mirrors-rigor · 2 months
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secrets of farming (1863) - john w. large
"yeowch augh taking damage ough eurgh"
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mirrors-rigor · 2 months
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this painting came to me in a dream
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mirrors-rigor · 2 months
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56K notes · View notes
mirrors-rigor · 2 months
having therian friends irl is so affirming because it's literally just like this 99% of the time
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424 notes · View notes
mirrors-rigor · 2 months
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mirrors-rigor · 2 months
hi *does this to you*
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mirrors-rigor · 2 months
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Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!
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mirrors-rigor · 2 months
HALT !!!
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mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Trigger warning. Tragedy.
True Happiness
Ever since I was a small girl, I had always loved new destinations. The profound nature in which I had experienced was especially extraordinary.
My father always shook his head at my tomboyish love for nature and getting dirty. My mother, on the other hand, encouraged it. She was a caring woman who had the same dream as I did: to travel. She would take my hand in hers and whisper in my ear, “Do great things for the world, and the world will show you true happiness.” Her positive attitude always made my day ten thousand times brighter than anyone else I knew. She was special.
My father was always critical toward Mom's interests, but that's why he fell in love with her in the first place. Her drive to try new things and experience new places from different perspectives. She was the light that kept my father going.
I was only eight when my parents took me to Florida to go to the beach. It was a gorgeous day to go swimming in the warm ocean. I remember leaving with my dad to go get ice cream at the little shop near the parking lot, and my mom was swimming out further to the reef to look for sea stars. We didn't realize how dangerous it would've been for her to swim that far out until we heard people screaming bloody murder and running away from the beach. My dad dropped his ice cream and ran towards the beach leaving me behind immediately. He screamed my mom's name running towards the now empty shore. He sat in tears and sat in the sand, he held her red body in his arms. I sat next to my heartbroken father and asked him, “Is Mommy okay?”
He only replied to me in tears, unable to speak. The police and paramedics arrived. They took her away in a big black bag on a stretcher. I couldnt understand why they were taking her and what had happened.
I heard another person at the beach make a statement to an officer, “... And all of a sudden this man came by and stabbed her as she was getting back on the beach. Luckily, everyone got away before he could hurt anyone else.”
A few weeks later, we had my mom's funeral held in my home town in Ohio. I had never cried so hard in my life before that moment. It was at the time I had realized she wasn't coming back.
Up in my teenage years I went through severe depression. All of the time I spent grieving and imagining if I someone would have saved her then I wouldn't had gone through the pain and suffering and trauma. When I was sixteen, I was recollecting all of the precious moments I had with my mom and all of the things she had said to me. When it finally came down to that one moment where she had told me, “Do great things for the world, and the world will show you true happiness,” I saw my future. It went through my mind as I saw a sad woman who never let go of the past. I knew in that moment I needed to make a change.
I started with a balloon. A red balloon with a white string that strung down and was attached to a letter. I told my father I wanted to let go. I knew it was time to let Mom go. He held my hand through the entire process, he wanted to let go too.
Hi, Mom. It's been a while. I miss you. I have had a hard time with you being gone. It happened so many years ago, but I never let go, and now I think it is time. Do you remember when you used to take my hand in yours and whisper your secret of happiness into my ear? I do. I forgot about that until now, and now I will never forget it. You are my inspiration, my love, my motivation. I know you will always be with me. Watching over me. My guardian angel. I miss you, Mom.
My father and I sat on the roof of our house and took the red balloon in our hands and let it go.
Now and days, I look up at the sky knowing she got my letter. I have had so many wonderful things happen in my life. I'm living the dream we both had when I was younger, and I had lived through many extraordinary adventures. I donated to charities, helped out my father in his late years, and had many other precious moments where I could inspire millions. I know my mother is smiling down at me. I settled down and had a daughter who now shares the same dream as we did when we were younger, and I take her hand in mine and whisper, “Do great things for the world, and the world will show you true happiness.”
Authors note: I literally started crying rereading this. I feel like I wrote this as a reminder of the kind of person I still want to be.
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mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Life After Death
Jaxxon is a tired accountant for an infrastructure company.
When he was in college, he was in a tragic accident and he died.
During his death, he experienced something he never would have expected. He was in a pitch-black void. It terrified him.
He awoke to doctors and his grandmother and girlfriend standing over him, his grandmother/girlfriend in tears.
The doctor explained to him it was a miracle he had been revived.
His major was in acting because he loved theater growing up… but…
He quit his passion after the accident.
His girlfriend broke up with him after he became a miserable person who only felt pity for himself. He has decided on the safe route.
He now works as an accountant for the local infrastructure company. He doesn’t like his job, however, he continues working there as a means to kill time and earn money.
Charli is a college student studying music and works part-time at a cafe. He wasn't ever very strong. But he was smart when it came to his defensive skills. He plays acoustic bass and sings. He has always been caring, but he tends to be closed off from his feelings.
After a fateful meeting in the rain, Jaxxon finds himself in the cafe where Charli works. Charli’s purpose for Jaxxon is to help him find his passion. Jaxxon’s purpose for Charli is to help Charli become more in touch with his feelings.
Age 29
6'5" (195 cm)
Infrastructure Accountant
Accounting Major
Former Acting Major
Age 22
5'8" (172 cm)
Student/PT barista
Music Major
Jaxxon walked down the forested path, umbrella in hand. A dingy, white umbrella with two koi fish swimming on it. He thought to himself, I wonder if I should cook tonight or grab some take out. He checked the time on his phone and realized he was going to be late for his next work shift so he started to run back to his house.
As he was running through the rain, he slipped and practically fell on his face. A young man ran up to him asking if he was alright, “Hey, that was a nasty fall, you okay?” The young man reaches his hand out.
“Oh, I’m fine. Thanks.” The young man is handsome with light brown hair and greenish-yellow eyes; Jaxxon thought, His eyes… they look so sad. He takes his hand.
The young man picks up his umbrella, “I love koi.” He smiles warmly at Jaxxon. His expression quickly changes to surprise as Jaxxon grabs his umbrella and continues running along his way.
“Sorry, but I gotta go!”
The young man notices Jaxxon dropped his phone and figured he must’ve dropped it when he fell. Hm.
The morning breeze awakens Jaxxon as he is laying at his work desk. “I guess I fell asleep again.” He gets up and closes his office room window. I need to stop falling asleep at work. I think I’ll grab a coffee. He flings his blazer over his shoulder and walks out. It’s a nice morning, I think I will walk.
At the cafe, it’s quiet. Charli fiddles with the pen at the cash register, Ugh, it’s so boring, when are we going to get a customer already. Maybe I should practice a bit before it gets too busy. As Charli reaches for his acoustic bass, the cafe door’s bell rings to Jaxxon walking in. “Good morning, how may I help you?”
“Hm, can I get a 16oz Cold Brew, por favor?” Jaxxon stands there with one hand on his waist and the other with his blazer in hand.
“Sure thing! That will be $4.50,” Charli yells at the barista his order. Charli realizes, Was this guy in such a rush that he doesn’t remember me? Jaxxon hands Charli cash, “By the way, I have something to give you.”
