missingsplash · 1 year
It is good to see him getting rest, even if it’s on the hardwood floor and not on the cat bed I specifically bought for him.
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missingsplash · 1 year
He is quite the handsome little man. Joltik can make great partner pokemon, and can be fierce opponents once they evolve. However, as you have a Pidove in your home, I understand the reluctance to adopt him permanently. I hope you enjoy what time you do have together. Give him lots more pets for me, he looks like a good boy.
hey guys. i think im being stalked.
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missingsplash · 1 year
My mother texted me today! She and my dad are in Kanto right now and have been quite busy with work. They don’t have much time to speak with me, but that’s fine. Their work is super important! Anyway my mom texted me apologizing for not being home in time for Mother’s Day, and they’ll definitely be home by the end of June! Now I feel kind of bad for feeling bad about her not being home, because it was Mother’s Day, it’s literally the day to think about mothers, not me. Anyway, I’m just happy the two of them are coming home soon. Their pokemon too. And also, I apologize for the informal language, I’m just so excited.
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missingsplash · 1 year
I got Pixie a collar. She likes it. I believe her to be adjusting better than King is, which is to be expected. In her eyes, she is just spending the night at my house. I don’t think she quite realizes she won’t be seeing her former trainer again.
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King hasn’t let her out of his sight since they came here. I do not blame him.
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missingsplash · 1 year
King and Pixie have settled in nicely over the night, and are doing well. They are quite shaken, but well. Dart hasn’t seen them much before, but he seems to like them. As much as he likes anyone, at least. Mischief has been getting along greatly with Pixie, and Pyre and King have rarely been away from each other since he got here. I’m still getting everything set up for them, but I think they will like it here. I hope they do.
I will not discuss what happened to place them in my care, as it is still a fresh wound, and I would like to collect my thoughts and feelings about the situation before speaking on it. It was incredibly stressful for both the Pokémon and myself. I thank you for your understanding.
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missingsplash · 1 year
I cannot thank you enough for this advice. I have known the both of them for almost their entire lives, so they are already decently comfortable around me and my team. Their previous trainer is not as good as I previously thought her to be, which is why I am taking care of these two. For the time being, at the least. I’ve turned a guest room into their private area, and they seem to be at ease. Or, as at ease as they can be in this situation.
I will be going into to town as soon as possible to purchase a mini-fridge. Pixie did just fine through the night, but I could tell she was warmer than what is likely comfortable.
As for King, he seems to be calm, but definitely shaken up. He’s always been on the quiet side, so I suppose that isn’t surprising.
I do believe with proper time they will settle in and adjust. Once again, I believe the fact that they are already well acquainted with me, and by extension my home, will help them.
Thank you again for the advice, as it is greatly appreciated. This is a stressful situation for all involved and having a set of instructions from a more experienced trainer is relieving.
I did not battle my rival yesterday. I came into guardianship of a liepard and an alolan Vulpix. Their names are King and Pixie. Right now they are at the local pokecenter. Does anybody have advice on how to take care of them? I’ve been researching on my own, but hearing from others first hand does not hurt.
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missingsplash · 1 year
Bully them some more
go off, girlboss
Thank you bestie <3 <3 <3
Team joltik tried to bully me so I'm bullying them harder <3 <3
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missingsplash · 1 year
//OOC: If you see this post, reblog with your character’s web search history!
For fun, for plot development, for whatever! Reveal their dark internet secrets (or addiction to cute Espurr wearing hats) for everyone to see!
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missingsplash · 1 year
I did not battle my rival yesterday. I came into guardianship of a liepard and an alolan Vulpix. Their names are King and Pixie. Right now they are at the local pokecenter. Does anybody have advice on how to take care of them? I’ve been researching on my own, but hearing from others first hand does not hurt.
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missingsplash · 1 year
I’m visiting my friend (rival?)’s house today. Now that Pyre is evolved, I’d like to have a rematch of our latest battle. I found some paw prints leading the opposite direction im going. I might go track down whatever made them after I battle. I’d like to take some pictures.
