bright-like-a-star · 4 years
So, that was the ending of Steven Universe.
What am I suppose to do now?....I guess I’ll just die.
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bright-like-a-star · 4 years
At the ending scene when Steven took long moment to let all his tears out
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
Dear Ian
Mickey wants to spend the rest of his life with you becAUSE HE FUCKING LOVES YOU ASSHOLE!!!!
- Sincerely a Mickey stan
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
Did anyone else see the look in Mickey’s eyes in the courtroom as Ian was hesitating to fill out the marriage license? FUCKING HEARTBREAKING!!!!
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
I’ve learned me. I’ve learned that I’m sensitive, I’ve learned that I’m empathic, I’ve learned that I overthink. These are some things that describe me. In my few years on this Earth, I’ve been through a lot. I’ve been through heartbreak, neglect, abuse and abandonment. Most times, I can see myself as hopeless and extremely destructive to my own mental health. When I think about my future, I try to keep happy thoughts and praying that things will get better for me; then I noticed something. I noticed that I haven’t been working hard for what I want, especially when it comes to academics. I can get lazy when it comes to my school work, including math (but who isn’t nowadays). I’ve come to a point in my life to where I have to think about what I’m going to do going forward. When thinking about stuff like that, I get scared. Like ...really scared. In actuality, I’m afraid that I’ll end up like the rest of my family. Low class, selfish, down working people who didn’t grind for a better lifestyle. I was always the sheep of the family; different in so many ways. To my parents and siblings, I was considering “the smart one”; when in reality, I didn’t think of myself as the sharpest tool in the shed. As much as I want to be academically talented and smart across the board; I could never seem to get it right. I mean, I was never a one of the best students, I still try. I want to be able to go to college and gain a prosperous life despite my many difficulties, but it can be hard for me to focus. The more I try, the more I get distracted with my social life and overall problems that I face everyday; like my excessive need for money (because I’m extremely broke). Knowing all this, I come to the conclusion that to make to change. For me, change as always been nerve wrecking. Everything new thing in my life becomes something I have little to no time to deal with. Now that I’m nineteen years old, I have to man up for the sake of my upbringing. This requires heavyweight STRENGTH. I can admittedly say that I’m not the strongest person I know; but that change, I can make a change. Strong is more than muscle or how much you can lift. It’s about the mindset and how to see things for a new prospective. My new perspective.
Strong is fighting, its hard ,its painful, and it’s everyday. I’ll have to grow from my past experiences and make myself a better version of me. I’ll have to study to become an exceptional student, work hard to become a hard worker, and change my focus on the present for a better future. I know that I can be positive, I know that I am loved.
I can do this. I know I can.
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
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Some lyrics may have been altered for writing purposes.  Feel free to change wording to suit your muse’s diction / pronouns!
❛❛ Why’s it always touch and go? ❜❜ ❛❛ I think I’m getting used to the firefight. ❜❜ ❛❛ I kinda think you like this. ❜❜ ❛❛ There’s something in the hate we make. ❜❜ ❛❛ Why you gotta bring your guns? ❜❜ ❛❛ Is my fate silver-lined? ❜❜
❛❛ I used to be a God in my mind. ❜❜ ❛❛ I could feel you all the time. ❜❜ ❛❛ Your voice could save me. ❜❜ ❛❛ I thought it was destiny. ❜❜ ❛❛ I know life is a journey. ❜❜ ❛❛ You gave up on me so early. ❜❜
❛❛ You’re a Goliath to me. ❜❜ ❛❛ I can bear all the weight of the world with you on my shoulders. ❜❜ ❛❛ We weren’t just born to fade. ❜❜ ❛❛ Let them come test who we are. ❜❜ ❛❛ We were not born to stay low. ❜❜ ❛❛ You’ll never know what you’re made of until you set foot down the road. ❜❜
❛❛ I can fake it. ❜❜ ❛❛ I will show you what you wanted to see. ❜❜ ❛❛ I should’ve let you know, you should’ve ran for cover. ❜❜ ❛❛ I’m just a parlour trick, a two-bit counterfeit. ❜❜ ❛❛ I will never let you see what’s beneath. ❜❜ ❛❛ We were both pretending. ❜❜
❛❛ I’m just a puppet in your play. ❜❜ ❛❛ Put me in check, with your hands wrapped around my neck. ❜❜ ❛❛ I found my role in a tragedy. ❜❜ ❛❛ I lost my soul in the make-believe. ❜❜ ❛❛ I’m a fool again, you got inside. ❜❜ ❛❛ I fell for this lie. ❜❜
❛❛ It burned my soul to see a thing with such beauty. ❜❜ ❛❛  Take me far from here. ❜❜ ❛❛ Are you even there? ❜❜ ❛❛ I climb to where the sky fades. ❜❜ ❛❛ I occasionally think about how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing a threat.  ❜❜
❛❛ First, you gotta know how to play the victim. ❜❜ ❛❛ I only want to make it stop. ❜❜ ❛❛ You’re tripping over every fault of mine. ❜❜ ❛❛ I never know if it’s your fault or mine. ❜❜ ❛❛ You don’t wear a scar while I’m the one in stitches. ❜❜ ❛❛ There’s no one left to blame. ❜❜
❛❛ I remember how you were. ❜❜ ❛❛ Don’t let me let the dark take over. ❜❜ ❛❛ I miss the way you were. ❜❜ ❛❛ You take the pain away. ❜❜ ❛❛ I get the feeling that it won’t subside. ❜❜ ❛❛ Then it’s over. ❜❜
❛❛ These trials make us who we are. ❜❜ ❛❛ We’re motivated by the scars that we’re made of. ❜❜ ❛❛ The steel in our hearts will be monuments. ❜❜ ❛❛ We’ve come out to play. ❜❜ ❛❛ Show me a new way. ❜❜ ❛❛ Away we go now, into the fray. ❜❜
❛❛ Is this real?  ‘cause I can’t feel. ❜❜ ❛❛ The more I try to stop this, the more I lose control. ❜❜ ❛❛ Am I just a ghost in my own machine? ❜❜ ❛❛ Stuck in my head for eternity. ❜❜ ❛❛ Am I in a dream, or in the in-between? ❜❜ ❛❛ I’m not waking. ❜❜
❛❛ You can’t be lost if you’ve gone AWOL. ❜❜ ❛❛ I’ve seen what you won’t see. ❜❜ ❛❛ There are other worlds than these. ❜❜ ❛❛ The truth you hide is the truth you seek. ❜❜ ❛❛ The light is ours to see. ❜❜ ❛❛ All these questions in your gut won’t fade. ❜❜
❛❛ I sink into myself, low. ❜❜ ❛❛ Sorry there’s no place for you inside the solitude. ❜❜ ❛❛ I swear I’ll follow through. ❜❜ ❛❛ I’ve got the sinking feeling that I never can go home. ❜❜ ❛❛ If I stare into the abyss, will it stare into me? ❜❜ ❛❛ Meet me on the surface. ❜❜
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
What’s the point of love if it’s just gonna disappear, and why is it worst to not love at all.
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
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What if Steven was the reincarnation of rose
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
Anyone wanna rp?
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bright-like-a-star · 5 years
I could relate to Spinel’s abandonment issues 100%
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