mimi-chan4exe · 3 months
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Last-minute dunmeshi pride posting! Happy Pride Month everyone, I hope yall had a good one! 🏳️‍🌈💕✨️
((Please DO NOT repost my art or use it for AI))
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mimi-chan4exe · 3 months
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mimi-chan4exe · 3 months
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It's Not Easy Being Marcille
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mimi-chan4exe · 8 months
weeee, no lo había pensado de ese modo, jajajaja necesito mas de este dúo.
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This comic was made on the day that Alastor's redesign was posted, and one person on Twitter pointed out that Lucifer and Alastor's lapels were kinda similar- like a couple thing! Here's a screenshot of the post:
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
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Jsjsjsjs tiene mucho rato y nunca lo subi por aquí
Holi 👋👋
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
Lo de "do you understand" lo diría en español con el acento puertorriqueño de su madre, osea; "me entendiste" con un chasquido de dedos para cerrar con el cabeceó y Cruze de brazos... Sip Miles es la versión masculina de río Morales, si señor
When Miles gets mad, he speaks Spanish. And I'm talking bout that, "Rio is mad about to beat somebody ass" type of Spanish. That's how any spider-person knows they've pissed him off.
And it scares a good amount of them too because he's acting like somebody Mama snapping his fingers when they aren't paying attention to what he is saying, pacing back and fourth, shaking his head, mumbling stuff ect.
But you know Miles, he is switching back and forth from Spanish and English. Which makes them like 10times more scary. Because to them it's like "I understand you man and I'm sorry," then it's "I lost you- what did you say!? What am I supposed to do!? Oh my gosh!!" And he ends ever angry rant with either, "Don't do that shit again" or "do you understand me" (like I said - like somebody's mama)
And Hobie? Hobie is the biggest instigator, so if he so happens to hear, walk by, be in the room whatever- he will back up Miles all the way. Because he thinks Miles looks cute when he gets mad. Yea, he's scarying the crap out of whoever he's screaming at, but to Hobie, it's cute. The way his face is scrunched up and the way he's probably cussing the person out. Hobie doesn't understand him but he backs him up all the way even if Miles is wrong.
Miguel agrees with everything Miles is saying when he's mad because he found out that Miles got a B in Spanish, so he is shocked when Miles comes into his office one day going on a full rant (in Spanish) about some of the spider-people who where being openingly racist. Miguel is so shocked that he doesn't say anything, making Miles walk out of the room to sit them straight himself.
And ever since then, Miguel just agrees every time he hears Miles say, "Right, Tio!?" And he records and sends it to Rio.(I believe that Miguel, MJ and Rio have become Mom Friends you can't change my mind-)
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
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Mami boys. 🌻👾
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
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My sunflower 🌻
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
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creo que todos sabemos que esos dos se llevarian chido.
I think we all know those two would get along great.
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
bi panic
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obviamente tenía que reflejar mi Bi panic con miles, es que, dios, son tan bellos, además de que me maman los 2 ... 4 ship, ¿que? el poliamor siempre es una opción amistades.
obviously I had to reflect my Bi panic with Miles, it's just that, god, they're so beautiful, plus I love 2…4 ships, what? polyamory is always an option friends.
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mimi-chan4exe · 1 year
En mi defensa...✨Estaba aburrida en clase ✨
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