Jaxxon looks at him in confusion, “What?”
“Wait here a sec,” he runs to the back of the cafe and grabs Jaxxon’s phone from his bag. He places it in Jaxxon’s hand. “You dropped this when you fell on your face.”
“Oh, gracias. Remind me to treat you some time as a thank you,” Jaxxon expresses seriously.
“You don’t need to do that, really. I was just doing what any decent person would.”
“What’s your name?”
“Oh, uh… It’s Charli.” He hands him his drink.
“Gracias, Charli. Message me sometime. Nos veremos pronto,” Jaxxon walks out leaving his number on the counter for Charli.
Dumbfounded, What was that?
GIRL 1: “Ooooh, Charli! Did you just get that guys number! Lucky! I wish I had your luck.”
Hm? Charli doesn’t know how to handle this situation.
Jaxxon sips his coffee, It probably wasn’t a great idea to give that guy my number. I was trying to be friendly, but that may have been too much. He sits in his office chair and starts typing. I should get some take out for dinner, I don’t think I will have time to cook anything tonight.
His phone buzzes on his pale desk.
Charli - It’s Charli. I have some free time after work if that works for you.
I didn’t expect him to actually take me up on this. I guess it’s a nice change for once.
Jaxxon - How does 7 PM sound? Meet you in front of the cafe?
Charli - Sure
“You sure seem happy!”
Jaxxon jumps, “Oh, it’s just Chance.”
Chance is hurt, “You don’t need to act so cold, you definitely jumped out of your skin.”
He acts so proud, Jaxxon folds his arms and turns back towards his desk. “If this isn’t about work then leave, I need to finish these papers for the day.”
Chance walks further into his office room and shuts the door, “Actually, I need to talk to you.”
“About?” Jaxxon says, looking at some papers he is filing.
“Well, I got a text this morning. Is it true you gave one of the barista’s your phone number?”
“How did you find out about that?”
“One of my good friends happen to work there.”
Jaxxon envisions GIRL 1, “Oh.”
“You never give out your number! I don't even have your number and we are best friends! At least tell me what she is like! ”
“You aren’t my best friend, so I don’t need to give you my number and I don’t need to tell you anything about him. Can you leave now?”
“Fine, I’ll leave. I can tell when I’m not welcome.” Chance walks out with his arms up in defeat. On his way out he realized, him?
All right, finished. Jaxxon walks out, "I'm heading out."
"Whoa! You were serious about that?" Chance stands up from his seat in surprise.
"Yup," Jaxxon waves as he walks out.
"If you say so," Chance sits down.
Charli stands in front of the cafe waiting for Jaxxon.
"Hey, did you think of where you want to go?" Jaxxon waits for an answer.
Charli has a dumbfounded smile, "Huh?"
"I'm treating you for helping me out yesterday and for returning my phone. I'm going wherever you want to," Jaxxon smiles warmly to assure Charli it's okay. Charli thinks for a moment and starts walking down the sidewalk. He must have something in mind, Jaxxon follows.
"I figured we could take a walk down the harbor and check everything out," Charli says, almost reading Jaxxon's mind. He turns around when the realization hits him, "Now that I think about it, I didn't get your name."
"Jaxxon." He looks at the boats in the harbor slightly embarrassed.
"Alright Jax, how about here?" He points at a small crepe food truck.
Jaxxon blushes at the nickname Charli calls him and nods, What’s with the nickname? He stares at Charli for a moment then goes up to the stand to order some crepes as Charli waits for him on the harbor side across the street.
Jaxxon hands Charli a strawberry-whipped cream crepe. "Thanks," Charli takes a bite and starts walking down the harbor docks, "Ah, I love strawberries."
He looks happy right now, that's good.
Crap, I was staring too long. Jaxxon scratches his cheek, "Oh, I just noticed how happy you look compared to when you helped me. Your eyes looked so sad that day. So, I'm glad you feel better today."
"You don't have to worry about me, but thank you," Charli smiles brightly, slightly chuckling.
Jaxxon stops in his tracks and walks towards the railing, "Do you… wanna go out again sometime?"
Charli turns around with a blankly surprised expression, "You’re quite open aren’t, ya? I don't know. I don't even know you."
"You’re the one who agreed for this stranger to treat you," Jaxxon blushes slightly.
Charli looks down and touches his chin, "You have a point," he smiles, "Okay. It's a date."
Chug chug “Hahhh,” Jaxxon slams his beer down on the counter.
“Man, I haven’t seen you like this since college,” Chance chuckles at the drunk Jaxxon beside him.
I said something I probably shouldn’t have today. But he said yes, so shouldn’t I be happy? Jaxxon slams his face against the counter and then lifts his head up furiously, “AAAAAAHHHHHHH! ESTÚPIDO!”
Chance’s eyes widen as he jumps from seeing Jaxxon’s bleeding forehead, “Dude! Are you okay? That’s a lot of blood!”
Jaxxon smiles suddenly, “I’m fine!”
“So, what? You got a girlfriend suddenly or something?” Chance says jokingly. Jaxxon’s eyes widen in shock at the words he just dropped on him. Chance sits in awe as Jaxxon’s face gets so red he starts sizzling. “Holy crap! You totally do!” chance grabs Jaxxon’s shoulder, “Congrats, man! Maybe you will finally learn to stop being such a grump all the time like you used to be. Maybe even get back to--”
“Cállate! No es así!”
“Oh ho! So then, what is it like then?” He’s speaking more Spanish now that he is drunk.
“I don’t know, okay!” Jaxxon looks into his glass of beer sort of depressed.
“Geez man, you don’t need to get all depressed! What’s wrong? She got a lover already or something? If that’s the case, you totally can win her over with just a little makeover!” Chance starts mumbling to himself, “You could use a new wardrobe. Maybe a haircut. A shave, too.”
Jaxxon gets offended, “Hey! What’s wrong with how I look!”
“Kidding, kidding! So dramatic.”
“Whatever, it’s none of your business anyway.”
“Right, I’m not your best friend anyway,” Chance pouts, turning away.
“Now look who’s being dramatic.” Sigh.
“You’re pretty calm all of a sudden.”
“Yeah, what of it?”
Chance backs off, “Nevermind.”
“I’m heading out.”
“Hey don’t just exploit me to get drunk and leave!” Jaxxon ignores Chance’s blabbering and waves his goodbye, “Don’t ignore me! At least call a cab!”
Jaxxon walks along the harbor and looks back at what happened previously:
Charli smiles, “Okay. It’s a date.”
Jaxxon shakes his head and sits on a bench overlooking the harbor. Is this what I want? It’s not like I can take back what I said. I wonder if it’s too early for me to be doing this again?
“Jax?” A familiar voice calls out to him. A young woman with long brown hair and a beauty mark on her upper lip runs up to him at the bench.
“B-Brielle!” Jaxxon falls off the bench, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m visiting family for summer break. Are you okay?”
Jaxxon looks away, “I’m fine. I gotta go.” He gets up and pats himself off, “See you around.” He starts walking away while she is left in shock. Her name is called by one of her friends and she leaves. Now of all times? She is the last person I want to see right now.
