mindthewolves · 2 years
hi! i’m in love with your fics/fic recs and was wondering if you’ve come across any you’d like to recommend lately (it’s summer break where i live and i am developing a tiny obsession lmfao)
hello at the moment i am reading these ongoing masterpieces and checking for updates like i'm checking the morning paper
i want something just like this by @jazzfordshire
real or not real by @mindthewolves
mix the magic work of love (we'll breed deep trust between us) by @missluthorwillseeyounow
time's supposed to heal you (but i ain't done much healing) by @valkyrieskwad
i'll be your west coast, honey by @thebluewritingbench
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mindthewolves · 2 years
Hi! I know you have a ton of fic recs already posted, but I was wondering what are your favorites from Kara’s POV? I’m semi new to the fandom (I have terrible timing I know 😅) and I’ve noticed that a lot of the more popular fics are from Lena’s perspective. Nothing wrong with that but would love to read some great Kara pov fics
Also, if you have any recs that fix the horrendous way the show handled Kara coming back from the phantom zone and her PTSD.
Love your writing btw!
kara pov:
people will say we're in love by @takethegrasskara
it is for your sake i have braved the glen by @seabiscuits-us
mix the magic work of love (we'll breed deep trust between us) by @missluthorwillseeyounow
documentary by @c-optimistic
made of stars by @gveret-fic
would you forget me? (do i know you?) by @hrwinter
it's a great big atlas (i love you like the stars above) by @mooosicaldreamz
real or not real by @mindthewolves (half kara half lena pov)
six months on by @clarketomylexa (kara pov ish)
to be loved by @amnesia-yourself
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mindthewolves · 2 years
Hello! I’ve just been sent here by hrwinter (Huge Rack Winter) and I’m now gonna go read your Hunger Games au! Just wanted to say hi and if you see me binging your fic and commenting no you didn’t I cannot be perceived. Thems the rules.
PS I’ve already read a couple of paragraphs and I can tell that this is gonna be good
PPS this whole thing brought up a memory of teenage me watching That Scene (Johanna-stripping-in-the-elevator) for the first time and not knowing why my heart was going CRAZY lol
hello! I perceive nothing, and no one was ever here haha. but That Scene. you've given me an idea for much later in the fic (or a separate drabble? idk) but I already can't wait to write it
also, @hrwinter I had no idea there was so much speculation on the "hr" part until now but color me intrigued
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mindthewolves · 5 years
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mindthewolves · 5 years
Katie Porter: You’ve got about 15 thousand contractors watching murders, stabbings, suicides, other gruesome disgusting videos for content moderation, correct?
Mark Zuckerberg: Congresswoman, yes, I believe that that’s correct.
Katie Porter: You pay many of those workers under $30 thousand a year, and you’ve cut them off from mental health care when they leave the company, even if they have PTSD because of their work for your company. Is that correct?
Mark Zuckerberg: Congresswoman, my understanding is we pay everyone, including the contractors associated with the company, at least a $15 minimum wage, in markets, in cities where there’s a high cost of living, that’s a $20 minimum wage. We go out of our way–
Katie Porter: Thank you, I’ll take your word at the wage. Reclaiming my time. According to one report I have, and this is straight out of an episode of Black Mirror, these workers get nine (*nine*) minutes of supervised wellness time per day. That means nine minutes to cry in the stairwell while somebody watches them. Would you be willing to commit to spending one hour a day, for the next year, watching these videos and acting as a content moderator, and only accessing the same benefits available to your workers?
Mark Zuckerberg: Congresswoman, we work hard to make sure we give good benefits to all the folks who are doing this–
Katie Porter: Mr. Zuckerberg, reclaiming my time, I would appreciate a yes or a no. Would you be willing to act as a content moderator? To have that life experience?
Mark Zuckerberg: I’m not sure it would best serve our community for me to spend that much time–
Katie Porter: Reclaiming my time. Mr. Zuckerberg, are you saying you’re not qualified to be a content monitor?
Mark Zuckerberg: No, Congresswoman, that’s not what I’m saying.
Katie Porter: Okay, then you’re saying you’re not willing to do it.
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mindthewolves · 5 years
do you want to know a cool story i learned today? in 1974, the nominees for the national book award for poetry were audre lorde, alice walker, adrienne rich, and allen ginsberg. when the women learned they had all been nominated, they reached out to each other and decided that if one of them won, she would accept the award on behalf of all three and read a speech that they had written together. rich and ginsberg ended up being named co-winners of the prize. when it was rich’s turn to speak, she invited lorde onto the stage with her (walker didn’t attend the ceremony), and read their jointly authored speech:
The statement I am going to read was prepared by three of the women nominated for the National Book Award for poetry, with the agreement that it would be read by whichever of us, if any, was chosen. We, Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, and Alice Walker, together accept this award in the name of all the women whose voices have gone and still go unheard in a patriarchal world, and in the name of those who, like us, have been tolerated as token women in this culture, often at great cost and in great pain.
