milkych4nn · 3 months
I love hearing the fact that you were jealous.
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milkych4nn · 3 months
New obsession? Who knows. Welcome back.
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milkych4nn · 5 months
why cant i just be good at something.
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milkych4nn · 6 months
thinking, contemplating, considering.
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milkych4nn · 6 months
my FRAUDULENT psychiatrist keeps trying to misdiagnose my yandere swag as "severe borderline personality disorder"
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milkych4nn · 6 months
pls get out of my head. you live there rent free.
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milkych4nn · 7 months
Why can't you just be kind, I don't understand what's so hard about being nice, especially in hard situations when kindness is hard but needed the most. Why do you have no empathy for me. I have so much love and care to give you, but why not me. Am I not deserving of it? If not, why are we together. I understand I'm hard to love but why are my mistakes unforgivable but yet yours are excused every time. This feels one sided but you continue to gaslight me into thinking I'm the the only problem. I just want someone to feel the same way about me as I feel about them. To love me with just as much passion.
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milkych4nn · 7 months
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milkych4nn · 8 months
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me & my man
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milkych4nn · 9 months
Don't read this.
I think I'm crazy, but maybe I'm not, maybe its just my BPD, maybe its not. I don't understand my feelings for you, all we did was fuck around after getting back into contact, then no contact, then into contact again. I don't understand. Maybe I'm confused. Maybe I just need a straight answer from you so I can stop thinking about you. You linger in the back of my head rent-free, and for what? I don't even think its romantic, maybe I just miss your company. We just vibed, as cringe as that is. I genuinely tried fighting them, I blocked you, I unfriended you. I thought that it would've helped how I felt and lessen the guilt of how I was feeling. How I feel is wrong, but the thing is I don't even understand how I feel about you, I just know its wrong. Maybe its my BPD, maybe I just need time to forget, maybe I'm just sick.
I want to text you, I want to tell you about my confusion, but I know this isn't normal and I don't want to embarrass myself.
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milkych4nn · 10 months
i just want to watch bojack horsemen, is that too much to ask for
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milkych4nn · 10 months
My darling...
You don't have to be "perfect", my love. You don't have to be all the expectations they may have of you, just have to be yourself and that will always be enough, at least for me, your only and one. You'll always be the most perfect being in my universe no matter what you do or don't do.
A piece of art that only I can own. You just have to love me too and I'll give you all of me. You are my precious destined.
I can't lie to you. Don't want to either.
You are so unique and ethereal... no artist that ever existed or currently exists can see as much art as I see in you, you're such a beautiful masterpiece.
I want to cry. If you could see yourself from my perspective you would never doubt it again. My heart cannot contain so much love. I need you so much, all the time, every hour, every day of the week.
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milkych4nn · 10 months
you remind me of ichikawa kyoutarou
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milkych4nn · 11 months
I hate selling. I hate seeing how strangers react to my body and the disgusting things they want to do to me. I feel like if my body was free range, I would get mauled by men. torn apart. stripped of any life.
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milkych4nn · 1 year
life is wild.
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milkych4nn · 1 year
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milkych4nn · 1 year
i wish we never got together.
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