Jaxxon continues wobbly walking down the docks and stops. He flops his drunk body over the fence onto the grass. He lays there in pain for a second before sitting up to admire the bright dusk, night sky. He checks his phone and sees the time: 11:10 PM. “Will never get over this.” Jaxxon lays on his back and closes his eyes, feeling the faint breeze across his warm face and through his hair.
Whispers of worry and concern are heard passing by. Jaxxon opens his eyes to a blue sky. Again. Sigh. He sits up and sees Charli further down with a stick in the water playing with the lingering seaweed close to shore. He walks down to Charli, standing right behind him. He squats down to his level. With a serious face, Jaxxon puts his hands over Charli’s eyes, “Guess who.”
Charli’s mouth agape for a split second in surprise before realizing who it is. He chuckles, “Hmm. A tall hispanic man with a tendency to surprise people.”
“Oops, caught me.” Jaxxon sits next to him. “You put your hair up.”
“Yeah.” Charli continues poking at the seaweed.
“It looks nice.”
“Oh yeah?” Charli flings the seaweed and accidentally hits him in the head. “Ah! Sorry, sorry!”
Jaxxon starts laughing, “Don’t worry about it,” he flings it back into the water. He looks up at the incoming dark clouds with the morning rays shining through them. This is nice, he looks over at the side of Charli’s embarrassed face. “Looks like it’s going to start raining soon, we should head out.”
“So, what brought you to the docks this morning?”
“I went out for a walk before work,” Charli hands him a warm coffee. “I saw you sleeping in the grass. I didn’t want to wake you, but I stayed just in case something happened.”
Jaxxon stands there for a second thinking,
Authors note: another story I haven’t finished… rip
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mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Trigger warning.
She sat there trembling all over her aching body she could hardly move; the large shadow that loomed heavily above her. Anxiety.
Lying awake every night, she wished things would just get better when the light seemed so dim. She thinks about all of the terrible things that had happened in the past to the point of no return. Her head mindlessly wandered through through the prickly past up to the present. Trying to wrap her head around her parent’s death, she had trouble breathing. Finally able to move, she stood up quickly, but to no advantage could she walk to the bathroom where the tub of now lukewarm water laid still without any disturbance.
She fell to her hands and knees, where she trembled once again. Flashbacks ran through her mind as a migraine progressively increased and caused her to disgorge herself all over the hard oakwood floor. After the vulgar incident, she rose to her feet and walked into the antiseptic, yet insalubrious, bathroom. She grabbed a pill bottle as she recalled all of the little moments where her mother would bathe her as a toddler. Taking a handful, she slid her naked body into the tub, holding a heavy piece of rock above her small head and setting it on her forehead sinking to the bottom recollecting the good moments in her ever-so putrid life.
A few days later a neighbor found a practically mutilated corpse floating above the local lake. It took a few weeks for the PD to learn that the body belonged to a young man by the name of Thomas Graham. A young officer, John Beckham, took interest in the unusual number of suicide cases occurring in town. Married with kids, Officer Beckham wanted to stimulate the local teenagers with positivity, so that the suicide rate of the town wouldn’t spike any longer. Every Friday, he would spend the entire day as a Social Skills teacher during the student’s English periods. None of the students were exactly ecstatic to listen to a 28-year-old man preach about the compassion the town needed.
Dawn is a small town located in the state of Colorado, but don’t bother looking for it; it isn’t even on the map. The small populated town was named after its founder in 1890; a woman named Jesse Dawn who encouraged the townspeople to come and start fresh with a rejuvenating new beginning in sunny Dawn, Colorado. How ironic, really. Death awaits around every corner for every teen with the callous personality, which happened to be the majority of the kids in town. Those teens would either kill themselves immediately as they realize there is no escaping, or move away only to have made an even more miserable life for themselves and commit suicide anyway.
Down the street from the girl who had drowned herself, Ofelia spent her hours reading the book “The Art of Not Giving a F**” up in her room locked away from the cruel reality of her belligerent parents. She thought herself lucky since she didn’t have any neighbors--the perks of living in the middle of nowhere, but still near town. As soon as she felt as if she needed peace, she would walk down the trail through her backyard abounded with forest to the lake. Of course, as a language-buff, she called it Lac de la Mort, French for Death Lake, due to all of the suicides that had occurred there. She sat on a branch that hung just above the lake; the serene-melancholy atmosphere was better than the harsh one at home. Ofelia never really thought about the deaths that existed in the town, all she ever did was ponder the life she lives and how she could make it better. Run away? No, she would never just leave her parents; her father would be heartbroken, and her mother’s alcohol addiction would worsen and she would become aggressively sadistic. She thought of it many times, though she knows the consequences.
She read the rest of her book as she sat on the thick tree branch; and, right after, she hopped off and walked her way into town. Ofelia ran her hand through the soft bushes as she walked by the old school house that had been there for over a century. It was a pretty large building with a few rooms; the red paint of the broken down school was barely seeable; and the door was sprung wide open, hardly hanging on by the two bottom bolts. The ceiling was half caved in and the windows were broken from rebellious teens throwing beer bottles at them. It had the ghosts of memories of underage drinking parties and unpleasant pranks pulled on embarrassed teenage girls.
A drop of rain hit Ofelia’s head and she immediately pulled her hood onto her head as the rain progressively got heavier. She walked swiftly to the nearest store, which was conveniently next to the trail entrance that led from the lake to town. Standing outside the small convenient store, she recalled a memory of the boy behind the counter at the register and all of the memories they have had together. Driving out to a secret beach only they knew about at the lake made a grim, pensive thought for her. She finally walked into the store and grabbed a pop out of one of the refrigerators. Ofelia grabbed a few dollars from her pocket and paid the cashier imagining her best friend standing there in the new guys place.
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mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Thrills and Chills: Short Stories
Mechanical K.
Drag, drag, drag. A bag about the size of a large carpet, but heavier, was being dragged down the hallway of a deserted factory. The thing holding the bag was not human, nor was it a beast holding the bag. It was a huge, ten-foot, rustic machine that somewhat had the body of a human with broad shoulders and round gears like joints. It had blue eyes that glowed, sharp rusty teeth that could bite a head off, and hands that could rip a person in half. The machine dragged the bag all the way to the end of the hallway and opened the last door. Behind the door was another machine made of bits and scraps it found. It threw the bag onto the conveyor belt that was attached to the machine it built and flipped a lever. The conveyor belt started moving; a gasp came out of the bag, struggling. The bag started shouting for it to let it out. As soon as the bag was in the machine, a short, but a loud scream erupted and all struggling stopped.
Sudden Death
A dark night, the cold misty air presses against my skin. Walking down a heavily wooded path, snow everywhere lightly touching the ground. Step, step, step. The wind blows softer and softer, then it stops. There was not a sound other than each step I took. Hearing low pitched growls behind me, I walked faster and faster. The growls turned into howls and barks as my feet were growing heavy to the ground, running. My scarf suddenly ripped off my neck. I fell to the ground in fear. The cold, snowy ground touched my bare hands melting between my fingers as I let out a loud screech of terror. Everything went black and silent.
