minhurr · 4 years
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Well, I'm late posting here for my inktober, but I've been working on it e every day, so now that life has slowed down a bit I can actually post!
I'll do it a few at a time till I catch up, and every year i give myself a little extra challenge, this year all of my drawings will have either one or both of my cats!!
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The first three prompts were
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minhurr · 5 years
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Well January 31st is here at last an I'm happy to say that although I boged down a bit in the middle, I'm able to present this to you on time!!
"Frozen" is the final prompt of the month's challenge and the first thing that came to mind was sugar putting sodas in the freezer to get slushy, but forgetting about them while on the ps4, oof indeed, sometimes they explode....😰
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minhurr · 5 years
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Closing in on the finish with number 30 "surprise"
after an 11 hour work day an almost two hours of driving back and forth I dont care how much you love to cook, the only thing your gonna feel like is crawling in a hole and pulling it shut behind you!
An 8 piece may not seem like much to most but it's a welcome surprise after a long day!
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minhurr · 5 years
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And I'm finally caught up with my posting at number 29 "sky"
Sky scapes aren't my strong suit but this ain't too bad , I love the night sky!
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minhurr · 5 years
#28 is "blue" and we all get blue from time to time, it's good to know someone has your back...even when you ugly cry!!
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minhurr · 5 years
Sugar is a hard worker, but he works out of doors alot and has to deal with all kinds of weather...
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minhurr · 5 years
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Dejavu! I've just been in this place before...
Sugar hates buggy rides, lol!
26 is "movement"
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minhurr · 5 years
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Nothing like warm reflection with hot tea!!
25 is "reflection"
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minhurr · 5 years
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Number 24 is "change"
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minhurr · 5 years
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Round is a shape too!!
#23 "shapes"
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minhurr · 5 years
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...Do we really need to clean tho?
#22 "lazy"
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minhurr · 5 years
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I was kinda stumped with number 21 "new"
This was the newest thing going on...
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minhurr · 5 years
Snow is a rarity here, so #20 "snowman" is much more likely to be icecream!!!
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minhurr · 5 years
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Married life aint' all sunshine and daisies, lol, sometimes its bright phones and loud YouTube!!
#19 is "bright"
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minhurr · 5 years
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When you a poor newlywed and dont want to run up the electricity bill by turning up the heat...
#18 is "bundled up"
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minhurr · 5 years
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Next up at number 17 is "happiness"
And its sometimes just the simple things that can make you happy, like making a home cooked meal together
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minhurr · 5 years
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If you live in the country then you get lots of nature time in!
16 is "nature"
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