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missingsplash · 1 year
She is cranky because I will not let her out into the rain.
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I don’t think she understands why it is bad for her.
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missingsplash · 1 year
TM99- Dazzling gleam; what amazes you?
Plenty of things. There’s the standard answers: I adore shiny things and live music, but so does everyone. I suppose people in general amaze me. They’re fascinating. My Pokémon amaze me every time we do anything. I’m incredibly proud of them. My babies.
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missingsplash · 1 year
tm49 : echoed voice - do you talk to yourself? 🧐
Frequently. Besides my Pokémon, or the workers at various stores and restaurants, I don’t exactly have many people to talk to. I love my Pokémon, have no doubts, but I frequently carry out conversations with myself. My Pokémon cannot talk back to me, but I’m perfectly capable of holding a one-man conversation.
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missingsplash · 1 year
TM04:Calm Mind - What relaxes you?
TM10:Hidden Power - Share some hidden talents
“TM04: Calm Mind - What relaxes you?”
Spending time with my Pokémon. They’re my best friends. Honestly, I think they might be my only friends nowadays. Snuggling up against Pyre and having the rest of my Pokémon cuddle up wherever they can fit is quite possibly the most peaceful experience I’ve ever had. I love them all so much it makes my head ache. We go on walks almost everyday, which I love. We just walk around the woods and explore. It’s great.
“TM10: Hidden Power - Share some hidden talents.”
I can’t say I have many. I’m not a particularly talented individual. I like photography, but I don’t that to be hidden, as I post photos daily. I’m a really good baker, if that counts. Or, I suppose I like to believe I’m a good baker. I make baked goods whenever the situation calls for them (or when I’m sad), and people do tend to like them. My chocolate chip cookies are to die for, if I may brag. The secret is adding as much sugar as you do flour.
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missingsplash · 1 year
TM97: Shadow Pulse (Name some childhood fears.)
I was scared of being alone. That was a big one. There was also the usual things. Death, spiders, the dark, deep water, that kind of thing. I obviously grew out of my fear of spiders, but on some level all the other fears have stayed. Maybe not the dark. I don’t think I’m afraid of the dark anymore. But all that other stuff.
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missingsplash · 1 year
TM02, Dragon Claw (What kind of mythical beast would you want to be?)
If this means which Mythical Pokémon id like to be, the answer is Shaymin. Shaymin is very cute, and the idea of being just a little hedgehog is pleasant.
If the question is just asking what id like to be in general, and not a preexisting mythical, the answer is a big dragon. But a fluffy one. A big fluffy dragon with big teeth. And I’d be really ugly but in a cute way.
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missingsplash · 1 year
TM03: Psyshock - Share one thing you enjoyed that you didn’t expect to. TM18: Rain Dance - Do you believe in luck? TM32: Double Team - What do you think are some of your good points?
“TM03: Psyshock- Share on thing you enjoyed that you didn’t expect to.”
Originally when I gave up the gym challenge, I thought that domestic life would be boring or unbecoming. In all honesty it was one of the best choices of my life. My Pokémon are battlers, yes, and I’m a fan of strategy, but we all enjoy having a consistent roof over our heads. At times I feel aimless, without a solid goal like “beat the next gym,” but I am happy with where my life is right now. It is calm, and maybe a little boring, but it is far better than the life I have left behind.
“TM18: Rain Dance- Do you believe in luck?”
I suppose I do. I am lucky to have met the Pokémon I have. I am lucky to be alive. I am lucky to have food on my table. I am lucky.
“TM32: Double Team- What do you think are some of your good points?”
I’m unsure. Partially I am unsure of what exactly this question is asking, but either way I do not believe I have an answer. I am bitter and immature and unlikeable in most conceivable ways. I do not see myself as “good.” But I suppose my best qualities are my patience. And my perceptiveness. If the question was referring to my good talking points, or perceptive or clever propositions, I don’t believe I have many. Or any, for that matter. I think The Onceler is hot, if that counts.
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