The Cold Knife
All I remember is thinking, I don't wanna die. Feeling the cold blade against my neck, my hands tied behind my back and my eyes covered with a black cloth. Sitting on the ground, I was so terrified of the boy behind me that I couldn't even speak. But at the same time, his hands were gentle and kind. It didn't seem possible for this boy a little younger than I am, to hold a knife against my neck. I had no idea where I was. I could only tell is that I was outside in an almost deserted area. I could feel the wind and hear the crows above me. I felt leaves between my toes in the dirt, we were definitely in a wooded area. Tears streamed down my face as I clenched my teeth, preparing to have my throat sliced open by the blade he was holding. He whispered something in my ear that I couldn't make out over the frantic thoughts of dying in my head. A moment later, all I could see was blackness and everything was peaceful.
Hide and Seek: Tag You're It
Heart beating fast, the thrill of a wild goose chase, and a victim to catch; my favorite game. I walk through the night in this deep forest, looking to pounce upon my prey with the element of surprise.
I yell into the darkness with a giant smirk on my face, "I can hear your breath, it's a shame you won't hear it for long! You can run and hide all you want, but I am the ultimate player, and I will get you!"
Hearing running footsteps, I let out a psychotic laugh and start to follow the sound of heavy breathing and frightened feet. I run closer and closer into the darkness, hopping over every tree root that stuck out of the ground and ducking every branch. I laugh and laugh as I come in close to my horrified prey. I jump on them, pushing them down on the cold, dirty ground. They struggle to get free of my grasp.
"Look at your face! It has the look of terror written all over it, I love it! Oh, please scream! I would love it so much if you screamed!" I grab my knife out of my back pocket and stabbed them in the shoulder.
They scream out as they filled with fear. I let out a laugh, "Yes! That's it!" I grab a fist-sized rock, blood dripping from my hand. I repetitively hit them in the face with the rock laughing louder and louder. Silence then came upon the dark forest as I dragged the body with a large grin on my blood splattered face.
I walked out of my neighbor's house-warming party furious. That couldn't possibly be true! I screamed in my head, My sister wouldn't do that!
My one and only love I had ever known fell from a ten-story building a few weeks ago. The police thought it was suicide at first, but I encouraged them to look more into it. I immediately regretted coming to the party after one of my friends in the police force told me they were going to arrest my best friend for the murder of my fiance.
The alleyway I walked into was dark, and it was calming. I started to calm from the thought of the party. I had called my sister to ask her one question, "Where you ever jealous of me?" When she hesitated, I started to feel uneasy, but her voice quivered when she said yes. I ran out so quickly that I ended up walking here to calm down. I guess I always had an instinct to go to dark places to sooth myself; I was always called the "odd child" because of that.
This time was different though. I felt the darkness seeping through my veins as I started laughing murderously, "Is this really what it's like losing my sanity?" I saw that my friend's house was close by, so I headed over there. It wasn't hard getting inside; they always left the door unlocked.
My heart started pumping faster and faster; I couldn't handle it, it was throbbing so bad I wanted to stab something. I ran into the kitchen downstairs to grab a knife and went to my friend’s bedroom. She was so peaceful in her bed, her eyes closed so elegantly, that is until I stabbed her to death. She woke up screaming for a moment and then went dead silent.
Her parents ran into the bedroom to see what was going on. They screamed as soon as they saw me on top of her, her blood splattered on my pure white blouse. I hopped off the bed with a huge grin, my heart still throbbing, thirsty for another kill. They were too slow for me, I stabbed her mother in the back several times before jumping onto her father to stab him in the head.
It was midnight by the end of it. Down the long hallway, on the top floor, was the bedroom of her baby sister. I had no longing to kill the little baby that was sleeping so peacefully in the crib. I took the baby with me and ran into the forest before the police came to find the murdered family.
A young girl walked down the hallway to her room only to see a small child in her room standing at the foot of her bed. "You nearly made me jump out of my skin."
The boy didn't say a thing but stare at her with a blank expression. He didn't seem like an ordinary boy, though he was certainly real. His eyes were black as the night sky and his skin was like a porcelain doll, but his lips were cracked. His clothes were very old fashioned compared to the clothes that were in the current pop culture.
Not wanting to break eye contact with the boy, she reached for the intercom beside her door to call her mother from the kitchen. “Hey, mom, can you come up to my room real quick?”
“One second, hun, I’m fixing your sister’s lunch.”
At this point, her heart started beating in long hard thumps gradually getting faster each second her mother was gone longer. She knew her mother would most likely not come up for a few minutes, so she started to figure out a plan to get rid of the child standing in her room. She couldn’t even fathom why a boy such as this one would be in her room at this time of night. Taking a few steps towards the boy, she tried asking his name, but he wouldn’t answer. The boy just kept staring at her dead in the eyes without blinking. She couldn’t help but think that the boy was trying to stare into her soul. Creeped out, she turned around to leave the room and get her mother. Before she could, however, the boy jumped on her back pressing a knife to her neck giggling in her ear, “I won.”
Authors note: I wrote these in high school. It’s been a while since I’ve actually wrote a finished story. Maybe that’s because I don’t have a deadline anymore.
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mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Not Rated: Take caution while reading. Explicit language and imagery.
The Worst Imaginable
Is it okay for me to like creepy things?
My normy side tells me it’s weird….
But I know it’s okay for me to like the things I do.
I might need to see a therapist now that I think about it.
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what I’m doing after high school.
I’m high key internally panicking.
“There is more to life than your career.” I always remind myself.
“I know!” I scream.
Sometimes I am really sick and tired of having to repeat the same damned thing to myself every day it gets closer.
I know.
I know!
I feel like I’m driving myself insane.
Sometimes I just really want to run away far deep into the woods…
Somewhere far away from this place in the lower-48 preferably…
And just be a witch in solitude…
Growing herbs for mental and physical healing…
Write and draw…
Then there are days where I just wish to be normal for once.
After that I realize I’m normal as shit and the only “abnormal” thing about me is being gay.
I hate myself.
I love myself.
What the fuck.
I have been watching Supernatural recently and it just brings me back to my darkest days in middle school…
“Let go of the past,” I tell myself.
“I did,” I say.
“You’re lying,” she says.
“I’m not. I truly don’t care,” I say.
“Then why are you still thinking about it?” She says.
“Shut up! JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!” I scream at myself.
Is it weird to be insane and acknowledge you are insane?
It’s thoughts like these that follow through into my anxiety…
And then into my depression…
And then—
You know how hard it is to be happy?
Pretty damn hard.
Always expected to be happy.
To be kind.
To care.
There are times where I don’t want to be kind.
Where I don’t want to be happy.
Where I don't want to care.
“Don’t forget to always be kind and caring.”
“Don’t forget to keep your grades up there.”
“Just try a little harder.”
“Be there for me.”
It’s draining.
It’s stressful.
It’s draining.
Degrading, really.
I have the lowest self-esteem being expected to do all of this.
I hate it…
I hate it so much.
“Don’t use the word ‘hate’. It’s too strong. Use ‘dislike’ instead,” she says.
What if I’m not as ambitious as everyone sees me to be?
