mintyphantasm · 1 year
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Any idea how these from Gravity Rush work?
oohhh that's a neat effect.. im assuming youre talking about the glowy red/blue stuff ? i imagine they have something Physically Inside the model (not sure if its another model or a well put together texture)
then to get it rendering like that i've got three theories
first is they are just rendering on top of everything on an additive layer (or some other sort of blend mode). it does look like you can see the glowy stuff not just through the skin but also through the hair, just not as pronounced. so having it be on an additive blend mode or something like that would give the effect of it being Inside darker areas, and still showing up on lighter ones just not as strong. and even though its being rendered on top of everything, it looks like its inside because of that and also it literally being Inside
second is something called a stencil buffer, where essentially you can mark certain materials to Only Render when another specific material is overlapping it (so here i have mario set to Only Show Up if he is overlapped by the white circle material
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this wouldnt.. super be necessary for this since all the glowy stuff is already Inside, and would only be necessary if you wanted places where the glowy stuff Didnt show up, like over eyes or when behind a building or something, which, may actually be the case, i dont actually know if you can see this behind buildings or other objects. so. its a possiblity!!
and third one kind of similar, doing a pass that only renders the glowy stuff, and having all materials that need to use it have access to that. that way they can apply it, adjust the colors as needed (so the skin would make it really prominent but the hair wouldnt), and since its a part of the character material and not drawn on top it would get properly hidden by buildings and such
anyways i cant rest at that i need to see how the model actually looks so i grabbed a rip of her and what do you know they did just 3d model all of it in there!!
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another neat thing they do to give it that sort of "pulsing" effect is despite how wiggly and warpy all the little parts are, the uv map is really simple!!
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they essentially line it up so all the "paths" are just straight lines in the uv map. that means all you have to do with this is drag it back and forth across a texture and the texture will follow all the paths!! here's what it looks like with just a simple gradient. uv tricks like this are used a tonnnn in realtime vfx
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mintyphantasm · 1 year
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Little warm up I did before (not) working on some artfight oc ref.
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mintyphantasm · 1 year
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Ref of the lil mediumsized dood I made cause as I designed my sona i wanted a creature. Creating creatures is a fun thing even tho i dont do it much lol.
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mintyphantasm · 1 year
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saw this -> https://tanuki-kimono.tumblr.com/post/700066471118831617/great-novelty-knot-for-this-obi-shaped-like-a-cute
and fuckin fell in love with the bat knot, and instantly thought of lilia
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mintyphantasm · 1 year
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Love the baby and the teen is def a guy lol. Kinda cute now that ive drawn them..
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
hi soooooooo
tldr; im way more active on my nsft twitter- which i'm now just going to kinda lump together with everything.
I'm finding it too difficult to focus on separating them and with it not being a career killer anymore- I'll try to remember to post here when I've done more stuff on there.
so if your interested and not a minor;
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head on over to voidpomf on twitter-
And if you want to help me create an environment so I can create more and better things, consider donating or becoming a member over on KO-FI ~
reblogs and the such really appreciative uwu
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
There are /way/ too many risks when it comes to asking others for help and my anxiety is always creating more;
-the former disgruntled 'why can't you do it yourself'
-not even understanding what you want
-needing you to explain multiple times
-not understanding WHY you need help
-expressing no interest in helping
-complete shutdown of aiding
-'makes fun' of your inability
-helps, but makes the problem worse (not because of their own ability, but because they don't want to help- so they do it lazily or badly)
-explicitly tells you 'do not ask me again' or its' lesser beast 'you shouldn't need help after'
-will herd you to someone else, making the previous risks now two fold
(there's probably more but that's all i could come up with in a short thinking sesh lol)
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This explains a lot about my lack of asking for help when I clearly need it
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
hi reminder i have a kofi
got monthly memberships-
eventually I want to offer more, but depression be depression. I'm having a hard enough time simply doing things.
-Early peek at art work progress and finished piece
-Might introduce a monthly character poll if interested
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
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I am thisclose to going full hog monstfuker....not super surprsing lo, (if i do it wont be on here btw)
Have always wanted to draw more monst, literally anything and everything. And im a big sucker for - whoops creation is now my lover pet and eternal companion. Cause im lonely and want one.
The game itself is really solid, Homegrown Companion, a really simple but effective way to do a pet sim. I dont think ive ever seen it done like that, which is always a treat for my brain uwu.
Linko to the gameo https://trisghost.itch.io/homegrown-pet
The right doodles of the blob and doggo are ref from the art in the game.
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
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Day 3 'Naiad'
...honestly I think day 2 and 3 are like the same thing...? so I instead just went a different direction in terms of style/idea. I really like the side swoop waterfall hair, i had to do it- the waterfall forced my hand.
