There are a lot of things that bring ppl comfort. The tv shows ( I’m tvdu fan) , music, or being around family. But I never hear people talking abt the sky. No I don’t mean taking pictures of sunsets and sunrises. I mean the sky. When it’s just blue or it has clouds in it. It feels peaceful and feels like freedom. The sky brings me peace when I look at the sky I imagine peace and it calms me. Especially when the wind is blowing and birds are flying by. The sky is peaceful and so are trees.
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Stress is annoying. School stresses us out a lot sometimes even when we’re not in school just the thought of it stresses us out. Stress is just weird and everyone has it from time to time. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control. Too much stress can cause physical and mental health problems. Learning how to cope with stress can help us feel less overwhelmed and support our mental and physical well-being.
Ps: I’m going to take a break for a few days
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Panic attacks
Panic attacks mostly happen because of stress but it can be caused by other things too. There’s different types of panic attacks. There’s the feeling like you can breathe and hyperventilating and having to calm yourself down. There’s also the ones where you feel numb and can’t move. Either one is horrible to get in school any public place really. People can’t control it or sometimes even sense it when there coming. A lot of people have panic attacks and a lot of people don’t know about them. Sometimes there annoying to deal with and suck.
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Dementia is not a specific disease, it’s a group of conditions that usually caused by brain damage. The most common is Alzheimer’s. You can have for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities.
There are treatments for dementia but they aren’t always guaranteed. Dementia is something doctors are actively trying to find solutions.
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Sleep wake disorders
Sleep disorders include having problems with affecting sleep quality, timing, and quantity, resulting in daily distress and impairment in functioning. Sleep disorders often occur with medical conditions or mental health conditions. Insomnia is the most common one and it sucks🤣 it messes you sleep schedule all up and sometimes you can basically live on coffee. Some other ones are sleep apnea, parasomnias, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome. Not getting enough sleep can decrease your energy and you can have problems focusing. Most sleep problems can be improved with a regular sleep habit going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday. There is also relaxed techniques, melatonin, and dietary supplements.
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Mood disorders
Mood disorders are described by marked disruptions in emotions. One minute you might happy and the next you can be depressed. A lot of people have mood disorders and instead of just putting them on drugs there should be a better was to help them. Different mood disorders include: bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, hypomania, major depressive disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Now the most common one talked about is bipolar. It’s something people joke about when you mood changes quickly. Just because you might have mood swings does not mean that person has bipolar.
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Eating disorders
There has to be eating disorders that aren’t considered eating disorders right? My parent just call me fat but normal school year I eat once a day. But then other times I can say a whole pizza and still be hungry. I wouldn’t consider it a eating disorder but it has to be something. Eating disorders are a serious thing. A lot of people might have them and you never know. You can be eating then throwing it up not eating at all or binge eating. Either way you body is hurting in some way. Most of the time people with eating disorders can’t stop. It takes a lot for them to realize what their doing is hurting them. People with eating disorders are just like us people that are struggling and need help. So we have to help them and give them the support they need.
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Substance abuse
This goes into what I was saying about good and bad addictions. This is a bad one most of the time. Substance abuse is using drugs a lot that may cause specific problems. It might cause someone to miss school or be hurt. I don’t know any kids with this but I’ve seen it before. There are a lot of substances u can abuse the normal one’s alcohol and drugs. But also anti depressants and anxiety meds. People think that it will solve their problems but it’s only temporary. It isn’t a permanent fix. It might not seem like it but there are other options.
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Addiction can include many things. You can be addicted to pretty much anything. Drugs, food, a certain toy, etc. Sometimes your addiction is what makes you feel sane. It might keep you level. Now there are healthy and non healthy addictions. Some addictions won’t harm you persay but others might. Some people are addicted to their phones or maybe addicted to staying away from reality. Some people are addicted to drugs and sometimes it hurts them and others. Addiction is not always a bad thing. I used to know this girl that was addicted to reading she used to do it every moment she could. And as far as I know she had an insane vocabulary this was the 6th grade. So I don’t all addictions are bad I think we’re all addicted to at least one thing. Just have to know the difference.
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Feeling lonely
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Having depression sometimes you feel lonely. Like you could be surrounded by people but still feel lonely. Being alone and feeling lonely are two different things. We all like to be alone at some point to recollect ourselves be with our thoughts. But being lonely is something we all dread. Being lonely is probably one of the worst feeling in the world it doesn’t matter if your actually alone or not. In my sociology class we were taking about how people that are not married and have no families are more likely to unalive themselves. Which may be true but it is just as likely for someone with wife and kids do unalive themselves too. I don’t think there’s a solution to not feeling lonely I think it’s somewhat that we all experience. We just can’t let the loneliness define us js because that’s how we feel in that moment.
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Having ADHD is a real struggle for teens. I mean it’s a struggle for everyone but I think young people have a harder time. Ik me I forget stuff easily and might be depressed one minute and hyper the next. I also can’t study to save my life like it just doesn’t happen until I found effective study methods.
ADHD can include procrastination, disorganization (definitely have those too😭), lack of focus, forgetfulness, social skill challenges( social anxiety) and a couple others. The diagnosis is usually made as a child by a doctor and self diagnosis is never a good thing to do. But sometimes you might know your body and mind and don’t need one. Some people take medication or some people see a therapist. Sometimes it’s never that serious but it all depends on the person.