“Live your life as you wish it to be.”
“I know. There isn’t anything you can say that will make all of this easier. I have heard it all before. I know the routines. It’s why I scream to myself to shut up. Because I tell myself everyday all of that to make me feel better. This just happened to be one of the days it doesn’t work. ‘Be happy.’ I know. ‘Be true to yourself and live the life you want, not a life someone else wishes.’ I know.”
It’s infuriating to have the thoughts that can push all of the positivity and optimism away from me…
I’m the most optimistic person I know…
And that’s really sad…
“Everyone has their own battles.”
I know.
I can see past all their cheesy smiles and see how much they are dying inside.
To be honest, I don’t think there is a person out there that doesn’t have some form of depression or anxiety.
If there is. Congrats to them for living a happy life.
But all those people I see who are dying inside…
They are just like me…
They feel worthless.
Just living one day at a time.
Just waiting for the day they can be truly happy.
Yes, there are days where I can be truly happy.
But sometimes I need those days where I am just depressed and sad.
I need time to recharge because I’m an introvert.
And that’s okay.
My life is practically perfect.
I know it is.
I have friends that love me.
Family that love me.
A lovely person who loves me.
I’m content with it.
But I hate it.
I’m so done with normality.
I want weird.
I want to fight.
I want creepy.
I want adrenaline.
I want booze.
I want to get high.
I want to be done with routine.
I don’t want a picture perfect life.
I have violent tendencies.
I have horrible thoughts that are driven out of nothing.
No emotion.
Not anger.
Not sadness.
Fortunately, I don’t act upon these tendencies.
Unfortunately, I do have tendencies to harm myself.
I am disgusted in myself for even thinking it could be arousing.
I broke myself.
I have lied so many times in the past…
About my past.
I have screwed up big…
And all I can think of is that girl who sexually harassed me in front of my sister.
My sister who has no idea what actually happened that day.
I can still feel myself struggling as she stuck her hand down my pants as I yelled at her to stop, my sister laughing thinking we are just messing around.
Everything went so fast.
She helped break me.
Before seventh grade I didn’t have a single problem before.
I wasn’t like this.
I was happy.
I wasn’t scared of authorities or laying with a man—
I’m fucking insane.
“He is real. I’ve seen him roaming in the woods.”
Even I don’t believe that.
And yet…
I still do believe that I saw something strange in those woods that day.
Fucking hell.
I must be talking nonsense now.
I must be dragging everything down.
I feel like I’m talking nonsense.
I always tell myself, “Be quiet and keep that smile. No one must know about anything. All of this is what gets you in trouble and digs you into a deeper hole than you’re already in.”
“Everyone deserves to speak their mind, right?”
“Wrong,” She says, “Not you.”
My family has a hereditary mental disability…
Every three generations.
I’m one of the lucky three generations.
Might not be now…
But I could possibly inherit it in the future.
A scary thought, isn’t it?
To inherit such a disability that could make you lose your shit.
I’m scared of it.
I’m scared of myself.
I hate myself for it.
A Death.
A date.
A woman.
Sexual assault.
Mental disabilities?
Compulsive liar.
Authors note: It’s weird looking back at this poem. March 17, 2019… I have had a hard time dealing with everything that has gone on in my life. I finally feel like I’m starting to heal and become a better person though. I still have a long road ahead but it feels like I’ve taken a huge leap forward this past year despite the hardships I’ve had during it.
0 notes
mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Author note : This was a world that I had started to build but never finish and lost it in my Google Docs archives but now I found it. Since I don’t have the attention to finish it right now I thought I would post it. Another one that is just very roughly drafted.
World: Artemis
Setting: Haven Academy, Zoo Haven
Protagonist: Arikae
Plot: Arikae tries to find out more about her mother’s high school life at Haven Academy, while also battle other problems at her new Haven.
Antagonist: Dr. Dean Zoo
Motive: Alakus’ death makes him go crazy.
Main problem: After hearing about Alakus’ death (Arikae’s mother), Dean was unable to handle being in a multiverse without her. Slowly losing his sanity, he has the idea to take over Artemis. As he plans his actions to take over the world, he takes a job over at Zoo Haven Academy. He notices his daughter in the school as soon as she walks in a neighboring classroom. Dean wants to have Arikae by his side as his queen and kill Veronica, his present lover, on the way to ruling Zoo Haven and all the rest of Artemis as well in a very wrong way. Being that Dean is Arikae’s father, Arikae is disgusted by the idea and doesn’t want to rule the world or kill the ruler of the utopia she created.
Female - faery(unknown type)/human - 17 - Spanish/American
Backstory: Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Arikae was considered an odd child. Most of the children were afraid of her while some would just harass her for being different. She didn’t have any friends growing up because she was different. Her differenciency from the other kids wasn’t something supernatural. The children around her didn’t like how strange she looked with natural pink and purple hair, one eye had a teal iris and the other a black iris. She couldn’t walk normal either; her knees always bent at an angle when she walked. She had turned 19, her mother, Alakus, died in a freak accident. Alakus looked just like Arikae, but her hair was green and blue, and her eye’s iris’ were black and pink. Just before her last year of high school, she found a box with pictures, a brochure, and a letter her mother had left seemingly before she died. She read the letter. It was an acceptance letter for Arikae from Dean Alyxon at Haven Academy written to her mother. The pictures were of her mother when she was younger in front of a humongous school and a few others, but they weren’t people. One looked like they had deer feet, and the other looked like an animal. Arikae turned the picture over and it said “Alakus, Draivon, and Sherika freshmen year”. She was curious to see this school, so she took the brochure and left Baltimore to attend Haven Academy.
Female - Lupus - 17
Backstory: Her father being a Lykos and her mother a Lupus, Syn too over her mother’s genes. She always spent her time in the woods wandering on
Female - Wiccan - 18
Female - Wiccan - 15
Female - Half-Blood vampire - 18
Male - human - 20 - Japanese/American
Backstory: One of the few human kids in Artemis, Blaine’s family were the only humans that were brought to Zoo Haven. He had a happy childhood, he was raised as a normal child living in Zoo Haven. He loved playing with Seilie as a child, Seilie taught Blaine all about martial arts and about the dojo. He was always a curious child. At one point, when Seilie and him were out on one of the forest trails, he almost fell into the river wanting to touch the baby sprites that were sleeping in the water. Seilie caught him before he did though. He was always put in the best education he could, so his parents put him Haven Pre-School and Zoo Haven Academy. While in his high school years, on a rainy day, his grandfather calls him to the main room where everyone is gathered: his father, his grandfather, his Aunt Seilie, and his mother. He is told he will become the new master of the dojo after his passes. Blaine does not like what he hears and runs out in an emotional panic. His grandfather tries to run after him in the rain, but cannot catch up to him and falls to the ground as he has a heart attack. Seilie and her brother run outside to find him on the ground, dead. Seilie and her brother cry while holding their father. The next day, Blaine regrets what he had done and blames himself for the death of his grandfather. After long years of grieving, he was out of high school and became a student teacher at Zoo Haven Academy. He doesn’t think about it at first until a nostalgic moment happens to make him think of his grandfather. He then thinks long and hard about what his grandfather said to him on that day he died. “You will become the new master of the dojo after I pass.” The words haunt him, he didn’t want to be the master of the dojo, he wanted to be a teacher at a school. Considering his grandfather’s word, he ponders how to find a way to go about the situation. (*hint* he ends up passing the title “master” to Seilie after she graduates high school *hint*)
Female - Daemon Cat - ??