(list by juniper-jelly)
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
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Day 2 'Nereid'
aaa I really liked this idea, it didn't quite turn out how I wanted. Definitely would need to iterate and focus, but it's all there uwu
Did do this on the 2nd but fiddled a bit with it today(the 6th) and am trying to catch up.
(list by juniper-jelly)
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
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ah jeez, I haven't tried doing a month daily prompt thing in years. Most likely won't get through it but Imma try at least.
Prompt list by juniper-jelly
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
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And this is how a good day goes.
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
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I'm making a crochet duck, so felt the need to doodle em uwu
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
[kofi] [art twt]
this is the thorn...=3=
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i started this around the 2nd of march... *lays on the floor*
god im ready to just sink into my grave. at least it looks almost actually finished though.
I have no idea what to spend my time on though, was thinking of trying to make some digital download kind of stuff (like calendars/note pads). But i say that about any idea I have and then just don't do it ;-;
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
[kofi] [art twt]
Noodle Morax
Many thanks to @nagarnia for allowing me to use the beautiful and amazing top tier cute art
Artworks referenced: noodle and noodle 2.0
Rules and masterlist
“That will be 20 Mora,” you fish out your Mora pouch and dump all the coins out onto the counter. You knew you had just enough to purchase this last item on the list, and shoved the pile of coins toward Xingxi.
“There should be 20 Mora in there,” you check your goods, giving a satisfied nod. As always, Mingxing jewelry never disappoints.
“I still have to count that you’re given the correct amount,” Xingxi chuckles at your enthusiasm and you sigh, waving your hand to usher her to get on with it.
Your gaze roams around in the meantime, looking for your recently turned ‘noodle dragon’ boyfriend as you had dubbed his new form, much to his annoyance.
He was nowhere to be seen, but he did know where to find you if he were to get lost. The thought eases your mind as you turn back to Xingxi and await her verdict.
“It seems you are one Mora short,” she frowns. “Knowing your honesty, I doubt you would try to cheat me so I recounted a few more times but there’s only 19 pieces of Mora here.”
“Did any fall under the counter?” you ask. You knew you had counted the amount of Mora in the pouch over and over again to ensure you had the exact amount needed. Zhongli had even helped you do the math just in case your math was wrong, and his math was never wrong.
So where did the last Mora coin go?
The brown streak darting out from the shop answers your question. Zhongli zooms across the street, a golden coin held proudly in his mouth.
“I guess that answers the question,” you sigh.
Ever since he had been turned into a miniature version of his exuvia, he had a weird fascination with Mora. You would find the golden coins lying everywhere, from the top of cupboards to below tables, even underneath your blanket.
“You better give chase then before you lose sight of him,” Xingxi tries to hide her amusement but you can tell from her tone she’s about to laugh.
Groaning, you run after him, your long legs enabling you to catch up with his stubby ones easily.
“Come here you Mora thief!” you joke, bending over to pick him up. He refuses, claws digging into the pavement as you try to lift him up by the waist, only resulting in barely lifting his body off the ground.
“At least spit out the Mora then,” you sigh. You knew once Zhongli had made up his mind, he would stubbornly stick to it. Seeing as he was refusing to move from his spot, you would have to get the coin back by other means.
He shakes his head, tucking his head beneath his paws to prevent you from reaching it. As cute as this posture was, annoyance took precedence in this situation. You had to pay Xingxi back for the materials you needed!
“Then no more snacks tonight,” you rise from your crouching position, ready to head off when you feel a weight on your leg.
Zhongli has wrapped himself around your leg, looking up at you with pleading eyes and drops the Mora, “I want snacks.”
You pat his head, eliciting a purr from the dragon and pick up the saliva coated Mora.
“Disgusting,” you make a face, wiping it with the cloth you always had on you before settling him around your shoulders, making your way back to Xingxi with the prize in hand.
“Welcome back,” Xingxi smiles, reaching out to pat Zhongli’s head. He nuzzles her hand happily, enjoying all the attention he’s getting.
You’re glad this strange turn of events has allowed him to relax a lot more and lower his guard. It was comforting to see him so open about his feelings, even if it meant being constantly used as a pillow.
“Let’s go home and eat,” you call, seeing how unwilling he was to leave all the headpats.
“Snacks!” he perks up, bounding over to you.
“Yes, snacks,” you pick him up and he automatically curls against your chest for warmth. Bidding Xingxi goodbye, you make your way home holding a bag and a bundle of warmth, looking forward to spending the night with said bundle.
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mintyphantasm · 2 years
[kofi] [art twt]
holy fucking shit
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i made it like a year before i started to thirst…..forgive me lol
been twiddling with this for like a week =3=
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