minathered · 11 days
Something I noticed about Fallout
And something my good friend pointed out, all the people going on about "New Vegas" fans only liking one game in the series go real fuckin quiet about the people who insist Fallout 4 is the only good one/only one worth playing for people new to the series. Because uh...It looks better?
Also acting like Fallout 1 and 2 are esoteric pieces of lost media is fucking hilarious. I first played Fallout 2 when I was way too young to do so and I stumbled through it fine. They're not actually that difficult.
Ultimately I'm glad more people are getting into the series via the show, which I thought was pretty good but holy shit can someone please let the BoS take a fucking L for once.
Anyway, glad people are getting into Fallout but this active hostility toward the older games in favour of the game with some of the weakest roleplaying of the core games is kind of a bad idea imo.
Seeing actual journos write "I wanna know the Enclave's deal, why are they so involved with Vault-Tec" is bleak. Instead of waiting two years for a new season, just play Fallout 2.
Oh also Bethesda blackmailed a trans employee and held her medical care hostage, so don't give them your money. Take some "Sailing" lessons.
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minathered · 14 days
Okay, here's the thing. In the Fallout show, Maximus does not know what sex is. Like he doesn't even know what an erection is. And the implication is that the Brotherhood just NEVER teaches anyone that stuff. Dane is Nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, and was raised by the Brotherhood too. So the implication you end up getting is - either Maximus is just genuinely truly stupid, like legitimately he's just a complete dipshit, OR The Brotherhood of Steel teaches it's recruits Gender Theory but not BASIC SEX ED.
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minathered · 14 days
it’s kind of crazy that both fallout new Vegas and fallout 4 have the same driving force for the first half of the narrative (find the guy who wronged you and make him pay) but Benny is so much more memorable and narratively interesting than Kellogg.
It’s a matter of a strong character foil versus a weak one, in my opinion.
Benny and the courier are very much alike. They are both ambitious people who are willing to do anything possible to stack the odds in their favour. Honestly, Benny and the courier are the same card, reversed.
The Sole Survivor and Kellogg are also intended to be character foils. The game tries to convince us of this with the scenes in Kellogg’s mind, where we see that he ‘isn’t so different’ from our protagonist after all. But we don’t know anything about Kellogg other than his backstory. How can he parallel the protagonist if we don’t know which traits he has? Which traits the two of them share?
(As a side note, I wish Fallout 4 had touched way more on the ‘Man/Woman Out of Time’ thing. The protagonist being frozen in the past + Kellogg being functionally immortal would’ve been really cool to explore! Especially in the context of grief!)
In the end, I think the reason Benny is a more powerful character foil is that he doesn’t disappear from the world when you kill him. The chairmen can mourn him, House will comment on it, and even NPCs across the Mojave will talk about Benny’s death!
In Kellogg’s case, the protagonist is basically the only person who knows he even existed! Once he’s dead HE’s DEAD! He disappears completely from the narrative! As soon as you leave fort Hagen, the game doesn’t bother looking back.
that’s why Benny is a more haunting force for new Vegas; particularly an independent courier. You are Benny’s legacy because you are what he leaves behind whether he likes it or not. People remember him as the couriers victim. Meanwhile, nobody remembers Kellogg at all. The memory of who Kellogg was dies with you, and you can choose to forget him.
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minathered · 14 days
If you hate most of a franchise THAT severely maybe you’re not actually a fan of the franchise and you’re just blinded by nostalgia
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minathered · 20 days
come on todd, open up, i just want to talk
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minathered · 24 days
Genesis of the Daleks is literally about this. The Kaleds on Skaro talk about exterminating the other race on the planet (Thals.) They wear SS Uniforms and do the Nazi Heel Click salute.
And when the remaining Kaleds aren't fascist enough for Davros anymore (They try to shut down the Dalek production facility) He has them all exterminated.
Only to have the Daleks turn on HIM. They were programmed to see DALEK life as Superior. The Kaleds that created them? The same as everything else. Bodies to be exterminated.
Hell they even kill Davros. (Yeah he comes back but at the time, he was GONE)
You're right. The Daleks aren't "Biological determinism" They're the product of Fascism winning. And you know what the Daleks are without their weapons? Helpless screaming squid mutants who beg for pity.
If that isn't a perfect summation of Fascism, I dunno what is.
Now, you wanna get spicy? Talk about how the Cybermen are kinda on some ableist "Cybernetics eat your soul" bullshit.
doctor who's obsession with biological moral determinism sucks and often fatally undermines the shows intended messaging, especially in dalek stories
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minathered · 24 days
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Lord Captain Mina De Amarius. Rogue Trader and the head of House De Amarius-Circa M42
(Art by @library-bat-girl)
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minathered · 1 month
Blue-My Cyberpunk Protagonist.
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Their arm stood in stark contrast to the sleek, uniform appearance of the tech you'd see in the upper rises. Hell, it almost seemed to exist in spite of them. Metal innards twisted and shifted beneath a series of bulky armour plates assembled in a kind of brutish elegance. It was like an exploded view of a prosthetic had been assembled as it appeared, with sturdy plating orbiting around a bulky mass of metallic sinew that looked ready to make short work of anything from a skull to a concrete wall. The fingers of their hand completed the aesthetic rejection that permeated their cyberware. Instead of an inoffensive imitation of humanity, each of their fingers were skeletal in design, ending in curved talons that reminded Wren, with growing discomfort, of a hawk's
(Art by Alex Cipriano on twitter. Please consider commissioning him. He's a joy to work with.)
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