Backstory: Being a daemon cat and living in Zoo Haven isn’t easy for a lost kitten. Seilie doesn’t remember anything from where she came from or why she was in Zoo Haven alone. She woke up one day in a box in an alleyway next to Zoo Haven Academy as a kit not remembering anything before that. Seilie wandered the streets as a kit, and as she grew older she learned how to defend herself by watching the other small creatures at a nearby dojo. The man at the dojo found out she was spying when he and his family took her in. Seilie finally had a family. The master of the dojo; her then father; taught a lot of different things at his dojo: Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Judo, Aikido, and even Kendo. Seilie took her time to learn them all. She was with their family for centuries studying, working, and practicing at the dojo before she decided to apply to Zoo Haven Academy. She had studied so hard to pass the entrance exam and she did it. She applied and now she got to go to school with her great nephew, her old man's grandchild and her brothers son, Blaine, for a single year before he graduated.
Female - Fire Faery - 15
Typical stereotypes at Haven Academy
Athletes: high school has-beens waiting to happen
Cheerleaders: the mean girls
Preps: bourgeoisie upper-middle class, act superficial but are actually nice
Geeks: laid back playing video games, reading comic books, and messing around online
Deviants: the outcasts that are considered weird
Havocs: trouble makers that like to rebel
Artemis Divisions
Zoo Haven - prime division in which most creatures live in harmony
Ferox - the division in which the evil creatures live
Nullius Terram - the division no one dares enter because of scary legends
Zoo Haven schools
Haven Academy - the most prestigious and biggest school in Zoo Haven, it teaches from kindergarten to college level education; private school
Zoo Haven High (ZHH) - there are only six high schools in Zoo Haven, five being Zoo Haven High public schools
Zoo Haven Junior High (ZHJH) - six junior high schools in Zoo Haven
Zoo Haven Elementary School (ZHES) - six elementary schools in Zoo Haven
Haven Pre-School - the only pre-school in Artemis and it is hard to be able to go there
Haven Academy faulty
Mrs. Jeniin Luw -
Mr. Herein Craw - Avem - teaches high school and college drama, music, and arts
Dr. Dean Zoo - Human - main professor; teaches all of the college core classes: math, science, history, etc.
Mr. Naliel Faron - Reptilian - secretary of the academy
Ms. Doraleen Withers - Insectum - aka Old Lady Withers, the 99 year old headmaster
Zoo Haven High faculty
Ferox schools
Ferox University - the only actual college in Artemis
Ferox Academy - not the biggest but the most prestigious school in Ferox; private school
Ferox High School (FHS) - there are only five public high schools in Ferox
Ferox Middle School (FMS) - six middle schools in Ferox
Ferox Elementary School (FES) - six elementary schools in Ferox
Ferox High faculty
Types of creatures on Artemis
Human - rare
Daemon - typical creatures that vary in species, such as vampires, faeries, cats, dogs, etc.; usually live in Farox, but some could be found in Zoo Haven; Daemon Hounds are more common demons in Farox than Zoo Haven, though some have found their way in
Faery - six different kinds of faeries: Fire Faery, faeries with fire magick; Nature Faery, faeries with nature magick; Daemon Faery, faeries with demonic, evil magick; Pixie, mischievous faeries that like rebelling; Sprite, elf-type faeries with water magick; Shadow Faery, faeries who can shadow travel and use cloud magick
Wolf - two different kinds of wolves: Lupus, wolves who can shapeshift into any creature; Lykos, wolves who can only turn human or wolf
Wiccan - witches are also rare, but mostly found in Zoo Haven
Vampire - (all vampires are immortal) three kinds of vampires: Fruit Bat, vampires who only eat and drink red fruit; Blood Bat, vampires who drink blood from animals; Half-Blood, vampires who can’t drink blood and can shapeshift
Cats - four different kinds of cats: Feles, cats who can shapeshift into any creature; Magna, anthropomorphic cats who are giant; Magi, cats who are witches; Daemon cat, anthropomorphic cat demons that can change from human to cat when their original form is both
Reptilian - anthropomorphic reptiles
Avem - anthropomorphic birds
Mammalian - anthropomorphic mammals
Insectum - anthropomorphic bugs and insects
Languages spoken on Artemis
Latin based languages
Background of Artemis
Through a gateway in the deepest part in Amazon forest of Brazil. A human founded the planet in the 30s when Dr. Dean Zoo tripped and fell through the gateway on his mission to find a 5,000 year old artifact. When he first arrived on Artemis, he didn’t believe he wasn’t on Earth. It wasn’t until nightfall where the three moons shone through the trees. Running through the woods freaking out where he was when he bumped into a “person”. It was a vampire dressed in lion cloth and they acted primitive. She couldn’t speak, but only in grunts and hand motions. Zoo found that she was a friendly creature and called her a Blood Bat because she only wanted to drink animal blood and named her Veronica.
There were other creatures there as well, many in fact. Vampires, demons, faeries, cats, wolves, and even witches. He took his time on the planet to discover all of them and decided to call the planet Artemis after the Greek goddess. Forgetting about Earth, he brought himself to teach her. He taught Veronica how to write and she showed him she could draw. He taught her how to talk in English, Latin, and Latin based languages; she showed him around her favorite parts of the forest. He taught her many things such as how to build things and conduct electricity; she learned fast and started to teach the other creatures what she knew. While Zoo taught her, he traveled the small world and discovered it was the size of Earth’s moon. When he found that out, he started to think about life on Earth. He missed it. Zoo had been gone for seven years and he wanted to go back, maybe bring a few friends the next time he goes to Artemis.
After Zoo left, Veronica had taught enough creatures to teach others, and in a chain of events, created her own utopia on Artemis and called it Zoo Haven. Cities and languages produced fast. Veronica became the utopian ruler of Zoo Haven. She sent most of the frantic creatures from Zoo Haven to another land across the ocean she called Ferox. Ferox isn’t necessarily a utopian place, but it is organized. The ruler of Ferox, Draivon, created the place for the unfortunate creatures that are unfit to live in the utopia of Zoo Haven. There is one island on Artemis that the creatures of Zoo Haven and Ferox are scared to go. They call it Nullius Terram, it is where the feral and exiled creatures live.
How Arikae was born
After Zoo came back to Artemis and became immortal with Veronica, he occasionally went back to Earth to see how the world is evolving. One of the times on Earth, he met a little girl alone and stranded on the streets. She wasn't an ordinary girl though, she seemed to be unwanted for how she looked. Her hair was green and blue, and the color of her eyes were black and pink. She was playing with a stick in the dirt when he reached out to her. He called her Alakus. She was a bit skittish, but when he promised her a safe place to live she took his hand. He took her to Zoo Haven and put her in Haven Orphanage. He lived in the castle so he never got to see her. Until the year he accepted a job at Haven Academy as a college history professor. He met her once again and fell in love with her. Eventually they had a child and named her Arikae. Alakus hoped that Earth would be different, so she had Zoo take her and her child back. Zoo did not stay, but Alakus and Arikae did.