Study methods
As a person who has a hard time studying and focusing what I usually do is that I might study for and hour usually I write and talk to myself at the same time and then I repeat it at least 3 times. Then after an hour I’ll take a break for 10 minutes and then start studying again. This one works for me most of the time but there are some other ones
Remembering due dates is also something I struggle with but I usually either write them down in a planner or put them in my reminders app and it reminders me 3 days or so before it’s due. Sometimes also studying with someone will be more fun and more effective. But if you don’t have anyone like me then talking to yourself is basically the same thing. Have any more?
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Is it just me or school is so mentally draining now. Idk if it is because we’re getting older or it changed after COVID but school takes the life out of me now. I used to be a straight A student and somehow like towards the middle of the year I was so over it that my grades started to slip and of course my parents were upset but honestly I don’t even know how they slipped. School is just not the same as it used to be. Ik schools for learning but sometimes it doesn’t feel like that. Especially now with computers teachers don’t really teach anymore they just assign something and expect you to do it. Then your still confused and have to study on your just to understand it. Anyone else feel like that?
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Yk I used to think when I would lay in the bed all day or not eat I was js lazy. Then the word depression started floating around and I found people that felt the same way I felt. Now I never really talked to anybody abt my depression I kinda js keep it to myself. Which usually works for me it’s kind of how I cope. But depression is something that a lot of people have and people may not notice. But I will say when I’m in public I kind of notice depending on the situation. What are some good coping mechanisms?
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Social Anxiety
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There’s a difference between being shy or introverted and having social anxiety. I like to say I have all three lol. Social anxiety is feeling anxiety or fear in situations where they may be scrutinized, evaluated, or judged by others. Like having to present a presentation by yourself or having to talk to strangers when your parents make you set up appointments yourself😭. Sometimes having fear of eating in front of people can be considered social anxiety. I have it bad like bad bad. I talk to no one I go through school only speaking if I have to other than that I talk to nobody. To the point where I don’t use the bathroom cause I’m too scared to ask. To the point I will get zeros on group projects because I just don’t want to work with people.Sometimes I have social anxiety with people I’m close with. Like sometimes in family gatherings I’m kind of in the corner on my phone.
Social Awkwardness
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I like friends so I thought this was funny. Sometimes it’s a mixture of anxiety and awkwardness. Being socially awkward is feeling uncomfortable and out of place in social situations. Most of the time you overthink and go over situations over and over in your head. I recently got my first job and when my co- workers talk to me I usually just smile or laugh cause I don’t know what else to do in those situations. Sometimes being socially awkward is a good thing. Your more aware and observant of your surroundings. One of the ways I try to overcome my social awkwardness is by focusing more on what the person is saying and asking questions related to the topic.
I can also be considered introverted. I don’t go out much I’m more of a texter than a caller. I love being alone but don’t like feeling lonely which is kind of weird to understand. I have a very thin social energy level after 15 minutes I’m ready to go home lol. Like I mentioned before I don’t like working in groups I prefer to be by myself. Introverts more focus on what’s within. They are happy being with their thought and ideas although sometimes they get crazy. There are also different types of introverts. Some introverts like to be extroverts too. These people like being around others but sometimes need to be by themselves to recharge.
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Now being a shy person is different but not much different from pretty much all three. Why people may have extroverted personalities they just like to feel out the conversation first. People who are shy might be shaky or speechless around certain people. There isn’t a real science on why people are shy just that some are and others aren’t with all these different concepts of “ feeling uncomfortable around people” being shy is probably the easiest to understand. Am I the only one who literally has no friends? Ik it sounds pathetic but I’m actually at peace with it. Any one else feel like that maybe we can be friends lol.
This is my chill mix and it usually helps me in the cases I literally have to do a group project.
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A Common Misconception
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There are a couple of misconceptions when it comes to teenagers and their mental health. One is that we are just “ being dramatic” or “ asking for attention”. From experience, some adults think that just because we are young and don’t have “ any real responsibilities” we have no reason to be stressed or have breakdowns. Instead of asking why we’re in our room all day they just call us lazy and force us to do things. I know for me my clothes will sit in the basket for at least a week. Not because I like a dirty room but because I don’t have the motivation to do things. Then when I get the motivation it’s always “ yea you better be doing that”. Parents are probably the most likely people to not notice or not pay attention to our mental health. Especially when they want you to be good in school and won’t accept anything less. I know for me this past school year was not difficult but I just didn’t feel motivated to do anything so I went from a 4.3 to a 4.0 and my parents weren’t too happy about that. Now they make jokes that it’s just a 4.0 because of the Ap classes I took and that technically my brother had better grades than me. It’s not that I wasn’t trying it’s just that it wasn’t enough. Can any of you relate? What are some ways to get motivated to do something?
Here is a playlist that helps me get motivated to clean. Have any other songs?
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I’m Aniya and I decided to make this account because my mental health has been a problem for a couple years. I know their are people in the same boat and I created this safe space so we can share our experiences and support each other. Most of my issues come from school and my social anxiety that’s real bad. When I tell people I have no friends they laugh like I’m joking but I am serious. I sit in school and talk to nobody all day unless I’m forced to do a group project. I am also socially awkward so even when I’m around family I’m still sitting in the corner and barely talking. Sometimes my mental health can affect my physical health like on a normal basis I eat one meal a day and sometimes I have these nausea headaches and other things. Anyways hopefully this blog will allow people to feel like they are not alone and also maybe learn things about themselves.
Ps: I am only a rising 11th grader and have no professional experience and or “ accurate information”.
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