minimareanie · 3 months
Hey, I recently thought of something after reading a Mandalorian Ahsoka fanfic series. Seeing as Ahsoka beat Maul when he was the ruler of Mandalore (after Sidious beat the guy, but considering Death Watch still followed the Zabrak, I don't think it counts that much), does that mean that Din would try to give her the Darksaber if he ever figured that out? Also, how do you think Ahsoka would do as Mand'alor? Mand'alor the Fulcrum would fit her well, I think.
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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minimareanie · 3 months
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minimareanie · 3 months
Ooh, this is quite lovely!
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minimareanie · 3 months
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I’m back with an another redesign of Ahsoka Tano; this time it’s her second padawan outfit (season 3-5).
I drew her markings on her face and Lekku (which I did make longer) to match a little more to how she looks in Rebels; I didn’t like how different she looked in Rebels originally, but the design has kinda grown on me.
I kept her Akul teeth, purple sash that hangs from her belt, and black eyes from Shaak Ti’s original concept design, but changed her jewelry slightly from my first design.
I wanted to give her robes that were more similar to traditional Jedi robes compared to her original outfit, but changed to the sleeves to be a cut open design and her skirt splits at the sides to allow more movement.
The piece that hangs from her belt is from concept art for Shaak Ti.
Her belt is based off of Obi-Wan’s with two lightsaber clips next to each other, but I added her original yellow belt clip, and a pack in the back that Fives has when he becomes a Arc Trooper; I also added a chain with Anooba teeth that hangs from the belt that she kept as trophy for surviving the Citadel.
The last thing I added was the Clone Armor. The chest piece has the Jedi symbol on her right hand side, and a pattern of the holes in her armbands from her original outfit.
The boots have the diamond pattern her leggings have from her original outfit.
And lastly I added different aurebesh names across her armor; I encourage you to translate them.
I’m really happy with design! I think I like it more than my first one.
What do you think of this one?
And should I redesign Ahsoka’s other outfits?
I probably will, but what do you guys think?
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minimareanie · 4 months
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recently obsessed with drawing her from the side
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minimareanie · 4 months
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Shatter the Flesh and Reinforce the Bone
Embrace this carbon mesh
This power's all my own
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minimareanie · 4 months
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minimareanie · 4 months
What do Merrin and Hera think of one another?
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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minimareanie · 4 months
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My oc Ruth Carson from my fic Far Horizons :) commissioned from guguwow on Instagram
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minimareanie · 4 months
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Gift art for my bff! Force sensitive ex-jedi wives Olana (hers, left) and Nano (mine, right)
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minimareanie · 5 months
Part 2
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Barriss will most likely get punched again
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minimareanie · 6 months
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minimareanie · 8 months
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Here’s my Barrissoka version of that novel cover that’s been trending over at Twitter.
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minimareanie · 11 months
Took a break from working on a massive commission to save my sanity.
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minimareanie · 1 year
Just watched the last episode of Ahsoka, and I have some thoughts. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. Here goes.
Ahsoka, as a character, has been very devisive since she was first introduced in the Clone Wars movie all the back in 2008 (ugh), and has remained devisive all the way to her portrayal in live action. I myself fully admit to being biased towards liking her, having grown up with TCW. However, I also admit that there are some notable flaws that have found their way into Ahsoka (the live action series) and now will attempt to frame my thoughts.
Things I liked
1: The choreography for one is leagues better than anything we have gotten in the ST, and I find myself quite pleased with the fight scenes.
2: The soundtrack is stellar, especially the end credits.
3: The special effects/costume is pretty good, though I make the slight nitpick of wishing Ahsoka's montrals/lekku looked more they did in animation.
4: Episode 5. This episode alone is enough to bump the overall score up.
Now, you've probably noticed I have been praising the shows superficial aspects more than anything else. Which leads me to what I either did not like or otherwise found to not gel with water I was hoping for.
Things I did not like
1: The pacing. Especially in the last three episodes, it feels as though the series slows to a crawl with the main cast barely getting anything done. A few conversations take place, we get to watch some funky Nightsister shenanigans take place, and we finally get to see Sabine and Ezra reuinite, but other than that it feels like there is little to no sense of urgency.reunite, Ahsoka does not suffer from this issue as much as the other SW live action lineup, but it is still noticeable.
2: The characterization, or rather the lack of it. So.e of the arguments I've heard regarding this point tend to rely on the fact that this series is set years after the last time we saw these characters, and so would mellow out and mature as a result. I get the logic, but at the same time, it would be appreciated to see these characters be a little more lively as opposed to standing around looking at each other.
3: The overrealiance on the audience to know what is going on. Now, I am an avid SW fan; I've watched all of TCW, so I at least do not feel lost when I saw the Mortis God's or Morai or when the main cast expressed how important it was to find Ezra and stop Thrawn. But from the perspective of someone who has never seen either TCW or Rebels, the show does almost nothing to inform the audience of who these people are and why they are so important.
At the end of the day, I still enjoyed the show. I went into it with not very high expectations, and I think it was good of me to do so. The show has issues that stem from several sources, and while I do wish it was better, I'm still pleased.
If I were to give a number rating. . . Probably 7.5 out of 10 is what I would be most comfortable leaving it at.
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minimareanie · 1 year
Muh heart, muh soul. . .
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Don't try and test me.
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
Lyrics: The girl I used to be – Fishy Bishie
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minimareanie · 1 year
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