0 notes
mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Someone’s at the door
Chirp chirp
Ding dong
[of all things, I did not expect this]
Chirp chirp
Sister - “Coming! (Oh, it’s you)”
*Greyson is standing at the door with a backpack and a suitcase*
Kyung is Changing
Mother - “Kyung
Kyung, can you come in here, please”
*Kyung is changing into his femme outfit he picked for the day*
Kyung - “(Oops, almost forgot) *Kyung grabs hair tie*
Did you need me? (Sorry, I was changing)”
M - “yes, come sit with us”
K - “Okay (who was at the door?)”
*Greyson stares at Kyung and Kyung stands there in shock*
He’s living with us
M - “Greyson will be living with us from now on”
Chirp chirp
You’re Staying
K - “but why here?
He can just stay in the dorms”
S - “why are you so against this?”
G - “it’s fine. He doesn’t want me to stay. I won’t.
I’m sorry to have troubled you”
S - “wait a sec, sit down Greyson
You said you couldn’t afford dorms
Just stay, you can stay in my room. I’m leaving across the country anyway”
K - “hey! Who said you had a say in this!”
S - “I did! The one who pays your tuition! (Now apologize)”
K - (Damnit)
“I’m sorry Greyson”
G - “i… it’s cool”
[and that’s how it went, I guess]
Talk to him
Knock knock
K - “who is it?”
*Kyung sits on his bed with a pillow in his lap holding tight wearing jeans and a loose t-shirt*
S - “Hyun”
*Hyun opens the door*
K - “hey”
S - … “so...what’s going on?”
*Hyun sits in Kyung’s desk chair*
K - “nothing”
*Kyung lays on his bed staring at the ceiling*
S - “You can’t hide that you’re upset. It’s written all over your face. It was clear this morning how angry you were that Greyson is staying with us”
K - “uuuugh
Don’t remind me”
*Kyung puts the pillow on his face*
*Greyson walks towards his new room and stops because he hears talking*
S - “what’s wrong with him staying here?”
K - “it’s too late now he already saw”
S - “(sigh) you were bound to get caught sometime”
K - “hhhhhhh
But why him of all people ú////ù
Kill me now”
*Greyson walking away - “(Maybe this was a bad idea)”*
S - “he came to live here because his uncle died
he didn’t seem bothered by it when he saw you”
K - “that's what you think, he wasn’t staring at you”
*Kyung rolls over facing the wall blushing*
S - “Okay, if this is truly bothering you this much, then talk to him
Anyway, dinner will be done soon (also I’m sleeping in here tonight)”
*kyung lays on his back and stares up at the ceiling*
K - (guess I have no choice)
Talking to him
*Greyson’s door is open and Kyung just stands in the door frame*
K - “(sigh) I’m sorry about your uncle”
G - “oh… thanks”
K - “I’m sorry I - intruded - was…” - G
G - “sorry, you first.”
K - “I’m sorry I was rude before. I didn’t even ask why you came, that wasn’t fair of me”
G - “it’s no problem I shouldn’t have intruded.
I wasn’t expecting your family to be
K - *is suspicious* “what were you expecting”
G - “the Wadsworth family. My uncle wrote me a letter before he passed saying to stay with them if anything happened to him.”
*kyung sits on his bed*
K - “what did happen to him?”
G - “he was… murdered” *Greyson clenches his fist in his lap*
K - “sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have asked”
G - “you’re fine, I’m just angry I couldn’t have done anything”
K - “(he opens up pretty fast)”
G - “how come you changed?”
K - “oh—what—I changed?
*Greyson has a dumbfounded look on his face (0 _ 0 )*
Ahahaha! you must be seeing things
I’m going to go help prep for dinner (´∀`;)
Okay, see ya”
G - “(heh)”
K - “(she told me to talk to him but I don’t even know where to begin
Why I dress the way I do?)”
*Kyung glances at Greyson*
M - “Kyung, you should eat”
*Kyung is pushing around his food*
K - “I’m not hungry
I’m going to head to bed early”
M - “alright
good night”
K - “night”
Sister’s Advice
S - “hey, are you okay?”
K - “you know the answer to that”
S - “You know… I hate seeing you upset
Tell me what’s happening, I may be your little sister, but I will always be here for you
You can’t just shut me out again like you did before”
*silence* *Kyung is on the verge of tears*
K - “I never meant to shut you out
Or mom (sniff)”
*Hyun gets into his bed and hugs him*
S - “I know...
That’s why I’m here for you now
I should’ve been there for you back then”
K - “(sniff)” *sobs in her chest*
S - “I leave at noon tomorrow, how about you and me go to that cafe you love so much for breakfast”
K - “I’d like that”
Late Night Thoughts - Past Memories
*Kyung is still awake, his sister sleeping next to him”
K - “(she only wanted to sleep in my bed -_- )”
*Trails back to his earliest memory of meeting greyson*
[Back when I first met Greyson, I wasn’t a super open person]
U - “Greyson this is Miss Sungwoon and her children, Kyung and Hyun”
*Little Kyung is standing behind his mother while Hyun is holding her hand happily*
[We became best friends pretty fast]
*ages 4&5, Greyson reaching his hand out to Kyung, Kyung’s knees all bloody, Kyung takes his hand*
[Playing together]
*Ages 6&7, Greyson pointing at a Goliathus beetle, it flies at Kyung and he starts crying and running away as Greyson chases them”
[Going on adventures]
*Ages 8&9, Greyson and Kyung walking on a log with Pocky in their hands and mouths, Kyung makes a silly face with the pocky in his nose and mouth sitting on a rock next to the river and Greyson laughing super hard*
[He left without saying a word after his 10th birthday]
*Kyung at Greyson’s Uncle’s front door*
U - “I’m sorry Kyung, he left to live with a friend of mine up north”
[I didn’t see him for a long time]
*Flashes back to “the promise”*
*Greyson is smiling wide*
G - “~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ … ~~~~~~~!”
*it says: “I promise we will stay together … forever”*
Good Morning Yukimura
*Hyun plops Kyung in the face with her pillow to wake him up*
S - “Hey! Wake up! Let’s go already!”
K - *opens eyes slightly*
“Where are we going?”
S - “Yukimura’s, don’t you remember?!”
Authors note: This was another story I don’t think I will be able to finish. I do like this romance idea but I doubt I will get back to it. Another webcomic idea down the drain. (╥_╥)
0 notes
mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Trigger warning. Domestic abuse.
Chapter 1
Rei stood at the gate of the University with a determined expression on her face trying to drown her nerves.
"This is it," she said, "No turning back now. This is my chance to better myself."
She walked into her first class of the day, literature. She thinks to herself that she is lucky to have taken her first year of college in highschool. She pulled out a notebook and pencil from her bag and set it on the table. The professor walked in and started the class off with a quote from Winston Churchill, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts,'" he pauses, "I am glad to start the new term with a new bunch. We are going to start off the year with an essay~~" his words trail off as Rei spaces out and starts thinking of how she will plan her day.
