miracles-alaa · 2 years
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The Girl in the Garden
A Story of Healing
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
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Perks of work from home
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
There's a special place in hell for whoever decided that capital "I" and small "l" have the same shape 😒
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
I thought it would delight you to know that ants do have a sort of funeral mound for their dead
yes there is a name for this! necrophoresis is a process with social insects where the bodies are taken to a specific location on the outside of ( or within ) the nest - ants tend to keep them all in the same place, and the way an ant is signaled to be "dead" by its other members is through the release of a chemical called oliec acid
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theres even been a few experiments where live ants were coated in the same chemical and other ants treated the live ants....exactly as though they were dead and tried dragging them into the pile
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
اللهُم غيرني لما تريد أنت، واختر لي ما تشاء أنت، واجعل قلبي مُتعلق بك وحدك أنت، وبدل ما تراه عيني جميلًا بما تراه أنت، واجعلني أرى كل شيء من خلالك أنت، اللهُم إني سلمتك أمري ونفسي في الدُنيا فأجعل دنياي كما تحب أنت، وٱخرتي برحمتك أنت و ليس بعملي فما لي سواك يا الله 🤍
Allahuma change me to what You like, and choose for me what You want, and make my heart attached only to You, and alter what my eye sees beautiful with what You see beautiful, and maje me see everything through You. Allahuma I surrender my affairs and my nafs in this duniya to You so turn my duniya into what you love, and my akhirah with your mercy not with my deeds, I have nothing but You ya Allah 🤍
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
“Gretchen: Indo-European languages in general don’t distinguish between inclusive and exclusive “we.” You know, “You and me, we’re going to go to the movies” versus “Me and this other person, we’re gonna go to the movies, and we’re leaving you behind.” Lauren: Oh, okay. But at least I know. At least I’m not waiting for my invitation over here. Gretchen: At least you know. You’re not waiting. The Algonquian languages all do make this distinction. That’s something you can reconstruct because all these related languages make it. Whereas, Indo-European languages, none of them make this distinction. This is the kinds of fine-grained grammatical stuff that can last for thousands of years that this distinction sticks around, or it doesn’t.”
Excerpt from Episode 45 of Lingthusiasm: Tracing languages back before recorded history
Listen to the episode, read the full transcript, or check out more links about the history of language, semantics, words, phonology, and language and society.
(via lingthusiasm)
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
‏ياربّ.. اعفُ عن هذا التذمّر، عن حُزني والحنين، ازرعْ في قلبي بذورَ الطمأنينة والرِّضا، صيّرها نَخلاتٍ باسقاتً تظلّل بها صدري من كلِّ سوءٍ وألمٍ…
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
هو المطعون هيزعل أكتر لما يطعن في ضهره أو يطعن في بطنه؟
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
"يحتاج المرءُ إلى جهدٍ شديد حتى لا يكترث."
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
tumblr isn’t considered a social media because everyone on here is just talking to themselves
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
{اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّاراً * يُرْسِلِ السَّمَاءَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِدْرَاراً * وَيُمْدِدْكُمْ بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ جَنَّاتٍ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ أَنْهَاراً} [نوح :10ـ12]
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
Sinus pain that makes you want to drill a hole in your face
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
Where does sleep go when you need it the most?
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
Is existance a need or a want?
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
I ask myself am I allowed to feel...
Am I allowed to love?
Am I allowed to get angry?
Am I allowed to be happy?
Am I allowed to live?
Knowing that my immediate family is in pain... A pain that I did not cause...
Yet I let feelings of helplessness overwhelm me....
Feelings of sadness...
Feelings of pain that was imposed as if it was a part of my destiny...
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
The day before the deadline anxiety peaks... You no longer know if you have what it takes to deliver on time.
Problems of the world seem bigger and closer than ever. It is like the end of the world is knocking at your door.
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miracles-alaa · 3 years
Algea Cat... The Fishiterian Kitten 🐈
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