We believe that we can enrich ourselves more in supporting and giving to each other than by competing against each other; and that poetry—if it is poetry—exists in a realm beyond ranking and comparison. We symbolically join together here in refusing the terms of patriarchal competition and declaring that we will share this prize among us, to be used as best we can for women. We appreciate the good faith of the judges for this award, but none of us could accept this money for herself, nor could she let go unquestioned the terms on which poets are given or denied honor and livelihood in this world, especially when they are women.
We dedicate this occasion to the struggle for self-determination of all women, of every color, identification, or derived class: the poet, the housewife, the lesbian, the mathematician, the mother, the dishwasher, the pregnant teenager, the teacher, the grandmother, the prostitute, the philosopher, the waitress, the women who will understand what we are doing here and those who will not understand yet; the silent women whose voices have been denied us, the articulate women who have given us strength to do our work.
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mindthewolves · 5 years
Washing the void
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mindthewolves · 5 years
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Introducing....my favorite tweet ever
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mindthewolves · 5 years
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mindthewolves · 5 years
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Sculpture by Pascale Archambault Simbiosis “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”
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mindthewolves · 5 years
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mindthewolves · 5 years
Do you ever interact with someone and you realize “this person has never had to consider or think about what their place in the world is, and why they believe certain things or act certain ways, this person has never considered society at length” and it’s just terrifying
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mindthewolves · 5 years
I’m about 90% sure the economy is never gonna “improve” 
this is capitalism in it’s final form
this is it honey 
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mindthewolves · 5 years
in addition to the fact that people just have different natural rhythms, a big reason why we can’t seem to go to bed as early as we “should” is that nighttime is, for many of us, our safest and most fulfilling time of day. we don’t have to work, we won’t be contacted by bosses or insurance companies or collection agencies or other suffocating life business… we’re likely only to be contacted by our friends, or by no one at all. night time is release; it’s ours. we can rest or recreate. we can do things we actually want to do. who would choose to cut that short?? just to usher in the next morning when our lives are not our own again? nighttime is precious and nothing could be more normal than the desire to embrace this
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mindthewolves · 5 years
like i quite literally have never been more passionate about anything than i am about the human race’s invariable desire to tell stories and the fact that we always find a way to do it, through spoken language and written language and body language and visual art and theater and poetry and oral tradition and a million other things. there are so many things we take for granted about the human experience that we never stop to think about but i really want you to take a step back and consider how fucking amazing it is that our need to tell stories transcends all boundaries of time and geography and borders and language. it is one of very few things that is legitimately intrinsic to human nature and i will never stop being completely in awe of humanity for that.
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mindthewolves · 5 years
Sleeping Princess
“There was a king who ruled over this land. And he had two daughters, or so the story goes. One day, the youngest one fell deathly ill. It was either poison or the plague, I can never remember it very well, but that is not important. The doctors tried to save her, but she could not be cured.”
“So the eldest sister made a deal with the fairies for her sibling’s life. I think I’ve heard this one before.”
“She did. And a faerie prince agreed, asking only for a kiss in return.”
“Why a kiss?”
“Because a princess’ kiss is powerful currency among the fae. It can lift curses or be their catalyst, it can mend or break a heart, it can heal their own diseases. With a princess’ kiss, this prince could easily conquer entire nations in the fae world.”
“I’m assuming she gave it to him.”
“There was caveat. The kiss of a fae prince would make her fall into a deep sleep. So his deal was: She would kiss him, and then he would return the kiss in two years time, effectively waking her up. She still agreed. Her sister was saved and the sleeping princess was taken to the highest tower of the palace, that could only be accessed by her family or the fae prince destined to wake her. As you do.”
“Of course.”
“The next year, the war broke out.”
“The one between the fae and the humans? That one lasted more than 2 years.”
“And some would say it never ended, for anyone. But what you’re thinking is right: the prince never came back after those 2 years. He would have fulfilled his part of the contract, but he was probably killed in the war. Her family either died in the war or fled. The thing is, everyone is gone now. And she’s been there the whole time.”
“For how long exactly?”
“She has been sleeping for two thousand years.”
“That’s a nice story, but what does that have to do with us?”
The man put out his cigarette and swung his rifle over his shoulder, looking at the tower in the distance, the sole structure surviving over the ruined landscape, pitch black against the setting sun.
“Well, child, your mother was, as far as I know, the last descendant of fae royalty and one of the last of her kind. And you’re half-and-half. Hopefully that would be enough.”
They lifted their motorbike helmet and looked at their father, bewildered.
“You want me to climb the tower and wake the princess? Why?”
“Well, I feel like doing a good deed. Besides, I promised your mother I would. It was a family honor thing for her, I think.”
He lowered his own visor and started the engine.
“And if it’s just a legend and she’s not there, hopefully there will be some valuables left to take.”
And for one more night, as the sun set behind the hills, the tower’s windows lighted up. And on the branches climbing up the wall, white flowers bloomed under the moonlight.
[if you like my writing consider buying me a coffee? your girl is saving up for the next semester, thank you ;u;]
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mindthewolves · 5 years
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