She silently says to herself, "My last class doesn't end until 5. If I get some work done during lunch, I could spare some free time to go to the nearest grocery store and cook dinner before it gets too late."
She is startled by a student, "Aw, teach, this is so unfair, that's too much for the first week. This is abuse!"
"You want to add more pages to your paper, Mister Sungwoon?" his voice travels again. Hearing the word abuse, she is reminded of a memory from not too long ago in her last year of high school.
Her ex girlfriend grabs her hair and arm, "You inconsiderate bitch! Where were you!?"
Rei, sobbing on her knees, tries to get Naomi to stop pulling her hair, "Nngh! Let me go! I was at my parent's house visiting! Please let me go!"
"Don't lie to me!" Naomi raises her hand.
Rei shakes her head, I don't need her. She watches as the boy who was talking earlier walks out of the class. The teacher ignores him.
Greyson leans over towards Destry and whispers, "Dude, I'm so bored. Let's just skip."
Destry, taking notes, "I'm not skipping the first day of the term."
Greyson smiles, "Of course you won't. I'm off." Destry looks at Greyson as he winks sticking his tongue out sneaking out the door. How did he even make it this far.
Greyson walks down the halls and into the courtyard. He spots a vendy machine and a familiar face. He puts the coins into the machine and out drop two waters.
"It's so goddamn hot for fall," he presses the bottle up against Kyung's ear. Kyung's chest moves towards his knees surprised. Greyson puts the water bottle in his hands.
He turns to look at his surprise attacker and almost immediately makes a face of disapproval, "What the hell do you want."
"Ah, don't be like that. I'm just here to hang."
Kyung looks away, "Then hang somewhere else, there are plenty of other benches to sit at."
Greyson chuckles, "No, I don't think I will."
"Fine, do what you want. I'll sit somewhere else." Kyung stands up and starts walking away.
"Not even gonna thank me for the water?"
Kyung stops in his tracks, "Thanks."
Greyson watches Kyung walk away with a smile. Greyson and Kyung simultaneously think, Damn it's hot.
Rei panics as she snaps out of her stupor, grabbing her bag for her next class. Crap, I'm going to be late for Statistics.
As she is running around the corner to get to her next class she bumps into Destry and they both fall to the ground.
"I'm so sorry!" Rei picks up his notebook in a rush and shoves it against him bowing quickly and runs away.
Destry looks at his notebook, weird.
Rei runs past Greyson who just saw everything, "Hey! Quit running!" He walks over to Destry, "Damn, you alright? She straight up hauled ass around that corner."
"I'm fine." Greyson holds a hand out to Destry.
"You know her?" Greyson asks pulling him up.
"I don't. She looks new."
An irritated voice comes from Rei's direction, "Watch where you're going!"
"Let's head to class," Greyson says as he walks back in the direction he came. Destry follows.
Rei sits herself in the back of the classroom, 15 minutes late, hopefully the professor didn't notice. She looks up at the professor to see her glaring, she totally noticed, I'm gonna be scolded on my first day. She takes out her notebook.
Two guys walk in. It was Destry and Greyson. Rei looks up surprised to see him. Destry stares at her with a stoic expression as he walks to his seat next to Greyson up front. Why is he glaring at me? Whatever, Rei looks down at her notebook, I think I will try out that cafe after class. She looks outside.
Kyung looks across the room who saw Destry staring that a girl he doesn't know and scoffs, tck.
A couple of hours later the professor announces the end of class.
Finally, I have 3 hours to eat and get some work done before my next class, she walks off campus.
Crap, I have no idea where I am. Maps says it's right here! Rei looks at her phone confused, Maybe it's on the opposite side. She walks past an alleyway where she hears struggling. Her eyes go wide as she sees a man being held on the ground getting hit in the face by a person who is slightly smaller than him. It was the guy she bumped into before class. Blood ran down his face.
In between punches, Destry noticed Rei looking at the two of them and he smirks. Destry wraps his leg around Kyung's leg, pulls his other foot forward and kicks him full force in the chest, making him fall over.
Holy crap! Rei runs away around the corner. She pants as she stops running, Who the hell is that guy? Who was that dude on top of him? Rei looks up and sees the cafe in front of her, … well I made it.
She walks into the cafe and sits at the coffee bar. A young looking gentleman asks if he could get her anything with a smile on his face. "Oh, can I get a coffee and a sandwich please?" He bows and walks over to the espresso machine to make her coffee.
Destroy knees Kyung in the stomach and Kyung crumbles to the ground in pain.
Destry grabs Kyung's face, forcing him to look into his eyes, "Don't pick a fight you can't win."
Kyung slaps Destry's hand away, "You're a goddamn monster."
Destry walks away out of the alley in silence as Kyung sits against the wall with his face beet red in tears. I'm so stupid.
Destry walks around the corner and spots Rei leaving and saying thanks to the cafe owner when he gets a text from Greyson. Ping
Hey, meet me at XXX.
He looks away from his phone and starts walking. Destry doesn't question it and heads into the direction of the club with blood dripping down his nose and mouth wiping it with the back of his hand.
Destry is let into the club by the bouncer. Loud music booms. He sees Greyson in a suit at the counter talking to one of the strippers. Greyson spots Destry and makes a finger gun shot at him smiling.
It's quiet. Destry and Greyson are sitting in a booth when an older gentleman in a suit walks up to them smiling. "Greyson. Destry."
"Nicolas. Get to the point," Destry says impatiently.
"Alright, then." Nicolas puts on a serious face as he begins to explain, "You two will be working together on this next one. His name is Hiroshi Yukimira," Nicolas places a personnel information file in front of them. Destry grabs the paper and Greyson looks over his shoulder. Nicolas continues, "He owns the cafe down the street. He is an ex personnel that used to operate a special op. unit in Colorado. He is selling artillery in our jurisdiction and I expect you both to terminate him by the end of the week. Understood."
Greyson looked up at Nicolas with a serious face and nods. They stand up and walk towards the bar, fully understanding what needs to be done. Music booming once again.
Greyson looks at the bartender seriously and yells over the music, "I'd like to see Mr. Fusca." The bartender signals them to follow him by nodding. They walk behind the counter and follow the man upstairs, the music drowning out.
Tables and walls filled with all types of guns and ammo.
Greyson grabs two hand guns and places them in his waist holster under the coat of his suit smiling wide. He grabs a silver case and looks at Destry.
Destry nods, tidies his suit, and grabs a long black case from the table. They boy walk out of the building.
[ A few minutes ago ]
Rei spots Destry walking into an adult club and has a shocked look on her face.
What the hell!?
She doesn't have a clue.
--- [ Chapter End ]
Authors note: I’m probably not going to finish this story, but I thought I would post what I had at least. I was going to make it a webcomic but I just don’t have the time. It’s a very rough draft so it’s not good.
0 notes
mirrors-rigor · 7 years
The perfect day,
Not rainy or sunny,
Not too cold or too warm,
It’s creative and wondrous,
It’s just right.
0 notes