirjeitä
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miljuju · 1 year
maa jonka aika unohti
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miljuju · 2 years
There's no hate like Christian love.
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miljuju · 2 years
a love so nice its echoed in dreams!!
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miljuju · 2 years
‘relationships are work’ means ‘you have to put effort into loving each other intentionally & learning how to love each other and communicating properly’ not ‘your relationship makes you feel stressed and sad most of the time & the other person disrespects you and treats you bad but you stay anyway’
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miljuju · 2 years
has a breakdown about what a lonely life it is. goes for a walk with headphones in. purchases a beverage at the supermarket. you know how it goes
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miljuju · 2 years
Viisaat väittävät, että kirjat kasvattavat, että lukemalla opimme käsittelemään tunteitamme ja toisten tunteita ja löydämme ilmaisun niillekin epämääräisille oloille, joita emme ymmärrä mutta joilla on valta meitä hallita. Saattaa sitten olla, minä vain luin. Ja jossakin ikkunan takana nuoruus humahti ohi. Siellä mentiin ja tultiin, halattiin ja suudeltiin, tehtiin ties mitä.
-Petri Tamminen
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miljuju · 2 years
babe. be real with me. if i were a plain little rock on a beach would you pick me up and turn me over in your hand and marvel over how wonderfully ordinary i am. like really take the time to ponder how there isn't necessarily anything special about me but that the very deed of choosing me out of countless other rocks raises me to a precious, almost sacred level of irreplaceability that is only accessible through the act of being seen and loved?
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miljuju · 2 years
i come back from a book and its like how the hell are you people just going on like this. didnt you read the book with me. how is the real world so disconnected from the whole book world i just experienced
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miljuju · 2 years
I knew all of God's secrets, but now I forgot
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miljuju · 2 years
I will die loving and so, never die. I will watch over you, my Love
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miljuju · 2 years
Allow people to like you, to enjoy your company, to want to be your friend. Allow them to compliment you, allow others to think you're cool and funny even if you think you're not. It is not up to you to tell others how to feel, and remember that people might see the positive things in you and qualities that you have been failing to see while being too self-critical. Allow yourself to be liked by other people, even when you don't see why they should. Don't self-isolate because you think you are not good enough for other people.
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miljuju · 2 years
This. This is the first time. The only time. That it was not an echo. It was not found. Oh god.
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miljuju · 2 years
Participating in the world as it is does not disqualify you from trying to improve it.
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miljuju · 2 years
love really is just "i am thinking of you. i will ask you if you are okay. i remember your favorite flavor of tea. i want to talk to you. i hope your mother is well. i will read to you. i like your laugh. this perfume gives you a headache. i want to help you. i will sit next to you. i got you the chocolate you like. your eyes have gold in them. i think you'd like this book. i miss you when you aren't here." isn't it
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